GSList *it;
guint i;
- desktop_cycle_popup = pager_popup_new(FALSE);
- pager_popup_height(desktop_cycle_popup, POPUP_HEIGHT);
if (!reconfig)
/* get the initial size */
+ desktop_cycle_popup = pager_popup_new(FALSE);
+ pager_popup_height(desktop_cycle_popup, POPUP_HEIGHT);
+#if 0
/* get the names */
if (PROP_GETSS(RootWindow(ob_display, ob_screen),
net_desktop_names, utf8, &screen_desktop_names))
for (i = 0; screen_desktop_names[i]; ++i);
i = 0;
for (it = g_slist_nth(config_desktops_names, i); it;
it = g_slist_next(it), ++i)
screen_desktop_names = g_renew(gchar*, screen_desktop_names, i + 2);
- screen_desktop_names[i+1] = NULL;
screen_desktop_names[i] = g_strdup(it->data);
+ screen_desktop_names[i+1] = NULL;
/* then set the names */
PROP_SETSS(RootWindow(ob_display, ob_screen),
a = screen_physical_area_monitor(0);
pager_popup_position(desktop_cycle_popup, CenterGravity,
a->x + a->width / 2, a->y + a->height / 2);
+ pager_popup_max_width(desktop_cycle_popup,
+ MAX(a->width/3, POPUP_WIDTH));
pager_popup_show(desktop_cycle_popup, screen_desktop_names[d], d);
if (PROP_GETSS(RootWindow(ob_display, ob_screen),
net_desktop_names, utf8, &screen_desktop_names))
- for (i = 0; screen_desktop_names[i] && i <= screen_num_desktops; ++i);
+ for (i = 0; screen_desktop_names[i] && i < screen_num_desktops; ++i);
i = 0;
- if (i <= screen_num_desktops) {
+ if (i < screen_num_desktops - 1) {
screen_desktop_names = g_renew(gchar*, screen_desktop_names,
screen_num_desktops + 1);
screen_desktop_names[screen_num_desktops] = NULL;
- for (; i < screen_num_desktops; ++i)
+ for (; i < screen_num_desktops - 1; ++i)
screen_desktop_names[i] = g_strdup_printf("desktop %i", i + 1);
/* resize the pager for these names */
- pager_popup_width_to_strings(desktop_cycle_popup,
- screen_desktop_names,
- screen_num_desktops,
- MAX(screen_physical_area_monitor(0)->width/3,
+ pager_popup_text_width_to_strings(desktop_cycle_popup,
+ screen_desktop_names,
+ screen_num_desktops);
void screen_show_desktop(gboolean show, gboolean restore_focus)