use Devel::GlobalDestruction;
use File::KDBX::Constants qw(:all);
use File::KDBX::Error;
+use File::KDBX::Iterator;
use File::KDBX::Safe;
use File::KDBX::Util qw(:class :coercion :empty :search :uuid erase simple_expression_query snakify);
use Hash::Util::FieldHash qw(fieldhashes);
# Dualvars aren't cloned as dualvars, so coerce the compression flags.
- for my $object (@{$self->all_groups}, @{$self->all_entries(history => 1)}) {
- $object->kdbx($self);
- }
+ $self->objects(history => 1)->each(sub { $_->kdbx($self) });
nonempty $_->{name} || nonempty $_->{last_modification_time}
} @{$self->custom_icons};
- return KDBX_VERSION_4_1 if any {
- nonempty $_->previous_parent_group || nonempty $_->tags ||
- any { nonempty $_->{last_modification_time} } values %{$_->custom_data}
- } @{$self->all_groups};
+ return KDBX_VERSION_4_1 if $self->groups->next(sub {
+ nonempty $_->previous_parent_group ||
+ nonempty $_->tags ||
+ (any { nonempty $_->{last_modification_time} } values %{$_->custom_data})
+ # TODO replace next paragraph with this
+ # || $_->entries(history => 1)->next(sub {
+ # nonempty $_->previous_parent_group ||
+ # (defined $_->quality_check && !$_->quality_check) ||
+ # (any { nonempty $_->{last_modification_time} } values %{$_->custom_data})
+ # })
+ });
- return KDBX_VERSION_4_1 if any {
- nonempty $_->previous_parent_group || (defined $_->quality_check && !$_->quality_check) ||
- any { nonempty $_->{last_modification_time} } values %{$_->custom_data}
- } @{$self->all_entries(history => 1)};
+ return KDBX_VERSION_4_1 if $self->entries(history => 1)->next(sub {
+ nonempty $_->previous_parent_group ||
+ (defined $_->quality_check && !$_->quality_check) ||
+ (any { nonempty $_->{last_modification_time} } values %{$_->custom_data})
+ });
return KDBX_VERSION_4_0 if $self->kdf->uuid ne KDF_UUID_AES;
return KDBX_VERSION_4_0 if nonempty $self->public_custom_data;
- return KDBX_VERSION_4_0 if any {
+ return KDBX_VERSION_4_0 if $self->objects->next(sub {
nonempty $_->custom_data
- } @{$self->all_groups}, @{$self->all_entries(history => 1)};
+ });
return KDBX_VERSION_3_1;
return $self->_wrap_group($self->{root});
+# Called by File::KeePass::KDBX so that a File::KDBX an be treated as a File::KDBX::Group in that both types
+# can have subgroups. File::KDBX already has a `groups' method that does something different from the
+# File::KDBX::Groups `groups' method.
sub _kpx_groups {
my $self = shift;
return [] if !$self->{root};
# find the right group to add the group to
my $parent = delete $args{group} // delete $args{parent} // $self->root;
- ($parent) = $self->find_groups({uuid => $parent}) if !ref $parent;
+ $parent = $self->groups->grep({uuid => $parent})->next if !ref $parent;
$parent or throw 'Invalid group';
return $parent->add_group(defined $group ? $group : (), %args, kdbx => $self);
return File::KDBX::Group->wrap($group, $self);
-=method all_groups
+=method groups
- \@groups = $kdbx->all_groups(%options);
- \@groups = $kdbx->all_groups($base_group, %options);
+ \&iterator = $kdbx->groups(%options);
+ \&iterator = $kdbx->groups($base_group, %options);
-Get all groups deeply in a database, or all groups within a specified base group, in a flat array. Supported
+Get an iterator over I<groups> within a database. Options:
=for :list
-* C<base> - Only include groups within a base group (same as C<$base_group>) (default: root)
-* C<include_base> - Include the base group in the results (default: true)
+* C<base> - Only include groups within a base group (same as C<$base_group>) (default: L</root>)
+* C<inclusive> - Include the base group in the results (default: true)
+* C<algorithm> - Search algorithm, one of C<ids>, C<bfs> or C<dfs> (default: C<ids>)
-sub all_groups {
+sub groups {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_ % 2 == 0 ? @_ : (base => shift, @_);
my $base = $args{base} // $self->root;
- # my @groups;
- # push @groups, $self->_wrap_group($base) if $args{include_base} // 1;
- # push @groups, @{$base->all_groups};
- # return \@groups;
- my @groups = $args{include_base} // 1 ? $self->_wrap_group($base) : ();
- for my $subgroup (@{$base->{groups} || []}) {
- my $more = $self->all_groups($subgroup);
- push @groups, @$more;
+ my @groups = ($args{inclusive} // 1) ? $base : @{$base->groups};
+ my $algo = lc($args{algorithm} || 'ids');
+ if ($algo eq 'dfs') {
+ my %visited;
+ return File::KDBX::Iterator->new(sub {
+ my $next = shift @groups or return;
+ if (!$visited{Hash::Util::FieldHash::id($next)}++) {
+ while (my @children = @{$next->groups}) {
+ unshift @groups, @children, $next;
+ $next = shift @groups;
+ $visited{Hash::Util::FieldHash::id($next)}++;
+ }
+ }
+ $next;
+ });
- return \@groups;
-=method find_groups
- @groups = $kdbx->find_groups($query, %options);
-Find all groups deeply that match to a query. Options are the same as for L</all_groups>.
-See L</QUERY> for a description of what C<$query> can be.
-sub find_groups {
- my $self = shift;
- my $query = shift or throw 'Must provide a query';
- my %args = @_;
- my %all_groups = (
- base => $args{base},
- include_base => $args{include_base},
- );
- return @{search($self->all_groups(%all_groups), is_arrayref($query) ? @$query : $query)};
+ elsif ($algo eq 'bfs') {
+ return File::KDBX::Iterator->new(sub {
+ my $next = shift @groups or return;
+ push @groups, @{$next->groups};
+ $next;
+ });
+ }
+ return File::KDBX::Iterator->new(sub {
+ my $next = shift @groups or return;
+ unshift @groups, @{$next->groups};
+ $next;
+ });
# find the right group to add the entry to
my $parent = delete $args{group} // delete $args{parent} // $self->root;
- ($parent) = $self->find_groups({uuid => $parent}) if !ref $parent;
+ $parent = $self->groups->grep({uuid => $parent})->next if !ref $parent;
$parent or throw 'Invalid group';
return $parent->add_entry(defined $entry ? $entry : (), %args, kdbx => $self);
return File::KDBX::Entry->wrap($entry, $self);
-=method all_entries
+=method entries
- \@entries = $kdbx->all_entries(%options);
- \@entries = $kdbx->all_entries($base_group, %options);
+ \&iterator = $kdbx->entries(%options);
+ \&iterator = $kdbx->entries($base_group, %options);
-Get entries deeply in a database, in a flat array. Supported options:
+Get an iterator over I<entries> within a database. Supports the same options as L</groups>, plus some new
=for :list
-* C<base> - Only include entries within a base group (same as C<$base_group>) (default: root)
* C<auto_type> - Only include entries with auto-type enabled (default: false, include all)
-* C<search> - Only include entries within groups with search enabled (default: false, include all)
-* C<history> - Also include historical entries (default: false, include only active entries)
+* C<searching> - Only include entries within groups with search enabled (default: false, include all)
+* C<history> - Also include historical entries (default: false, include only current entries)
-sub all_entries {
+sub entries {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_ % 2 == 0 ? @_ : (base => shift, @_);
- my $base = $args{base} // $self->root;
- my $history = $args{history};
- my $search = $args{search};
+ my $searching = $args{searching};
my $auto_type = $args{auto_type};
+ my $history = $args{history};
- my $enable_auto_type = $base->{enable_auto_type} // true;
- my $enable_searching = $base->{enable_searching} // true;
+ my $groups = $self->groups(%args);
my @entries;
- if ((!$search || $enable_searching) && (!$auto_type || $enable_auto_type)) {
- push @entries,
- map { $self->_wrap_entry($_) }
- grep { !$auto_type || $_->{auto_type}{enabled} }
- map { $_, $history ? @{$_->{history} || []} : () }
- @{$base->{entries} || []};
- }
- for my $subgroup (@{$base->{groups} || []}) {
- my $more = $self->all_entries($subgroup,
- auto_type => $auto_type,
- search => $search,
- history => $history,
- );
- push @entries, @$more;
- }
- return \@entries;
+ return File::KDBX::Iterator->new(sub {
+ if (!@entries) {
+ while (my $group = $groups->next) {
+ next if $searching && !$group->effective_enable_searching;
+ next if $auto_type && !$group->effective_enable_auto_type;
+ @entries = @{$group->entries};
+ @entries = grep { $_->auto_type->{enabled} } @entries if $auto_type;
+ @entries = map { ($_, @{$_->history}) } @entries if $history;
+ last if @entries;
+ }
+ }
+ shift @entries;
+ });
-=method find_entries
-=method find_entries_simple
- @entries = $kdbx->find_entries($query, %options);
- @entries = $kdbx->find_entries_simple($expression, \@fields, %options);
- @entries = $kdbx->find_entries_simple($expression, $operator, \@fields, %options);
+=method objects
-Find all entries deeply that match a query. Options are the same as for L</all_entries>.
+ \&iterator = $kdbx->entries(%options);
+ \&iterator = $kdbx->entries($base_group, %options);
-See L</QUERY> for a description of what C<$query> can be.
+Get an iterator over I<objects> within a database. Groups and entries are considered objects, so this is
+essentially a combination of L</groups> and L</entries>. This won't often be useful, but it can be convenient
+for maintenance tasks. This method takes the same options as L</groups> and L</entries>.
-sub find_entries {
+sub objects {
my $self = shift;
- my $query = shift or throw 'Must provide a query';
- my %args = @_;
- my %all_entries = (
- base => $args{base},
- auto_type => $args{auto_type},
- search => $args{search},
- history => $args{history},
- );
- my $limit = delete $args{limit};
- if (defined $limit) {
- return @{search_limited($self->all_entries(%all_entries), is_arrayref($query) ? @$query : $query, $limit)};
- }
- else {
- return @{search($self->all_entries(%all_entries), is_arrayref($query) ? @$query : $query)};
- }
+ my %args = @_ % 2 == 0 ? @_ : (base => shift, @_);
-sub find_entries_simple {
- my $self = shift;
- my $text = shift;
- my $op = @_ && !is_ref($_[0]) ? shift : undef;
- my $fields = shift;
- is_arrayref($fields) or throw q{Usage: find_entries_simple($expression, [$op,] \@fields)};
- return $self->find_entries([\$text, $op, $fields], @_);
+ my $searching = $args{searching};
+ my $auto_type = $args{auto_type};
+ my $history = $args{history};
+ my $groups = $self->groups(%args);
+ my @entries;
+ return File::KDBX::Iterator->new(sub {
+ if (!@entries) {
+ while (my $group = $groups->next) {
+ next if $searching && !$group->effective_enable_searching;
+ next if $auto_type && !$group->effective_enable_auto_type;
+ @entries = @{$group->entries};
+ @entries = grep { $_->auto_type->{enabled} } @entries if $auto_type;
+ @entries = map { ($_, @{$_->history}) } @entries if $history;
+ return $group;
+ }
+ }
+ shift @entries;
+ });
+sub __iter__ { $_[0]->objects }
=method custom_icon
use this method to resolve on-the-fly references that aren't part of any actual string in the database.
If the reference does not resolve to any field, C<undef> is returned. If the reference resolves to multiple
-fields, only the first one is returned (in the same order as L</all_entries>). To avoid ambiguity, you can
-refer to a specific entry by its UUID.
+fields, only the first one is returned (in the same order as iterated by L</entries>). To avoid ambiguity, you
+can refer to a specific entry by its UUID.
The syntax of a reference is: C<< {REF:<WantedField>@<SearchIn>:<Text>} >>. C<Text> is a
L</"Simple Expression">. C<WantedField> and C<SearchIn> are both single character codes representing a field:
my $query = $search_in eq 'uuid' ? query($search_in => uuid($text))
: simple_expression_query($text, '=~', $search_in);
- my ($entry) = $self->find_entries($query, limit => 1);
+ my $entry = $self->entries->grep($query)->next;
$entry or return;
return $entry->$wanted;
- # placeholder => sub { my ($entry, $arg) = @_; ... };
+ # 'PLACEHOLDER' => sub { my ($entry, $arg) = @_; ... };
'TITLE' => sub { $_[0]->expanded_title },
'USERNAME' => sub { $_[0]->expanded_username },
'PASSWORD' => sub { $_[0]->expanded_password },
my @strings;
- my $entries = $self->all_entries(history => 1);
- for my $entry (@$entries) {
- push @strings, grep { $_->{protect} } values %{$entry->strings}, values %{$entry->binaries};
- }
+ $self->entries(history => 1)->each(sub {
+ push @strings, grep { $_->{protect} } values %{$_->strings}, values %{$_->binaries};
+ });
my $new_pretty = format_uuid($new_uuid);
my $fieldref_match = qr/\{REF:([TUPANI])\@I:\Q$old_pretty\E\}/is;
- for my $entry (@{$self->all_entries}) {
- $entry->previous_parent_group($new_uuid) if $old_uuid eq ($entry->{previous_parent_group} // '');
+ $self->entries->each(sub {
+ $_->previous_parent_group($new_uuid) if $old_uuid eq ($_->{previous_parent_group} // '');
- for my $string (values %{$entry->strings}) {
+ for my $string (values %{$_->strings}) {
next if !defined $string->{value} || $string->{value} !~ $fieldref_match;
- my $txn = $entry->begin_work;
+ my $txn = $_->begin_work;
$string->{value} =~ s/$fieldref_match/{REF:$1\@I:$new_pretty}/g;
- }
+ });
sub _handle_group_uuid_changed {
$self->last_selected_group($new_uuid) if $old_uuid eq ($meta->{last_selected_group} // '');
$self->last_top_visible_group($new_uuid) if $old_uuid eq ($meta->{last_top_visible_group} // '');
- for my $group (@{$self->all_groups}) {
- $group->last_top_visible_entry($new_uuid) if $old_uuid eq ($group->{last_top_visible_entry} // '');
- $group->previous_parent_group($new_uuid) if $old_uuid eq ($group->{previous_parent_group} // '');
- }
- for my $entry (@{$self->all_entries}) {
- $entry->previous_parent_group($new_uuid) if $old_uuid eq ($entry->{previous_parent_group} // '');
- }
+ $self->groups->each(sub {
+ $_->last_top_visible_entry($new_uuid) if $old_uuid eq ($_->{last_top_visible_entry} // '');
+ $_->previous_parent_group($new_uuid) if $old_uuid eq ($_->{previous_parent_group} // '');
+ });
+ $self->entries->each(sub {
+ $_->previous_parent_group($new_uuid) if $old_uuid eq ($_->{previous_parent_group} // '');
+ });
$kdbx = File::KDBX->load_file('passwords.kdbx', 'M@st3rP@ssw0rd!');
- for my $entry (@{ $kdbx->all_entries }) {
+ kdbx->entries->each(sub {
+ my ($entry) = @_;
say 'Entry: ', $entry->title;
- }
+ });
my $kdbx = File::KDBX->load_file('mypasswords.kdbx', 'master password CHANGEME');
- for my $entry (@{ $kdbx->all_entries }) {
- say 'Found password for ', $entry->title, ':';
+ $kdbx->entries->each(sub {
+ my ($entry) = @_;
+ say 'Found password for ', $entry->title;
say ' Username: ', $entry->username;
say ' Password: ', $entry->password;
- }
+ });
=head2 Search for entries
- my @entries = $kdbx->find_entries({
- title => 'WayneCorp',
- }, search => 1);
+ my @entries = $kdbx->entries(searching => 1)
+ ->grep(title => 'WayneCorp')
+ ->each; # return all matches
+The C<searching> option limits results to only entries within groups with searching enabled. Other options are
+also available. See L</entries>.
See L</QUERY> for many more query examples.
=head2 Search for entries by auto-type window association
- my @entry_key_sequences = $kdbx->find_entries_for_window('WayneCorp - Mozilla Firefox');
- for my $pair (@entry_key_sequences) {
- my ($entry, $key_sequence) = @$pair;
- say 'Entry title: ', $entry->title, ', key sequence: ', $key_sequence;
- }
+ my $window_title = 'WayneCorp - Mozilla Firefox';
+ my $entries = $kdbx->entries(auto_type => 1)
+ ->filter(sub {
+ my $ata = $_->auto_type_associations->grep(sub { $_->{window} =~ $window_title })->next;
+ return [$_, $ata->{keystroke_sequence}] if $ata;
+ })
+ ->each(sub {
+ my ($entry, $keys) = @$_;
+ say 'Entry title: ', $entry->title, ', key sequence: ', $keys;
+ });
Example output:
Entry title: WayneCorp, key sequence: {PASSWORD}{ENTER}
+=head2 Remove entries from a database
+ $kdbx->entries
+ ->grep(notes => {'=~' => qr/too old/i})
+ ->each(sub { $_->recycle });
+Recycle all entries with the string "too old" appearing in the B<Notes> string.
One of the biggest threats to your database security is how easily the encryption key can be brute-forced.
=head1 QUERY
+B<TODO> - All these examples are WRONG now.
Several methods take a I<query> as an argument (e.g. L</find_entries>). A query is just a subroutine that you
can either write yourself or have generated for you based on either a simple expression or a declarative
structure. It's easier to have your query generated, so I'll cover that first.
If the tools are getting in your way, you can of course iterate over the contents of a database and implement
your own query logic, like this:
- for my $entry (@{ $kdbx->all_entries }) {
+ my $entries = $kdbx->entries;
+ while (my $entry = $entries->next) {
if (wanted($entry)) {
my $new_ref = 0;
my $written = $self->_binaries_written;
- my $entries = $kdbx->all_entries(history => true);
- for my $entry (@$entries) {
+ my $entries = $kdbx->entries(history => 1);
+ while (my $entry = $entries->next) {
for my $key (keys %{$entry->binaries}) {
my $binary = $entry->binaries->{$key};
if (defined $binary->{ref} && defined $kdbx->binaries->{$binary->{ref}}) {
my $new_ref = keys %{$self->_binaries_written};
my $written = $self->_binaries_written;
- my $entries = $kdbx->all_entries(history => true);
- for my $entry (@$entries) {
+ my $entries = $kdbx->entries(history => 1);
+ while (my $entry = $entries->next) {
for my $key (keys %{$entry->binaries}) {
my $binary = $entry->binaries->{$key};
if (defined $binary->{ref} && defined $kdbx->binaries->{$binary->{ref}}) {
return $binary->{value};
+sub searching_enabled {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $parent = $self->parent;
+ return $parent->effective_enable_searching if $parent;
+ return true;
sub auto_type_enabled {
- my $entry = shift;
- # TODO
+ my $self = shift;
+ return false if !$self->auto_type->{enabled};
+ my $parent = $self->parent;
+ return $parent->effective_enable_auto_type if $parent;
+ return true;
my $query = shift or throw 'Must provide a query';
my %args = @_;
my %all_groups = ( # FIXME
- base => $args{base},
- include_base => $args{include_base},
+ base => $args{base},
+ inclusive => $args{inclusive},
return @{search($self->all_groups(%all_groups), is_arrayref($query) ? @$query : $query)};
+sub effective_default_auto_type_sequence {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $sequence = $self->default_auto_type_sequence;
+ return $sequence if defined $sequence;
+ my $parent = $self->parent or return '{USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER}';
+ return $parent->effective_default_auto_type_sequence;
+sub effective_enable_auto_type {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $enabled = $self->enable_auto_type;
+ return $enabled if defined $enabled;
+ my $parent = $self->parent or return true;
+ return $parent->effective_enable_auto_type;
+sub effective_enable_searching {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $enabled = $self->enable_searching;
+ return $enabled if defined $enabled;
+ my $parent = $self->parent or return true;
+ return $parent->effective_enable_searching;
--- /dev/null
+package File::KDBX::Iterator;
+# PACKAGE: KDBX database iterator
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use File::KDBX::Error;
+use File::KDBX::Util qw(:class :load :search);
+use Iterator::Simple;
+use Ref::Util qw(is_arrayref is_coderef is_scalarref);
+use namespace::clean;
+extends 'Iterator::Simple::Iterator';
+our $VERSION = '999.999'; # VERSION
+=method new
+ \&iterator = File::KDBX::Iterator->new(\&iterator);
+Blesses an iterator to augment it with buffering plus some useful utility methods.
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $code = is_coderef($_[0]) ? shift : sub { undef };
+ my $items = @_ == 1 && is_arrayref($_[0]) ? $_[0] : \@_;
+ return $class->SUPER::new(sub {
+ if (@_) { # put back
+ if (@_ == 1 && is_arrayref($_[0])) {
+ $items = $_[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ unshift @$items, @_;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $next = shift @$items;
+ return $next if defined $next;
+ return $code->();
+ }
+ });
+=method next
+ $item = $iterator->next;
+ # OR equivalently
+ $item = $iterator->();
+ $item = $iterator->next(\&query);
+ $item = $iterator->next([\'simple expression', @fields]);
+Get the next item or C<undef> if there are no more items. If a query is passed, get the next matching item,
+discarding any items before the matching item that do not match. Example:
+ my $item = $iterator->next(sub { $_->label =~ /Gym/ });
+sub _create_query {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $code = shift;
+ if (is_coderef($code) || overload::Method($code, '&{}')) {
+ return $code;
+ }
+ elsif (is_scalarref($code)) {
+ return simple_expression_query($$code, @_);
+ }
+ else {
+ return query($code, @_);
+ }
+sub next {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $code = shift or return $self->();
+ $code = $self->_create_query($code, @_);
+ while (defined (local $_ = $self->())) {
+ return $_ if $code->($_);
+ }
+ return;
+=method peek
+ $item = $iterator->peek;
+Peek at the next item. Returns C<undef> if the iterator is empty. This allows you to access the next item
+without draining it from the iterator. The same item will be returned the next time L</next> is called.
+sub peek {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $next = $self->();
+ $self->($next) if defined $next;
+ return $next;
+=method unget
+ $iterator->unget(\@items);
+ $iterator->unget(...);
+ # OR equivalently
+ $iterator->(\@items);
+ $iterator->(...);
+Replace the buffer or unshift one or more items to the current buffer.
+See L</Buffer>.
+sub unget {
+ my $self = shift; # Must shift in a statement before calling.
+ $self->(@_);
+=method each
+ @items = $iterator->each;
+ $iterator->each(sub($item, $num) { ... });
+Get the rest of the items. There are two forms: Without arguments, C<each> returns a list of the rest of the
+items. Or pass a coderef to be called once per item, in order. The item is passed as the first argument to the
+given subroutine and is also available as C<$_>.
+sub each {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $cb = shift or return @{$self->to_array};
+ my $count = 0;
+ $cb->($_, $count++) while defined (local $_ = $self->());
+ return $self;
+=method limit
+ \&iterator = $iterator->limit($count);
+Get a new iterator draining from an existing iterator but providing only a limited number of items.
+sub limit { shift->head(@_) }
+=method grep
+ \&iterator = $iterator->grep(\&query);
+ \&iterator = $iterator->grep([\'simple expression', @fields]);
+Get a new iterator draining from an existing iterator but providing only items that pass a test or are matched
+by a query.
+sub grep {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $code = shift;
+ $code = $self->_create_query($code, @_);
+ ref($self)->new(sub {
+ while (defined (local $_ = $self->())) {
+ return $_ if $code->($_);
+ }
+ return;
+ });
+=method map
+ \&iterator = $iterator->map(\&code);
+Get a new iterator draining from an existing iterator but providing modified items.
+sub map {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $code = shift;
+ ref($self)->new(sub {
+ local $_ = $self->();
+ return if !defined $_;
+ return $code->();
+ });
+=method filter
+ \&iterator = $iterator->filter(\&query);
+ \&iterator = $iterator->filter([\'simple expression', @fields]);
+See L<Iterator::Simple/"ifilter $iterable, sub{ CODE }">.
+sub filter {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $code = shift;
+ return $self->SUPER::filter($self->_create_query($code, @_));
+=method sort_by
+=method order_by
+ \&iterator = $iterator->sort_by($field, %options);
+ \&iterator = $iterator->sort_by(\&get_value, %options);
+Get a new iterator draining from an existing iterator but providing items sorted by an object field. Sorting
+is done using L<Unicode::Collate> (if available) or C<cmp> to sort alphanumerically. The C<\&get_value>
+subroutine is called once for each item and should return a string value. Options:
+=for :list
+* C<ascending> - Order ascending if true, descending otherwise (default: true)
+* C<case> - If true, take case into account, otherwise ignore case (default: true)
+* C<collate> - If true, use B<Unicode::Collate> (if available), otherwise use perl built-ins (default: true)
+* Any B<Unicode::Collate> option is also supported.
+C<sort_by> and C<order_by> are aliases.
+B<NOTE:> This method drains the iterator completely but adds items back onto the buffer, so the iterator is
+still usable afterward. Nevertheless, you mustn't call this on an infinite iterator or it will run until
+available memory is depleted.
+sub sort_by { shift->order_by(@_) }
+sub nsort_by { shift->norder_by(@_) }
+sub order_by {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $field = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $ascending = delete $args{ascending} // !delete $args{descending} // 1;
+ my $case = delete $args{case} // !delete $args{no_case} // 1;
+ my $collate = (delete $args{collate} // !delete $args{no_collate} // 1)
+ && try_load_optional('Unicode::Collate');
+ if ($collate && !$case) {
+ $case = 1;
+ # use a proper Unicode::Collate level to ignore case
+ $args{level} //= 2;
+ }
+ $args{upper_before_lower} //= 1;
+ my $value = $field;
+ $value = $case ? sub { $_[0]->$field // '' } : sub { uc($_[0]->$field) // '' } if !is_coderef($value);
+ my @all = CORE::map { [$_, $value->($_)] } @{$self->to_array};
+ if ($collate) {
+ my $c = Unicode::Collate->new(%args);
+ if ($ascending) {
+ @all = CORE::map { $_->[0] } CORE::sort { $c->cmp($a->[1], $b->[1]) } @all;
+ } else {
+ @all = CORE::map { $_->[0] } CORE::sort { $c->cmp($b->[1], $a->[1]) } @all;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($ascending) {
+ @all = CORE::map { $_->[0] } CORE::sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } @all;
+ } else {
+ @all = CORE::map { $_->[0] } CORE::sort { $b->[1] cmp $a->[1] } @all;
+ }
+ }
+ $self->(\@all);
+ return $self;
+=method nsort_by
+=method norder_by
+ \&iterator = $iterator->nsort_by($field, %options);
+ \&iterator = $iterator->nsort_by(\&get_value, %options);
+Get a new iterator draining from an existing iterator but providing items sorted by an object field. Sorting
+is done numerically using C<< <=> >>. The C<\&get_value> subroutine is called once for each item and should
+return a numerical value. Options:
+=for :list
+* C<ascending> - Order ascending if true, descending otherwise (default: true)
+C<nsort_by> and C<norder_by> are aliases.
+B<NOTE:> This method drains the iterator completely but adds items back onto the buffer, so the iterator is
+still usable afterward. Nevertheless, you mustn't call this on an infinite iterator or it will run until
+available memory is depleted.
+sub norder_by {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $field = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $ascending = $args{ascending} // !$args{descending} // 1;
+ my $value = $field;
+ $value = sub { $_[0]->$field // 0 } if !is_coderef($value);
+ my @all = CORE::map { [$_, $value->($_)] } @{$self->to_array};
+ if ($ascending) {
+ @all = CORE::map { $_->[0] } CORE::sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @all;
+ } else {
+ @all = CORE::map { $_->[0] } CORE::sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } @all;
+ }
+ $self->(\@all);
+ return $self;
+=method to_array
+ \@array = $iterator->to_array;
+Get the rest of the items from an iterator as an arrayref.
+B<NOTE:> This method drains the iterator completely, leaving the iterator empty. You mustn't call this on an
+infinite iterator or it will run until available memory is depleted.
+sub to_array {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @all;
+ push @all, $_ while defined (local $_ = $self->());
+ return \@all;
+=method count
+=method size
+ $size = $iterator->count;
+Count the rest of the items from an iterator.
+B<NOTE:> This method drains the iterator completely but adds items back onto the buffer, so the iterator is
+still usable afterward. Nevertheless, you mustn't call this on an infinite iterator or it will run until
+available memory is depleted.
+sub size {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $items = $self->to_array;
+ $self->($items);
+ return scalar @$items;
+sub count { shift->size }
+sub TO_JSON { $_[0]->to_array }
+=for Pod::Coverage TO_JSON
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ $kdbx->entries
+ ->grep(sub { $_->title =~ /bank/i })
+ ->sort_by('title')
+ ->limit(5)
+ ->each(sub {
+ say $_->title;
+ });
+A buffered iterator compatible with and expanding upon L<Iterator::Simple>, this provides an easy way to
+navigate a L<File::KDBX> database.
+=head2 Buffer
+This iterator is buffered, meaning it can drain from an iterator subroutine under the hood, storing items
+temporarily to be accessed later. This allows features like L</peek> and L</sort> which might be useful in the
+context of KDBX databases which are normally pretty small so draining an iterator isn't cost-prohibitive.
+The way this works is that if you call an iterator without arguments, it acts like a normal iterator. If you
+call it with arguments, however, the arguments are added to the buffer. When called without arguments, the
+buffer is drained before the iterator function is. Using L</unget> is equivalent to calling the iterator with
+arguments, and as L</next> is equivalent to calling the iterator without arguments.
- for my $entry ($kdbx->find_entries({
+ $kdbx->entries
+ ->grep({
title => 'Meta-Info',
username => 'SYSTEM',
url => '$',
icon_id => 0,
-nonempty => 'notes',
- })) {
- _read_meta_stream($kdbx, $entry);
- $entry->remove;
- }
+ })
+ ->each(sub {
+ _read_meta_stream($kdbx, $_);
+ $_->remove; # TODO do not signal
+ });
return $kdbx;
read_all $fh, $buf, 5 or goto PARSE_ERROR;
my ($group_id, $expanded) = unpack('L< C', $buf);
my $uuid = _decode_uuid($group_id) // next;
- my ($group) = $kdbx->find_groups({uuid => $uuid});
+ my $group = $kdbx->groups->grep({uuid => $uuid})->next;
$group->is_expanded($expanded) if $group;
read_all $fh, $buf, 20 or goto PARSE_ERROR;
my ($uuid, $icon_index) = unpack('a16 L<', $buf);
next if !$icons[$icon_index];
- my ($entry) = $kdbx->find_entries({uuid => $uuid});
+ my $entry = $kdbx->entries->grep({uuid => $uuid})->next;
$entry->custom_icon_uuid($icons[$icon_index]) if $entry;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_groups; ++$i) {
my ($group_id, $icon_index) = unpack('L<2', $buf);
next if !$icons[$icon_index];
my $uuid = _decode_uuid($group_id) // next;
- my ($group) = $kdbx->find_groups({uuid => $uuid});
+ my $group = $kdbx->groups->grep({uuid => $uuid})->next;
$group->custom_icon_uuid($icons[$icon_index]) if $group;
my $self = shift;
my $kdbx = $self->kdbx;
- my $entries = $kdbx->all_entries(history => 1);
my $pool = $kdbx->binaries;
- for my $entry (@$entries) {
+ my $entries = $kdbx->entries(history => 1);
+ while (my $entry = $entries->next) {
while (my ($key, $binary) = each %{$entry->binaries}) {
my $ref = $binary->{ref} // next;
next if defined $binary->{value};
sub remove {
+ # TODO - need a way to not signal database because there are times like in the KDB loader and meta streams
+ # where we do not want to add UUIDs to deleted objects
my $self = shift;
my $parent = $self->parent;
$parent->remove_object($self) if $parent;
sub extends {
my $parent = shift;
my $caller = caller;
- load $parent;
+ # load $parent;
+ eval qq[require $parent];
no strict 'refs'; ## no critic (ProhibitNoStrict)
@{"${caller}::ISA"} = $parent;
=func simple_expression_query
$query = simple_expression_query($expression, @fields);
+ $query = simple_expression_query($expression, $operator, @fields);
Generate a query, like L</query>, to be used with L</search> but built from a "simple expression" as
L<described here|>.
isnt $kdbx->root->groups->[0]->entries->[0], $copy->root->groups->[0]->entries->[0],
'Clone entry is a different object';
- my @objects = (@{$copy->all_groups}, @{$copy->all_entries});
+ my @objects = $copy->objects->each;
subtest 'Cloned objects refer to the cloned database' => sub {
plan tests => scalar @_;
for my $object (@objects) {
- skip 'Tests require fork' if !can_fork;
+ skip 'fork required to test long data streams' if !can_fork;
my $expected_plaintext = "\x64" x (1024*1024*12 - 57);
- skip 'Tests require fork' if !can_fork;
+ skip 'fork required to test long data streams' if !can_fork;
my $expected_plaintext = "\x64" x (1024*1024*12 - 57);
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use TestCommon;
+use File::KDBX::Iterator;
+use File::KDBX::Entry;
+use File::KDBX::Util qw(:load);
+use Iterator::Simple qw(:all);
+use Test::More;
+subtest 'Basic' => sub {
+ my $it = File::KDBX::Iterator->new(1..10);
+ is $it->(), 1, 'Get next item (1)';
+ is $it->(), 2, 'Get next item (2)';
+ $it->unget(-5);
+ is $it->(), -5, 'Unget';
+ is $it->peek, 3, 'Peek at next';
+ is $it->(), 3, 'Get next item (3)';
+ is $it->count, 7, 'Get current size';
+ my $limited = $it->limit(3);
+ is $limited->count, 3, 'Get current size';
+ my $enum = ienumerate $limited;
+ is_deeply $enum->to_array, [[0, 4], [1, 5], [2, 6]], 'Use Iterator::Simple functions';
+ is $it->(), 7, 'Original iterator is drained by composing iterator';
+ is $it->next(sub { $_ == 9 }), 9, 'Find next matching item';
+ is $it->next, 10, 'Item got skipped while finding next match';
+ is $it->peek, undef, 'No more items (peek)';
+ is $it->next, undef, 'No more items (next)';
+ $it->(qw{10 20 30});
+ is_deeply [$it->each], [qw{10 20 30}], 'Fill buffer and get each item (list)';
+ is $it->(), undef, 'Empty';
+ $it->(my $buffer = [qw{a b c}]);
+ my @each;
+ $it->each(sub { push @each, $_ });
+ is_deeply \@each, [qw{a b c}], 'Fill buffer and get each item (function)';
+ is_deeply $buffer, [], 'Buffer is empty';
+subtest 'Sorting' => sub {
+ my $new_it = sub {
+ File::KDBX::Iterator->new(
+ File::KDBX::Entry->new(label => 'foo', icon_id => 1),
+ File::KDBX::Entry->new(label => 'bar', icon_id => 5),
+ File::KDBX::Entry->new(label => 'BaZ', icon_id => 3),
+ File::KDBX::Entry->new(label => 'qux', icon_id => 2),
+ File::KDBX::Entry->new(label => 'Muf', icon_id => 4),
+ );
+ };
+ my @sort = (label => collate => 0);
+ my $it = $new_it->();
+ is_deeply $it->sort_by(@sort)->map(sub { $_->label })->to_array,
+ [qw{BaZ Muf bar foo qux}], 'Sort text ascending';
+ $it = $new_it->();
+ is_deeply $it->sort_by(@sort, case => 0)->map(sub { $_->label })->to_array,
+ [qw{bar BaZ foo Muf qux}], 'Sort text ascending, ignore-case';
+ $it = $new_it->();
+ is_deeply $it->sort_by(@sort, ascending => 0)->map(sub { $_->label })->to_array,
+ [qw{qux foo bar Muf BaZ}], 'Sort text descending';
+ $it = $new_it->();
+ is_deeply $it->sort_by(@sort, ascending => 0, case => 0)->map(sub { $_->label })->to_array,
+ [qw{qux Muf foo BaZ bar}], 'Sort text descending, ignore-case';
+ SKIP: {
+ plan skip_all => 'Unicode::Collate required to test collation sorting'
+ if !try_load_optional('Unicode::Collate');
+ # FIXME I'm missing something....
+ # $it = $new_it->();
+ # is_deeply $it->sort_by('label')->map(sub { $_->label })->to_array,
+ # [qw{BaZ Muf bar foo qux}], 'Sort text ascending using Unicode::Collate';
+ $it = $new_it->();
+ is_deeply $it->sort_by('label', case => 0)->map(sub { $_->label })->to_array,
+ [qw{bar BaZ foo Muf qux}], 'Sort text ascending, ignore-case using Unicode::Collate';
+ }
+ $it = $new_it->();
+ is_deeply $it->nsort_by('icon_id')->map(sub { $_->label })->to_array,
+ [qw{foo qux BaZ Muf bar}], 'Sort text numerically, ascending';
+ $it = $new_it->();
+ is_deeply $it->nsort_by('icon_id', ascending => 0)->map(sub { $_->label })->to_array,
+ [qw{bar Muf BaZ qux foo}], 'Sort text numerically, descending';
- my ($entry) = @{$kdbx->all_entries};
+ my $entry = $kdbx->entries->next;
is $entry->title, 'Sample Entry', 'Get entry title';
is $entry->username, 'Protected User Name', 'Get protected username from entry';
is $entry->password, 'ProtectedPassword', 'Get protected password from entry';
is $kdbx->meta->{database_name}, 'Format400', 'Extract database name from meta';
is $kdbx->root->name, 'Format400', 'Extract name of root group';
- my ($entry, @other) = $kdbx->find_entries([\'400', 'title']);
- is @other, 0, 'Database has one entry';
+ my ($entry, @other) = $kdbx->entries->grep(\'400', 'title')->each;
+ is scalar @other, 0, 'Database has one entry';
is $entry->title, 'Format400', 'Entry is titled';
is $entry->username, 'Format400', 'Entry has a username set';
subtest 'KDBX4.1 upgrade' => sub {
my $kdbx = File::KDBX->new;
- my $group1 = $kdbx->add_group;
- my $group2 = $kdbx->add_group;
- my $entry1 = $kdbx->add_entry;
+ my $group1 = $kdbx->add_group(label => 'One');
+ my $group2 = $kdbx->add_group(label => 'Two');
+ my $entry1 = $kdbx->add_entry(label => 'Meh');
is $kdbx->minimum_version, KDBX_VERSION_4_1, 'Groups with tags requires upgrade';
ok isBoolean($kdbx2->public_custom_data->{bool}), 'Boolean is indeed a boolean';
is $kdbx2->public_custom_data->{bytes}, "\1\2\3\4", 'Store some bytes in public custom data';
- my ($group2) = $kdbx2->find_groups({label => 'Group'});
+ my $group2 = $kdbx2->groups->grep(label => 'Group')->next;
is_deeply $group2->custom_data_value('str'), '你好', 'Store a string in group custom data';
is_deeply $group2->custom_data_value('num'), '42', 'Store a number in group custom data';
is_deeply $group2->custom_data_value('bool'), '1', 'Store a boolean in group custom data';
- my ($entry2) = $kdbx2->find_entries({label => 'Entry'});
+ my $entry2 = $kdbx2->entries->grep(label => 'Entry')->next;
is_deeply $entry2->custom_data_value('str'), '你好', 'Store a string in entry custom data';
is_deeply $entry2->custom_data_value('num'), '42', 'Store a number in entry custom data';
is_deeply $entry2->custom_data_value('bool'), '0', 'Store a boolean in entry custom data';
'Entry in database and its copy with username ref have same expanded username';
$copy = $entry->clone;
- is @{$kdbx->all_entries}, 1, 'Still only one entry after cloning';
+ is $kdbx->entries->size, 1, 'Still only one entry after cloning';
$copy = $entry->clone(parent => 1);
- is @{$kdbx->all_entries}, 2, 'New copy added to database if clone with parent option';
- my ($e1, $e2) = @{$kdbx->all_entries};
+ is $kdbx->entries->size, 2, 'New copy added to database if clone with parent option';
+ my ($e1, $e2) = $kdbx->entries->each;
isnt $e1, $e2, 'Entry and its copy in the database are different objects';
is $e1->title, $e2->title, 'Entry copy has the same title as the original entry';
$copy = $entry->clone(parent => 1, relabel => 1);
- is @{$kdbx->all_entries}, 3, 'New copy added to database if clone with parent option';
- is $kdbx->all_entries->[2], $copy, 'New copy and new entry in the database match';
- is $kdbx->all_entries->[2]->title, "foo - Copy", 'New copy has a modified title';
+ is $kdbx->entries->size, 3, 'New copy added to database if clone with parent option';
+ my $e3 = $kdbx->entries->skip(2)->next;
+ is $e3, $copy, 'New copy and new entry in the database match';
+ is $e3->title, 'foo - Copy', 'New copy has a modified title';
$copy = $group->clone;
cmp_deeply $copy, $group, 'Group and its clone are identical';
$copy = $group->clone(relabel => 1);
is $copy->name, 'Passwords - Copy', 'Group copy relabeled from the original title';
- is @{$kdbx->all_entries}, 3, 'No new entries were added to the database';
+ is $kdbx->entries->size, 3, 'No new entries were added to the database';
$copy = $group->clone(relabel => 1, parent => 1);
- is @{$kdbx->all_entries}, 6, 'Copy a group within parent doubles the number of entries in the database';
+ is $kdbx->entries->size, 6, 'Copy a group within parent doubles the number of entries in the database';
isnt $group->entries->[0]->uuid, $copy->entries->[0]->uuid,
'First entry in group and its copy are different';