/* -*- C++ -*- ------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) 2007 Jesse Anders and Demian Nave http://cmldev.net/ The Configurable Math Library (CML) is distributed under the terms of the Boost Software License, v1.0 (see cml/LICENSE for details). *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @file * @brief */ #ifndef quaternion_rotation_h #define quaternion_rotation_h #include /* Functions related to quaternion rotations. * * Note: A number of these functions simply wrap calls to the corresponding * matrix functions. Some of them (the 'aim-at' and 'align' functions in * particular) might be considered a bit superfluous, since the resulting * quaternion will most likely be converted to a matrix at some point anyway. * However, they're included here for completeness, and for convenience in * cases where a quaternion is being used as the primary rotation * representation. */ namespace cml { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rotation about world axes ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Build a quaternion representing a rotation about the given world axis */ template < class E, class A, class O, class C > void quaternion_rotation_world_axis(quaternion& q, size_t axis, E angle) { typedef quaternion quaternion_type; typedef typename quaternion_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename quaternion_type::order_type order_type; /* Checking */ detail::CheckIndex3(axis); q.identity(); const size_t W = order_type::W; const size_t I = order_type::X + axis; angle *= value_type(.5); q[I] = std::sin(angle); q[W] = std::cos(angle); } /** Build a quaternion representing a rotation about the world x axis */ template < class E, class A, class O, class C > void quaternion_rotation_world_x(quaternion& q, E angle) { quaternion_rotation_world_axis(q,0,angle); } /** Build a quaternion representing a rotation about the world y axis */ template < class E, class A, class O, class C > void quaternion_rotation_world_y(quaternion& q, E angle) { quaternion_rotation_world_axis(q,1,angle); } /** Build a quaternion representing a rotation about the world z axis */ template < class E, class A, class O, class C > void quaternion_rotation_world_z(quaternion& q, E angle) { quaternion_rotation_world_axis(q,2,angle); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rotation from an axis-angle pair ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Build a quaternion from an axis-angle pair */ template < class E, class A, class O, class C, class VecT > void quaternion_rotation_axis_angle( quaternion& q, const VecT& axis, E angle) { typedef quaternion quaternion_type; typedef typename quaternion_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename quaternion_type::order_type order_type; /* Checking */ detail::CheckVec3(axis); enum { W = order_type::W, X = order_type::X, Y = order_type::Y, Z = order_type::Z }; angle *= value_type(.5); /* @todo: If and when we have a set() function that takes a vector and a * scalar, this can be written as: * * q.set(std::cos(angle), axis * std::sin(angle)); * * In which case the enum will also not be necessary. */ q[W] = std::cos(angle); value_type s = std::sin(angle); q[X] = axis[0] * s; q[Y] = axis[1] * s; q[Z] = axis[2] * s; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rotation from a matrix ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Build a quaternion from a rotation matrix */ template < class E, class A, class O, class C, class MatT > void quaternion_rotation_matrix(quaternion& q, const MatT& m) { typedef quaternion quaternion_type; typedef typename quaternion_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename quaternion_type::order_type order_type; /* Checking */ detail::CheckMatLinear3D(m); enum { W = order_type::W, X = order_type::X, Y = order_type::Y, Z = order_type::Z }; value_type tr = trace_3x3(m); if (tr >= value_type(0)) { q[W] = std::sqrt(tr + value_type(1)) * value_type(.5); value_type s = value_type(.25) / q[W]; q[X] = (m.basis_element(1,2) - m.basis_element(2,1)) * s; q[Y] = (m.basis_element(2,0) - m.basis_element(0,2)) * s; q[Z] = (m.basis_element(0,1) - m.basis_element(1,0)) * s; } else { size_t largest_diagonal_element = index_of_max( m.basis_element(0,0), m.basis_element(1,1), m.basis_element(2,2) ); size_t i, j, k; cyclic_permutation(largest_diagonal_element, i, j, k); const size_t I = X + i; const size_t J = X + j; const size_t K = X + k; q[I] = std::sqrt( m.basis_element(i,i) - m.basis_element(j,j) - m.basis_element(k,k) + value_type(1) ) * value_type(.5); value_type s = value_type(.25) / q[I]; q[J] = (m.basis_element(i,j) + m.basis_element(j,i)) * s; q[K] = (m.basis_element(i,k) + m.basis_element(k,i)) * s; q[W] = (m.basis_element(j,k) - m.basis_element(k,j)) * s; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rotation from Euler angles ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Build a quaternion from an Euler-angle triple */ template < class E, class A, class O, class C > void quaternion_rotation_euler( quaternion& q, E angle_0, E angle_1, E angle_2, EulerOrder order) { typedef quaternion quaternion_type; typedef typename quaternion_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename quaternion_type::order_type order_type; size_t i, j, k; bool odd, repeat; detail::unpack_euler_order(order, i, j, k, odd, repeat); const size_t W = order_type::W; const size_t I = order_type::X + i; const size_t J = order_type::X + j; const size_t K = order_type::X + k; if (odd) { angle_1 = -angle_1; } angle_0 *= value_type(.5); angle_1 *= value_type(.5); angle_2 *= value_type(.5); value_type s0 = std::sin(angle_0); value_type c0 = std::cos(angle_0); value_type s1 = std::sin(angle_1); value_type c1 = std::cos(angle_1); value_type s2 = std::sin(angle_2); value_type c2 = std::cos(angle_2); value_type s0s2 = s0 * s2; value_type s0c2 = s0 * c2; value_type c0s2 = c0 * s2; value_type c0c2 = c0 * c2; if (repeat) { q[I] = c1 * (c0s2 + s0c2); q[J] = s1 * (c0c2 + s0s2); q[K] = s1 * (c0s2 - s0c2); q[W] = c1 * (c0c2 - s0s2); } else { q[I] = c1 * s0c2 - s1 * c0s2; q[J] = c1 * s0s2 + s1 * c0c2; q[K] = c1 * c0s2 - s1 * s0c2; q[W] = c1 * c0c2 + s1 * s0s2; } if (odd) { q[J] = -q[J]; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rotation to align with a vector, multiple vectors, or the view plane ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** See vector_ortho.h for details */ template < typename E,class A,class O,class C,class VecT_1,class VecT_2 > void quaternion_rotation_align( quaternion& q, const VecT_1& align, const VecT_2& reference, bool normalize = true, AxisOrder order = axis_order_zyx) { typedef matrix< E,fixed<3,3>,row_basis,row_major > matrix_type; matrix_type m; matrix_rotation_align(m,align,reference,normalize,order); quaternion_rotation_matrix(q,m); } /** See vector_ortho.h for details */ template < typename E, class A, class O, class C, class VecT > void quaternion_rotation_align(quaternion& q, const VecT& align, bool normalize = true, AxisOrder order = axis_order_zyx) { typedef matrix< E,fixed<3,3>,row_basis,row_major > matrix_type; matrix_type m; matrix_rotation_align(m,align,normalize,order); quaternion_rotation_matrix(q,m); } /** See vector_ortho.h for details */ template < typename E,class A,class O,class C,class VecT_1,class VecT_2 > void quaternion_rotation_align_axial(quaternion& q, const VecT_1& align, const VecT_2& axis, bool normalize = true, AxisOrder order = axis_order_zyx) { typedef matrix< E,fixed<3,3>,row_basis,row_major > matrix_type; matrix_type m; matrix_rotation_align_axial(m,align,axis,normalize,order); quaternion_rotation_matrix(q,m); } /** See vector_ortho.h for details */ template < typename E, class A, class O, class C, class MatT > void quaternion_rotation_align_viewplane( quaternion& q, const MatT& view_matrix, Handedness handedness, AxisOrder order = axis_order_zyx) { typedef matrix< E,fixed<3,3>,row_basis,row_major > matrix_type; matrix_type m; matrix_rotation_align_viewplane(m,view_matrix,handedness,order); quaternion_rotation_matrix(q,m); } /** See vector_ortho.h for details */ template < typename E, class A, class O, class C, class MatT > void quaternion_rotation_align_viewplane_LH( quaternion& q, const MatT& view_matrix, AxisOrder order = axis_order_zyx) { typedef matrix< E,fixed<3,3>,row_basis,row_major > matrix_type; matrix_type m; matrix_rotation_align_viewplane_LH(m,view_matrix,order); quaternion_rotation_matrix(q,m); } /** See vector_ortho.h for details */ template < typename E, class A, class O, class C, class MatT > void quaternion_rotation_align_viewplane_RH( quaternion& q, const MatT& view_matrix, AxisOrder order = axis_order_zyx) { typedef matrix< E,fixed<3,3>,row_basis,row_major > matrix_type; matrix_type m; matrix_rotation_align_viewplane_RH(m,view_matrix,order); quaternion_rotation_matrix(q,m); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rotation to aim at a target ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** See vector_ortho.h for details */ template < typename E, class A, class O, class C, class VecT_1, class VecT_2, class VecT_3 > void quaternion_rotation_aim_at( quaternion& q, const VecT_1& pos, const VecT_2& target, const VecT_3& reference, AxisOrder order = axis_order_zyx) { typedef matrix< E,fixed<3,3>,row_basis,row_major > matrix_type; matrix_type m; matrix_rotation_aim_at(m,pos,target,reference,order); quaternion_rotation_matrix(q,m); } /** See vector_ortho.h for details */ template < typename E, class A, class O, class C, class VecT_1, class VecT_2 > void quaternion_rotation_aim_at( quaternion& q, const VecT_1& pos, const VecT_2& target, AxisOrder order = axis_order_zyx) { typedef matrix< E,fixed<3,3>,row_basis,row_major > matrix_type; matrix_type m; matrix_rotation_aim_at(m,pos,target,order); quaternion_rotation_matrix(q,m); } /** See vector_ortho.h for details */ template < typename E, class A, class O, class C, class VecT_1, class VecT_2, class VecT_3 > void quaternion_rotation_aim_at_axial( quaternion& q, const VecT_1& pos, const VecT_2& target, const VecT_3& axis, AxisOrder order = axis_order_zyx) { typedef matrix< E,fixed<3,3>,row_basis,row_major > matrix_type; matrix_type m; matrix_rotation_aim_at_axial(m,pos,target,axis,order); quaternion_rotation_matrix(q,m); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Relative rotation about world axes ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Rotate a quaternion about the given world axis */ template < class E, class A, class O, class C > void quaternion_rotate_about_world_axis(quaternion& q,size_t axis,E angle) { typedef quaternion quaternion_type; typedef typename quaternion_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename quaternion_type::order_type order_type; /* Checking */ detail::CheckIndex3(axis); size_t i, j, k; cyclic_permutation(axis, i, j, k); const size_t W = order_type::W; const size_t I = order_type::X + i; const size_t J = order_type::X + j; const size_t K = order_type::X + k; angle *= value_type(.5); value_type s = value_type(std::sin(angle)); value_type c = value_type(std::cos(angle)); quaternion_type result; result[I] = c * q[I] + s * q[W]; result[J] = c * q[J] - s * q[K]; result[K] = c * q[K] + s * q[J]; result[W] = c * q[W] - s * q[I]; q = result; } /* Rotate a quaternion about the world x axis */ template < class E, class A, class O, class C > void quaternion_rotate_about_world_x(quaternion& q, E angle) { quaternion_rotate_about_world_axis(q,0,angle); } /* Rotate a quaternion about the world y axis */ template < class E, class A, class O, class C > void quaternion_rotate_about_world_y(quaternion& q, E angle) { quaternion_rotate_about_world_axis(q,1,angle); } /* Rotate a quaternion about the world z axis */ template < class E, class A, class O, class C > void quaternion_rotate_about_world_z(quaternion& q, E angle) { quaternion_rotate_about_world_axis(q,2,angle); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Relative rotation about local axes ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Rotate a quaternion about the given local axis */ template < class E, class A, class O, class C > void quaternion_rotate_about_local_axis(quaternion& q,size_t axis,E angle) { typedef quaternion quaternion_type; typedef typename quaternion_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename quaternion_type::order_type order_type; /* Checking */ detail::CheckIndex3(axis); size_t i, j, k; cyclic_permutation(axis, i, j, k); const size_t W = order_type::W; const size_t I = order_type::X + i; const size_t J = order_type::X + j; const size_t K = order_type::X + k; angle *= value_type(.5); value_type s = value_type(std::sin(angle)); value_type c = value_type(std::cos(angle)); quaternion_type result; result[I] = c * q[I] + s * q[W]; result[J] = c * q[J] + s * q[K]; result[K] = c * q[K] - s * q[J]; result[W] = c * q[W] - s * q[I]; q = result; } /* Rotate a quaternion about its local x axis */ template < class E, class A, class O, class C > void quaternion_rotate_about_local_x(quaternion& q, E angle) { quaternion_rotate_about_local_axis(q,0,angle); } /* Rotate a quaternion about its local y axis */ template < class E, class A, class O, class C > void quaternion_rotate_about_local_y(quaternion& q, E angle) { quaternion_rotate_about_local_axis(q,1,angle); } /* Rotate a quaternion about its local z axis */ template < class E, class A, class O, class C > void quaternion_rotate_about_local_z(quaternion& q, E angle) { quaternion_rotate_about_local_axis(q,2,angle); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rotation from vector to vector ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* http://www.martinb.com/maths/algebra/vectors/angleBetween/index.htm. */ /** Build a quaternion to rotate from one vector to another */ template < class E,class A,class O,class C,class VecT_1,class VecT_2 > void quaternion_rotation_vec_to_vec( quaternion& q, const VecT_1& v1, const VecT_2& v2, bool unit_length_vectors = false) { typedef quaternion quaternion_type; typedef typename quaternion_type::value_type value_type; typedef vector< value_type, fixed<3> > vector_type; /* Checking handled by cross() */ /* @todo: If at some point quaternion<> has a set() function that takes a * vector and a scalar, this can then be written as: * * if (...) { * q.set(value_type(1)+dot(v1,v2), cross(v1,v2)); * } else { * q.set(std::sqrt(...)+dot(v1,v2), cross(v1,v2)); * } */ vector_type c = cross(v1,v2); if (unit_length_vectors) { q = quaternion_type(value_type(1) + dot(v1,v2), c.data()); } else { q = quaternion_type( std::sqrt(v1.length_squared() * v2.length_squared()) + dot(v1,v2), c/*.data()*/ ); } q.normalize(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Scale the angle of a rotation matrix ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template < typename E, class A, class O, class C > void quaternion_scale_angle(quaternion& q, E t, E tolerance = epsilon::placeholder()) { typedef vector< E,fixed<3> > vector_type; typedef typename vector_type::value_type value_type; vector_type axis; value_type angle; quaternion_to_axis_angle(q, axis, angle, tolerance); quaternion_rotation_axis_angle(q, axis, angle * t); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Support functions for uniform handling of pos- and neg-cross quaternions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace detail { /** Concatenate two quaternions in the order q1->q2 */ template < class QuatT_1, class QuatT_2 > typename et::QuaternionPromote2::temporary_type quaternion_rotation_difference( const QuatT_1& q1, const QuatT_2& q2, positive_cross) { return q2 * conjugate(q1); } /** Concatenate two quaternions in the order q1->q2 */ template < class QuatT_1, class QuatT_2 > typename et::QuaternionPromote2::temporary_type quaternion_rotation_difference( const QuatT_1& q1, const QuatT_2& q2, negative_cross) { return conjugate(q1) * q2; } } // namespace detail ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Quaternions rotation difference ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Return the rotational 'difference' between two quaternions */ template < class QuatT_1, class QuatT_2 > typename et::QuaternionPromote2::temporary_type quaternion_rotation_difference(const QuatT_1& q1, const QuatT_2& q2) { return detail::quaternion_rotation_difference( q1, q2, typename QuatT_1::cross_type()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Conversions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Convert a quaternion to an axis-angle pair */ template < class QuatT, typename E, class A > void quaternion_to_axis_angle( const QuatT& q, vector& axis, E& angle, E tolerance = epsilon::placeholder()) { typedef QuatT quaternion_type; typedef typename quaternion_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename quaternion_type::order_type order_type; /* Checking */ detail::CheckQuat(q); axis = q.imaginary(); value_type l = length(axis); if (l > tolerance) { axis /= l; angle = value_type(2) * std::atan2(l,q.real()); } else { axis.zero(); angle = value_type(0); } } /** Convert a quaternion to an Euler-angle triple * * Note: I've implemented direct quaternion-to-Euler conversion, but as far as * I can tell it more or less reduces to converting the quaternion to a matrix * as you go. The direct method is a little more efficient in that it doesn't * require a temporary and only the necessary matrix elements need be * computed. However, the implementation is complex and there's considerable * opportunity for error, so from a development and debugging standpoint I * think it's better to just perform the conversion via matrix_to_euler(), * which is already known to be correct. */ template < class QuatT, typename Real > void quaternion_to_euler( const QuatT& q, Real& angle_0, Real& angle_1, Real& angle_2, EulerOrder order, Real tolerance = epsilon::placeholder()) { typedef QuatT quaternion_type; typedef typename quaternion_type::value_type value_type; typedef matrix< value_type,fixed<3,3>,row_basis,row_major > matrix_type; matrix_type m; matrix_rotation_quaternion(m, q); matrix_to_euler(m, angle_0, angle_1, angle_2, order, tolerance); } } // namespace cml #endif