else {
if (panel1[i].battery.area.on_screen == 0) {
panel1[i].battery.area.on_screen = 1;
- panel1[i].area.resize = 1;
if (panel1[i].battery.area.on_screen == 1) {
get_text_size(bat1_font_desc, &bat_percentage_height_ink, &bat_percentage_height, panel->area.height, buf_bat_percentage, strlen(buf_bat_percentage));
get_text_size(bat2_font_desc, &bat_time_height_ink, &bat_time_height, panel->area.height, buf_bat_time, strlen(buf_bat_time));
if (panel_horizontal) {
- // panel horizonal => fixed height and posy
- battery->area.posy = panel->area.bg->border.width + panel->area.paddingy;
+ // panel horizonal => fixed height
battery->area.height = panel->area.height - (2 * battery->area.posy);
else {
- // panel vertical => fixed width, height, posy and posx
- battery->area.posx = panel->area.bg->border.width + panel->area.paddingy;
+ // panel vertical => fixed width, height
battery->area.width = panel->area.width - (2 * panel->area.bg->border.width) - (2 * panel->area.paddingy);
Panel *panel =(Panel*)p;
Clock *clock = &panel->clock;
- int time_height, time_height_ink, date_height, date_height_ink;
clock->area.parent = p;
clock->area.panel = p;
clock->area.on_screen = 1;
- strftime(buf_time, sizeof(buf_time), time1_format, clock_gettime_for_tz(time1_timezone));
- get_text_size(time1_font_desc, &time_height_ink, &time_height, panel->area.height, buf_time, strlen(buf_time));
- if (time2_format) {
- strftime(buf_date, sizeof(buf_date), time2_format, clock_gettime_for_tz(time2_timezone));
- get_text_size(time2_font_desc, &date_height_ink, &date_height, panel->area.height, buf_date, strlen(buf_date));
- }
- if (panel_horizontal) {
- // panel horizonal => fixed height and posy
- clock->area.posy = panel->area.bg->border.width + panel->area.paddingy;
- clock->area.height = panel->area.height - (2 * clock->area.posy);
- }
- else {
- // panel vertical => fixed width, posx, height
- clock->area.posx = panel->area.bg->border.width + panel->area.paddingy;
- clock->area.width = panel->area.width - (2 * panel->area.bg->border.width) - (2 * panel->area.paddingy);
- clock->area.height = time_height + date_height + (2 * clock->area.paddingxlr) + (2*clock->area.bg->border.width);
- }
- clock->time1_posy = (clock->area.height - time_height) / 2;
- if (time2_format) {
- strftime(buf_date, sizeof(buf_date), time2_format, clock_gettime_for_tz(time2_timezone));
- get_text_size(time2_font_desc, &date_height_ink, &date_height, panel->area.height, buf_date, strlen(buf_date));
- clock->time1_posy -= ((date_height_ink + 2) / 2);
- clock->time2_posy = clock->time1_posy + time_height + 2 - (time_height - time_height_ink)/2 - (date_height - date_height_ink)/2;
- }
if (time_tooltip_format) {
clock->area._get_tooltip_text = clock_get_tooltip;
int resize_clock (void *obj)
Clock *clock = obj;
- PangoLayout *layout;
- int time_width, date_width, ret = 0;
+ Panel *panel = clock->area.panel;
+ int time_height_ink, time_height, time_width, date_height_ink, date_height, date_width, ret = 0;
clock->area.redraw = 1;
- time_width = date_width = 0;
strftime(buf_time, sizeof(buf_time), time1_format, clock_gettime_for_tz(time1_timezone));
- if (time2_format)
+ get_text_size2(time1_font_desc, &time_height_ink, &time_height, &time_width, panel->area.height, panel->area.width, buf_time, strlen(buf_time));
+ if (time2_format) {
strftime(buf_date, sizeof(buf_date), time2_format, clock_gettime_for_tz(time2_timezone));
- // vertical panel doen't adjust width
- if (!panel_horizontal) return ret;
+ get_text_size2(time2_font_desc, &date_height_ink, &date_height, &date_width, panel->area.height, panel->area.width, buf_date, strlen(buf_date));
+ }
- //printf(" resize_clock\n");
- cairo_surface_t *cs;
- cairo_t *c;
- Pixmap pmap;
- pmap = XCreatePixmap (server.dsp, server.root_win, clock->area.width, clock->area.height, server.depth);
- cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create (server.dsp, pmap, server.visual, clock->area.width, clock->area.height);
- c = cairo_create (cs);
- layout = pango_cairo_create_layout (c);
- // check width/height
- pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, time1_font_desc);
- pango_layout_set_indent(layout, 0);
- pango_layout_set_text (layout, buf_time, strlen(buf_time));
- pango_layout_get_pixel_size (layout, &time_width, NULL);
- if (time2_format) {
- pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, time2_font_desc);
- pango_layout_set_indent(layout, 0);
- pango_layout_set_text (layout, buf_date, strlen(buf_date));
- pango_layout_get_pixel_size (layout, &date_width, NULL);
+ if (panel_horizontal) {
+ int new_size = (time_width > date_width) ? time_width : date_width;
+ new_size += (2*clock->area.paddingxlr) + (2*clock->area.bg->border.width);
+ if (new_size > clock->area.width || new_size < (clock->area.width-6)) {
+ // we try to limit the number of resize
+ clock->area.width = new_size + 1;
+ clock->time1_posy = (clock->area.height - time_height) / 2;
+ if (time2_format) {
+ clock->time1_posy -= ((date_height_ink + 2) / 2);
+ clock->time2_posy = clock->time1_posy + time_height + 2 - (time_height - time_height_ink)/2 - (date_height - date_height_ink)/2;
+ }
+ ret = 1;
+ }
- int new_width = (time_width > date_width) ? time_width : date_width;
- new_width += (2*clock->area.paddingxlr) + (2*clock->area.bg->border.width);
- if (new_width > clock->area.width || new_width < (clock->area.width-6)) {
- // we try to limit the number of resize
- clock->area.width = new_width + 1;
- ret = 1;
- panel_refresh = 1;
+ else {
+ int new_size = time_height + date_height + (2 * (clock->area.paddingxlr + clock->area.bg->border.width));
+ if (new_size != clock->area.height) {
+ // we try to limit the number of resize
+ clock->area.height = new_size;
+ clock->time1_posy = (clock->area.height - time_height) / 2;
+ if (time2_format) {
+ clock->time1_posy -= ((date_height_ink + 2) / 2);
+ clock->time2_posy = clock->time1_posy + time_height + 2 - (time_height - time_height_ink)/2 - (date_height - date_height_ink)/2;
+ }
+ ret = 1;
+ }
- g_object_unref (layout);
- cairo_destroy (c);
- cairo_surface_destroy (cs);
- XFreePixmap (server.dsp, pmap);
return ret;
launcher->area.on_screen = 1;
- if (panel_horizontal) {
- // panel horizonal => fixed height and posy
- launcher->area.posy = panel->area.bg->border.width + panel->area.paddingy;
- launcher->area.height = panel->area.height - (2 * launcher->area.posy);
- }
- else {
- // panel vertical => fixed width, height, posy and posx
- launcher->area.posx = panel->area.bg->border.width + panel->area.paddingxlr;
- launcher->area.width = panel->area.width - (2 * panel->area.bg->border.width) - (2 * panel->area.paddingy);
- }
+ panel_refresh = 1;
fprintf(stderr, "Loading themes...\n");
add_timeout(panel_autohide_hide_timeout, 0, autohide_hide, p);
- panel_refresh = 1;
if (panel_items_order[k] == 'C')
p->area.list = g_slist_append(p->area.list, &p->clock);
+ init_rendering(&p->area, 0);
Panel *panel =(Panel*)p;
- if (panel_horizontal) {
- systray.area.posy = panel->area.bg->border.width + panel->area.paddingy;
- systray.area.height = panel->area.height - (2 * systray.area.posy);
- }
- else {
- systray.area.posx = panel->area.bg->border.width + panel->area.paddingy;
- systray.area.width = panel->area.width - (2 * panel->area.bg->border.width) - (2 * panel->area.paddingy);
- }
systray.area.parent = p;
systray.area.panel = p;
systray.list_icons = g_slist_append(systray.list_icons, traywin);
systray.list_icons = g_slist_insert_sorted(systray.list_icons, traywin, compare_traywindows);
- systray.area.resize = 1;
//printf("add_icon id %lx, %d\n", id, g_slist_length(systray.list_icons));
// watch for the icon trying to resize itself!
if (!traywin->hide && !panel->is_hidden)
XMapRaised(server.dsp, traywin->id);
- // changed in systray force resize on panel
- panel->area.resize = 1;
+ // changed in systray
+ systray.area.resize = 1;
panel_refresh = 1;
return TRUE;
// remove from our list
systray.list_icons = g_slist_remove(systray.list_icons, traywin);
- systray.area.resize = 1;
//printf("remove_icon id %lx, %d\n", traywin->id);
XSelectInput(server.dsp, traywin->tray_id, NoEventMask);
systray.area.on_screen = 0;
systray.area.width = 0;
- // changed in systray force resize on panel
- Panel *panel = systray.area.panel;
- panel->area.resize = 1;
+ // changed in systray
+ systray.area.resize = 1;
panel_refresh = 1;
* Redrawing an object (like the clock) could come from an 'external event' (date change)
* or from a 'layering event' (position change).
- * The following 'drawing engine' take care of all 'layering event'.
+ * The following 'drawing engine' take care of :
+ * - posx/posy of all Area
+ * - 'layering event' propagation between object
* 1) browse tree SIZE_BY_CONTENT
* - resize SIZE_BY_CONTENT node : children are resized before parent
* - if 'size' changed then 'resize = 1' on the parent
+void init_rendering(void *obj, int pos)
+ Area *a = (Area*)obj;
+ // initialize fixed position/size
+ GSList *l;
+ for (l = a->list; l ; l = l->next) {
+ Area *child = ((Area*)l->data);
+ if (panel_horizontal) {
+ child->posy = pos + a->bg->border.width + a->paddingy;
+ child->height = a->height - (2 * (a->bg->border.width + a->paddingy));
+ init_rendering(child, child->posy);
+ }
+ else {
+ child->posx = pos + a->bg->border.width + a->paddingy;
+ child->width = a->width - (2 * (a->bg->border.width + a->paddingy));
+ init_rendering(child, child->posx);
+ }
+ }
void rendering(void *obj)
Panel *panel = (Panel*)obj;
+int resize_by_layout(void *obj)
+ Taskbar *taskbar = (Taskbar*)obj;
+ Panel *panel = (Panel*)taskbar->area.panel;
+ Task *tsk;
+ GSList *l;
+ int task_count, border_width;
+ //printf("resize_taskbar : posx et width des taches\n");
+ taskbar->area.redraw = 1;
+ border_width = taskbar->area.bg->border.width;
+ if (panel_horizontal) {
+ int pixel_width, modulo_width=0;
+ int taskbar_width;
+ // new task width for 'desktop'
+ task_count = g_slist_length(taskbar->area.list);
+ if (!task_count) pixel_width = panel->g_task.maximum_width;
+ else {
+ taskbar_width = taskbar->area.width - (2 * border_width) - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.area.paddingxlr);
+ if (task_count>1) taskbar_width -= ((task_count-1) * panel->g_taskbar.area.paddingx);
+ pixel_width = taskbar_width / task_count;
+ if (pixel_width > panel->g_task.maximum_width)
+ pixel_width = panel->g_task.maximum_width;
+ else
+ modulo_width = taskbar_width % task_count;
+ }
+ taskbar->task_width = pixel_width;
+ taskbar->task_modulo = modulo_width;
+ taskbar->text_width = pixel_width - panel->g_task.text_posx - panel->g_task.area.bg->border.width - panel->g_task.area.paddingx;
+ // change pos_x and width for all tasks
+ for (l = taskbar->area.list; l ; l = l->next) {
+ tsk = l->data;
+ if (!tsk->area.on_screen) continue;
+ set_task_redraw(tsk); // always redraw task, because the background could have changed (taskbar_active_id)
+ tsk->area.width = pixel_width;
+// TODO : move later (when posx is known)
+// long value[] = { panel->posx+x, panel->posy, pixel_width, panel->area.height };
+// XChangeProperty (server.dsp, tsk->win, server.atom._NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)value, 4);
+ if (modulo_width) {
+ tsk->area.width++;
+ modulo_width--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ int pixel_height, modulo_height=0;
+ int taskbar_height;
+ // new task width for 'desktop'
+ task_count = g_slist_length(taskbar->area.list);
+ if (!task_count) pixel_height = panel->g_task.maximum_height;
+ else {
+ taskbar_height = taskbar->area.height - (2 * border_width) - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.area.paddingxlr);
+ if (task_count>1) taskbar_height -= ((task_count-1) * panel->g_taskbar.area.paddingx);
+ pixel_height = taskbar_height / task_count;
+ if (pixel_height > panel->g_task.maximum_height)
+ pixel_height = panel->g_task.maximum_height;
+ else
+ modulo_height = taskbar_height % task_count;
+ }
+ taskbar->task_width = pixel_height;
+ taskbar->task_modulo = modulo_height;
+ taskbar->text_width = taskbar->area.width - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.area.paddingy) - panel->g_task.text_posx - panel->g_task.area.bg->border.width - panel->g_task.area.paddingx;
+ // change pos_y and height for all tasks
+ for (l = taskbar->area.list; l ; l = l->next) {
+ tsk = l->data;
+ if (!tsk->area.on_screen) continue;
+ set_task_redraw(tsk); // always redraw task, because the background could have changed (taskbar_active_id)
+ tsk->area.height = pixel_height;
+// TODO : move later (when posy is known)
+// long value[] = { panel->posx, panel->posy+y, panel->area.width, pixel_height };
+// XChangeProperty (server.dsp, tsk->win, server.atom._NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)value, 4);
+ if (modulo_height) {
+ tsk->area.height++;
+ modulo_height--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
void set_redraw (Area *a)
a->redraw = 1;
const char* (*_get_tooltip_text)(void *obj);
} Area;
+// on startup, initialize fixed pos/size
+void init_rendering(void *obj, int pos);
-void rendering(void *panel);
+void rendering(void *obj);
void size_by_content (Area *a);
void size_by_layout (Area *a, int pos, int level);
// draw background and foreground
void refresh (Area *a);
+// generic resize for SIZE_BY_LAYOUT objects
+int resize_by_layout(void *obj);
// set 'redraw' on an area and childs
void set_redraw (Area *a);
+void get_text_size2(PangoFontDescription *font, int *height_ink, int *height, int *width, int panel_height, int panel_with, char *text, int len)
+ PangoRectangle rect_ink, rect;
+ Pixmap pmap = XCreatePixmap (server.dsp, server.root_win, panel_height, panel_height, server.depth);
+ cairo_surface_t *cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create (server.dsp, pmap, server.visual, panel_height, panel_with);
+ cairo_t *c = cairo_create (cs);
+ PangoLayout *layout = pango_cairo_create_layout (c);
+ pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, font);
+ pango_layout_set_text (layout, text, len);
+ pango_layout_get_pixel_extents(layout, &rect_ink, &rect);
+ *height_ink = rect_ink.height;
+ *height = rect.height;
+ *width = rect.width;
+ //printf("dimension : %d - %d\n", rect_ink.height, rect.height);
+ g_object_unref (layout);
+ cairo_destroy (c);
+ cairo_surface_destroy (cs);
+ XFreePixmap (server.dsp, pmap);
Window window_get_active ();
void get_text_size(PangoFontDescription *font, int *height_ink, int *height, int panel_height, char *text, int len);
+void get_text_size2(PangoFontDescription *font, int *height_ink, int *height, int *width, int panel_height, int panel_with, char *text, int len);