]> Dogcows Code - chaz/p5-CGI-Ex/blob - samples/benchmark/bench_optree.pl
CGI::Ex 2.27
[chaz/p5-CGI-Ex] / samples / benchmark / bench_optree.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 =head1 NAME
5 bench_optree.pl - Look at different ways of storing data that transform fast.
7 =cut
9 use strict;
10 use Benchmark qw(cmpthese timethese);
11 use CGI::Ex::Dump qw(debug);
12 use constant skip_execute => 1;
14 #my $obj = bless [1, 2], __PACKAGE__;
15 #my $struct1 = \ [ '-', 1, 2 ];
16 #my $struct2 = ['-', 1, 2];
17 #
18 #sub call { $_[0]->[0] - $_[0]->[1] }
19 #
20 #sub obj_meth { $obj->call }
21 #sub ref_type { if (ref($struct1) eq 'REF') { if (${$struct1}->[0] eq '-') { ${$struct1}->[1] - ${$struct1}->[2] } } }
22 #
23 #print "(".obj_meth().")\n";
24 #print "(".ref_type().")\n";
25 #cmpthese timethese(-2, {
26 # obj_meth => \&obj_meth,
27 # ref_type => \&ref_type,
28 #}, 'auto');
31 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
32 ### setup a new way of storing and executing the variable tree
34 sub get_var2 { ref($_[1]) ? $_[1]->call($_[0]) : $_[1] }
36 {
37 package Num;
38 sub new { my $c = shift; bless \@_, $c };
39 sub call { $_[0]->[0] }
40 package A::B;
41 sub new { my $c = shift; bless \@_, $c }
42 # sub new { my $c = shift; bless [map{ref$_?$_:Num->new($_)} @_], $c }
43 package A::B::Minus;
44 our @ISA = qw(A::B);
45 sub call { $_[1]->get_var2($_[0]->[0]) - $_[1]->get_var2($_[0]->[1]) }
46 package A::B::Plus;
47 our @ISA = qw(A::B);
48 sub call { $_[1]->get_var2($_[0]->[0]) + $_[1]->get_var2($_[0]->[1]) }
49 package A::B::Mult;
50 our @ISA = qw(A::B);
51 sub call { $_[1]->get_var2($_[0]->[0]) * $_[1]->get_var2($_[0]->[1]) }
52 package A::B::Div;
53 our @ISA = qw(A::B);
54 sub call { $_[1]->get_var2($_[0]->[0]) / $_[1]->get_var2($_[0]->[1]) }
55 package A::B::Var;
56 our @ISA = qw(A::B);
58 BEGIN {
59 $HASH_OPS = $CGI::Ex::Template::HASH_OPS;
60 $LIST_OPS = $CGI::Ex::Template::LIST_OPS;
61 $SCALAR_OPS = $CGI::Ex::Template::SCALAR_OPS;
62 $FILTER_OPS = $CGI::Ex::Template::FILTER_OPS;
63 $OP_FUNC = $CGI::Ex::Template::OP_FUNC;
64 }
65 use constant trace => 0;
66 sub call {
67 my $var = shift;
68 my $self = shift;
69 my $ARGS = shift || {};
70 my $i = 0;
71 my $generated_list;
73 ### determine the top level of this particular variable access
74 my $ref = $var->[$i++];
75 my $args = $var->[$i++];
76 warn "get_variable: begin \"$ref\"\n" if trace;
78 if (defined $ref) {
79 if ($ARGS->{'is_namespace_during_compile'}) {
80 $ref = $self->{'NAMESPACE'}->{$ref};
81 } else {
82 return if $ref =~ /^[_.]/; # don't allow vars that begin with _
83 $ref = $self->{'_vars'}->{$ref};
84 }
85 }
87 my %seen_filters;
88 while (defined $ref) {
90 ### check at each point if the returned thing was a code
91 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, 'CODE')) {
92 my @results = $ref->($args ? @{ $self->vivify_args($args) } : ());
93 if (defined $results[0]) {
94 $ref = ($#results > 0) ? \@results : $results[0];
95 } elsif (defined $results[1]) {
96 die $results[1]; # TT behavior - why not just throw ?
97 } else {
98 $ref = undef;
99 last;
100 }
101 }
103 ### descend one chained level
104 last if $i >= $#$var;
105 my $was_dot_call = $ARGS->{'no_dots'} ? 1 : $var->[$i++] eq '.';
106 my $name = $var->[$i++];
107 my $args = $var->[$i++];
108 warn "get_variable: nested \"$name\"\n" if trace;
110 ### allow for named portions of a variable name (foo.$name.bar)
111 if (ref $name) {
112 $name = $name->call($self);
113 if (! defined($name) || $name =~ /^[_.]/) {
114 $ref = undef;
115 last;
116 }
117 }
119 if ($name =~ /^_/) { # don't allow vars that begin with _
120 $ref = undef;
121 last;
122 }
124 ### allow for scalar and filter access (this happens for every non virtual method call)
125 if (! ref $ref) {
126 if ($SCALAR_OPS->{$name}) { # normal scalar op
127 $ref = $SCALAR_OPS->{$name}->($ref, $args ? @{ $self->vivify_args($args) } : ());
129 } elsif ($LIST_OPS->{$name}) { # auto-promote to list and use list op
130 $ref = $LIST_OPS->{$name}->([$ref], $args ? @{ $self->vivify_args($args) } : ());
132 } elsif (my $filter = $self->{'FILTERS'}->{$name} # filter configured in Template args
133 || $FILTER_OPS->{$name} # predefined filters in CET
134 || (UNIVERSAL::isa($name, 'CODE') && $name) # looks like a filter sub passed in the stash
135 || $self->list_filters->{$name}) { # filter defined in Template::Filters
137 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($filter, 'CODE')) {
138 $ref = eval { $filter->($ref) }; # non-dynamic filter - no args
139 if (my $err = $@) {
140 $self->throw('filter', $err) if ref($err) !~ /Template::Exception$/;
141 die $err;
142 }
143 } elsif (! UNIVERSAL::isa($filter, 'ARRAY')) {
144 $self->throw('filter', "invalid FILTER entry for '$name' (not a CODE ref)");
146 } elsif (@$filter == 2 && UNIVERSAL::isa($filter->[0], 'CODE')) { # these are the TT style filters
147 eval {
148 my $sub = $filter->[0];
149 if ($filter->[1]) { # it is a "dynamic filter" that will return a sub
150 ($sub, my $err) = $sub->($self->context, $args ? @{ $self->vivify_args($args) } : ());
151 if (! $sub && $err) {
152 $self->throw('filter', $err) if ref($err) !~ /Template::Exception$/;
153 die $err;
154 } elsif (! UNIVERSAL::isa($sub, 'CODE')) {
155 $self->throw('filter', "invalid FILTER for '$name' (not a CODE ref)")
156 if ref($sub) !~ /Template::Exception$/;
157 die $sub;
158 }
159 }
160 $ref = $sub->($ref);
161 };
162 if (my $err = $@) {
163 $self->throw('filter', $err) if ref($err) !~ /Template::Exception$/;
164 die $err;
165 }
166 } else { # this looks like our vmethods turned into "filters" (a filter stored under a name)
167 $self->throw('filter', 'Recursive filter alias \"$name\"') if $seen_filters{$name} ++;
168 $var = [$name, 0, '|', @$filter, @{$var}[$i..$#$var]]; # splice the filter into our current tree
169 $i = 2;
170 }
171 if (scalar keys %seen_filters
172 && $seen_filters{$var->[$i - 5] || ''}) {
173 $self->throw('filter', "invalid FILTER entry for '".$var->[$i - 5]."' (not a CODE ref)");
174 }
175 } else {
176 $ref = undef;
177 }
179 } else {
181 ### method calls on objects
182 if (UNIVERSAL::can($ref, 'can')) {
183 my @args = $args ? @{ $self->vivify_args($args) } : ();
184 my @results = eval { $ref->$name(@args) };
185 if ($@) {
186 die $@ if ref $@ || $@ !~ /Can\'t locate object method/;
187 } elsif (defined $results[0]) {
188 $ref = ($#results > 0) ? \@results : $results[0];
189 next;
190 } elsif (defined $results[1]) {
191 die $results[1]; # TT behavior - why not just throw ?
192 } else {
193 $ref = undef;
194 last;
195 }
196 # didn't find a method by that name - so fail down to hash and array access
197 }
199 ### hash member access
200 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, 'HASH')) {
201 if ($was_dot_call && exists($ref->{$name}) ) {
202 $ref = $ref->{$name};
203 } elsif ($HASH_OPS->{$name}) {
204 $ref = $HASH_OPS->{$name}->($ref, $args ? @{ $self->vivify_args($args) } : ());
205 } elsif ($ARGS->{'is_namespace_during_compile'}) {
206 return $var; # abort - can't fold namespace variable
207 } else {
208 $ref = undef;
209 }
211 ### array access
212 } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, 'ARRAY')) {
213 if ($name =~ /^\d+$/) {
214 $ref = ($name > $#$ref) ? undef : $ref->[$name];
215 } else {
216 $ref = (! $LIST_OPS->{$name}) ? undef : $LIST_OPS->{$name}->($ref, $args ? @{ $self->vivify_args($args) } : ());
217 }
218 }
219 }
221 } # end of while
223 ### allow for undefinedness
224 if (! defined $ref) {
225 if ($self->{'_debug_undef'}) {
226 my $chunk = $var->[$i - 2];
227 $chunk = $chunk->call($self) if ref $chunk;
228 die "$chunk is undefined\n";
229 } else {
230 $ref = $self->undefined_any($var);
231 }
232 }
234 ### allow for special behavior for the '..' operator
235 if ($generated_list && $ARGS->{'list_context'} && ref($ref) eq 'ARRAY') {
236 return @$ref;
237 }
239 return $ref;
240 }
241 };
242 sub plus ($$) { A::B::Plus->new( @_) }
243 sub minus ($$) { A::B::Minus->new(@_) }
244 sub mult ($$) { A::B::Mult->new( @_) }
245 sub div ($$) { A::B::Div->new( @_) }
246 sub var { A::B::Var->new( @_) };
247 $INC{'A/B.pm'} = 1;
248 $INC{'A/B/Plus.pm'} = 1;
249 $INC{'A/B/Minus.pm'} = 1;
250 $INC{'A/B/Mult.pm'} = 1;
251 $INC{'A/B/Div.pm'} = 1;
252 $INC{'A/B/Var.pm'} = 1;
254 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
255 ### now benchmark the different variable storage methods
257 my $vars = {
258 foo => {bar => {baz => [qw(a b c)]}},
259 bing => 'bang',
260 };
261 my $self = bless {'_vars' => $vars}, __PACKAGE__;
263 #pauls@pslaptop:~/perl/CGI-Ex/lib$ perl -e 'my $a = "1 + 2 * (3 + (4 / 5) * 9) - 20";
264 # use CGI::Ex::Template;
265 # use Data::Dumper;
266 # print Dumper(CGI::Ex::Template->new->parse_variable(\$a));'
268 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
270 my $Y0 = '$self->{_vars}->{bing}';
271 my $Y1 = [ 'bing', 0 ];
272 my $Y2 = var('bing', 0);
273 debug $Y2;
275 ### are they all the same
276 print eval($Y0)."\n";
277 print $self->get_variable($Y1)."\n";
278 print $self->get_var2($Y2)."\n";
280 if (! skip_execute) {
281 cmpthese timethese (-2, {
282 perl => sub { eval $Y0 },
283 bare_data => sub { $self->get_variable($Y1) },
284 method_call => sub { $self->get_var2($Y2) },
285 }, 'auto');
286 }
288 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
290 my $Z0 = '$self->{_vars}->{foo}->{bar}->{baz}->[1]';
291 my $Z1 = [ 'foo', 0, '.', 'bar', 0, '.', 'baz', 0, '.', 1, 0];
292 my $Z2 = var('foo', 0, '.', 'bar', 0, '.', 'baz', 0, '.', 1, 0);
293 debug $Z2;
295 ### are they all the same
296 print eval($Z0)."\n";
297 print $self->get_variable($Z1)."\n";
298 print $self->get_var2($Z2)."\n";
300 if (! skip_execute) {
301 cmpthese timethese (-2, {
302 perl => sub { eval $Z0 },
303 bare_data => sub { $self->get_variable($Z1) },
304 method_call => sub { $self->get_var2($Z2) },
305 }, 'auto');
306 }
308 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
310 ### $A0 = perl, $A1 = old optree, $A2 = new optree
311 my $A0 = "1 + 2 * (3 + (4 / 5) * 9) - 20";
312 my $A1 = [ \[ '-', [ \[ '+', '1', [ \[ '*', '2', [ \[ '+', '3', [ \[ '*', [ \[ '/', '4', '5' ], 0 ], '9' ], 0 ] ], 0 ] ], 0 ] ], 0 ], '20' ], 0 ];
313 my $A2 = minus(plus(1, mult(2, plus(3, mult(div(4,5), 9)))), 20);
314 debug $A2;
316 ### are they all the same
317 print eval($A0)."\n";
318 print $self->get_variable($A1)."\n";
319 print $self->get_var2($A2)."\n";
321 if (! skip_execute) {
322 cmpthese timethese (-2, {
323 perl => sub { eval $A0 },
324 bare_data => sub { $self->get_variable($A1) },
325 method_call => sub { $self->get_var2($A2) },
326 }, 'auto');
327 }
329 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
331 my $B0 = "1 + 2";
332 my $B1 = [ \[ '+', 1, 2] ];
333 my $B2 = plus(1, 2);
334 debug $B2;
336 ### are they all the same
337 print eval($B0)."\n";
338 print $self->get_variable($B1)."\n";
339 print $self->get_var2($B2)."\n";
341 if (! skip_execute) {
342 cmpthese timethese (-2, {
343 perl => sub { eval $B0 },
344 bare_data => sub { $self->get_variable($B1) },
345 method_call => sub { $self->get_var2($B2) },
346 }, 'auto');
347 }
349 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
350 ### Test (de)serialization speed
352 use Storable;
353 my $d1 = Storable::freeze($A1);
354 my $d2 = Storable::freeze($A2);
355 Storable::thaw($d1); # load lib
356 print length($d1)."\n";
357 print length($d2)."\n";
359 cmpthese timethese (-2, {
360 freeze_bare => sub { Storable::freeze($A1) },
361 freeze_meth => sub { Storable::freeze($A2) },
362 }, 'auto');
364 cmpthese timethese (-2, {
365 thaw_bare => sub { Storable::thaw($d1) },
366 thaw_meth => sub { Storable::thaw($d2) },
367 }, 'auto');
369 ###----------------------------------------------------------------###
370 ### create libraries similar to those from CGI::Ex::Template 1.201
372 use CGI::Ex::Template;
374 BEGIN {
375 $HASH_OPS = $CGI::Ex::Template::HASH_OPS;
376 $LIST_OPS = $CGI::Ex::Template::LIST_OPS;
377 $SCALAR_OPS = $CGI::Ex::Template::SCALAR_OPS;
378 $FILTER_OPS = $CGI::Ex::Template::FILTER_OPS;
379 $OP_FUNC = $CGI::Ex::Template::OP_FUNC;
380 }
381 use constant trace => 0;
383 sub get_variable {
384 ### allow for the parse tree to store literals
385 return $_[1] if ! ref $_[1];
387 my $self = shift;
388 my $var = shift;
389 my $ARGS = shift || {};
390 my $i = 0;
391 my $generated_list;
393 ### determine the top level of this particular variable access
394 my $ref = $var->[$i++];
395 my $args = $var->[$i++];
396 warn "get_variable: begin \"$ref\"\n" if trace;
397 if (ref $ref) {
398 if (ref($ref) eq 'SCALAR') { # a scalar literal
399 $ref = $$ref;
400 } elsif (ref($ref) eq 'REF') { # operator
401 return $self->play_operator($$ref) if ${ $ref }->[0] eq '\\'; # return the closure
402 $generated_list = 1 if ${ $ref }->[0] eq '..';
403 $ref = $self->play_operator($$ref);
404 } else { # a named variable access (ie via $name.foo)
405 $ref = $self->get_variable($ref);
406 if (defined $ref) {
407 return if $ref =~ /^[_.]/; # don't allow vars that begin with _
408 $ref = $self->{'_vars'}->{$ref};
409 }
410 }
411 } elsif (defined $ref) {
412 if ($ARGS->{'is_namespace_during_compile'}) {
413 $ref = $self->{'NAMESPACE'}->{$ref};
414 } else {
415 return if $ref =~ /^[_.]/; # don't allow vars that begin with _
416 $ref = $self->{'_vars'}->{$ref};
417 }
418 }
421 my %seen_filters;
422 while (defined $ref) {
424 ### check at each point if the returned thing was a code
425 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, 'CODE')) {
426 my @results = $ref->($args ? @{ $self->vivify_args($args) } : ());
427 if (defined $results[0]) {
428 $ref = ($#results > 0) ? \@results : $results[0];
429 } elsif (defined $results[1]) {
430 die $results[1]; # TT behavior - why not just throw ?
431 } else {
432 $ref = undef;
433 last;
434 }
435 }
437 ### descend one chained level
438 last if $i >= $#$var;
439 my $was_dot_call = $ARGS->{'no_dots'} ? 1 : $var->[$i++] eq '.';
440 my $name = $var->[$i++];
441 my $args = $var->[$i++];
442 warn "get_variable: nested \"$name\"\n" if trace;
444 ### allow for named portions of a variable name (foo.$name.bar)
445 if (ref $name) {
446 if (ref($name) eq 'ARRAY') {
447 $name = $self->get_variable($name);
448 if (! defined($name) || $name =~ /^[_.]/) {
449 $ref = undef;
450 last;
451 }
452 } else {
453 die "Shouldn't get a ". ref($name) ." during a vivify on chain";
454 }
455 }
456 if ($name =~ /^_/) { # don't allow vars that begin with _
457 $ref = undef;
458 last;
459 }
461 ### allow for scalar and filter access (this happens for every non virtual method call)
462 if (! ref $ref) {
463 if ($SCALAR_OPS->{$name}) { # normal scalar op
464 $ref = $SCALAR_OPS->{$name}->($ref, $args ? @{ $self->vivify_args($args) } : ());
466 } elsif ($LIST_OPS->{$name}) { # auto-promote to list and use list op
467 $ref = $LIST_OPS->{$name}->([$ref], $args ? @{ $self->vivify_args($args) } : ());
469 } elsif (my $filter = $self->{'FILTERS'}->{$name} # filter configured in Template args
470 || $FILTER_OPS->{$name} # predefined filters in CET
471 || (UNIVERSAL::isa($name, 'CODE') && $name) # looks like a filter sub passed in the stash
472 || $self->list_filters->{$name}) { # filter defined in Template::Filters
474 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($filter, 'CODE')) {
475 $ref = eval { $filter->($ref) }; # non-dynamic filter - no args
476 if (my $err = $@) {
477 $self->throw('filter', $err) if ref($err) !~ /Template::Exception$/;
478 die $err;
479 }
480 } elsif (! UNIVERSAL::isa($filter, 'ARRAY')) {
481 $self->throw('filter', "invalid FILTER entry for '$name' (not a CODE ref)");
483 } elsif (@$filter == 2 && UNIVERSAL::isa($filter->[0], 'CODE')) { # these are the TT style filters
484 eval {
485 my $sub = $filter->[0];
486 if ($filter->[1]) { # it is a "dynamic filter" that will return a sub
487 ($sub, my $err) = $sub->($self->context, $args ? @{ $self->vivify_args($args) } : ());
488 if (! $sub && $err) {
489 $self->throw('filter', $err) if ref($err) !~ /Template::Exception$/;
490 die $err;
491 } elsif (! UNIVERSAL::isa($sub, 'CODE')) {
492 $self->throw('filter', "invalid FILTER for '$name' (not a CODE ref)")
493 if ref($sub) !~ /Template::Exception$/;
494 die $sub;
495 }
496 }
497 $ref = $sub->($ref);
498 };
499 if (my $err = $@) {
500 $self->throw('filter', $err) if ref($err) !~ /Template::Exception$/;
501 die $err;
502 }
503 } else { # this looks like our vmethods turned into "filters" (a filter stored under a name)
504 $self->throw('filter', 'Recursive filter alias \"$name\"') if $seen_filters{$name} ++;
505 $var = [$name, 0, '|', @$filter, @{$var}[$i..$#$var]]; # splice the filter into our current tree
506 $i = 2;
507 }
508 if (scalar keys %seen_filters
509 && $seen_filters{$var->[$i - 5] || ''}) {
510 $self->throw('filter', "invalid FILTER entry for '".$var->[$i - 5]."' (not a CODE ref)");
511 }
512 } else {
513 $ref = undef;
514 }
516 } else {
518 ### method calls on objects
519 if (UNIVERSAL::can($ref, 'can')) {
520 my @args = $args ? @{ $self->vivify_args($args) } : ();
521 my @results = eval { $ref->$name(@args) };
522 if ($@) {
523 die $@ if ref $@ || $@ !~ /Can\'t locate object method/;
524 } elsif (defined $results[0]) {
525 $ref = ($#results > 0) ? \@results : $results[0];
526 next;
527 } elsif (defined $results[1]) {
528 die $results[1]; # TT behavior - why not just throw ?
529 } else {
530 $ref = undef;
531 last;
532 }
533 # didn't find a method by that name - so fail down to hash and array access
534 }
536 ### hash member access
537 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, 'HASH')) {
538 if ($was_dot_call && exists($ref->{$name}) ) {
539 $ref = $ref->{$name};
540 } elsif ($HASH_OPS->{$name}) {
541 $ref = $HASH_OPS->{$name}->($ref, $args ? @{ $self->vivify_args($args) } : ());
542 } elsif ($ARGS->{'is_namespace_during_compile'}) {
543 return $var; # abort - can't fold namespace variable
544 } else {
545 $ref = undef;
546 }
548 ### array access
549 } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, 'ARRAY')) {
550 if ($name =~ /^\d+$/) {
551 $ref = ($name > $#$ref) ? undef : $ref->[$name];
552 } else {
553 $ref = (! $LIST_OPS->{$name}) ? undef : $LIST_OPS->{$name}->($ref, $args ? @{ $self->vivify_args($args) } : ());
554 }
555 }
556 }
558 } # end of while
560 ### allow for undefinedness
561 if (! defined $ref) {
562 if ($self->{'_debug_undef'}) {
563 my $chunk = $var->[$i - 2];
564 $chunk = $self->get_variable($chunk) if ref($chunk) eq 'ARRAY';
565 die "$chunk is undefined\n";
566 } else {
567 $ref = $self->undefined_any($var);
568 }
569 }
571 ### allow for special behavior for the '..' operator
572 if ($generated_list && $ARGS->{'list_context'} && ref($ref) eq 'ARRAY') {
573 return @$ref;
574 }
576 return $ref;
577 }
579 sub vivify_args {
580 my $self = shift;
581 my $vars = shift;
582 my $args = shift || {};
583 return [map {$self->get_variable($_, $args)} @$vars];
584 }
586 sub play_operator {
587 my $self = shift;
588 my $tree = shift;
589 my $ARGS = shift || {};
590 my $op = $tree->[0];
591 $tree = [@$tree[1..$#$tree]];
593 ### allow for operator function override
594 if (exists $OP_FUNC->{$op}) {
595 return $OP_FUNC->{$op}->($self, $op, $tree, $ARGS);
596 }
598 ### do constructors and short-circuitable operators
599 if ($op eq '~' || $op eq '_') {
600 return join "", grep {defined} @{ $self->vivify_args($tree) };
601 } elsif ($op eq 'arrayref') {
602 return $self->vivify_args($tree, {list_context => 1});
603 } elsif ($op eq 'hashref') {
604 my $args = $self->vivify_args($tree);
605 push @$args, undef if ! ($#$args % 2);
606 return {@$args};
607 } elsif ($op eq '?') {
608 if ($self->get_variable($tree->[0])) {
609 return defined($tree->[1]) ? $self->get_variable($tree->[1]) : undef;
610 } else {
611 return defined($tree->[2]) ? $self->get_variable($tree->[2]) : undef;
612 }
613 } elsif ($op eq '||' || $op eq 'or' || $op eq 'OR') {
614 for my $node (@$tree) {
615 my $var = $self->get_variable($node);
616 return $var if $var;
617 }
618 return '';
619 } elsif ($op eq '&&' || $op eq 'and' || $op eq 'AND') {
620 my $var;
621 for my $node (@$tree) {
622 $var = $self->get_variable($node);
623 return 0 if ! $var;
624 }
625 return $var;
627 } elsif ($op eq '!') {
628 my $var = ! $self->get_variable($tree->[0]);
629 return defined($var) ? $var : '';
631 }
633 ### equality operators
634 local $^W = 0;
635 my $n = $self->get_variable($tree->[0]);
636 $tree = [@$tree[1..$#$tree]];
637 if ($op eq '==') { for (@$tree) { $_ = $self->get_variable($_); return '' if ! ($n eq $_) }; return 1 }
638 elsif ($op eq '!=') { for (@$tree) { $_ = $self->get_variable($_); return '' if ! ($n ne $_) }; return 1 }
639 elsif ($op eq 'eq') { for (@$tree) { $_ = $self->get_variable($_); return '' if ! ($n eq $_) }; return 1 }
640 elsif ($op eq 'ne') { for (@$tree) { $_ = $self->get_variable($_); return '' if ! ($n ne $_) }; return 1 }
641 elsif ($op eq '<') { for (@$tree) { $_ = $self->get_variable($_); return '' if ! ($n < $_); $n = $_ }; return 1 }
642 elsif ($op eq '>') { for (@$tree) { $_ = $self->get_variable($_); return '' if ! ($n > $_); $n = $_ }; return 1 }
643 elsif ($op eq '<=') { for (@$tree) { $_ = $self->get_variable($_); return '' if ! ($n <= $_); $n = $_ }; return 1 }
644 elsif ($op eq '>=') { for (@$tree) { $_ = $self->get_variable($_); return '' if ! ($n >= $_); $n = $_ }; return 1 }
645 elsif ($op eq 'lt') { for (@$tree) { $_ = $self->get_variable($_); return '' if ! ($n lt $_); $n = $_ }; return 1 }
646 elsif ($op eq 'gt') { for (@$tree) { $_ = $self->get_variable($_); return '' if ! ($n gt $_); $n = $_ }; return 1 }
647 elsif ($op eq 'le') { for (@$tree) { $_ = $self->get_variable($_); return '' if ! ($n le $_); $n = $_ }; return 1 }
648 elsif ($op eq 'ge') { for (@$tree) { $_ = $self->get_variable($_); return '' if ! ($n ge $_); $n = $_ }; return 1 }
650 ### numeric operators
651 my $args = $self->vivify_args($tree);
652 if (! @$args) {
653 if ($op eq '-') { return - $n }
654 $self->throw('operator', "Not enough args for operator \"$op\"");
655 }
656 if ($op eq '..') { return [($n || 0) .. ($args->[-1] || 0)] }
657 elsif ($op eq '+') { $n += $_ for @$args; return $n }
658 elsif ($op eq '-') { $n -= $_ for @$args; return $n }
659 elsif ($op eq '*') { $n *= $_ for @$args; return $n }
660 elsif ($op eq '/') { $n /= $_ for @$args; return $n }
661 elsif ($op eq 'div'
662 || $op eq 'DIV') { $n = int($n / $_) for @$args; return $n }
663 elsif ($op eq '%'
664 || $op eq 'mod'
665 || $op eq 'MOD') { $n %= $_ for @$args; return $n }
666 elsif ($op eq '**'
667 || $op eq 'pow') { $n **= $_ for @$args; return $n }
669 $self->throw('operator', "Un-implemented operation $op");
670 }
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