]> Dogcows Code - chaz/git-codeowners/blob - META.yml
[chaz/git-codeowners] / META.yml
1 ---
2 abstract: 'A tool for managing CODEOWNERS files'
3 author:
4 - 'Charles McGarvey <chazmcgarvey@brokenzipper.com>'
5 build_requires:
6 Capture::Tiny: '0'
7 ExtUtils::MakeMaker: '0'
8 File::Spec: '0'
9 File::pushd: '0'
10 FindBin: '0'
11 IO::Handle: '0'
12 IPC::Open3: '0'
13 Test::Exit: '0'
14 Test::More: '0'
15 configure_requires:
16 ExtUtils::MakeMaker: '0'
17 dynamic_config: 0
18 generated_by: 'Dist::Zilla version 6.012, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010'
19 license: perl
20 meta-spec:
21 url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html
22 version: '1.4'
23 name: App-Codeowners
24 no_index:
25 directory:
26 - eg
27 - share
28 - shares
29 - t
30 - xt
31 provides:
32 App::Codeowners:
33 file: lib/App/Codeowners.pm
34 version: '0.45'
35 App::Codeowners::Formatter:
36 file: lib/App/Codeowners/Formatter.pm
37 version: '0.45'
38 App::Codeowners::Formatter::CSV:
39 file: lib/App/Codeowners/Formatter/CSV.pm
40 version: '0.45'
41 App::Codeowners::Formatter::JSON:
42 file: lib/App/Codeowners/Formatter/JSON.pm
43 version: '0.45'
44 App::Codeowners::Formatter::String:
45 file: lib/App/Codeowners/Formatter/String.pm
46 version: '0.45'
47 App::Codeowners::Formatter::TSV:
48 file: lib/App/Codeowners/Formatter/TSV.pm
49 version: '0.45'
50 App::Codeowners::Formatter::Table:
51 file: lib/App/Codeowners/Formatter/Table.pm
52 version: '0.45'
53 App::Codeowners::Formatter::YAML:
54 file: lib/App/Codeowners/Formatter/YAML.pm
55 version: '0.45'
56 App::Codeowners::Options:
57 file: lib/App/Codeowners/Options.pm
58 version: '0.45'
59 App::Codeowners::Util:
60 file: lib/App/Codeowners/Util.pm
61 version: '0.45'
62 App::Codeowners::Util::Process:
63 file: lib/App/Codeowners/Util.pm
64 version: '0.45'
65 File::Codeowners:
66 file: lib/File/Codeowners.pm
67 version: '0.45'
68 Test::File::Codeowners:
69 file: lib/Test/File/Codeowners.pm
70 version: '0.45'
71 recommends:
72 Pod::Usage: '0'
73 Term::Detect::Software: '0'
74 Unicode::GCString: '0'
75 requires:
76 Carp: '0'
77 Color::ANSI::Util: '0.03'
78 Encode: '0'
79 Exporter: '0'
80 Getopt::Long: '2.39'
81 IPC::Open2: '0'
82 Module::Load: '0'
83 Path::Tiny: '0'
84 Scalar::Util: '0'
85 Test::Builder: '0'
86 Text::Gitignore: '0'
87 parent: '0'
88 perl: v5.10.1
89 strict: '0'
90 utf8: '0'
91 warnings: '0'
92 resources:
93 bugtracker: https://github.com/chazmcgarvey/git-codeowners/issues
94 homepage: https://github.com/chazmcgarvey/git-codeowners
95 repository: https://github.com/chazmcgarvey/git-codeowners.git
96 version: '0.45'
97 x_authority: cpan:CCM
98 x_generated_by_perl: v5.28.0
99 x_serialization_backend: 'YAML::Tiny version 1.73'
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