YOINK_README(7) Miscellaneous Information Manual YOINK_README(7) NAME yoink_readme -- general information about yoink DESCRIPTION Yoink is a game created by Neil Carter for Mac OS. You play the part of a flying alien heroine who must defend her home on Earth from other airborne alien invaders. This version of the game uses all new code and modern frameworks to bring this simple, fast-moving action game to a wider audience. INSTALLATION Installing Yoink is simple. You can typically use commands such as these: cd /path/to/yoink ./configure make && make install This will install Yoink into the /usr/local directory. To run Yoink, issue the command: /usr/local/bin/yoink or just yoink if /usr/local/bin is already in your PATH. See yoink_install(7) for a more detailed discussion about the build system and a list of required packages. LICENSE The new code is released under the 2-clause BSD license. The old code and original resources are provided under the zlib/libpng license. See the file COPYING for complete details. Other parts are distributed under different licenses. See yoink_license(7) for the full texts of the relevant licenses. ABOUT THE CODE The code is a complete rewrite, containing none of the original code. I've made some effort to put the more generic or reusable code into a separate library called libmoof. I've also made an effort to incorporate 3rd-party code that happened to fit well into what I needed. So, generally, the source code is separated into these three categories: 1. Yoink-specific code. This is the code in the src directory. These classes reside in no explicit namespace. 2. Reusable code. The code is in src/moof, and it is compiled as a convenience library. These classes and helper functions reside in the moof namespace. Since I wrote this code alongside the Yoink- specific stuff, there is somewhat of a blurry line between the two categories, unfortunately. 3. Third-party code. This is made up of free code from other projects or libraries, the licenses of which are also noted in the COPYING file. This code resides in various namespaces and in various subdirectories of src. PACKAGING Here are some tips to help packagers: o The build scripts are written in Lua, so make sure the Lua interpreter is installed. That shouldn't be a problem since Yoink depends on the Lua library anyway. o The Makefile will only work well with GNU make. On some systems, this is installed as gmake. o The configure script supports most of the useful options that an Autoconf-generated script would have, and the Makefile supports DESTDIR. See yoink_install(7) for a more detailed discussion about the build system. SENDING PATCHES I'll gladly entertain patches if you want to help out. Just email me your stuff or tell me where to pull if you use git. If you're interested in that, please observe the following: o Stick to the coding style of the source code files you edit. Follow the general style of method and variable naming, as well as white space formatting. In particular, use literal tabs with an assumed tabstop of 8 characters. Also, try to limit line lengths to 78 characters. o For legal reasons, don't include other peoples' code with your patch. You must also agree to license your changes according to the same terms and conditions as the files you edit, usually the 2-clause BSD license. o If you want your name and contact information in the AUTHORS file, please make it so in the patch you provide. SEE ALSO yoinkrc(5), yoink(6) AUTHORS Charles McGarvey chaz@dogcows.com NetBSD 5.1.0_PATCH June 14, 2011 NetBSD 5.1.0_PATCH