]> Dogcows Code - chaz/p5-CGI-Ex/blob - samples/devel/memory_app.pl
CGI::Ex 2.24
[chaz/p5-CGI-Ex] / samples / devel / memory_app.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 =head1 NAME
5 memory_app.pl - Test memory usage and benchmark speed comparison with CGI::Application
7 =cut
9 use Benchmark qw(cmpthese timethese);
10 use strict;
12 my $swap = {
13 one => "ONE",
14 two => "TWO",
15 three => "THREE",
16 a_var => "a",
17 hash => {a => 1, b => 2},
18 code => sub {"($_[0])"},
19 };
21 my $form = q{([% has_errors %])(<TMPL_VAR has_errors>)<form name=foo><input type=text name="bar" value=""><input type=text name="baz"></form>};
22 my $str_ht = $form . (q{Well hello there (<TMPL_VAR script_name>)} x 20) ."\n";
23 my $str_tt = $form . (q{Well hello there ([% script_name %])} x 20) ."\n";
25 my $template_ht = \$str_ht;
26 my $template_tt = \$str_tt;
28 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
29 use Scalar::Util;
30 use Time::HiRes;
31 use CGI;
32 use CGI::Ex::Dump qw(debug);
33 use Template::Alloy load => 'Parse', 'Play', 'HTML::Template', 'Template';
34 $Template::VERSION = 2.18;
35 #use HTML::Template;
37 my $tests = {
38 'C::A - bare' => sub {
39 package FooBare;
40 require CGI::Application;
41 @FooBare::ISA = qw(CGI::Application);
43 sub setup {
44 my $self = shift;
45 $self->start_mode('main');
46 $self->mode_param(path_info => 1);
47 $self->run_modes(main => sub { "Simple test" });
48 }
50 FooBare->new->run;
51 },
52 'C::E::A - bare' => sub {
53 package FooBare;
54 require CGI::Ex::App;
55 @FooBare::ISA = qw(CGI::Ex::App);
57 sub main_run_step {
58 my $self = shift;
59 print "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
60 #$self->cgix->print_content_type;
61 print "Simple test";
62 1;
63 }
65 FooBare->navigate({form => {}});
66 },
67 'Handwritten - bare' => sub {
68 package FooBare2;
70 sub new { bless {}, __PACKAGE__ }
72 sub main {
73 my $self = shift;
74 print "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
75 print "Simple test";
76 }
78 FooBare2->new->main;
79 },
80 #'CGI::Prototype - bare' => sub {
81 # package FooBare;
82 # require CGI::Prototype;
83 #},
85 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
87 #'C::A - simple htonly' => sub {
88 # require CGI::Application;
89 # my $t = CGI::Application->new->load_tmpl($template_ht, die_on_bad_params => 0);
90 # $t->param(script_name => 2);
91 # print $t->output;
92 #},
93 #'C::E::A - simple htonly' => sub {
94 # require CGI::Ex::App;
95 # my $out = '';
96 # CGI::Ex::App->new->template_obj({SYNTAX => 'hte'})->process($template_ht, {script_name=>2}, \$out);
97 # print $out;
98 #},
100 'C::A - simple ht' => sub {
101 package FooHT;
102 require CGI::Application;
103 @FooHT::ISA = qw(CGI::Application);
105 sub setup {
106 my $self = shift;
107 $self->start_mode('main');
108 $self->mode_param(path_info => 1);
109 $self->run_modes(main => sub {
110 my $self = shift;
111 my $t = $self->load_tmpl($template_ht, die_on_bad_params => 0);
112 $t->param('script_name', $0);
113 return $t->output();
114 });
115 }
117 FooHT->new->run;
118 },
119 'C::E::A - simple ht' => sub {
120 package FooHT;
121 require CGI::Ex::App;
122 @FooHT::ISA = qw(CGI::Ex::App);
124 sub main_file_print { $template_ht }
125 sub template_args { {SYNTAX => 'hte'} } # , GLOBAL_CACHE => 1, COMPILE_PERL => 2} }
126 sub fill_template {}
127 sub print_out { my ($self, $step, $out) = @_; print "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n$$out" }
129 FooHT->navigate({no_history => 1, form => {}});
130 },
131 'C::A - simple tt' => sub {
132 package FooTT;
133 require CGI::Application;
134 @FooTT::ISA = qw(CGI::Application);
135 require CGI::Application::Plugin::TT;
136 CGI::Application::Plugin::TT->import;
138 sub setup {
139 my $self = shift;
140 $self->start_mode('main');
142 $self->run_modes(main => sub {
143 my $self = shift;
144 return $self->tt_process($template_tt, {script_name => $0});
145 });
146 }
148 FooTT->new->run;
149 },
150 'C::E::A - simple tt' => sub {
151 package FooTT;
152 require CGI::Ex::App;
153 @FooTT::ISA = qw(CGI::Ex::App);
154 sub main_file_print { $template_tt }
155 sub fill_template {}
156 sub print_out { my ($self, $step, $out) = @_; print "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n$$out" }
157 FooTT->navigate({no_history => 1, form => {}});
158 },
160 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
162 'C::A - complex ht' => sub {
163 package FooComplexHT;
164 require CGI::Application;
165 @FooComplexHT::ISA = qw(CGI::Application);
166 require CGI::Application::Plugin::ValidateRM;
167 CGI::Application::Plugin::ValidateRM->import('check_rm');
168 require CGI::Application::Plugin::FillInForm;
169 CGI::Application::Plugin::FillInForm->import('fill_form');
171 sub setup {
172 my $self = shift;
173 $self->start_mode('main');
174 $self->mode_param(path_info => 1);
175 $self->run_modes(main => sub {
176 my $self = shift;
177 my ($results, $err_page) = $self->check_rm('error_page','_profile');
178 return $err_page if $err_page;
179 die "Got here";
180 });
181 }
183 sub error_page {
184 my $self = shift;
185 my $errs = shift;
186 my $t = $self->load_tmpl($template_ht, die_on_bad_params => 0);
187 $t->param('script_name', $0);
188 $t->param($errs) if $errs;
189 $t->param(has_errors => 1) if $errs;
190 my $q = $self->query;
191 $q->param(bar => 'BAROOSELVELT');
192 return $self->fill_form(\$t->output, $q);
193 }
195 sub _profile { return {required => [qw(bar baz)], msgs => {prefix => 'err_'}} };
197 FooComplexHT->new->run;
198 },
199 'C::E::A - complex ht' => sub {
200 package FooComplexHT;
201 require CGI::Ex::App;
202 @FooComplexHT::ISA = qw(CGI::Ex::App);
204 sub main_file_print { $template_ht }
205 sub main_hash_fill { {bar => 'BAROOSELVELT'} }
206 sub main_hash_validation { {bar => {required => 1}, baz => {required => 1}} }
207 sub main_finalize { die "Got here" }
208 sub template_args { {SYNTAX => 'hte'} } # , GLOBAL_CACHE => 1, COMPILE_PERL => 2} }
209 sub print_out { my ($self, $step, $out) = @_; print "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n$$out" }
211 local $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} = 'POST';
212 FooComplexHT->navigate({no_history => 1, form => {}});
213 },
214 'C::A - complex tt' => sub {
215 package FooComplexTT;
216 require CGI::Application;
217 @FooComplexTT::ISA = qw(CGI::Application);
218 require CGI::Application::Plugin::TT;
219 CGI::Application::Plugin::TT->import;
220 require CGI::Application::Plugin::ValidateRM;
221 CGI::Application::Plugin::ValidateRM->import('check_rm');
222 require CGI::Application::Plugin::FillInForm;
223 CGI::Application::Plugin::FillInForm->import('fill_form');
225 sub setup {
226 my $self = shift;
227 $self->start_mode('main');
229 $self->run_modes(main => sub {
230 my $self = shift;
231 my ($results, $err_page) = $self->check_rm('error_page','_profile');
232 return $err_page if $err_page;
233 die "Got here";
234 });
235 }
237 sub error_page {
238 my $self = shift;
239 my $errs = shift;
240 my $out = $self->tt_process($template_tt, {script_name => $0, %{$errs || {}}, has_errors => ($errs ? 1 : 0)});
241 my $q = $self->query;
242 $q->param(bar => 'BAROOSELVELT');
243 return $self->fill_form(\$out, $q);
244 }
246 sub _profile { return {required => [qw(bar baz)], msgs => {prefix => 'err_'}} };
248 FooComplexTT->new->run;
249 },
250 'C::E::A - complex tt' => sub {
251 package FooComplexTT;
252 require CGI::Ex::App;
253 @FooComplexTT::ISA = qw(CGI::Ex::App);
254 sub main_file_print { $template_tt }
255 sub main_hash_fill { {bar => 'BAROOSELVELT'} }
256 sub main_hash_validation { {bar => {required => 1}, baz => {required => 1}} }
257 sub main_finalize { die "Got here" }
258 sub print_out { my ($self, $step, $out) = @_; print "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n$$out" }
260 local $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} = 'POST';
261 FooComplexTT->navigate({no_history => 1, form => {}});
262 },
264 #'Template::Alloy - bare ht' => sub { require Template::Alloy; Template::Alloy->import('HTE') },
265 #'Template::Alloy - bare tt' => sub { require Template::Alloy; Template::Alloy->import('TT') },
266 };
268 #perl -d:DProf samples/devel/memory_app.pl ; dprofpp tmon.out
269 #select($_) if open($_, ">>/dev/null");
270 $tests->{'C::E::A - complex tt'}->()
271 # for 1 .. 1000
272 ;
273 #exit;
275 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
277 my %_INC = %INC;
278 my @pids;
279 foreach my $name (sort keys %$tests) {
280 my $pid = fork;
281 if (! $pid) {
282 $0 = "$0 - $name";
283 my $fh;
284 select($fh) if open($fh, ">>/dev/null");
285 $tests->{$name}->() for 1 .. 1;
286 sleep 1;
287 select STDOUT;
288 print "$name times: (@{[times]})\n";
289 print "$name $_\n" foreach sort grep {! $_INC{$_}} keys %INC;
290 sleep 15;
291 exit;
292 }
293 push @pids, $pid;
294 }
296 sleep 2;
297 # print "Parent - $_\n" foreach sort keys %INC;
298 print grep {/\Q$0\E/} `ps fauwx`;
299 kill 15, @pids;
301 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
303 exit if grep {/no_?bench/i} @ARGV;
306 foreach my $type (qw(bare simple complex)) {
307 my $hash = {};
308 open(my $fh, ">>/dev/null") || die "Can't access /dev/null: $!";
309 foreach my $name (keys %$tests) {
310 next if $name !~ /\b$type\b/;
311 (my $copy = $name) =~ s/\s*\b$type\b//;
312 $hash->{$copy} = sub {
313 select $fh;
314 $tests->{$name}->();
315 select STDOUT;
316 };
317 }
318 print "-------------------------------------------------\n";
319 print "--- Testing $type\n";
320 cmpthese timethese -2, $hash;
321 }
323 =head1 NOTES
325 Abbreviations:
327 C::E::A - CGI::Ex::App
328 C::A - CGI::Application
330 The tests are currently run with the following code:
332 use Template::Alloy load => 'Parse', 'Play', 'HTML::Template', 'Template';
334 This assures that CGI::Application will use the same templating system
335 as CGI::Ex::App so that template system issues don't affect overall
336 performance. With the line commented out and CGI::Application using
337 HTML::Template (ht), C::A has a slight speed benefit, though it still
338 uses more memory. With the line commented out and CGI::Application
339 using Template (tt), C::E::A is 2 to 3 times faster and uses a lot
340 less memory.
342 =head1 SAMPLE OUTPUT
344 paul 23927 4.3 0.5 8536 6016 pts/1 S+ 11:36 0:00 | \_ perl samples/devel/memory_app.pl
345 paul 23928 1.0 0.5 8988 5992 pts/1 S+ 11:36 0:00 | \_ samples/devel/memory_app.pl - C::A - bare
346 paul 23929 2.0 0.6 9988 7152 pts/1 S+ 11:36 0:00 | \_ samples/devel/memory_app.pl - C::A - complex ht
347 paul 23930 2.5 0.7 10172 7336 pts/1 S+ 11:36 0:00 | \_ samples/devel/memory_app.pl - C::A - complex tt
348 paul 23931 1.0 0.5 8988 6024 pts/1 S+ 11:36 0:00 | \_ samples/devel/memory_app.pl - C::A - simple ht
349 paul 23932 1.5 0.6 9308 6276 pts/1 S+ 11:36 0:00 | \_ samples/devel/memory_app.pl - C::A - simple tt
350 paul 23933 0.0 0.5 8536 5200 pts/1 S+ 11:36 0:00 | \_ samples/devel/memory_app.pl - C::E::A - bare
351 paul 23934 1.0 0.6 9328 6384 pts/1 S+ 11:36 0:00 | \_ samples/devel/memory_app.pl - C::E::A - complex ht
352 paul 23935 1.0 0.6 9328 6392 pts/1 S+ 11:36 0:00 | \_ samples/devel/memory_app.pl - C::E::A - complex tt
353 paul 23936 0.0 0.5 8536 5272 pts/1 S+ 11:36 0:00 | \_ samples/devel/memory_app.pl - C::E::A - simple ht
354 paul 23937 0.0 0.5 8668 5344 pts/1 S+ 11:36 0:00 | \_ samples/devel/memory_app.pl - C::E::A - simple tt
355 paul 23938 0.0 0.4 8536 5076 pts/1 S+ 11:36 0:00 | \_ samples/devel/memory_app.pl - Handwritten - bare
356 -------------------------------------------------
357 --- Testing bare
358 Benchmark: running C::A -, C::E::A -, Handwritten - for at least 2 CPU seconds...
359 C::A -: 3 wallclock secs ( 2.08 usr + 0.01 sys = 2.09 CPU) @ 3196.17/s (n=6680)
360 C::E::A -: 3 wallclock secs ( 1.99 usr + 0.19 sys = 2.18 CPU) @ 6164.68/s (n=13439)
361 Handwritten -: 1 wallclock secs ( 2.15 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.15 CPU) @ 266711.16/s (n=573429)
362 Rate C::A - C::E::A - Handwritten -
363 C::A - 3196/s -- -48% -99%
364 C::E::A - 6165/s 93% -- -98%
365 Handwritten - 266711/s 8245% 4226% --
366 -------------------------------------------------
367 --- Testing simple
368 Benchmark: running C::A - ht, C::A - tt, C::E::A - ht, C::E::A - tt for at least 2 CPU seconds...
369 C::A - ht: 2 wallclock secs ( 2.04 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.04 CPU) @ 709.80/s (n=1448)
370 C::A - tt: 2 wallclock secs ( 2.12 usr + 0.01 sys = 2.13 CPU) @ 600.47/s (n=1279)
371 C::E::A - ht: 2 wallclock secs ( 2.14 usr + 0.01 sys = 2.15 CPU) @ 663.26/s (n=1426)
372 C::E::A - tt: 3 wallclock secs ( 2.16 usr + 0.01 sys = 2.17 CPU) @ 589.40/s (n=1279)
373 Rate C::E::A - tt C::A - tt C::E::A - ht C::A - ht
374 C::E::A - tt 589/s -- -2% -11% -17%
375 C::A - tt 600/s 2% -- -9% -15%
376 C::E::A - ht 663/s 13% 10% -- -7%
377 C::A - ht 710/s 20% 18% 7% --
378 -------------------------------------------------
379 --- Testing complex
380 Benchmark: running C::A - ht, C::A - tt, C::E::A - ht, C::E::A - tt for at least 2 CPU seconds...
381 C::A - ht: 2 wallclock secs ( 2.00 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.00 CPU) @ 438.50/s (n=877)
382 C::A - tt: 3 wallclock secs ( 2.16 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.16 CPU) @ 383.80/s (n=829)
383 C::E::A - ht: 2 wallclock secs ( 2.14 usr + 0.01 sys = 2.15 CPU) @ 457.21/s (n=983)
384 C::E::A - tt: 2 wallclock secs ( 2.13 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.13 CPU) @ 417.37/s (n=889)
385 Rate C::A - tt C::E::A - tt C::A - ht C::E::A - ht
386 C::A - tt 384/s -- -8% -12% -16%
387 C::E::A - tt 417/s 9% -- -5% -9%
388 C::A - ht 438/s 14% 5% -- -4%
389 C::E::A - ht 457/s 19% 10% 4% --
391 =cut
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