//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Author: Daniel Milton adapted by Andy Rushton // Copyright: (c) Daniel Milton, Andy Rushton onwards // License: BSD License, see ../docs/license.html //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "udp_sockets.hpp" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace stlplus { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UDP client //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create an uninitialised socket UDP_client::UDP_client(void) : IP_socket(UDP) { } // Send/Receive datagram packets to/from the given address/remote port on the local port. // Enables default send to remote address/port // - remote_address: IP name or number of remote host // - remote_port: port number of remote host // - local_port: port number to receive on - 0 to get an ephemeral port. UDP_client::UDP_client(const std::string& remote_address, unsigned short remote_port, unsigned short local_port) : IP_socket(UDP) { initialise(remote_address, remote_port, local_port); } // Send/Receive datagram packets to/from the given address/remote port on the given local port // Enables default send to remote address/port // - remote_address: IP address of remote host - pre-looked-up using ip_lookup // - remote_port: port number of remote host // - local_port: port number to receive on - 0 to get an ephemeral port. UDP_client::UDP_client(unsigned long remote_address, unsigned short remote_port, unsigned short local_port) : IP_socket(UDP) { initialise(remote_address, remote_port, local_port); } // Send/Receive datagram packets to/from the given address/remote port on the local port. // Enables default send to remote address/port // - remote_address: IP name or number of remote host // - remote_port: port number of remote host // - local_port: port number to receive on - 0 to get an ephemeral port. // - returns a success flag bool UDP_client::initialise(const std::string& address, unsigned short remote_port, unsigned short local_port) { // lookup the address and convert it into an IP number unsigned long remote_address = IP_socket::ip_lookup(address); if (!remote_address) return false; return initialise(remote_address, remote_port, local_port); } // Send/Receive datagram packets to/from the given address/remote port on the given local port // Enables default send to remote address/port // - remote_address: IP address of remote host - pre-looked-up using ip_lookup // - remote_port: port number of remote host // - local_port: port number to receive on - 0 to get an ephemeral port. // - returns a success flag bool UDP_client::initialise(unsigned long remote_address, unsigned short remote_port, unsigned short local_port) { if (!IP_socket::bind(remote_address, local_port)) return false; return IP_socket::connect(remote_address, remote_port); } // send to the remote address/port setup in initialise, from the local port also setup in initialise. // send data through the socket as a single datagram // - packet: string containing data to be sent - if data is successfully sent it is removed // - returns success flag bool UDP_client::send(std::string& packet) { return IP_socket::send_packet(packet); } // datagram receive // - packet: string to receive data from datagram - if data is successfully sent it is appended // - returns success flag - i.e. packet successfully received bool UDP_client::receive(std::string& packet) { return IP_socket::receive_packet(packet); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UDP Server //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create an uninitialised socket UDP_server::UDP_server(void) : IP_socket(UDP) { } // Initialise socket. // Receive datagram packets from any address on provided local receiving port. // No default send possible. // - local_port: port number to receive on - 0 to get an ephemeral port. UDP_server::UDP_server(unsigned short local_port) : IP_socket(UDP) { initialise(local_port); } // Initialise socket. // Receive datagram packets from any address on provided local receiving port. // No default send possible. // - local_port: port number to receive on - 0 to get an ephemeral port. // - returns a success flag bool UDP_server::initialise(unsigned short local_port) { return IP_socket::bind_any(local_port); } // send to the address/port given here, from the local port setup in initialise. // send data through the socket as a single datagram // - packet: string containing data to be sent - if data is successfully sent it is removed // - remote_address: IP name (stlplus.sourceforge.net) or dotted number ( // - remote_port: port number of remote host // - returns success flag bool UDP_server::send(std::string& packet, const std::string& remote_address, unsigned short remote_port) { unsigned long ip_address = ip_lookup(remote_address); if (ip_address == 0) return false; return send(packet, ip_address, remote_port); } // send to the address/port given here, from the local port setup in initialise. // send data through the socket as a single datagram // - packet: string containing data to be sent - if data is successfully sent it is removed // - remote_address: pre-looked-up IP address of remote host // - remote_port: port number of remote host // - returns success flag bool UDP_server::send(std::string& packet, unsigned long remote_address, unsigned short remote_port) { return IP_socket::send_packet(packet, remote_address, remote_port); } // datagram receive // - packet: string to receive data from datagram - if data is successfully sent it is appended // - remote_address: the address of the client that sent the packet, can then be used to reply // - remote_port: the port of the client that sent the packet, can then be used to reply // - returns success flag - i.e. packet successfully received bool UDP_server::receive(std::string& packet, unsigned long& remote_address, unsigned short& remote_port) { return IP_socket::receive_packet(packet, remote_address, remote_port); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // fire and forget UDP client packet send function //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool UDP_send(const std::string& packet, const std::string& remote_address, unsigned short remote_port, unsigned short local_port) { UDP_client client(remote_address, remote_port, local_port); if (!client.initialised()) return false; std::string packet_copy = packet; return client.send(packet_copy); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // end namespace stlplus