sub lock {
my $self = shift;
- $self->_safe and return $self;
+ # Find things to lock:
my @strings;
$self->entries(history => 1)->each(sub {
- push @strings, grep { $_->{protect} } values %{$_->strings}, values %{$_->binaries};
+ my $strings = $_->strings;
+ for my $string_key (keys %$strings) {
+ my $string = $strings->{$string_key};
+ push @strings, $string if $string->{protect} // $self->memory_protection($string_key);
+ }
+ push @strings, grep { $_->{protect} } values %{$_->binaries};
+ return $self if !@strings; # nothing to do
- $self->_safe(File::KDBX::Safe->new(\@strings));
+ if (my $safe = $self->_safe) {
+ $safe->add(\@strings);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->_safe(File::KDBX::Safe->new(\@strings));
+ }
return $self;
return $self->{strings}{$key} = $args{value} if is_plain_hashref($args{value});
+ # Auto-vivify the standard strings.
+ if (!exists $self->{strings}{$key} && $STANDARD_STRINGS{$key}) {
+ $args{value} //= '';
+ $args{protect} //= true if $self->_protect($key);
+ }
while (my ($field, $value) = each %args) {
$self->{strings}{$key}{$field} = $value;
- # Auto-vivify the standard strings.
- if ($STANDARD_STRINGS{$key}) {
- return $self->{strings}{$key} //= {value => '', $self->_protect($key) ? (protect => true) : ()};
- }
return $self->{strings}{$key};
$entry->creation_time('2022-02-02 12:34:56');
cmp_ok $entry->creation_time->epoch, '==', 1643805296, 'Creation time coerced into a Time::Piece (epoch)';
is $entry->creation_time->datetime, '2022-02-02T12:34:56', 'Creation time coerced into a Time::Piece';
+ $entry->username('foo');
+ cmp_deeply $entry->strings->{UserName}, {
+ value => 'foo',
+ }, 'Username setter works';
+ $entry->password('bar');
+ cmp_deeply $entry->strings->{Password}, {
+ value => 'bar',
+ protect => bool(1),
+ }, 'Password setter works';
subtest 'Custom icons' => sub {
is $keys, 'blah', 'Select the correct association';
+subtest 'Memory protection' => sub {
+ my $kdbx = File::KDBX->new;
+ is exception { $kdbx->lock }, undef, 'Can lock empty database';
+ $kdbx->unlock; # should be no-op since nothing was locked
+ my $entry = $kdbx->root->add_entry(
+ title => 'My Bank',
+ username => 'mreynolds',
+ password => 's3cr3t',
+ );
+ $entry->string(Custom => 'foo', protect => 1);
+ $entry->binary(Binary => 'bar', protect => 1);
+ $entry->binary(UnprotectedBinary => 'baz');
+ is exception { $kdbx->lock }, undef, 'Can lock new database';
+ is $entry->username, 'mreynolds', 'UserName does not get locked';
+ is $entry->password, undef, 'Password is lockable';
+ is $entry->string_value('Custom'), undef, 'Custom is lockable';
+ is $entry->binary_value('Binary'), undef, 'Binary is lockable';
+ is $entry->binary_value('UnprotectedBinary'), 'baz', 'Unprotected binary does not get locked';
+ $kdbx->unlock;
+ is $entry->password, 's3cr3t', 'Password is unlockable';
+ is $entry->string_value('Custom'), 'foo', 'Custom is unlockable';
+ is $entry->binary_value('Binary'), 'bar', 'Binary is unlockable';