--- /dev/null
+package Chatty::Model::Meteor;
+use Moose;
+use namespace::autoclean;
+use IO::Socket;
+extends 'Catalyst::Model';
+# TODO: does not reconnect to cometd if connection is broken
+has 'cnx' => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ lazy => 1,
+ required => 1,
+ default => sub {
+ IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ PeerAddr => 'localhost',
+ PeerPort => 4671,
+ Proto => 'tcp'
+ );
+ },
+=head1 NAME
+Chatty::Model::Meteor - Catalyst Model
+Handles interaction with the meteor comet server.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 addMessage
+Post a message to the server.
+sub addMessage {
+ my ($self, $channel, $message) = @_;
+ my $cnx = $self->cnx;
+ print $cnx "ADDMESSAGE $channel $message\n";
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Charles McGarvey
+=head1 LICENSE
+This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.