sub recursive_update {
my ( $self, $updates, $fixed_fields ) = @_;
# warn 'entering: ' . $self->result_source->from();
+ carp 'fixed fields needs to be an array ref' if $fixed_fields && ref($fixed_fields) ne 'ARRAY';
+ my %fixed_fields;
+ %fixed_fields = map { $_ => 1 } @$fixed_fields if $fixed_fields;
if ( blessed($updates) && $updates->isa('DBIx::Class::Row') ) {
return $updates;
- carp 'fixed fields needs to be a hash ref' if $fixed_fields && ref($fixed_fields) ne 'HASH';
# direct column accessors
my %columns;
my %post_updates;
my %columns_by_accessor = $self->_get_columns_by_accessor;
- # warn 'columns_by_accessor: ' . Dumper( \%columns_by_accessor ); use Data::Dumper;
for my $name ( keys %$updates ) {
my $source = $self->result_source;
if ( $columns_by_accessor{$name}
$post_updates{$name} = $updates->{$name};
# warn 'columns: ' . Dumper( \%columns ); use Data::Dumper;
my $object;
my @missing =
- grep { !exists $columns{$_} && !exists $fixed_fields->{$_} } $self->result_source->primary_columns;
+ grep { !exists $columns{$_} && !exists $fixed_fields{$_} } $self->result_source->primary_columns;
if ( !scalar @missing ) {
$object = $self->find( \%columns, { key => 'primary' } );
next if exists $columns{$name};
my $value = $updates->{$name};
- # many to many case
if ( $self->is_m2m($name) ) {
my ($pk) = $self->_get_pk_for_related($name);
my @rows;
for my $sub_updates ( @{ $updates->{$name} } ) {
$sub_updates = { %$sub_updates, %$resolved } if $resolved;
my $sub_object =
- $related_result->recursive_update( $sub_updates, $resolved );
+ $related_result->recursive_update( $sub_updates );
else {
my $sub_updates = $updates->{$name};
$sub_updates = { %$sub_updates, %$resolved } if $resolved;
my $sub_object =
- $related_result->recursive_update( $sub_updates, $resolved );
+ $related_result->recursive_update( $sub_updates );
$object->set_from_related( $name, $sub_object );
my $restricted_rs = $user_rs->search( { id => 1 } );
-then you need to specify that additional predicate as a second argument to the recursive_update
+then you need to inform recursive_update about additional predicate with a second argument:
my $user = $restricted_rs->recursive_update( {
owned_dvds => [
- { id => 1 }
+ [ 'id' ]
sub run_tests{
my $schema = shift;
- plan tests => 27;
+ plan tests => 28;
my $dvd_rs = $schema->resultset( 'Dvd' );
my $user_rs = $schema->resultset( 'User' );
# changing existing records
my $num_of_users = $user_rs->count;
$updates = {
id => $dvd->id,
is ( $dvd->tags->count, 0, 'Tags deleted' );
is ( $dvd->liner_notes->notes, 'test note changed', 'might_have record changed' );
+ $updates = {
+ name => 'Test name 1',
+ };
+ $dvd = $dvd_rs->search( { id => $dvd->id } )->recursive_update( $updates, [ 'id' ] );
+ is ( $dvd->name, 'Test name 1', 'Dvd name set in a resultset with restricted id' );
# repeatable
$updates = {