/* -*- C++ -*- ------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) 2007 Jesse Anders and Demian Nave http://cmldev.net/ The Configurable Math Library (CML) is distributed under the terms of the Boost Software License, v1.0 (see cml/LICENSE for details). *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @file * @brief * * @todo Return a VectorXpr adaptor from the imaginary() method of * quaternion and the expression node types. * * @todo swap multiplication order based upon template param * * @todo change element order based upon template param */ #ifndef quaternion_h #define quaternion_h #include #include #include #include /* This is used below to create a more meaningful compile-time error when * the quaternion class is not created with a fixed-size 4-vector: */ struct quaternion_requires_fixed_size_array_type_error; namespace cml { /** A configurable quaternion type. * * @note Quaternions with two different orders cannot be used in the same * expression. */ template< typename Element, class ArrayType, class Order, class Cross > class quaternion { /* The ArrayType must be fixed<> or external<>: */ CML_STATIC_REQUIRE_M( (same_type< ArrayType, fixed<> >::is_true || same_type< ArrayType, external<> >::is_true), quaternion_requires_fixed_size_array_type_error); public: /* Shorthand for the array type generator: */ typedef ArrayType storage_type; typedef typename ArrayType::template rebind<4>::other generator_type; /* Vector representing the quaternion. Use the rebinding template to * set the vector size: */ typedef vector vector_type; /* Vector temporary type: */ typedef typename vector_type::temporary_type vector_temporary; /* Quaternion order: */ typedef Order order_type; /* Quaternion multiplication order: */ typedef Cross cross_type; /* Scalar type representing the scalar part: */ typedef typename vector_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename vector_type::reference reference; typedef typename vector_type::const_reference const_reference; /* XXX Need to verify that this is a true scalar type. */ /* The quaternion type: */ typedef quaternion quaternion_type; /* For integration into the expression template code: */ typedef quaternion_type expr_type; /* For integration into the expression template code: */ typedef quaternion< Element, typename vector_temporary::storage_type, order_type, cross_type> temporary_type; /* For integration into the expression templates code: */ typedef quaternion_type& expr_reference; typedef const quaternion_type& expr_const_reference; /* For matching by storage type: */ typedef typename vector_type::memory_tag memory_tag; /* For matching by size type: */ typedef typename vector_type::size_tag size_tag; /* Get the imaginary part type: */ typedef typename vector_temporary::subvector_type imaginary_type; /* For matching by result-type: */ typedef cml::et::quaternion_result_tag result_tag; /* For matching by assignability: */ typedef cml::et::assignable_tag assignable_tag; public: /** Record result size as an enum. */ enum { array_size = 4 }; /** Localize the ordering as an enum. */ enum { W = order_type::W, X = order_type::X, Y = order_type::Y, Z = order_type::Z }; public: /** Return the scalar part. */ value_type real() const { return m_q[W]; } /** Return the imaginary vector. */ imaginary_type imaginary() const { /* imaginary_type v; v[0] = m_q[X]; v[1] = m_q[Y]; v[2] = m_q[Z]; return v; */ return imaginary_type(m_q[X], m_q[Y], m_q[Z]); } /** Return the vector representing the quaternion. */ const vector_type& as_vector() const { return m_q; } /** Return the Cayley norm of the quaternion. */ value_type norm() const { return length_squared(); } /** Return square of the quaternion length. */ value_type length_squared() const { return cml::dot(*this,*this); } /** Return the quaternion length. */ value_type length() const { return std::sqrt(length_squared()); } /** Normalize this quaternion (divide by its length). * * @todo Make this return a QuaternionXpr. */ quaternion_type& normalize() { return (*this /= length()); } /** Set this quaternion to the conjugate. */ quaternion_type& conjugate() { return (*this) = cml::conjugate(*this); } /** Set this quaternion to the inverse. */ quaternion_type& inverse() { return (*this) = cml::inverse(*this); } /** Set this quaternion to the multiplicative identity. */ quaternion_type& identity() { m_q[W] = value_type(1); m_q[X] = value_type(0); m_q[Y] = value_type(0); m_q[Z] = value_type(0); return *this; } /** Return the log of this quaternion. */ temporary_type log( value_type tolerance = epsilon::placeholder()) const { value_type a = acos_safe(real()); value_type s = std::sin(a); if (s > tolerance) { return temporary_type(value_type(0), imaginary() * (a / s)); } else { return temporary_type(value_type(0), imaginary()); } } /** * Return the result of the exponential function as applied to * this quaternion. */ temporary_type exp( value_type tolerance = epsilon::placeholder()) const { imaginary_type v = imaginary(); value_type a = cml::length(v); if (a > tolerance) { return temporary_type(std::cos(a), v * (std::sin(a) / a)); } else { return temporary_type(std::cos(a), v); } } /** Const access to the quaternion as a vector. */ const_reference operator[](size_t i) const { return m_q[i]; } /** Mutable access to the quaternion as a vector. */ reference operator[](size_t i) { return m_q[i]; } /** Fill quaternion with random elements. * * @warning This does not generate uniformly random rotations. */ void random(value_type min, value_type max) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { m_q[i] = random_real(min,max); } } public: /** Default initializer. * * @note The default constructor cannot be used with an external<> * array type. */ quaternion() {} /** Initializer for an external<> vector type. */ quaternion(Element* const array) : m_q(array) {} /** Copy construct from the same type of quaternion. */ quaternion(const quaternion_type& q) : m_q(q.m_q) {} /** Construct from a quaternion having a different array type. */ template quaternion( const quaternion& q) : m_q(q.as_vector()) {} /** Copy construct from a QuaternionXpr. */ template quaternion(QUATXPR_ARG_TYPE e) { typedef typename XprT::order_type arg_order; m_q[W] = e[arg_order::W]; m_q[X] = e[arg_order::X]; m_q[Y] = e[arg_order::Y]; m_q[Z] = e[arg_order::Z]; } /** Initialize from a 4-vector. * * If Order is scalar_first, then v[0] is the real part. Otherwise, * v[3] is the real part. */ quaternion(const vector_type& v) : m_q(v) {} /** Initialize from an array of scalars. * * If Order is scalar_first, then v[0] is the real part. Otherwise, * v[3] is the real part. * * @note The target vector must have CML_VEC_COPY_FROM_ARRAY * implemented, so this cannot be used with external<> vectors. */ quaternion(const value_type v[4]) : m_q(v) {} /** Initialize from 4 scalars. * * If Order is scalar_first, then a is the real part, and (b,c,d) is * the imaginary part. Otherwise, (a,b,c) is the imaginary part, and d * is the real part. */ quaternion( const value_type& a, const value_type& b, const value_type& c, const value_type& d) { /* Call the overloaded assignment function: */ assign(a, b, c, d, Order()); } /** Initialize both the real and imaginary parts. * * The imaginary part is given by a 3-vector. Although the imaginary * part is specified first, the proper coefficient order (vector or * scalar first) is maintained. */ quaternion(const value_type& s, const imaginary_type& v) { m_q[W] = s; m_q[X] = v[0]; m_q[Y] = v[1]; m_q[Z] = v[2]; } /** Initialize both the real and imaginary parts. * * The imaginary part is given by a 3-vector. Although the imaginary * part is specified second, the proper coefficient order (vector or * scalar first) is maintained. */ quaternion(const imaginary_type& v, const value_type& s) { m_q[W] = s; m_q[X] = v[0]; m_q[Y] = v[1]; m_q[Z] = v[2]; } /** Initialize both the real and imaginary parts. * * The imaginary part is given by an array of scalars. Although the * imaginary part is specified first, the proper coefficient order * (vector or scalar first) is maintained. */ quaternion(const value_type v[3], const value_type& s) { m_q[W] = s; m_q[X] = v[0]; m_q[Y] = v[1]; m_q[Z] = v[2]; } /** Initialize both the real and imaginary parts. * * The imaginary part is given by an array of scalars. Although the * imaginary part is specified second, the proper coefficient order * (vector or scalar first) is maintained. */ quaternion(const value_type& s, const value_type v[3]) { m_q[W] = s; m_q[X] = v[0]; m_q[Y] = v[1]; m_q[Z] = v[2]; } /** Initialize from a VectorXpr. */ template quaternion(VECXPR_ARG_TYPE e) : m_q(e) {} /** Initialize both the real and imaginary parts. * * The imaginary part is initialized with a VectorXpr. */ template quaternion(const value_type& s, VECXPR_ARG_TYPE e) { m_q[W] = s; m_q[X] = e[0]; m_q[Y] = e[1]; m_q[Z] = e[2]; } // @todo: Are we missing: // quaternion(VECXPR_ARG_TYPE e, const value_type& s) {} // Or is that covered elsewhere? /** In-place op from a quaternion. * * This assumes that _op_ is defined for both the quaternion's vector * type and its scalar type. */ #define CML_QUAT_ASSIGN_FROM_QUAT(_op_) \ template const quaternion_type& \ operator _op_ (const quaternion& q) { \ m_q[W] _op_ q[W]; \ m_q[X] _op_ q[X]; \ m_q[Y] _op_ q[Y]; \ m_q[Z] _op_ q[Z]; \ return *this; \ } /** In-place op from a QuaternionXpr. * * This assumes that _op_ is defined for the quaternion's scalar type. */ #define CML_QUAT_ASSIGN_FROM_QUATXPR(_op_) \ template quaternion_type& \ operator _op_ (QUATXPR_ARG_TYPE e) { \ typedef typename XprT::order_type arg_order; \ m_q[W] _op_ e[arg_order::W]; \ m_q[X] _op_ e[arg_order::X]; \ m_q[Y] _op_ e[arg_order::Y]; \ m_q[Z] _op_ e[arg_order::Z]; \ return *this; \ } /** In-place op from a scalar type. * * This assumes that _op_ is defined for the quaternion's scalar type. */ #define CML_QUAT_ASSIGN_FROM_SCALAR(_op_,_op_name_) \ quaternion_type& operator _op_ (const value_type& s) { \ typedef _op_name_ OpT; \ OpT().apply(m_q[W],s); \ OpT().apply(m_q[X],s); \ OpT().apply(m_q[Y],s); \ OpT().apply(m_q[Z],s); \ return *this; \ } CML_QUAT_ASSIGN_FROM_QUAT(=) CML_QUAT_ASSIGN_FROM_QUAT(+=) CML_QUAT_ASSIGN_FROM_QUAT(-=) CML_QUAT_ASSIGN_FROM_QUATXPR(=) CML_QUAT_ASSIGN_FROM_QUATXPR(+=) CML_QUAT_ASSIGN_FROM_QUATXPR(-=) CML_QUAT_ASSIGN_FROM_SCALAR(*=, cml::et::OpMulAssign) CML_QUAT_ASSIGN_FROM_SCALAR(/=, cml::et::OpDivAssign) #undef CML_QUAT_ASSIGN_FROM_QUAT #undef CML_QUAT_ASSIGN_FROM_QUATXPR #undef CML_QUAT_ASSIGN_FROM_SCALAR /** Accumulated multiplication with a quaternion. * * Compute p = p * q for two quaternions p and q. * * @internal Using operator* here is okay, as long as cml/quaternion.h * is included before using this method (the only supported case for * end-user code). This is because modern compilers won't instantiate a * method in a template class until it is used, and including the main * header ensures all definitions are available before any possible use * of this method. */ quaternion_type& operator*=(const quaternion_type& q) { return (*this = *this * q); } /** Accumulated multiplication with a quaternion expression. * * Compute p = p * e for a quaternion p and a quaternion expression e. * * @internal Using operator* here is okay, as long as cml/quaternion.h * is included before using this method (the only supported case for * end-user code). This is because modern compilers won't instantiate a * method in a template class until it is used, and including the main * header ensures all definitions are available before any possible use * of this method. */ template quaternion_type& operator*=(QUATXPR_ARG_TYPE e) { return (*this = *this * e); } /** Return access to the data as a raw pointer. */ typename vector_type::pointer data() { return m_q.data(); } /** Return access to the data as a const raw pointer. */ const typename vector_type::pointer data() const { return m_q.data(); } /* NOTE: Quaternion division no longer supported, but I'm leaving the code here for reference (Jesse) */ #if 0 /** Accumulated division with a quaternion. * * Compute p = p * inverse(q). * * @note Because quaternion multiplication is non-commutative, division * is ambiguous. This method assumes a multiplication order consistent * with the notational order; i.e. p = q / r means p = q*inverse(r). * * @internal Using operator* and cml::inverse here is okay, as long as * cml/quaternion.h is included before using this method (the only * supported case for end-user code). This is because modern compilers * won't instantiate a method in a template class until it is used, and * including the main header ensures all definitions are available * before any possible use of this method. */ quaternion_type& operator/=(const quaternion_type& q) { return (*this = *this * cml::inverse(q)); } /** Accumulated division with a quaternion expression. * * Compute p = p * inverse(q). * * @note Because quaternion multiplication is non-commutative, division * is ambiguous. This method assumes a multiplication order consistent * with the notational order; i.e. p = q / r means p = q*inverse(r). * * @internal Using operator* and cml::inverse here is okay, as long as * cml/quaternion.h is included before using this method (the only * supported case for end-user code). This is because modern compilers * won't instantiate a method in a template class until it is used, and * including the main header ensures all definitions are available * before any possible use of this method. */ template quaternion_type& operator/=(QUATXPR_ARG_TYPE e) { return (*this = *this * cml::inverse(e)); } #endif protected: /** Overloaded function to assign the quaternion from 4 scalars. */ void assign(const value_type& a, const value_type& b, const value_type& c, const value_type& d, scalar_first) { m_q[W] = a; m_q[X] = b; m_q[Y] = c; m_q[Z] = d; } /** Overloaded function to assign the quaternion from 4 scalars. */ void assign(const value_type& a, const value_type& b, const value_type& c, const value_type& d, vector_first) { m_q[X] = a; m_q[Y] = b; m_q[Z] = c; m_q[W] = d; } protected: vector_type m_q; }; } // namespace cml #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // vim:ft=cpp