// // VMRegion 0.1 // Virtual Memory Wrapper // // Copyright (c) 2004, Chaz McGarvey // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this // list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the BrokenZipper nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT // SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED // TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR // BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN // ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH // DAMAGE. // // Web: http://www.brokenzipper.com/ // Email: chaz@brokenzipper.com // #import "VMRegion.h" #include // for task_for_pid(3) #include // for stop(2) static __inline__ vm_map_t _VMTaskFromPID( pid_t process ) { vm_map_t task; if ( task_for_pid( current_task(), process, &task ) == KERN_SUCCESS ) { return task; } return 0; } static __inline__ VMRegion _VMMakeRegionWithAttributes( pid_t process, vm_address_t address, vm_size_t size, unsigned attribs ) { VMRegion region; region._process = process; region._address = address; region._size = size; region._attributes = attribs; return region; } unsigned _VMAttributesFromAddress( pid_t process, vm_address_t address ); const VMRegion VMNullRegion = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; #pragma mark - #pragma mark VMRegion Functions /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ VMRegion VMMakeRegion( pid_t process, vm_address_t address, vm_size_t size ) { VMRegion region; region._process = process; region._address = address; region._size = size; region._attributes = _VMAttributesFromAddress( process, address ); return region; } BOOL VMRegionSetData( VMRegion region, NSData *data ) { // get the size that should be used (to prevent from writing past the region) vm_size_t size = (vm_size_t)[data length]; size = (size > region._size)? region._size : size; return VMWriteBytes( region._process, region._address, [data bytes], size ); } NSString *VMStringFromRegion( VMRegion region ) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{pid:%i,%p,%u,}", region._process, region._address, region._size]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Utility VM Functions /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ unsigned VMCountRegions( pid_t process ) { VMRegion region; VMRegion prev = VMNullRegion; unsigned count = 0; while ( VMRegionIsNotNull( region = VMNextRegion( process, prev ) ) ) { count++; prev = region; } return count; } unsigned VMCountRegionsWithAttributes( pid_t process, unsigned attribs ) { VMRegion region; VMRegion prev = VMNullRegion; unsigned count = 0; while ( VMRegionIsNotNull( region = VMNextRegionWithAttributes( process, prev, attribs ) ) ) { count++; prev = region; } return count; } VMRegion VMNextRegion( pid_t process, VMRegion previous ) { vm_map_t task = _VMTaskFromPID( process ); unsigned attribs = 0; kern_return_t result; vm_address_t address = 0x0; vm_size_t size = 0; vm_region_basic_info_data_t info; mach_msg_type_number_t infoCnt = VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO_COUNT; mach_port_t object_name = 0; if ( !VMEqualRegions( previous, VMNullRegion ) ) { address = previous._address + previous._size; } // get the next region result = vm_region( task, &address, &size, VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO, (vm_region_info_t)(&info), &infoCnt, &object_name ); if ( result == KERN_SUCCESS ) { // get the attributes if ( info.protection & VM_PROT_READ ) { attribs |= VMREGION_READABLE; } if ( info.protection & VM_PROT_WRITE ) { attribs |= VMREGION_WRITABLE; } if ( info.protection & VM_PROT_EXECUTE ) { attribs |= VMREGION_EXECUTABLE; } // return the region return _VMMakeRegionWithAttributes( process, address, size, attribs ); } return VMNullRegion; } VMRegion VMNextRegionWithAttributes( pid_t process, VMRegion previous, unsigned attribs ) { VMRegion region; while ( VMRegionIsNotNull( region = VMNextRegion( process, previous ) ) ) { if ( (attribs & region._attributes) == attribs ) { // pass back this region if the attributes match return region; } previous = region; } return VMNullRegion; } NSData *VMReadData( pid_t process, vm_address_t address, vm_size_t size ) { vm_map_t task = _VMTaskFromPID( process ); kern_return_t result; void *buffer; vm_size_t actualSize; // create a local block to hold the incoming data buffer = (void *)malloc( (size_t)size ); if ( !buffer ) { // no buffer, abort return nil; } // perform the read result = vm_read_overwrite( task, address, size, (vm_address_t)buffer, &actualSize ); if ( result != KERN_SUCCESS ) { // read error, abort free( buffer ); return nil; } // everything seems to be peachy, so return the data return [[[NSData alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:buffer length:actualSize freeWhenDone:YES] autorelease]; } BOOL VMReadBytes( pid_t process, vm_address_t address, void *bytes, vm_size_t *size ) { vm_map_t task = _VMTaskFromPID( process ); kern_return_t result; vm_size_t staticsize = *size; // perform the read result = vm_read_overwrite( task, address, staticsize, (vm_address_t)bytes, size ); if ( result != KERN_SUCCESS ) { return NO; } return YES; } BOOL VMWriteData( pid_t process, vm_address_t address, NSData *data ) { return VMWriteBytes( process, address, [data bytes], [data length] ); } BOOL VMWriteBytes( pid_t process, vm_address_t address, const void *bytes, vm_size_t size ) { vm_map_t task = _VMTaskFromPID( process ); kern_return_t result; // attempt to write the bytes and return success/failure result = vm_write( task, address, (vm_address_t)bytes, size ); return (result == KERN_SUCCESS); } unsigned _VMAttributesFromAddress( pid_t process, vm_address_t address ) { vm_map_t task = _VMTaskFromPID( process ); unsigned attribs = 0; kern_return_t result; vm_size_t size = 0; vm_region_basic_info_data_t info; mach_msg_type_number_t infoCnt = 8; mach_port_t object_name = 0; // get the next region result = vm_region( task, &address, &size, VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO, (vm_region_info_t)(&info), &infoCnt, &object_name ); if ( result == KERN_SUCCESS ) { // get the attributes if ( info.protection & VM_PROT_READ ) { attribs |= VMREGION_READABLE; } if ( info.protection & VM_PROT_WRITE ) { attribs |= VMREGION_WRITABLE; } if ( info.protection & VM_PROT_EXECUTE ) { attribs |= VMREGION_EXECUTABLE; } // return the region attributes return attribs; } return 0; }