]> Dogcows Code - chaz/p5-File-KDBX/blob - t/error.t
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[chaz/p5-File-KDBX] / t / error.t
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 use warnings;
4 use strict;
6 BEGIN { delete $ENV{DEBUG} }
8 use lib 't/lib';
9 use TestCommon;
11 use File::KDBX::Error;
12 use File::KDBX;
13 use Test::More;
15 subtest 'Errors' => sub {
16 my $error = exception {
17 local $! = 1;
18 $@ = 'last exception';
19 throw 'uh oh', foo => 'bar';
20 };
21 like $error, qr/uh oh/, 'Errors can be thrown using the "throw" function';
23 $error = exception { $error->throw };
24 like $error, qr/uh oh/, 'Errors can be rethrown';
26 is $error->details->{foo}, 'bar', 'Errors can have details';
27 is $error->errno+0, 1, 'Errors record copy of errno when thrown';
28 is $error->previous, 'last exception', 'Warnings record copy of the last exception';
30 my $trace = $error->trace;
31 ok 0 < @$trace, 'Errors record a stacktrace';
32 like $trace->[0], qr!^uh oh at \H+error\.t line \d+$!, 'Stacktrace is correct';
34 $error = exception { File::KDBX::Error->throw('uh oh') };
35 like $error, qr/uh oh/, 'Errors can be thrown using the "throw" constructor';
36 like $error->trace->[0], qr!^uh oh at \H+error\.t line \d+$!, 'Stacktrace is correct';
38 $error = File::KDBX::Error->new('uh oh');
39 $error = exception { $error->throw };
40 like $error, qr/uh oh/, 'Errors can be thrown using the "throw" method';
41 like $error->trace->[0], qr!^uh oh at \H+error\.t line \d+$!, 'Stacktrace is correct';
42 };
44 subtest 'Warnings' => sub {
45 my $warning = warning {
46 local $! = 1;
47 $@ = 'last exception';
48 alert 'uh oh', foo => 'bar';
49 };
50 like $warning, qr/uh oh/, 'Warnings are enabled by default' or diag 'Warnings: ', explain $warning;
52 SKIP: {
53 skip 'Warning object requires Perl 5.14 or later' if $] < 5.014;
54 is $warning->details->{foo}, 'bar', 'Warnings can have details';
55 is $warning->errno+0, 1, 'Warnings record copy of errno when logged';
56 is $warning->previous, 'last exception', 'Warnings record copy of the last exception';
57 like $warning->trace->[0], qr!^uh oh at \H+error\.t line \d+$!, 'Stacktrace is correct';
58 };
60 $warning = warning { File::KDBX::Error->warn('uh oh') };
61 like $warning, qr/uh oh/, 'Warnings can be logged using the "alert" constructor';
62 SKIP: {
63 skip 'Warning object requires Perl 5.14 or later' if $] < 5.014;
64 like $warning->trace->[0], qr!^uh oh at \H+error\.t line \d+$!, 'Stacktrace is correct';
65 };
67 my $error = File::KDBX::Error->new('uh oh');
68 $warning = warning { $error->alert };
69 like $warning, qr/uh oh/, 'Warnings can be logged using the "alert" method';
70 SKIP: {
71 skip 'Warning object requires Perl 5.14 or later' if $] < 5.014;
72 like $warning->trace->[0], qr!^uh oh at \H+error\.t line \d+$!, 'Stacktrace is correct';
73 };
75 {
76 local $File::KDBX::WARNINGS = 0;
77 my @warnings = warnings { alert 'uh oh' };
78 is @warnings, 0, 'Warnings can be disabled locally'
79 or diag 'Warnings: ', explain(\@warnings);
80 }
82 SKIP: {
83 skip 'warnings::warnif_at_level is required', 1 if !warnings->can('warnif_at_level');
84 no warnings 'File::KDBX';
85 my @warnings = warnings { alert 'uh oh' };
86 is @warnings, 0, 'Warnings can be disabled lexically'
87 or diag 'Warnings: ', explain(\@warnings);
88 }
90 SKIP: {
91 skip 'warnings::fatal_enabled_at_level is required', 1 if !warnings->can('fatal_enabled_at_level');
92 use warnings FATAL => 'File::KDBX';
93 my $exception = exception { alert 'uh oh' };
94 like $exception, qr/uh oh/, 'Warnings can be fatal';
95 }
97 {
98 my $warning;
99 local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = shift };
100 alert 'uh oh';
101 like $warning, qr/uh oh/, 'Warnings can be caught';
102 }
103 };
105 done_testing;
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