/* -*- C++ -*- ------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) 2007 Jesse Anders and Demian Nave http://cmldev.net/ The Configurable Math Library (CML) is distributed under the terms of the Boost Software License, v1.0 (see cml/LICENSE for details). *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @file * @brief Compute the inverse of a matrix by LU factorization. */ #ifndef matrix_inverse_h #define matrix_inverse_h #include namespace cml { namespace detail { /* Need to use a functional, since template functions cannot be * specialized. _tag is used to specialize based upon dimension: */ template struct inverse_f; /* @todo: Reciprocal optimization for division by determinant. */ /* 2x2 inverse. Despite being marked for fixed_size matrices, this can * be used for dynamic-sized ones also: */ template struct inverse_f { typename MatT::temporary_type operator()(const MatT& M) const { typedef typename MatT::temporary_type temporary_type; typedef typename temporary_type::value_type value_type; /* Matrix containing the inverse: */ temporary_type Z; cml::et::detail::Resize(Z,2,2); /* Compute determinant and inverse: */ value_type D = value_type(1) / (M(0,0)*M(1,1) - M(0,1)*M(1,0)); Z(0,0) = M(1,1)*D; Z(0,1) = - M(0,1)*D; Z(1,0) = - M(1,0)*D; Z(1,1) = M(0,0)*D; return Z; } }; /* 3x3 inverse. Despite being marked for fixed_size matrices, this can * be used for dynamic-sized ones also: */ template struct inverse_f { /* [00 01 02] * M = [10 11 12] * [20 21 22] */ typename MatT::temporary_type operator()(const MatT& M) const { /* Shorthand. */ typedef typename MatT::value_type value_type; /* Compute cofactors for each entry: */ value_type m_00 = M(1,1)*M(2,2) - M(1,2)*M(2,1); value_type m_01 = M(1,2)*M(2,0) - M(1,0)*M(2,2); value_type m_02 = M(1,0)*M(2,1) - M(1,1)*M(2,0); value_type m_10 = M(0,2)*M(2,1) - M(0,1)*M(2,2); value_type m_11 = M(0,0)*M(2,2) - M(0,2)*M(2,0); value_type m_12 = M(0,1)*M(2,0) - M(0,0)*M(2,1); value_type m_20 = M(0,1)*M(1,2) - M(0,2)*M(1,1); value_type m_21 = M(0,2)*M(1,0) - M(0,0)*M(1,2); value_type m_22 = M(0,0)*M(1,1) - M(0,1)*M(1,0); /* Compute determinant from the minors: */ value_type D = value_type(1) / (M(0,0)*m_00 + M(0,1)*m_01 + M(0,2)*m_02); /* Matrix containing the inverse: */ typename MatT::temporary_type Z; cml::et::detail::Resize(Z,3,3); /* Assign the inverse as (1/D) * (cofactor matrix)^T: */ Z(0,0) = m_00*D; Z(0,1) = m_10*D; Z(0,2) = m_20*D; Z(1,0) = m_01*D; Z(1,1) = m_11*D; Z(1,2) = m_21*D; Z(2,0) = m_02*D; Z(2,1) = m_12*D; Z(2,2) = m_22*D; return Z; } }; /* 4x4 inverse. Despite being marked for fixed_size matrices, this can * be used for dynamic-sized ones also: */ template struct inverse_f { /* [00 01 02 03] * M = [10 11 12 13] * [20 21 22 23] * [30 31 32 33] * * |11 12 13| |10 12 13| * C00 = |21 22 23| C01 = |20 22 23| * |31 32 33| |30 32 33| * * |10 11 13| |10 11 12| * C02 = |20 21 23| C03 = |20 21 22| * |30 31 33| |30 31 32| */ typename MatT::temporary_type operator()(const MatT& M) const { /* Shorthand. */ typedef typename MatT::value_type value_type; /* Common cofactors, rows 0,1: */ value_type m_22_33_23_32 = M(2,2)*M(3,3) - M(2,3)*M(3,2); value_type m_23_30_20_33 = M(2,3)*M(3,0) - M(2,0)*M(3,3); value_type m_20_31_21_30 = M(2,0)*M(3,1) - M(2,1)*M(3,0); value_type m_21_32_22_31 = M(2,1)*M(3,2) - M(2,2)*M(3,1); value_type m_23_31_21_33 = M(2,3)*M(3,1) - M(2,1)*M(3,3); value_type m_20_32_22_30 = M(2,0)*M(3,2) - M(2,2)*M(3,0); /* Compute minors: */ value_type d00 = M(1,1)*m_22_33_23_32+M(1,2)*m_23_31_21_33+M(1,3)*m_21_32_22_31; value_type d01 = M(1,0)*m_22_33_23_32+M(1,2)*m_23_30_20_33+M(1,3)*m_20_32_22_30; value_type d02 = M(1,0)*-m_23_31_21_33+M(1,1)*m_23_30_20_33+M(1,3)*m_20_31_21_30; value_type d03 = M(1,0)*m_21_32_22_31+M(1,1)*-m_20_32_22_30+M(1,2)*m_20_31_21_30; /* Compute minors: */ value_type d10 = M(0,1)*m_22_33_23_32+M(0,2)*m_23_31_21_33+M(0,3)*m_21_32_22_31; value_type d11 = M(0,0)*m_22_33_23_32+M(0,2)*m_23_30_20_33+M(0,3)*m_20_32_22_30; value_type d12 = M(0,0)*-m_23_31_21_33+M(0,1)*m_23_30_20_33+M(0,3)*m_20_31_21_30; value_type d13 = M(0,0)*m_21_32_22_31+M(0,1)*-m_20_32_22_30+M(0,2)*m_20_31_21_30; /* Common cofactors, rows 2,3: */ value_type m_02_13_03_12 = M(0,2)*M(1,3) - M(0,3)*M(1,2); value_type m_03_10_00_13 = M(0,3)*M(1,0) - M(0,0)*M(1,3); value_type m_00_11_01_10 = M(0,0)*M(1,1) - M(0,1)*M(1,0); value_type m_01_12_02_11 = M(0,1)*M(1,2) - M(0,2)*M(1,1); value_type m_03_11_01_13 = M(0,3)*M(1,1) - M(0,1)*M(1,3); value_type m_00_12_02_10 = M(0,0)*M(1,2) - M(0,2)*M(1,0); /* Compute minors (uses row 3 as the multipliers instead of row 0, * which uses the same signs as row 0): */ value_type d20 = M(3,1)*m_02_13_03_12+M(3,2)*m_03_11_01_13+M(3,3)*m_01_12_02_11; value_type d21 = M(3,0)*m_02_13_03_12+M(3,2)*m_03_10_00_13+M(3,3)*m_00_12_02_10; value_type d22 = M(3,0)*-m_03_11_01_13+M(3,1)*m_03_10_00_13+M(3,3)*m_00_11_01_10; value_type d23 = M(3,0)*m_01_12_02_11+M(3,1)*-m_00_12_02_10+M(3,2)*m_00_11_01_10; /* Compute minors: */ value_type d30 = M(2,1)*m_02_13_03_12+M(2,2)*m_03_11_01_13+M(2,3)*m_01_12_02_11; value_type d31 = M(2,0)*m_02_13_03_12+M(2,2)*m_03_10_00_13+M(2,3)*m_00_12_02_10; value_type d32 = M(2,0)*-m_03_11_01_13+M(2,1)*m_03_10_00_13+M(2,3)*m_00_11_01_10; value_type d33 = M(2,0)*m_01_12_02_11+M(2,1)*-m_00_12_02_10+M(2,2)*m_00_11_01_10; /* Finally, compute determinant from the minors, and assign the * inverse as (1/D) * (cofactor matrix)^T: */ typename MatT::temporary_type Z; cml::et::detail::Resize(Z,4,4); value_type D = value_type(1) / (M(0,0)*d00 - M(0,1)*d01 + M(0,2)*d02 - M(0,3)*d03); Z(0,0) = +d00*D; Z(0,1) = -d10*D; Z(0,2) = +d20*D; Z(0,3) = -d30*D; Z(1,0) = -d01*D; Z(1,1) = +d11*D; Z(1,2) = -d21*D; Z(1,3) = +d31*D; Z(2,0) = +d02*D; Z(2,1) = -d12*D; Z(2,2) = +d22*D; Z(2,3) = -d32*D; Z(3,0) = -d03*D; Z(3,1) = +d13*D; Z(3,2) = -d23*D; Z(3,3) = +d33*D; return Z; } }; /* If more extensive general linear algebra functionality is offered in * future versions it may be useful to make the elementary row and column * operations separate functions. For now they're simply performed in place, * but the commented-out lines of code show where the calls to these functions * should go if and when they become available. */ /* @todo: In-place version, and address memory allocation for pivot vector. */ /* General NxN inverse by Gauss-Jordan elimination with full pivoting: */ template struct inverse_f { typename MatT::temporary_type operator()(const MatT& M) const { /* Shorthand. */ typedef typename MatT::value_type value_type; /* Size of matrix */ size_t N = M.rows(); /* Matrix containing the inverse: */ typename MatT::temporary_type Z; cml::et::detail::Resize(Z,N,N); Z = M; /* For tracking pivots */ std::vector row_index(N); std::vector col_index(N); std::vector pivoted(N,0); /* For each column */ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { /* Find the pivot */ size_t row = 0, col = 0; value_type max = value_type(0); for (size_t j = 0; j < N; ++j) { if (!pivoted[j]) { for (size_t k = 0; k < N; ++k) { if (!pivoted[k]) { value_type mag = std::fabs(Z(j,k)); if (mag > max) { max = mag; row = j; col = k; } } } } } /* TODO: Check max against epsilon here to catch singularity */ row_index[i] = row; col_index[i] = col; /* Swap rows if necessary */ if (row != col) { /*Z.row_op_swap(row,col);*/ for (size_t j = 0; j < Z.cols(); ++j) { std::swap(Z(row,j),Z(col,j)); } } /* Process pivot row */ pivoted[col] = true; value_type pivot = Z(col,col); Z(col,col) = value_type(1); /*Z.row_op_mult(col,value_type(1)/pivot);*/ value_type k = value_type(1)/pivot; for (size_t j = 0; j < Z.cols(); ++j) { Z(col,j) *= k; } /* Process other rows */ for (size_t j = 0; j < N; ++j) { if (j != col) { value_type mult = -Z(j,col); Z(j,col) = value_type(0); /*Z.row_op_add_mult(col,j,mult);*/ for (size_t k = 0; k < Z.cols(); ++k) { Z(j,k) += mult * Z(col,k); } } } } /* Swap columns if necessary */ for (int i = N-1; i >= 0; --i) { if (row_index[i] != col_index[i]) { /*Z.col_op_swap(row_index[i],col_index[i]);*/ for (size_t j = 0; j < Z.rows(); ++j) { std::swap(Z(j,row_index[i]),Z(j,col_index[i])); } } } /* Return result */ return Z; } }; /* Inversion by LU factorization is turned off for now due to lack of * pivoting in the implementation, but we may switch back to it at some future * time. */ #if 0 /* General NxN inverse by LU factorization: */ template struct inverse_f { typename MatT::temporary_type operator()(const MatT& M) const { /* Shorthand. */ typedef typename MatT::value_type value_type; /* Compute LU factorization: */ size_t N = M.rows(); typename MatT::temporary_type LU; cml::et::detail::Resize(LU,N,N); LU = lu(M); /* Matrix containing the inverse: */ typename MatT::temporary_type Z; cml::et::detail::Resize(Z,N,N); typename MatT::col_vector_type v, x; cml::et::detail::Resize(v,N); cml::et::detail::Resize(x,N); for(size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) v[i] = value_type(0); /* XXX Need a fill() function here. */ /* Use lu_solve to solve M*x = v for x, where v = [0 ... 1 ... 0]^T: */ for(size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { v[i] = 1.; x = lu_solve(LU,v); /* x is column i of the inverse of LU: */ for(size_t k = 0; k < N; ++ k) { Z(k,i) = x[k]; } v[i] = 0.; } return Z; } }; #endif /* Note: force_NxN is for checking general NxN inversion against the special- * case 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4 code. I'm leaving it in for now since we may need to * test the NxN code further if the implementation changes. At some future * time when the implementation is stable, everything related to force_NxN can * be taken out. */ /* Note: Commenting the force_NxN stuff out, but leaving the code here in * case we need to do more testing in the future. */ /* Generator for the inverse functional for fixed-size matrices: */ template typename MatT::temporary_type inverse(const MatT& M, fixed_size_tag/*, bool force_NxN*/) { /* Require a square matrix: */ cml::et::CheckedSquare(M, fixed_size_tag()); /* if (force_NxN) { return inverse_f()(M); } else { */ return inverse_f()(M); /* } */ } /* Generator for the inverse functional for dynamic-size matrices: */ template typename MatT::temporary_type inverse(const MatT& M, dynamic_size_tag/*, bool force_NxN*/) { /* Require a square matrix: */ cml::et::CheckedSquare(M, dynamic_size_tag()); /* if (force_NxN) { return inverse_f()(M); } else { */ /* Dispatch based upon the matrix dimension: */ switch(M.rows()) { case 2: return inverse_f()(M); // 2x2 case 3: return inverse_f()(M); // 3x3 case 4: return inverse_f()(M); // 4x4 default: return inverse_f()(M); // > 4x4 (or 1x1) } /* } */ } } // namespace detail /** Inverse of a matrix. */ template inline typename matrix::temporary_type inverse(const matrix& M/*, bool force_NxN = false*/) { typedef typename matrix::size_tag size_tag; return detail::inverse(M,size_tag()/*,force_NxN*/); } /** Inverse of a matrix expression. */ template inline typename et::MatrixXpr::temporary_type inverse(const et::MatrixXpr& e/*, bool force_NxN = false*/) { typedef typename et::MatrixXpr::size_tag size_tag; return detail::inverse(e,size_tag()/*,force_NxN*/); } } // namespace cml #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // vim:ft=cpp