]> Dogcows Code - chaz/p5-CGI-Ex/blob - samples/benchmark/bench_template.pl
CGI::Ex 2.01
[chaz/p5-CGI-Ex] / samples / benchmark / bench_template.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 =head1 NAME
5 bench_template.pl - Test relative performance of CGI::Ex::Template to Template::Toolkit
7 =cut
9 use strict;
10 use Benchmark qw(cmpthese timethese);
11 use POSIX qw(tmpnam);
12 use File::Path qw(rmtree);
13 use CGI::Ex::Template;
14 use CGI::Ex::Dump qw(debug);
15 use Template;
16 use constant test_taint => 0 && eval { require Taint::Runtime }; # s/0/1/ to check tainting
18 Taint::Runtime::taint_start() if test_taint;
20 my $tt_cache_dir = tmpnam;
21 END { rmtree $tt_cache_dir };
22 mkdir $tt_cache_dir, 0755;
24 my $swap = {
25 one => "ONE",
26 a_var => "a",
27 foo => '[% bar %]',
28 bar => "baz",
29 hash => {a => 1, b => 2, c => { d => [{hee => ["hmm"]}] }},
30 array => [qw(A B C D E a A)],
31 code => sub {"(@_)"},
32 filt => sub {sub {$_[0]x2}},
33 };
35 use Template::Stash;;
36 my $s = Template::Stash->new($swap);
37 #use Template::Stash::XS;
38 #$s = Template::Stash::XS->new($swap);
40 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
41 ### get objects ready
43 my @config1 = (STASH => $s, ABSOLUTE => 1, CONSTANTS => {simple => 'var'}, EVAL_PERL => 1, INCLUDE_PATH => $tt_cache_dir);
44 #push @config1, (INTERPOLATE => 1);
45 my @config2 = (@config1, COMPILE_EXT => '.ttc');
47 #use CGI::Ex::Template209;
48 #my $tt1 = CGI::Ex::Template209->new(@config1);
49 my $tt1 = Template->new(@config1);
50 my $tt2 = Template->new(@config2);
52 my $cet = CGI::Ex::Template->new(@config1);
53 my $cetc = CGI::Ex::Template->new(@config2);
55 #$swap->{$_} = $_ for (1 .. 1000); # swap size affects benchmark speed
57 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
58 ### write out some file to be used later
60 my $fh;
61 my $bar_template = "$tt_cache_dir/bar.tt";
62 END { unlink $bar_template };
63 open($fh, ">$bar_template") || die "Couldn't open $bar_template: $!";
64 print $fh "BAR";
65 close $fh;
67 my $baz_template = "$tt_cache_dir/baz.tt";
68 END { unlink $baz_template };
69 open($fh, ">$baz_template") || die "Couldn't open $baz_template: $!";
70 print $fh "[% SET baz = 42 %][% baz %][% bing %]";
71 close $fh;
73 my $longer_template = "[% INCLUDE bar.tt %]"
74 ."[% array.join('|') %]"
75 .("123"x200)
76 ."[% FOREACH a IN array %]foobar[% IF a == 'A' %][% INCLUDE baz.tt %][% END %]bazbing[% END %]"
77 .("456"x200)
78 ."[% IF foo ; bar ; ELSIF baz ; bing ; ELSE ; bong ; END %]"
79 .("789"x200)
80 ."[% IF foo ; bar ; ELSIF baz ; bing ; ELSE ; bong ; END %]"
81 .("012"x200)
82 ."[% IF foo ; bar ; ELSIF baz ; bing ; ELSE ; bong ; END %]"
83 ."[% array.join('|') %]"
84 ."[% PROCESS bar.tt %]";
86 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
87 ### set a few globals that will be available in our subs
88 my $show_list = grep {$_ eq '--list'} @ARGV;
89 my $run_all = grep {$_ eq '--all'} @ARGV;
90 my @run = $run_all ? () : @ARGV;
91 my $str_ref;
92 my $filename;
94 ### uncomment to run a specific test - otherwise all tests run
95 #@run = qw(07);
97 # ### All percents are CGI::Ex::Template vs TT2
98 # ### (The percent that CET is faster than TT)
99 # Existing object by string ref #
100 # New object with CACHE_EXT set # #
101 # New object each time (undef CACHE_SIZE) # # #
102 # This percent is compiled in memory (repeated calls) # # # #
103 my $tests = { # # # # #
104 '01_empty' => "", # 231% # 571% # 310% # 431% # 20798.0/s #
105 '02_var_sma' => "[% one %]", # 162% # 531% # 409% # 436% # 14964.9/s #
106 '03_var_lar' => "[% one %]"x100, # 22% # 338% # 63% # 331% # 948.8/s #
107 '04_set_sma' => "[% SET one = 2 %]", # 160% # 478% # 391% # 370% # 14835.7/s #
108 '05_set_lar' => "[% SET one = 2 %]"x100, # 12% # 280% # 28% # 272% # 919.7/s #
109 '06_set_range' => "[% SET one = [0..30] %]", # 42% # 289% # 230% # 192% # 7909.3/s #
110 '07_chain_sm' => "[% hash.a %]", # 163% # 551% # 397% # 450% # 13791.3/s #
111 '08_mixed_sma' => "".((" "x100)."[% one %]\n")x10, # 72% # 467% # 234% # 440% # 5941.1/s #
112 '09_mixed_med' => "".((" "x10)."[% one %]\n")x100, # 17% # 416% # 99% # 394% # 879.7/s #
113 '10_str_sma' => "".("[% \"".(" "x100)."\$one\" %]\n")x10, # -12% # 1391% # 96% # 1448% # 2939.5/s #
114 '11_str_lar' => "".("[% \"".(" "x10)."\$one\" %]\n")x100, # -50% # 303% # -1% # 303% # 365.3/s #
115 '12_num_lterl' => "[% 2 %]", # 170% # 534% # 430% # 422% # 16592.1/s #
116 '13_plus' => "[% 1 + 2 %]", # 116% # 426% # 351% # 311% # 13151.4/s #
117 '14_chained' => "[% c.d.0.hee.0 %]", # 168% # 567% # 390% # 486% # 14451.2/s #
118 '15_chain_set' => "[% SET c.d.0.hee.0 = 2 %]", # 153% # 465% # 337% # 389% # 11123.9/s #
119 '16_chain_lar' => "[% c.d.0.hee.0 %]"x100, # 58% # 468% # 74% # 465% # 828.2/s #
120 '17_chain_sl' => "[% SET c.d.0.hee.0 = 2 %]"x100, # 111% # 343% # 85% # 346% # 367.4/s #
121 '18_cplx_comp' => "[% t = 1 || 0 ? 0 : 1 || 2 ? 2 : 3 %][% t %]", # 81% # 254% # 253% # 188% # 9677.4/s #
122 '19_if_sim_t' => "[% a=1 %][% IF a %]Two[% END %]", # 119% # 428% # 316% # 352% # 11600.5/s #
123 '20_if_sim_f' => " [% IF a %]Two[% END %]", # 163% # 536% # 398% # 459% # 14693.3/s #
124 '21_if_else' => "[% IF a %]A[% ELSE %]B[% END %]", # 139% # 483% # 363% # 393% # 13480.3/s #
125 '22_if_elsif' => "[% IF a %]A[% ELSIF b %]B[% ELSE %]C[% END %]", # 133% # 453% # 334% # 379% # 12151.0/s #
126 '23_for_i_sml' => "[% FOREACH i = [0..10] ; i ; END %]", # 12% # 197% # 131% # 140% # 2497.6/s #
127 '24_for_i_med' => "[% FOREACH i = [0..100] ; i ; END %]", # -23% # 21% # 0% # 5% # 357.3/s #
128 '25_for_sml' => "[% FOREACH [0..10] ; i ; END %]", # 23% # 220% # 151% # 160% # 2670.6/s #
129 '26_for_med' => "[% FOREACH [0..100] ; i ; END %]", # -5% # 41% # 19% # 24% # 404.5/s #
130 '27_while' => "[% f = 10 %][%WHILE f%][%f=f- 1%][%f%][% END %]", # 0% # 161% # 65% # 120% # 1604.2/s #
131 '28_whl_set_l' => "[% f = 10; WHILE (g=f) ; f = f - 1 ; f ; END %]", # -3% # 128% # 50% # 91% # 1285.6/s #
132 '29_whl_set_s' => "[% f = 1; WHILE (g=f) ; f = f - 1 ; f ; END %]", # 51% # 287% # 196% # 227% # 5914.2/s #
133 '30_file_proc' => "[% PROCESS bar.tt %]", # 231% # 492% # 370% # 468% # 10900.5/s #
134 '31_file_incl' => "[% INCLUDE baz.tt %]", # 150% # 403% # 278% # 335% # 6915.6/s #
135 '32_process' => "[% BLOCK foo %]Hi[% END %][% PROCESS foo %]", # 159% # 519% # 396% # 463% # 10647.0/s #
136 '33_include' => "[% BLOCK foo %]Hi[% END %][% INCLUDE foo %]", # 137% # 491% # 367% # 424% # 9087.9/s #
137 '34_macro' => "[% MACRO foo BLOCK %]Hi[% END %][% foo %]", # 76% # 364% # 276% # 285% # 7838.4/s #
138 '35_macro_arg' => "[% MACRO foo(n) BLOCK %]Hi[%n%][%END%][%foo(2)%]", # 64% # 263% # 251% # 200% # 6532.9/s #
139 '36_macro_pro' => "[% MACRO foo PROCESS bar;BLOCK bar%]7[%END;foo%]", # 95% # 393% # 300% # 333% # 6369.2/s #
140 '37_filter2' => "[% n = 1 %][% n | repeat(2) %]", # 129% # 394% # 342% # 313% # 10703.2/s #
141 '38_filter' => "[% n = 1 %][% n FILTER repeat(2) %]", # 90% # 322% # 286% # 245% # 8865.2/s #
142 '39_fltr_name' => "[% n=1; n FILTER echo=repeat(2); n FILTER echo%]", # 36% # 284% # 211% # 229% # 5824.9/s #
143 '40_constant' => "[% constants.simple %]", # 174% # 515% # 435% # 425% # 16588.0/s #
144 '41_perl' => "[%one='ONE'%][% PERL %]print \"[%one%]\"[%END%]", # 62% # 403% # 278% # 332% # 6885.4/s #
145 '42_filtervar' => "[% 'hi' | \$filt %]", # 95% # 454% # 328% # 370% # 10167.3/s #
146 '43_filteruri' => "[% ' ' | uri %]", # 132% # 550% # 379% # 471% # 12524.4/s #
147 '44_filterevl' => "[% foo | eval %]", # 303% # 530% # 434% # 478% # 5475.5/s #
148 '45_capture' => "[% foo = BLOCK %]Hi[% END %][% foo %]", # 102% # 386% # 291% # 304% # 10606.5/s #
149 '46_complex' => "$longer_template", # 55% # 288% # 133% # 251% # 1230.3/s #
150 # overall # 95% # 406% # 251% # 346% #
153 # With Stash::XS
154 #'46_complex' => "$longer_template", # -4% # 274% # 93% # 228% # 1201.9/s #
155 ## overall # 30% # 377% # 211% # 317% #
156 };
158 ### load the code representation
159 my $text = {};
160 seek DATA, 0, 0;
161 my $data = do { local $/ = undef; <DATA> };
162 foreach my $key (keys %$tests) {
163 $data =~ m/(.*\Q$key\E.*)/ || next;
164 $text->{$key} = $1;
165 }
167 if ($show_list) {
168 foreach my $text (sort values %$text) {
169 print "$text\n";
170 }
171 exit;
172 }
174 my $run = join("|", @run);
175 @run = grep {/$run/} sort keys %$tests;
177 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
179 sub file_TT_new {
180 my $out = '';
181 my $t = Template->new(@config1);
182 $t->process($filename, $swap, \$out);
183 return $out;
184 }
186 sub str_TT_new {
187 my $out = '';
188 my $t = Template->new(@config1);
189 $t->process($str_ref, $swap, \$out);
190 return $out;
191 }
193 sub file_TT {
194 my $out = '';
195 $tt1->process($filename, $swap, \$out);
196 return $out;
197 }
199 sub str_TT {
200 my $out = '';
201 $tt1->process($str_ref, $swap, \$out) || debug $tt1->error;
202 return $out;
203 }
205 sub file_TT_cache_new {
206 my $out = '';
207 my $t = Template->new(@config2);
208 $t->process($filename, $swap, \$out);
209 return $out;
210 }
212 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
214 sub file_CET_new {
215 my $out = '';
216 my $t = CGI::Ex::Template->new(@config1);
217 $t->process($filename, $swap, \$out);
218 return $out;
219 }
221 sub str_CET_new {
222 my $out = '';
223 my $t = CGI::Ex::Template->new(@config1);
224 $t->process($str_ref, $swap, \$out);
225 return $out;
226 }
228 sub file_CET {
229 my $out = '';
230 $cet->process($filename, $swap, \$out);
231 return $out;
232 }
234 sub str_CET {
235 my $out = '';
236 $cet->process($str_ref, $swap, \$out);
237 return $out;
238 }
240 sub str_CET_swap {
241 my $txt = $cet->swap($str_ref, $swap);
242 return $txt;
243 }
245 sub file_CET_cache_new {
246 my $out = '';
247 my $t = CGI::Ex::Template->new(@config2);
248 $t->process($filename, $swap, \$out);
249 return $out;
250 }
252 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
254 @run = sort(keys %$tests) if $#run == -1;
256 my $output = '';
257 my %cumulative;
258 foreach my $test_name (@run) {
259 die "Invalid test $test_name" if ! exists $tests->{$test_name};
260 my $txt = $tests->{$test_name};
261 my $sample =$text->{$test_name};
262 $sample =~ s/^.+=>//;
263 $sample =~ s/\#.+$//;
264 print "-------------------------------------------------------------\n";
265 print "Running test $test_name\n";
266 print "Test text: $sample\n";
268 ### set the global file types
269 $str_ref = \$txt;
270 $filename = $tt_cache_dir ."/$test_name.tt";
271 open(my $fh, ">$filename") || die "Couldn't open $filename: $!";
272 print $fh $txt;
273 close $fh;
275 #debug file_CET(), str_TT();
276 #debug $cet->parse_tree($file);
278 ### check out put - and also allow for caching
279 for (1..2) {
280 if (file_CET() ne str_TT()) {
281 debug $cet->parse_tree($str_ref);
282 debug file_CET(), str_TT();
283 die "file_CET didn't match";
284 }
285 die "file_TT didn't match " if file_TT() ne str_TT();
286 die "str_CET didn't match " if str_CET() ne str_TT();
287 # die "str_CET_swap didn't match " if str_CET_swap() ne str_TT();
288 die "file_CET_cache_new didn't match " if file_CET_cache_new() ne str_TT();
289 die "file_TT_cache_new didn't match " if file_TT_cache_new() ne str_TT();
290 }
292 next if test_taint;
294 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
296 my $r = eval { timethese (-2, {
297 file_TT_n => \&file_TT_new,
298 # str_TT_n => \&str_TT_new,
299 file_TT => \&file_TT,
300 str_TT => \&str_TT,
301 file_TT_c_n => \&file_TT_cache_new,
303 file_CT_n => \&file_CET_new,
304 # str_CT_n => \&str_CET_new,
305 file_CT => \&file_CET,
306 str_CT => \&str_CET,
307 # str_CT_sw => \&str_CET_swap,
308 file_CT_c_n => \&file_CET_cache_new,
309 }) };
310 if (! $r) {
311 debug "$@";
312 next;
313 }
314 eval { cmpthese $r };
316 my $copy = $text->{$test_name};
317 $copy =~ s/\#.+//;
318 $output .= $copy;
320 eval {
321 my $hash = {
322 '1 cached_in_memory ' => ['file_CT', 'file_TT'],
323 '2 new_object ' => ['file_CT_n', 'file_TT_n'],
324 '3 cached_on_file (new_object)' => ['file_CT_c_n', 'file_TT_c_n'],
325 '4 string reference ' => ['str_CT', 'str_TT'],
326 '5 CT new vs TT in mem ' => ['file_CT_n', 'file_TT'],
327 '6 CT in mem vs TT new ' => ['file_CT', 'file_TT_n'],
328 '7 CT in mem vs CT new ' => ['file_CT', 'file_CT_n'],
329 '8 TT in mem vs TT new ' => ['file_TT', 'file_TT_n'],
330 };
331 foreach my $type (sort keys %$hash) {
332 my ($key1, $key2) = @{ $hash->{$type} };
333 my $ct = $r->{$key1};
334 my $tt = $r->{$key2};
335 my $ct_s = $ct->iters / ($ct->cpu_a || 1);
336 my $tt_s = $tt->iters / ($tt->cpu_a || 1);
337 my $p = int(100 * ($ct_s - $tt_s) / ($tt_s || 1));
338 print "$type - CT is $p% faster than TT\n";
340 $output .= sprintf('# %3s%% ', $p) if $type =~ /^[1234]/;
342 ### store cumulatives
343 if (abs($p) < 10000) {
344 $cumulative{$type} ||= [0, 0];
345 $cumulative{$type}->[0] += $p;
346 $cumulative{$type}->[1] ++;
347 }
348 }
349 };
350 debug "$@"
351 if $@;
353 $output .= "# ".sprintf("%.1f", $r->{'file_CT'}->iters / ($r->{'file_CT'}->cpu_a || 1))."/s #\n";
354 # $output .= "#\n";
356 foreach my $row (values %cumulative) {
357 $row->[2] = sprintf('%.1f', $row->[0] / ($row->[1]||1));
358 }
360 if ($#run > 0) {
361 foreach (sort keys %cumulative) {
362 printf "Cumulative $_: %6.1f\n", $cumulative{$_}->[2];
363 }
364 }
366 }
368 ### add the final total row
369 if ($#run > 0) {
370 $output .= " # overall" . (" "x61);
371 foreach my $type (sort keys %cumulative) {
372 $output .= sprintf('# %3s%% ', int $cumulative{$type}->[2]) if $type =~ /^[1234]/;
373 }
374 $output .= "#\n";
376 print $output;
377 }
381 #print `ls -lR $tt_cache_dir`;
382 __DATA__
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