/*] Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Charles McGarvey [***************************** **] All rights reserved. * * Distributable under the terms and conditions of the 2-clause BSD license; * see the file COPYING for a complete text of the license. * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _MOOF_MANAGER_HH_ #define _MOOF_MANAGER_HH_ /** * \file manager.hh * A manager is a collection of named objects of the same type. Libraries * use reference counting to automagically delete objects which no longer * have any interested code. */ #include #include #include namespace moof { template class manager { public: manager() : retain_count_(1) {} const std::string& name() const { return name_; } static boost::shared_ptr instance(const std::string& name) { return boost::shared_ptr(retain(name), &release); } private: typedef stlplus::hash ptr_lookup; static T* retain(const std::string& name) { typename ptr_lookup::iterator it = ptr_lookup_.find(name); if (it != ptr_lookup_.end()) { ++((*it).second->retain_count_); return (*it).second; } else { T* new_object(new T); if (new_object) { new_object->name_ = name; new_object->init(name); ptr_lookup_.insert(std::make_pair(name, new_object)); } return new_object; } } static void release(T* obj) { if (--(obj->retain_count_) == 0) { ptr_lookup_.erase(obj->name_); delete obj; } } static ptr_lookup ptr_lookup_; std::string name_; unsigned retain_count_; }; template hash manager::ptr_lookup_; } // namespace moof #endif // _MOOF_MANAGER_HH_