/*] Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Charles McGarvey [************************** **] All rights reserved. * * vi:ts=4 sw=4 tw=75 * * Distributable under the terms and conditions of the 2-clause BSD license; * see the file COPYING for a complete text of the license. * **************************************************************************/ #include #include #include namespace Mf { void Frustum::init(const Matrix4& modelview, const Matrix4& projection) { Scalar planes[6][4]; cml::extract_frustum_planes(modelview, projection, planes, cml::z_clip_neg_one); mPlanes[0] = Plane(planes[0][0], planes[0][1], planes[0][2], planes[0][3]); mPlanes[1] = Plane(planes[1][0], planes[1][1], planes[1][2], planes[1][3]); mPlanes[2] = Plane(planes[2][0], planes[2][1], planes[2][2], planes[2][3]); mPlanes[3] = Plane(planes[3][0], planes[3][1], planes[3][2], planes[3][3]); mPlanes[4] = Plane(planes[4][0], planes[4][1], planes[4][2], planes[4][3]); mPlanes[5] = Plane(planes[5][0], planes[5][1], planes[5][2], planes[5][3]); } void Frustum::init(const Matrix4& modelview, Scalar fovy, Scalar aspect, Scalar abutting, Scalar distant) { Matrix4 projection; cml::matrix_perspective_yfov_RH(projection, fovy, aspect, abutting, distant, cml::z_clip_neg_one); init(modelview, projection); } Frustum::Collision Frustum::contains(const Aabb<3>& aabb) const { Vector3 corners[8]; int nTotalInside = 0; aabb.getCorners(corners); for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { int nInside = 8; for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { if (mPlanes[i].intersects(corners[j]) == Plane::NEGATIVE) { --nInside; } } if (nInside == 0) return OUTSIDE; else if (nInside == 8) ++nTotalInside; } if (nTotalInside == 6) return INSIDE; else return INTERSECT; } Frustum::Collision Frustum::contains(const Sphere<3>& sphere) const { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { Plane::Halfspace halfspace = mPlanes[i].intersects(sphere); if (halfspace == Plane::NEGATIVE) return OUTSIDE; else if (halfspace == Plane::INTERSECT) return INTERSECT; } return INSIDE; } } // namespace Mf