]> Dogcows Code - chaz/p5-CGI-Ex/blob - samples/benchmark/bench_template_tag_parser.pl
CGI::Ex 2.06
[chaz/p5-CGI-Ex] / samples / benchmark / bench_template_tag_parser.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 use strict;
4 use Benchmark qw(timethese cmpthese countit timestr);
5 use IO::Socket;
7 my $str = "--[% one %][% two %]--\n";
8 # Benchmark: running grammar, index, index2, match, split for at least 2 CPU seconds...
9 # grammar: 4 wallclock secs ( 2.04 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.04 CPU) @ 36585.78/s (n=74635)
10 # index: 4 wallclock secs ( 2.12 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.12 CPU) @ 81146.23/s (n=172030)
11 # index2: 4 wallclock secs ( 2.10 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.10 CPU) @ 71674.76/s (n=150517)
12 # match: 4 wallclock secs ( 2.12 usr + 0.01 sys = 2.13 CPU) @ 57690.14/s (n=122880)
13 # split: 2 wallclock secs ( 2.06 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.06 CPU) @ 36230.58/s (n=74635)
14 # Rate split grammar match index2 index
15 # split 36231/s -- -1% -37% -49% -55%
16 # grammar 36586/s 1% -- -37% -49% -55%
17 # match 57690/s 59% 58% -- -20% -29%
18 # index2 71675/s 98% 96% 24% -- -12%
19 # index 81146/s 124% 122% 41% 13% --
21 #my $str = ((" "x1000)."[% one %]\n")x10;
22 # Benchmark: running grammar, index, index2, match, split for at least 2 CPU seconds...
23 # grammar: 3 wallclock secs ( 2.10 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.10 CPU) @ 689.52/s (n=1448)
24 # index: 3 wallclock secs ( 2.10 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.10 CPU) @ 10239.52/s (n=21503)
25 # index2: 4 wallclock secs ( 2.13 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.13 CPU) @ 10095.31/s (n=21503)
26 # match: 4 wallclock secs ( 2.13 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.13 CPU) @ 6727.23/s (n=14329)
27 # split: 4 wallclock secs ( 2.14 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.14 CPU) @ 5023.83/s (n=10751)
28 # Rate grammar split match index2 index
29 # grammar 690/s -- -86% -90% -93% -93%
30 # split 5024/s 629% -- -25% -50% -51%
31 # match 6727/s 876% 34% -- -33% -34%
32 # index2 10095/s 1364% 101% 50% -- -1%
33 # index 10240/s 1385% 104% 52% 1% --
35 #my $str = ((" "x10)."[% one %]\n")x1000;
36 # Benchmark: running grammar, index, index2, match, split for at least 2 CPU seconds...
37 # grammar: 3 wallclock secs ( 2.10 usr + 0.01 sys = 2.11 CPU) @ 81.52/s (n=172)
38 # index: 4 wallclock secs ( 2.11 usr + 0.01 sys = 2.12 CPU) @ 207.55/s (n=440)
39 # index2: 4 wallclock secs ( 2.10 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.10 CPU) @ 209.52/s (n=440)
40 # match: 3 wallclock secs ( 2.07 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.07 CPU) @ 173.43/s (n=359)
41 # split: 4 wallclock secs ( 2.12 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.12 CPU) @ 91.98/s (n=195)
42 # Rate grammar split match index index2
43 # grammar 81.5/s -- -11% -53% -61% -61%
44 # split 92.0/s 13% -- -47% -56% -56%
45 # match 173/s 113% 89% -- -16% -17%
46 # index 208/s 155% 126% 20% -- -1%
47 # index2 210/s 157% 128% 21% 1% --
49 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
51 ### use a regular expression to go through the string
52 sub parse_match {
53 my $new = '';
54 my $START = quotemeta '[%';
55 my $END = quotemeta '%]';
57 my $pos;
58 local pos($_[0]) = 0;
59 while ($_[0] =~ / \G (.*?) $START (.*?) $END /gsx) {
60 my ($begin, $tag) = ($1, $2);
61 $pos = pos($_[0]);
62 $new .= $begin;
63 $new .= "($tag)";
64 }
65 return $pos ? $new . substr($_[0], $pos) : $_[0];
66 }
68 ### good ole index - hard coded
69 sub parse_index {
70 my $new = '';
72 my $last = 0;
73 while (1) {
74 my $i = index($_[0], '[%', $last);
75 last if $i == -1;
76 $new .= substr($_[0], $last, $i - $last),
77 my $j = index($_[0], '%]', $i + 2);
78 die "Unclosed tag" if $j == -1;
79 my $tag = substr($_[0], $i + 2, $j - ($i + 2));
80 $new .= "($tag)";
81 $last = $j + 2;
82 }
83 return $last ? $new . substr($_[0], $last) : $_[0];
84 }
86 ### index searching - but configurable
87 sub parse_index2 {
88 my $new = '';
89 my $START = '[%';
90 my $END = '%]';
91 my $len_s = length $START;
92 my $len_e = length $END;
94 my $last = 0;
95 while (1) {
96 my $i = index($_[0], $START, $last);
97 last if $i == -1;
98 $new .= substr($_[0], $last, $i - $last),
99 my $j = index($_[0], $END, $i + $len_s);
100 $last = $j + $len_e;
101 if ($j == -1) { # missing closing tag
102 $last = length($_[0]);
103 last;
104 }
105 my $tag = substr($_[0], $i + $len_s, $j - ($i + $len_s));
106 $new .= "($tag)";
107 }
108 return $last ? $new . substr($_[0], $last) : $_[0];
109 }
111 ### using a split method (several other split methods were also tried - but were slower)
112 sub parse_split {
113 my $new = '';
114 my $START = quotemeta '[%';
115 my $END = quotemeta '%]';
117 my @all = split /($START .*? $END)/sx, $_[0];
118 for my $piece (@all) {
119 next if ! length $piece;
120 if ($piece !~ /^$START (.*) $END$/sx) {
121 $new .= $piece;
122 next;
123 }
124 my $tag = $1;
125 $new .= "($tag)";
126 }
127 return $new;
128 }
130 ### a regex grammar type matcher
131 sub parse_grammar {
132 my $new = '';
133 my $START = quotemeta '[%';
134 my $END = quotemeta '%]';
136 my $in_tag;
137 local pos($_[0]) = 0;
138 while (1) {
139 ### find the start tag
140 if (! $in_tag) {
141 if ($_[0] =~ /\G (.*?) $START /gcxs) {
142 $new .= $1;
143 $in_tag = 1;
144 next;
145 } else {
146 $new .= substr $_[0], pos($_[0]);
147 last;
148 }
149 }
151 ### end
152 if ($_[0] =~ /\G $END /gcx) {
153 $in_tag = 0;
154 }
156 if ($_[0] =~ /\G (\s*\w+\s*) /gcx) {
157 my $tag = $1;
158 $new .= "($tag)";
159 }
160 }
161 return $new;
162 }
164 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
165 ### check compliance
167 #print parse_match($str);
168 #print "---\n";
169 #print parse_split($str);
170 #print "---\n";
171 #print parse_grammar($str);
172 #print "---\n";
173 #print parse_index($str);
174 die "parse_split didn't match" if parse_split($str) ne parse_match($str);
175 die "parse_grammar didn't match" if parse_grammar($str) ne parse_match($str);
176 die "parse_index didn't match" if parse_index($str) ne parse_match($str);
177 die "parse_index2 didn't match" if parse_index2($str) ne parse_match($str);
178 #exit;
180 ### and run them
181 cmpthese timethese (-2, {
182 index => sub { parse_index($str) },
183 index2 => sub { parse_index2($str) },
184 match => sub { parse_match($str) },
185 split => sub { parse_split($str) },
186 grammar => sub { parse_grammar($str) },
187 });
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