not all, guidelines:
* use 4 space indents
* tabs should not appear in source files
- * functions should have the opening and closing braces on their own
- lines
- * most other constructs should have braces on the same line as the
- statement
+ * closing braces always go on a new line
+ * for functions, the opening brace goes on a new line
+ void foo()
+ {
+ hi;
+ }
+ * for control blocks, the opening brace goes on the same line as the
+ condition, unless the condition spans more than one line. then the brace
+ goes on a new line.
+ if (one line) {
+ hi;
+ }
+ if (first line &&
+ second line)
+ {
+ hi;
+ }
* else appears on a new line, just like an if
+ if (testing) {
+ hi;
+ }
+ else if (other) {
+ bye;
+ }
+ * always use braces around conditional blocks that consist of more than one
+ line, even if they contain a single statement
+ if (check) {
+ /* Check was true. */
+ yay = true(ok,
+ thanks);
+ }
+ * don't need to use braces for conditional blocks that use only a single
+ line, including comments.
+ if (check)
+ all_on_one_line_so_no_braces_needed();
* when in doubt look at the rest of the source
* vim users can use "set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4
softtabstop=4" for some of this