* Tint2 : systraybar
* Copyright (C) 2009 thierry lorthiois (lorthiois@bbsoft.fr)
+* based on 'docker-1.5' from Ben Jansens.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
void init_systray()
Panel *panel = &panel1[0];
- systray.area.parent = panel;
- systray.area.panel = panel;
- systray.area._draw_foreground = draw_systray;
- systray.area._resize = resize_systray;
if (systray.area.on_screen)
systray.area.on_screen = init_net();
if (!systray.area.on_screen)
+ systray.area.parent = panel;
+ systray.area.panel = panel;
+ systray.area._resize = resize_systray;
// configure systray
// draw only one systray (even with multi panel)
systray.area.posy = panel->area.pix.border.width + panel->area.paddingy;
systray.area.height = panel->area.height - (2 * systray.area.posy);
systray.area.width = 0;
+ systray.area.redraw = 1;
systray.area.posx = panel->area.width - panel->area.paddingxlr - panel->area.pix.border.width - systray.area.width;
if (panel->clock.area.on_screen)
if (panel->battery.area.on_screen)
systray.area.posx -= (panel->battery.area.width + panel->area.paddingx);
- systray.area.redraw = 1;
-void draw_systray(void *obj, cairo_t *c, int active)
- Systraybar *sysbar = obj;
- Panel *panel = sysbar->area.panel;
- TrayWindow *traywin;
- GSList *l;
- int icon_size;
- //printf("draw_systray %d %d\n", systray.area.posx, systray.area.width);
- icon_size = sysbar->area.height - (2 * sysbar->area.pix.border.width) - (2 * sysbar->area.paddingy);
- for (l = systray.list_icons; l ; l = l->next) {
- traywin = (TrayWindow*)l->data;
- // watch for the icon trying to resize itself!
- //XSelectInput(server.dsp, traywin->id, StructureNotifyMask|ResizeRedirectMask);
- XSelectInput(server.dsp, traywin->id, StructureNotifyMask);
- // position and size the icon window
- XMoveResizeWindow(server.dsp, traywin->id, traywin->x, traywin->y, icon_size, icon_size);
- //printf("icon %d, %d, %d\n", traywin->x, traywin->y, icon_size);
- // ceci intervertie les fonds : le premier icone prend le fond du dernier
- // le dernier prend le fond de l'avant dernier, ...
- XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap (server.dsp, panel->main_win, systray.area.pix.pmap);
- // flush before clearing, otherwise the clear isn't effective.
- XFlush(server.dsp);
- // make sure the new child will get the right stuff in its background
- // for ParentRelative.
- XClearWindow(server.dsp, panel->main_win);
- // show the window
- XMapRaised(server.dsp, traywin->id);
- }
void resize_systray(void *obj)
Systraybar *sysbar = obj;
systray.area.posx -= (panel->battery.area.width + panel->area.paddingx);
- systray.area.redraw = 1;
posy = panel->area.pix.border.width + panel->area.paddingy + systray.area.pix.border.width + systray.area.paddingy;
posx = systray.area.posx + systray.area.pix.border.width + systray.area.paddingxlr;
for (l = systray.list_icons; l ; l = l->next) {
traywin->width = icon_size;
traywin->height = icon_size;
posx += (icon_size + systray.area.paddingx);
- }
- // resize other objects on panel
- printf("resize_systray %d %d\n", systray.area.posx, systray.area.width);
+ // position and size the icon window
+ XMoveResizeWindow(server.dsp, traywin->id, traywin->x, traywin->y, icon_size, icon_size);
+ }
+ //printf("resize_systray %d %d\n", systray.area.posx, systray.area.width);
ev.data.l[3] = 0;
ev.data.l[4] = 0;
XSendEvent(server.dsp, server.root_win, False, StructureNotifyMask, (XEvent*)&ev);
return 1;
-void fix_geometry()
- GSList *it;
- Panel *panel = systray.area.panel;
- // find the proper width and height
- width = 0;
- height = icon_size;
- for (it = icons; it != NULL; it = g_slist_next(it)) {
- width += icon_size;
- }
- XResizeWindow(server.dsp, panel->main_win, width + border * 2, height + border * 2);
gboolean error;
int window_error_handler(Display *d, XErrorEvent *e)
-gboolean icon_swallow(Window id)
+// The traywin must have its id and type set.
+gboolean add_icon(Window id)
+ TrayWindow *traywin;
XErrorHandler old;
Panel *panel = systray.area.panel;
error = FALSE;
old = XSetErrorHandler(window_error_handler);
XReparentWindow(server.dsp, id, panel->main_win, 0, 0);
- printf("icon_swallow %lx %lx\n", id, panel->main_win);
XSync(server.dsp, False);
- return !error;
-// The traywin must have its id and type set.
-gboolean add_icon(Window id)
- TrayWindow *traywin;
- if (!icon_swallow(id)) {
+ if (error != FALSE) {
fprintf(stderr, "tint2 : not icon_swallow\n");
return FALSE;
traywin->id = id;
systray.list_icons = g_slist_prepend(systray.list_icons, traywin);
- printf("ajout d'un icone %d (%lx)\n", g_slist_length(systray.list_icons), id);
+ //printf("ajout d'un icone %d (%lx)\n", g_slist_length(systray.list_icons), id);
systray.area.resize = 1;
- systray.area.redraw = 1;
+ systray.area.redraw = 1;
+ // watch for the icon trying to resize itself!
+ XSelectInput(server.dsp, traywin->id, StructureNotifyMask);
+ // show the window
+ XMapRaised(server.dsp, traywin->id);
// changed in systray force resize on panel
- Panel *panel = systray.area.panel;
panel->area.resize = 1;
panel_refresh = 1;
return TRUE;
// remove from our list
systray.list_icons = g_slist_remove(systray.list_icons, traywin);
- printf("suppression d'un icone %d\n", g_slist_length(systray.list_icons));
+ //printf("suppression d'un icone %d\n", g_slist_length(systray.list_icons));
systray.area.resize = 1;
+ systray.area.redraw = 1;
// changed in systray force resize on panel
Panel *panel = systray.area.panel;