/******************************************************************************* Copyright (c) 2009, Charles McGarvey All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Scene.hh" struct Scene::Impl : public Mf::Mippleton { class Quad : public Mf::Entity, public Mf::OctreeInsertable { Mf::Scalar vertices_[12]; Mf::Scalar texCoords_[8]; Mf::Tilemap tilemap_; bool blending_; bool fog_; Mf::Aabb aabb_; Mf::Sphere sphere_; public: enum SURFACE_TYPE { LEFT = 1, RIGHT = 2, TOP = 3 }; Quad(const Mf::Vector3 vertices[4], const std::string& texture, Mf::Tilemap::Index tileIndex) : tilemap_(texture), blending_(false), fog_(false) { for (int i = 0, num = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j, ++num) { vertices_[num] = vertices[i][j]; } } if (!tilemap_.getTileCoords(tileIndex, texCoords_)) { Mf::logWarning("no index %d in texture %s", tileIndex, texture.c_str()); texCoords_[0] = texCoords_[1] = texCoords_[3] = texCoords_[6] = 0.0; texCoords_[2] = texCoords_[4] = texCoords_[5] = texCoords_[7] = 1.0; } aabb_.encloseVertices(vertices, 4); sphere_.point = aabb_.getCenter(); sphere_.radius = (aabb_.min - sphere_.point).length(); } void setBlending(bool blending) { blending_ = blending; } void setFog(bool fog) { fog_ = fog; } void draw(Mf::Scalar alpha = 0.0) const { if (blending_) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } if (fog_) { glEnable(GL_FOG); glFogi(GL_FOG_MODE, GL_LINEAR); } //glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); tilemap_.bind(); glVertexPointer(3, GL_SCALAR, 0, vertices_); glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_SCALAR, 0, texCoords_); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_FOG); } bool isVisible(const Mf::Frustum& frustum) const { return sphere_.isVisible(frustum); } bool isInsideAabb(const Mf::Aabb& aabb) const { // make sure the entity is fully inside the volume if (!(aabb_.max[0] < aabb.max[0] && aabb_.min[0] > aabb.min[0] && aabb_.max[1] < aabb.max[1] && aabb_.min[1] > aabb.min[1] && aabb_.max[2] < aabb.max[2] && aabb_.min[2] > aabb.min[2])) { return false; } return true; } int getOctant(const Mf::Aabb& aabb) const { int octantNum = -1; Mf::Plane::Halfspace halfspace; Mf::Plane xy = aabb.getPlaneXY(); halfspace = xy.intersects(sphere_); if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::INTERSECT) { halfspace = xy.intersects(aabb_); } if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::POSITIVE) { Mf::Plane xz = aabb.getPlaneXZ(); halfspace = xz.intersects(sphere_); if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::INTERSECT) { halfspace = xz.intersects(aabb_); } if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::POSITIVE) { Mf::Plane yz = aabb.getPlaneYZ(); halfspace = yz.intersects(sphere_); if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::INTERSECT) { halfspace = yz.intersects(aabb_); } if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::POSITIVE) { octantNum = 2; } else if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::NEGATIVE) { octantNum = 3; } } else if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::NEGATIVE) { Mf::Plane yz = aabb.getPlaneYZ(); halfspace = yz.intersects(sphere_); if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::INTERSECT) { halfspace = yz.intersects(aabb_); } if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::POSITIVE) { octantNum = 1; } else if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::NEGATIVE) { octantNum = 0; } } } else if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::NEGATIVE) { Mf::Plane xz = aabb.getPlaneXZ(); halfspace = xz.intersects(sphere_); if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::INTERSECT) { halfspace = xz.intersects(aabb_); } if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::POSITIVE) { Mf::Plane yz = aabb.getPlaneYZ(); halfspace = yz.intersects(sphere_); if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::INTERSECT) { halfspace = yz.intersects(aabb_); } if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::POSITIVE) { octantNum = 6; } else if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::NEGATIVE) { octantNum = 7; } } else if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::NEGATIVE) { Mf::Plane yz = aabb.getPlaneYZ(); halfspace = yz.intersects(sphere_); if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::INTERSECT) { halfspace = yz.intersects(aabb_); } if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::POSITIVE) { octantNum = 5; } else if (halfspace == Mf::Plane::NEGATIVE) { octantNum = 4; } } } return octantNum; } }; Mf::Script script; Mf::Matrix4 transform; std::string texture; Mf::Octree::Ptr octree; enum AXIS { X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 2 }; explicit Impl(const std::string& name) : Mf::Mippleton(name) { script.importStandardLibraries(); importLogScript(script); importSceneBindings(script); loadFromFile(); } void importSceneBindings(Mf::Script& script) { script.importFunction("SetPlayfieldBounds", boost::bind(&Impl::setPlayfieldBounds, this, _1)); script.importFunction("SetMaximumBounds", boost::bind(&Impl::setMaximumBounds, this, _1)); script.importFunction("ResetTransform", boost::bind(&Impl::resetTransform, this, _1)); script.importFunction("Translate", boost::bind(&Impl::translate, this, _1)); script.importFunction("Scale", boost::bind(&Impl::scale, this, _1)); script.importFunction("Rotate", boost::bind(&Impl::rotate, this, _1)); script.importFunction("SetTexture", boost::bind(&Impl::setTexture, this, _1)); script.importFunction("MakeTilemap", boost::bind(&Impl::makeTilemap, this, _1)); script.importFunction("MakeBillboard", boost::bind(&Impl::makeBillboard, this, _1)); long detail = 3; Mf::Settings::getInstance().get("detail", detail); script.push(detail); script.set("detail"); script.push(Quad::LEFT); script.set("LEFT"); script.push(Quad::RIGHT); script.set("RIGHT"); script.push(Quad::TOP); script.set("TOP"); script.push(X); script.set("X"); script.push(Y); script.set("Y"); script.push(Z); script.set("Z"); } void loadFromFile() { std::string filePath = Scene::getPath(getName()); if (script.doFile(filePath) != Mf::Script::SUCCESS) { std::string str; script[-1].get(str); Mf::logScript("%s", str.c_str()); } } static int loadBox(Mf::Script& script, Mf::Aabb& aabb) { Mf::Script::Value table[] = { script[1].requireTable(), script[2].requireTable() }; if (!table[0].isTable() || !table[1].isTable()) { Mf::logWarning("wrong arguments to setPlayfieldBounds; ignoring..."); return 0; } for (int i = 0; i <= 1; ++i) { for (int j = 1; j <= 3; ++j) { script.push((long)j); table[i].pushField(); } } script[3].get(aabb.min[0]); script[4].get(aabb.min[1]); script[5].get(aabb.min[2]); script[6].get(aabb.max[0]); script[7].get(aabb.max[1]); script[8].get(aabb.max[2]); return 0; } int setPlayfieldBounds(Mf::Script& script) { Mf::Aabb bounds; return loadBox(script, bounds); } int setMaximumBounds(Mf::Script& script) { Mf::Aabb bounds; int ret = loadBox(script, bounds); octree = Mf::Octree::alloc(bounds); return ret; } int resetTransform(Mf::Script& script) { transform.identity(); return 0; } int translate(Mf::Script& script) { Mf::Script::Value x = script[1].requireNumber(); Mf::Script::Value y = script[2].requireNumber(); Mf::Script::Value z = script[3].requireNumber(); Mf::Vector3 vec; x.get(vec[0]); y.get(vec[1]); z.get(vec[2]); Mf::Matrix4 translation; cml::matrix_translation(translation, vec); transform = translation * transform; return 0; } int scale(Mf::Script& script) { if (script.getSize() == 3) { Mf::Vector3 vec; script[1].requireNumber().get(vec[0]); script[2].requireNumber().get(vec[1]); script[3].requireNumber().get(vec[2]); Mf::Matrix4 scaling; cml::matrix_scale(scaling, vec); transform = scaling * transform; } else if (script.getSize() == 1) { Mf::Scalar value = 1.0; script[1].requireNumber().get(value); Mf::Matrix4 scaling; cml::matrix_uniform_scale(scaling, value); transform = scaling * transform; } else { script.getTop().throwError("wrong number of arguments"); } return 0; } int rotate(Mf::Script& script) { Mf::Script::Value axis = script[1].requireString(); Mf::Script::Value angle = script[2].requireNumber(); size_t index = 0; axis.get(index); Mf::Scalar value; angle.get(value); cml::matrix_rotate_about_world_axis(transform, index, cml::rad(value)); return 0; } int setTexture(Mf::Script& script) { Mf::Script::Value name = script[1].requireString(); name.get(texture); return 0; } int makeTilemap(Mf::Script& script) { Mf::Script::Value table = script[1].requireTable(); Mf::Script::Value top = script[-1]; long width = 1; long height = 1; table.pushField("width"); top.get(width); long nTiles = 0; table.pushField("tiles"); Mf::Script::Value tiles = script.getTop(); nTiles = tiles.getLength(); if (nTiles % width != 0) table.throwError("invalid number of tiles"); std::vector< std::vector > indices; int i, w, h; height = nTiles / width; indices.resize(height); // the indices are stored upside-down in the scene file so that they // are easier to edit as text, so we'll need to load them last row // first i = 1; for (h = height - 1; h >= 0; --h) { std::vector row; for (w = 0; w < width; ++w, ++i) { script.checkStack(2); script.push(long(i)); tiles.pushField(); long index; top.get(index); row.push_back(Mf::Tilemap::Index(index)); } indices[h] = row; } Mf::Vector4 vertices[height+1][width+1]; Mf::Matrix4 transposedTransform = transform; transposedTransform.transpose(); for (int h = 0; h <= height; ++h) { for (int w = 0; w <= width; ++w) { vertices[h][w] = Mf::Vector4(Mf::Scalar(w), Mf::Scalar(h), 0.0, 1.0) * transposedTransform; } } for (int h = 0; h < height; ++h) { for (int w = 0; w < width; ++w) { if (indices[h][w] == Mf::Tilemap::NO_TILE) continue; Mf::Vector3 quadVertices[4]; quadVertices[0] = Mf::demote(vertices[h][w]); quadVertices[1] = Mf::demote(vertices[h][w+1]); quadVertices[2] = Mf::demote(vertices[h+1][w+1]); quadVertices[3] = Mf::demote(vertices[h+1][w]); Quad* quad = new Quad(quadVertices, texture, indices[h][w]); boost::shared_ptr quadPtr(quad); octree->insert(quadPtr); } } return 0; } int makeBillboard(Mf::Script& script) { Mf::Script::Value table = script[1]; Mf::Script::Value top = script[-1]; long index = 0; long width = 1; bool blending = false; bool fog = false; if (table.isTable()) { table.pushField("tile"); top.get(index); table.pushField("u_scale"); top.get(width); table.pushField("blend"); top.get(blending); table.pushField("fog"); top.get(fog); } Mf::Vector4 vertices[2][width+1]; Mf::Matrix4 transposedTransform = transform; transposedTransform.transpose(); Mf::Scalar xf; Mf::Scalar increment = 1.0 / Mf::Scalar(width); for (int h = 0; h <= 1; ++h) { xf = 0.0; for (int w = 0; w <= width; ++w, xf += increment) { vertices[h][w] = Mf::Vector4(xf, Mf::Scalar(h), 0.0, 1.0) * transposedTransform; } } for (int w = 0; w < width; ++w) { Mf::Vector3 quadVertices[4]; quadVertices[0] = Mf::demote(vertices[0][w]); quadVertices[1] = Mf::demote(vertices[0][w+1]); quadVertices[2] = Mf::demote(vertices[1][w+1]); quadVertices[3] = Mf::demote(vertices[1][w]); Quad* quad = new Quad(quadVertices, texture, Mf::Tilemap::Index(index)); quad->setBlending(blending); quad->setFog(fog); boost::shared_ptr quadPtr(quad); octree->insert(quadPtr); } return 0; } }; Scene::Scene(const std::string& name) : // pass through impl_(Scene::Impl::getInstance(name)) {} void Scene::draw(Mf::Scalar alpha) const { impl_->octree->draw(alpha); } void Scene::drawIfVisible(Mf::Scalar alpha, const Mf::Frustum& frustum) const { impl_->octree->drawIfVisible(alpha, frustum); } std::string Scene::getPath(const std::string& name) { return Mf::Resource::getPath("scenes/" + name + ".lua"); } /** vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=80: *************************************************/