]> Dogcows Code - chaz/openbox/blob - src/bbwindow.hh
make setStyle() recursive
[chaz/openbox] / src / bbwindow.hh
1 // -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*-
2 #ifndef __Window_hh
3 #define __Window_hh
5 extern "C" {
6 #include <X11/Xlib.h>
7 #include <X11/Xutil.h>
8 #ifdef SHAPE
9 # include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
10 #endif // SHAPE
11 }
13 #include <string>
15 #include "otk/timer.hh"
16 #include "otk/property.hh"
17 #include "otk/rect.hh"
18 #include "otk/strut.hh"
19 #include "blackbox.hh"
20 #include "otk/util.hh"
22 #define MwmHintsFunctions (1l << 0)
23 #define MwmHintsDecorations (1l << 1)
25 #define MwmFuncAll (1l << 0)
26 #define MwmFuncResize (1l << 1)
27 #define MwmFuncMove (1l << 2)
28 #define MwmFuncIconify (1l << 3)
29 #define MwmFuncMaximize (1l << 4)
30 #define MwmFuncClose (1l << 5)
32 #define MwmDecorAll (1l << 0)
33 #define MwmDecorBorder (1l << 1)
34 #define MwmDecorHandle (1l << 2)
35 #define MwmDecorTitle (1l << 3)
36 #define MwmDecorMenu (1l << 4) // not used
37 #define MwmDecorIconify (1l << 5)
38 #define MwmDecorMaximize (1l << 6)
40 namespace ob {
42 // this structure only contains 3 elements... the Motif 2.0 structure contains
43 // 5... we only need the first 3... so that is all we will define
44 typedef struct MwmHints {
45 unsigned long flags, functions, decorations;
46 } MwmHints;
48 #define PropMwmHintsElements 3
50 class BWindowGroup {
51 private:
52 Blackbox *blackbox;
53 Window group;
54 BlackboxWindowList windowList;
56 public:
57 BWindowGroup(Blackbox *b, Window _group);
58 ~BWindowGroup(void);
60 inline Window groupWindow(void) const { return group; }
62 inline bool empty(void) const { return windowList.empty(); }
64 void addWindow(BlackboxWindow *w) { windowList.push_back(w); }
65 void removeWindow(BlackboxWindow *w) { windowList.remove(w); }
67 /*
68 find a window on the specified screen. the focused window (if any) is
69 checked first, otherwise the first matching window found is returned.
70 transients are returned only if allow_transients is True.
71 */
72 BlackboxWindow *find(BScreen *screen, bool allow_transients = False) const;
73 };
76 class BlackboxWindow {
77 public:
78 enum Function { Func_Resize = (1l << 0),
79 Func_Move = (1l << 1),
80 Func_Iconify = (1l << 2),
81 Func_Maximize = (1l << 3),
82 Func_Close = (1l << 4) };
83 typedef unsigned char FunctionFlags;
85 enum Decoration { Decor_Titlebar = (1l << 0),
86 Decor_Handle = (1l << 1),
87 Decor_Border = (1l << 2),
88 Decor_Iconify = (1l << 3),
89 Decor_Maximize = (1l << 4),
90 Decor_Close = (1l << 5) };
91 typedef unsigned char DecorationFlags;
93 enum WindowType { Type_Desktop,
94 Type_Dock,
95 Type_Toolbar,
96 Type_Menu,
97 Type_Utility,
98 Type_Splash,
99 Type_Dialog,
100 Type_Normal };
102 enum Corner { TopLeft,
103 TopRight,
104 BottomLeft,
105 BottomRight };
107 private:
108 Blackbox *blackbox;
109 BScreen *screen;
110 otk::OBProperty *xatom;
111 otk::OBTimer *timer;
112 BlackboxAttributes blackbox_attrib;
114 Time lastButtonPressTime; // used for double clicks, when were we clicked
116 unsigned int window_number;
117 unsigned long current_state;
118 unsigned int mod_mask; // the mod mask used to grab buttons
120 enum FocusMode { F_NoInput = 0, F_Passive,
121 F_LocallyActive, F_GloballyActive };
122 FocusMode focus_mode;
124 struct _flags {
125 bool moving, // is moving?
126 resizing, // is resizing?
127 shaded, // is shaded?
128 visible, // is visible?
129 iconic, // is iconified?
130 focused, // has focus?
131 stuck, // is omnipresent?
132 modal, // is modal? (must be dismissed to continue)
133 skip_taskbar, // skipped by taskbars?
134 skip_pager, // skipped by pagers?
135 fullscreen, // a fullscreen window?
136 send_focus_message, // should we send focus messages to our client?
137 shaped; // does the frame use the shape extension?
138 unsigned int maximized; // maximize is special, the number corresponds
139 // with a mouse button
140 // if 0, not maximized
141 // 1 = HorizVert, 2 = Vertical, 3 = Horizontal
142 } flags;
144 struct _client {
145 Window window, // the client's window
146 window_group;
147 BlackboxWindow *transient_for; // which window are we a transient for?
148 BlackboxWindowList transientList; // which windows are our transients?
150 std::string title, icon_title;
152 otk::Rect rect;
153 otk::Strut strut;
155 int old_bw; // client's borderwidth
157 unsigned int
158 min_width, min_height, // can not be resized smaller
159 max_width, max_height, // can not be resized larger
160 width_inc, height_inc, // increment step
161 #if 0 // not supported at the moment
162 min_aspect_x, min_aspect_y, // minimum aspect ratio
163 max_aspect_x, max_aspect_y, // maximum aspect ratio
164 #endif
165 base_width, base_height,
166 win_gravity;
168 unsigned long initial_state, normal_hint_flags;
169 } client;
171 FunctionFlags functions;
172 /*
173 * what decorations do we have?
174 * this is based on the type of the client window as well as user input
175 */
176 DecorationFlags decorations;
177 DecorationFlags mwm_decorations;
178 Corner resize_dir;
179 WindowType window_type;
181 /*
182 * client window = the application's window
183 * frame window = the window drawn around the outside of the client window
184 * by the window manager which contains items like the
185 * titlebar and close button
186 * title = the titlebar drawn above the client window, it displays the
187 * window's name and any buttons for interacting with the window,
188 * such as iconify, maximize, and close
189 * label = the window in the titlebar where the title is drawn
190 * buttons = maximize, iconify, close
191 * handle = the bar drawn at the bottom of the window, which contains the
192 * left and right grips used for resizing the window
193 * grips = the smaller reactangles in the handle, one of each side of it.
194 * When clicked and dragged, these resize the window interactively
195 * border = the line drawn around the outside edge of the frame window,
196 * between the title, the bordered client window, and the handle.
197 * Also drawn between the grips and the handle
198 */
200 struct _frame {
201 // u -> unfocused, f -> has focus, p -> pressed
202 unsigned long ulabel_pixel, flabel_pixel, utitle_pixel,
203 ftitle_pixel, uhandle_pixel, fhandle_pixel, ubutton_pixel,
204 fbutton_pixel, pfbutton_pixel, pubutton_pixel,
205 uborder_pixel, fborder_pixel, ugrip_pixel, fgrip_pixel;
206 Pixmap ulabel, flabel, utitle, ftitle, uhandle, fhandle,
207 ubutton, fbutton, pfbutton, pubutton, ugrip, fgrip;
209 Window window, // the frame
210 plate, // holds the client
211 title,
212 label,
213 handle,
214 close_button, iconify_button, maximize_button, stick_button,
215 right_grip, left_grip;
217 /*
218 * size and location of the box drawn while the window dimensions or
219 * location is being changed, ie. resized or moved
220 */
221 otk::Rect changing;
223 otk::Rect rect; // frame geometry
224 otk::Strut margin; // margins between the frame and client
226 int grab_x, grab_y; // where was the window when it was grabbed?
228 unsigned int inside_w, inside_h, // window w/h without border_w
229 title_h, label_w, label_h, handle_h,
230 button_w, grip_w, mwm_border_w, border_w,
231 bevel_w;
232 } frame;
234 BlackboxWindow(const BlackboxWindow&);
235 BlackboxWindow& operator=(const BlackboxWindow&);
237 bool getState(void);
238 Window createToplevelWindow();
239 Window createChildWindow(Window parent, unsigned long event_mask,
240 Cursor = None);
242 bool getWindowType(void);
243 void updateStrut(void);
244 void getWMName(void);
245 void getWMIconName(void);
246 void getWMNormalHints(void);
247 void getWMProtocols(void);
248 void getWMHints(void);
249 void getNetWMHints(void);
250 void getMWMHints(void);
251 bool getBlackboxHints(void);
252 void getTransientInfo(void);
253 void setNetWMAttributes(void);
254 void associateClientWindow(void);
255 void decorate(void);
256 void decorateLabel(void);
257 void positionButtons(bool redecorate_label = False);
258 void positionWindows(void);
259 void createHandle(void);
260 void destroyHandle(void);
261 void createTitlebar(void);
262 void destroyTitlebar(void);
263 void createCloseButton(void);
264 void destroyCloseButton(void);
265 void createIconifyButton(void);
266 void destroyIconifyButton(void);
267 void createMaximizeButton(void);
268 void destroyMaximizeButton(void);
269 void createStickyButton(void);
270 void destroyStickyButton(void);
271 void redrawWindowFrame(void) const;
272 void redrawLabel(void) const;
273 void redrawAllButtons(void) const;
274 void redrawButton(bool pressed, Window win,
275 Pixmap fppix, unsigned long fppixel,
276 Pixmap uppix, unsigned long uppixel,
277 Pixmap fpix, unsigned long fpixel,
278 Pixmap upix, unsigned long upixel) const;
279 void redrawCloseButton(bool pressed) const;
280 void redrawIconifyButton(bool pressed) const;
281 void redrawMaximizeButton(bool pressed) const;
282 void redrawStickyButton(bool pressed) const;
283 void applyGravity(otk::Rect &r);
284 void restoreGravity(otk::Rect &r);
285 void setAllowedActions(void);
286 void setState(unsigned long new_state);
287 void upsize(void);
288 void doMove(int x_root, int y_root);
289 void doWorkspaceWarping(int x_root, int y_root, int &dx);
290 void doWindowSnapping(int &dx, int &dy);
291 void endMove(void);
292 void doResize(int x_root, int y_root);
293 void endResize(void);
295 void constrain(Corner anchor, unsigned int *pw = 0, unsigned int *ph = 0);
297 public:
298 BlackboxWindow(Blackbox *b, Window w, BScreen *s);
299 virtual ~BlackboxWindow(void);
301 inline bool isTransient(void) const { return client.transient_for != 0; }
302 inline bool isFocused(void) const { return flags.focused; }
303 inline bool isVisible(void) const { return flags.visible; }
304 inline bool isIconic(void) const { return flags.iconic; }
305 inline bool isShaded(void) const { return flags.shaded; }
306 inline bool isMaximized(void) const { return flags.maximized; }
307 inline bool isMaximizedHoriz(void) const { return flags.maximized == 3; }
308 inline bool isMaximizedVert(void) const { return flags.maximized == 2; }
309 inline bool isMaximizedFull(void) const { return flags.maximized == 1; }
310 inline bool isStuck(void) const { return flags.stuck; }
311 inline bool isModal(void) const { return flags.modal; }
312 inline bool isIconifiable(void) const { return functions & Func_Iconify; }
313 inline bool isMaximizable(void) const { return functions & Func_Maximize; }
314 inline bool isResizable(void) const { return functions & Func_Resize; }
315 inline bool isClosable(void) const { return functions & Func_Close; }
317 // is a 'normal' window? meaning, a standard client application
318 inline bool isNormal(void) const
319 { return window_type == Type_Dialog || window_type == Type_Normal ||
320 window_type == Type_Toolbar || window_type == Type_Utility; }
321 inline bool isTopmost(void) const
322 { return window_type == Type_Toolbar || window_type == Type_Utility; }
323 inline bool isDesktop(void) const { return window_type == Type_Desktop; }
325 inline bool hasTitlebar(void) const { return decorations & Decor_Titlebar; }
327 inline const BlackboxWindowList &getTransients(void) const
328 { return client.transientList; }
329 BlackboxWindow *getTransientFor(void) const;
331 inline BScreen *getScreen(void) const { return screen; }
333 inline Window getFrameWindow(void) const { return frame.window; }
334 inline Window getClientWindow(void) const { return client.window; }
335 inline Window getGroupWindow(void) const { return client.window_group; }
337 inline const char *getTitle(void) const
338 { return client.title.c_str(); }
339 inline const char *getIconTitle(void) const
340 { return client.icon_title.c_str(); }
342 inline unsigned int getWorkspaceNumber(void) const
343 { return blackbox_attrib.workspace; }
344 inline unsigned int getWindowNumber(void) const { return window_number; }
346 inline const otk::Rect &frameRect(void) const { return frame.rect; }
347 inline const otk::Rect &clientRect(void) const { return client.rect; }
349 inline unsigned int getTitleHeight(void) const
350 { return frame.title_h; }
352 inline void setWindowNumber(int n) { window_number = n; }
354 bool validateClient(void) const;
355 bool setInputFocus(void);
357 // none of these are used by the window manager, they are here to persist
358 // them properly in the window's netwm state property.
359 inline bool skipTaskbar(void) const { return flags.skip_taskbar; }
360 inline void setSkipTaskbar(const bool s) { flags.skip_taskbar = s; }
361 inline bool skipPager(void) const { return flags.skip_pager; }
362 inline void setSkipPager(const bool s) { flags.skip_pager = s; }
363 inline bool isFullscreen(void) const { return flags.fullscreen; }
364 inline void setFullscreen(const bool f) { flags.fullscreen = f; }
366 inline void setModal(const bool m) { flags.modal = m; }
368 void beginMove(int x_root, int y_root);
369 void beginResize(int x_root, int y_root, Corner dir);
370 void enableDecor(bool enable);
371 void setupDecor();
372 void setFocusFlag(bool focus);
373 void iconify(void);
374 void deiconify(bool reassoc = True, bool raise = True);
375 void show(void);
376 void close(void);
377 void withdraw(void);
378 void maximize(unsigned int button);
379 void remaximize(void);
380 void shade(void);
381 void stick(void);
382 void reconfigure(void);
383 void grabButtons(void);
384 void ungrabButtons(void);
385 void installColormap(bool install);
386 void restore(bool remap);
387 void configure(int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh);
388 void setWorkspace(unsigned int n);
389 void changeBlackboxHints(const BlackboxHints *net);
390 void restoreAttributes(void);
392 void buttonPressEvent(const XButtonEvent *be);
393 void buttonReleaseEvent(const XButtonEvent *re);
394 void motionNotifyEvent(const XMotionEvent *me);
395 void destroyNotifyEvent(const XDestroyWindowEvent* /*unused*/);
396 void mapRequestEvent(const XMapRequestEvent *mre);
397 void unmapNotifyEvent(const XUnmapEvent* /*unused*/);
398 void reparentNotifyEvent(const XReparentEvent* /*unused*/);
399 void propertyNotifyEvent(const XPropertyEvent *pe);
400 void exposeEvent(const XExposeEvent *ee);
401 void configureRequestEvent(const XConfigureRequestEvent *cr);
402 void enterNotifyEvent(const XCrossingEvent *ce);
403 void leaveNotifyEvent(const XCrossingEvent* /*unused*/);
405 #ifdef SHAPE
406 void configureShape(void);
407 void clearShape(void);
408 void shapeEvent(XShapeEvent * /*unused*/);
409 #endif // SHAPE
411 static void timeout(BlackboxWindow *t);
412 };
414 }
416 #endif // __Window_hh
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