]> Dogcows Code - chaz/openbox/blob - plugins/mouse/mouse.c
[chaz/openbox] / plugins / mouse / mouse.c
1 #include "kernel/openbox.h"
2 #include "kernel/dispatch.h"
3 #include "kernel/action.h"
4 #include "kernel/event.h"
5 #include "kernel/client.h"
6 #include "kernel/prop.h"
7 #include "kernel/grab.h"
8 #include "kernel/parse.h"
9 #include "kernel/frame.h"
10 #include "translate.h"
11 #include "mouse.h"
12 #include "mouseparse.h"
13 #include <glib.h>
15 static int threshold;
16 static int dclicktime;
18 static void parse_assign(char *name, ParseToken *value)
19 {
20 if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(name, "dragthreshold")) {
21 if (value->type != TOKEN_INTEGER)
22 yyerror("invalid value");
23 else {
24 if (value->data.integer >= 0)
25 threshold = value->data.integer;
26 }
27 } else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(name, "doubleclicktime")) {
28 if (value->type != TOKEN_INTEGER)
29 yyerror("invalid value");
30 else {
31 if (value->data.integer >= 0)
32 dclicktime = value->data.integer;
33 }
34 } else
35 yyerror("invalid option");
36 parse_free_token(value);
37 }
39 void plugin_setup_config()
40 {
41 threshold = 3;
42 dclicktime = 200;
43 parse_reg_section("mouse", mouseparse, parse_assign);
44 }
46 /* Array of GSList*s of PointerBinding*s. */
47 static GSList *bound_contexts[NUM_CONTEXTS];
49 static void grab_for_client(Client *client, gboolean grab)
50 {
51 int i;
52 GSList *it;
54 for (i = 0; i < NUM_CONTEXTS; ++i)
55 for (it = bound_contexts[i]; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
56 /* grab/ungrab the button */
57 MouseBinding *b = it->data;
58 Window win;
59 int mode;
60 unsigned int mask;
62 if (i == Context_Frame) {
63 win = client->frame->window;
64 mode = GrabModeAsync;
65 mask = ButtonPressMask | ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask;
66 } else if (i == Context_Client) {
67 win = client->frame->plate;
68 mode = GrabModeSync; /* this is handled in event */
69 mask = ButtonPressMask; /* can't catch more than this with Sync
70 mode the release event is
71 manufactured in event() */
72 } else continue;
74 if (grab)
75 grab_button(b->button, b->state, win, mask, mode);
76 else
77 ungrab_button(b->button, b->state, win);
78 }
79 }
81 static void grab_all_clients(gboolean grab)
82 {
83 GList *it;
85 for (it = client_list; it != NULL; it = it->next)
86 grab_for_client(it->data, grab);
87 }
89 static void clearall()
90 {
91 int i;
92 GSList *it;
94 for(i = 0; i < NUM_CONTEXTS; ++i) {
95 for (it = bound_contexts[i]; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
96 int j;
98 MouseBinding *b = it->data;
99 for (j = 0; j < NUM_MOUSEACTION; ++j) {
100 GSList *it;
101 for (it = b->actions[j]; it; it = it->next) {
102 action_free(it->data);
103 }
104 g_slist_free(b->actions[j]);
105 }
106 g_free(b);
107 }
108 g_slist_free(bound_contexts[i]);
109 }
110 }
112 static void fire_button(MouseAction a, Context context, Client *c, guint state,
113 guint button, int x, int y)
114 {
115 GSList *it;
116 MouseBinding *b;
118 for (it = bound_contexts[context]; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
119 b = it->data;
120 if (b->state == state && b->button == button)
121 break;
122 }
123 /* if not bound, then nothing to do! */
124 if (it == NULL) return;
126 for (it = b->actions[a]; it; it = it->next) {
127 Action *act = it->data;
128 if (act->func != NULL) {
129 act->data.any.c = c;
131 g_assert(act->func != action_moveresize);
133 if (act->func == action_showmenu) {
134 act->data.showmenu.x = x;
135 act->data.showmenu.y = y;
136 }
138 act->func(&act->data);
139 }
140 }
141 }
143 static void fire_motion(MouseAction a, Context context, Client *c,
144 guint state, guint button, int x_root, int y_root,
145 guint32 corner)
146 {
147 GSList *it;
148 MouseBinding *b;
150 for (it = bound_contexts[context]; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
151 b = it->data;
152 if (b->state == state && b->button == button)
153 break;
154 }
155 /* if not bound, then nothing to do! */
156 if (it == NULL) return;
158 for (it = b->actions[a]; it; it = it->next) {
159 Action *act = it->data;
160 if (act->func != NULL) {
161 act->data.any.c = c;
163 if (act->func == action_moveresize) {
164 act->data.moveresize.x = x_root;
165 act->data.moveresize.y = y_root;
166 act->data.moveresize.button = button;
167 if (!(act->data.moveresize.corner ==
168 prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_move ||
169 act->data.moveresize.corner ==
170 prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_move_keyboard ||
171 act->data.moveresize.corner ==
172 prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_keyboard))
173 act->data.moveresize.corner = corner;
174 } else
175 g_assert_not_reached();
177 act->func(&act->data);
178 }
179 }
180 }
182 static guint32 pick_corner(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch)
183 {
184 if (x - cx < cw / 2) {
185 if (y - cy < ch / 2)
186 return prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_topleft;
187 else
188 return prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_bottomleft;
189 } else {
190 if (y - cy < ch / 2)
191 return prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_topright;
192 else
193 return prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_bottomright;
194 }
195 }
197 static void event(ObEvent *e, void *foo)
198 {
199 static Time ltime;
200 static guint button = 0, state = 0, lbutton = 0;
201 static int px, py;
202 gboolean click = FALSE;
203 gboolean dclick = FALSE;
204 Context context;
206 switch (e->type) {
207 case Event_Client_Mapped:
208 grab_for_client(e->data.c.client, TRUE);
209 break;
211 case Event_Client_Destroy:
212 grab_for_client(e->data.c.client, FALSE);
213 break;
215 case Event_X_ButtonPress:
216 context = frame_context(e->data.x.client,
217 e->data.x.e->xbutton.window);
219 if (!button) {
220 px = e->data.x.e->xbutton.x_root;
221 py = e->data.x.e->xbutton.y_root;
222 button = e->data.x.e->xbutton.button;
223 state = e->data.x.e->xbutton.state;
224 }
226 fire_button(MouseAction_Press, context,
227 e->data.x.client, e->data.x.e->xbutton.state,
228 e->data.x.e->xbutton.button,
229 e->data.x.e->xbutton.x_root, e->data.x.e->xbutton.y_root);
231 if (context == Context_Client) {
232 /* Replay the event, so it goes to the client*/
233 XAllowEvents(ob_display, ReplayPointer, event_lasttime);
234 /* Fall through to the release case! */
235 } else
236 break;
238 case Event_X_ButtonRelease:
239 context = frame_context(e->data.x.client,
240 e->data.x.e->xbutton.window);
241 if (e->data.x.e->xbutton.button == button) {
242 /* clicks are only valid if its released over the window */
243 int junk;
244 Window wjunk;
245 guint ujunk, b, w, h;
246 XGetGeometry(ob_display, e->data.x.e->xbutton.window,
247 &wjunk, &junk, &junk, &w, &h, &b, &ujunk);
248 if (e->data.x.e->xbutton.x >= (signed)-b &&
249 e->data.x.e->xbutton.y >= (signed)-b &&
250 e->data.x.e->xbutton.x < (signed)(w+b) &&
251 e->data.x.e->xbutton.y < (signed)(h+b)) {
252 click = TRUE;
253 /* double clicks happen if there were 2 in a row! */
254 if (lbutton == button &&
255 e->data.x.e->xbutton.time - dclicktime <= ltime) {
256 dclick = TRUE;
257 lbutton = 0;
258 } else
259 lbutton = button;
260 } else
261 lbutton = 0;
263 button = 0;
264 state = 0;
265 ltime = e->data.x.e->xbutton.time;
266 }
267 fire_button(MouseAction_Release, context,
268 e->data.x.client, e->data.x.e->xbutton.state,
269 e->data.x.e->xbutton.button,
270 e->data.x.e->xbutton.x_root, e->data.x.e->xbutton.y_root);
271 if (click)
272 fire_button(MouseAction_Click, context,
273 e->data.x.client, e->data.x.e->xbutton.state,
274 e->data.x.e->xbutton.button,
275 e->data.x.e->xbutton.x_root,
276 e->data.x.e->xbutton.y_root);
277 if (dclick)
278 fire_button(MouseAction_DClick, context,
279 e->data.x.client, e->data.x.e->xbutton.state,
280 e->data.x.e->xbutton.button,
281 e->data.x.e->xbutton.x_root,
282 e->data.x.e->xbutton.y_root);
283 break;
285 case Event_X_MotionNotify:
286 if (button) {
287 if (ABS(e->data.x.e->xmotion.x_root - px) >= threshold ||
288 ABS(e->data.x.e->xmotion.y_root - py) >= threshold) {
289 guint32 corner;
291 if (!e->data.x.client)
292 corner = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_bottomright;
293 else
294 corner =
295 pick_corner(e->data.x.e->xmotion.x_root,
296 e->data.x.e->xmotion.y_root,
297 e->data.x.client->frame->area.x,
298 e->data.x.client->frame->area.y,
299 /* use the client size because the frame
300 can be differently sized (shaded
301 windows) and we want this based on the
302 clients size */
303 e->data.x.client->area.width +
304 e->data.x.client->frame->size.left +
305 e->data.x.client->frame->size.right,
306 e->data.x.client->area.height +
307 e->data.x.client->frame->size.top +
308 e->data.x.client->frame->size.bottom);
309 context = frame_context(e->data.x.client,
310 e->data.x.e->xmotion.window);
311 fire_motion(MouseAction_Motion, context,
312 e->data.x.client, state, button,
313 e->data.x.e->xmotion.x_root,
314 e->data.x.e->xmotion.y_root, corner);
315 button = 0;
316 state = 0;
317 }
318 }
319 break;
321 default:
322 g_assert_not_reached();
323 }
324 }
326 gboolean mbind(char *buttonstr, char *contextstr, MouseAction mact,
327 Action *action)
328 {
329 guint state, button;
330 Context context;
331 MouseBinding *b;
332 GSList *it;
334 if (!translate_button(buttonstr, &state, &button)) {
335 g_warning("invalid button '%s'", buttonstr);
336 return FALSE;
337 }
339 contextstr = g_ascii_strdown(contextstr, -1);
340 context = frame_context_from_string(contextstr);
341 if (!context) {
342 g_warning("invalid context '%s'", contextstr);
343 g_free(contextstr);
344 return FALSE;
345 }
346 g_free(contextstr);
348 for (it = bound_contexts[context]; it != NULL; it = it->next){
349 b = it->data;
350 if (b->state == state && b->button == button) {
351 b->actions[mact] = g_slist_append(b->actions[mact], action);
352 return TRUE;
353 }
354 }
356 grab_all_clients(FALSE);
358 /* add the binding */
359 b = g_new0(MouseBinding, 1);
360 b->state = state;
361 b->button = button;
362 b->actions[mact] = g_slist_append(NULL, action);
363 bound_contexts[context] = g_slist_append(bound_contexts[context], b);
365 grab_all_clients(TRUE);
367 return TRUE;
368 }
370 void plugin_startup()
371 {
372 dispatch_register(Event_Client_Mapped | Event_Client_Destroy |
373 Event_X_ButtonPress | Event_X_ButtonRelease |
374 Event_X_MotionNotify, (EventHandler)event, NULL);
375 }
377 void plugin_shutdown()
378 {
379 dispatch_register(0, (EventHandler)event, NULL);
381 grab_all_clients(FALSE);
382 clearall();
383 }
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