// ********************************************************************** // The Cheat - A universal game cheater for Mac OS X // (C) 2003-2005 Chaz McGarvey (BrokenZipper) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) // any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // #import "LocalCheater.h" #include "cheat_global.h" // memory dump function int _MemoryDumpTask( ThreadedTask *task, unsigned iteration ); @interface LocalCheater ( Private ) // internal methods so they can be used throughout the class - (void)_clearSearch; - (BOOL)_pauseTarget; // returns TRUE for success - (BOOL)_resumeTarget; // returns TRUE for success // handling app launching/quitting - (void)_applicationLaunched:(NSNotification *)note; - (void)_applicationTerminated:(NSNotification *)note; // cheating - (unsigned)_doChange:(NSArray *)variables; - (void)_changeTimer:(NSTimer *)timer; // watch variables - (void)_doWatch; - (void)_watchTimer:(NSTimer *)timer; // tasks - (int)_memoryDumpTask:(ThreadedTask *)task iteration:(unsigned)iteration; @end @implementation LocalCheater - (id)init { if ( self = [super init] ) { NSNotificationCenter *nc= [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter]; // register for app launch/quit notifications [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(_applicationLaunched:) name:NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification object:nil]; [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(_applicationTerminated:) name:NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification object:nil]; _searchResults = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; _savedResults = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; _returnLimit = -1; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [(NSNotificationCenter *)[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] removeObserver:self]; // make sure the process isn't left paused [self _resumeTarget]; // release local objects [_target release]; [self _clearSearch]; // make sure everything is cancelled. [_searchTask cancelAndRemoveDelegate]; [_dumpTask cancelAndRemoveDelegate]; [self stopChangingVariables]; [self stopWatchingVariables]; [_searchTask release]; [_dumpTask release]; [_processes release]; [super dealloc]; } - (BOOL)shouldCopy { return _shouldCopy; } - (void)setShouldCopy:(BOOL)flag { _shouldCopy = flag; } - (NSString *)hostAddress { //return @""; return @"this computer"; } // ############################################################################# #pragma mark Cheater Override // ############################################################################# - (void)connect { if ( !_isConnected ) { _isConnected = YES; // return as connected [_delegate cheaterDidConnect:self]; } } - (void)disconnect { if ( _isConnected ) { [_searchTask cancelAndRemoveDelegate]; [_dumpTask cancelAndRemoveDelegate]; [self stopChangingVariables]; [self stopWatchingVariables]; _isConnected = NO; // return as disconnected //[_delegate cheaterDidDisconnect:self]; } } - (void)authenticateWithPassword:(NSString *)password { // being a local cheater, authentication really isn't required. // return succes every time. _isAuthenticated = YES; [_delegate cheaterAcceptedPassword:self]; } - (void)getProcessList { NSWorkspace *workspace = [NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace]; NSArray *launchedApps = [workspace launchedApplications]; unsigned i, len = [launchedApps count]; if ( !_processes ) { _processes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:len]; } // compile process array for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { NSDictionary *application = [launchedApps objectAtIndex:i]; // don't allow The Cheat to be cheated if ( [[application objectForKey:@"NSApplicationBundleIdentifier"] isEqualToString:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]] ) { continue; } Process *process = [[Process alloc] initWithName:[application objectForKey:@"NSApplicationName"] version:ApplicationVersion( [application objectForKey:@"NSApplicationPath"] ) icon:[workspace iconForFile:[application objectForKey:@"NSApplicationPath"]] pid:[[application objectForKey:@"NSApplicationProcessIdentifier"] intValue]]; [_processes addObject:process]; [process release]; } // return process list [_delegate cheater:self didFindProcesses:[NSArray arrayWithArray:_processes]]; } - (void)setTarget:(Process *)target { // unpause the current target if needed [self resumeTarget]; // clear the search [self clearSearch]; // set the new target [_target release]; if ( _shouldCopy ) { _target = [target copy]; [_delegate cheater:self didSetTarget:[_target copy]]; } else { _target = [target retain]; [_delegate cheater:self didSetTarget:_target]; } } - (void)pauseTarget { // attempt to pause the current target if ( !_isTargetPaused && [self _pauseTarget] ) { [_delegate cheaterPausedTarget:self]; } else { [_delegate cheater:self echo:@"This process cannot be paused."]; } } - (void)resumeTarget { // attempt to resume the current target if ( _isTargetPaused && [self _resumeTarget] ) { [_delegate cheaterResumedTarget:self]; } else { [_delegate cheater:self echo:@"This process cannot be resumed."]; } } - (void)limitReturnedResults:(unsigned)limit { _returnLimit = limit; } - (void)searchForVariable:(Variable *)var comparison:(TCSearchOperator)op { SearchContext *context; void *function; if ( _searchTask ) { ChazLog( @"there is already a search task" ); return; } if ( [_searchResults count] > 0 ) { SearchContext *lastContext = [_searchResults lastObject]; if ( ([var type] == TCString) && ([lastContext->value valueSize] < [var valueSize]) ) { // string size not good [_delegate cheater:self didFailLastRequest:@"String is too long."]; return; } context = [[SearchContext alloc] initWithLastContext:[_searchResults lastObject] searchOperator:op value:var]; } else { context = [[SearchContext alloc] initWithPID:[_target pid] searchOperator:op value:var]; } function = [context iterationFunction]; if ( function ) { _searchTask = [[ThreadedTask alloc] initWithFunction:function context:context delegate:self]; if ( ![_searchTask run] ) { // task didn't run [_searchTask release]; _searchTask = nil; [_delegate cheater:self didFailLastRequest:@"Internal error."]; } } else { [_delegate cheater:self didFailLastRequest:@"Invalid search parameters."]; } [context release]; } - (void)searchLastValuesComparison:(TCSearchOperator)op { SearchContext *context; void *function; if ( _searchTask ) { ChazLog( @"there is already a search task" ); return; } if ( [_searchResults count] > 0 ) { context = [[SearchContext alloc] initWithLastContext:[_searchResults lastObject] searchOperator:op]; } else { ChazLog( @"doing a searchLastValues search without previous results..." ); [_delegate cheater:self didFailLastRequest:@"Invalid search."]; return; } function = [context iterationFunction]; if ( function ) { _searchTask = [[ThreadedTask alloc] initWithFunction:function context:context delegate:self]; if ( ![_searchTask run] ) { // task didn't run [_searchTask release]; _searchTask = nil; [_delegate cheater:self didFailLastRequest:@"Internal error."]; } } else { [_delegate cheater:self didFailLastRequest:@"Invalid search parameters."]; } [context release]; } - (void)cancelSearch { [_searchTask cancelWithoutWaiting]; } - (void)clearSearch { [self _clearSearch]; [_delegate cheaterDidClearSearch:self]; } - (void)getMemoryDump { if ( _dumpTask ) { ChazLog( @"there is already a dump task" ); return; } _dumpTask = [[ThreadedTask alloc] initWithFunction:_MemoryDumpTask context:[[[DumpContext alloc] initWithPID:[_target pid]] autorelease] delegate:self]; if ( ![_dumpTask run] ) { [_dumpTask release]; _dumpTask = nil; [_delegate cheater:self didFailLastRequest:@"Internal error."]; } } int _MemoryDumpTask( ThreadedTask *task, unsigned iteration ) { DumpContext *context = [task context]; VMRegion region = VMNextRegionWithAttributes( context->process, context->lastRegion, VMREGION_READABLE ); if ( VMRegionIsNotNull( region ) ) { [context->dump appendData:VMRegionData( region )]; context->lastRegion = region; // continue looping return 1; } else { // no more regions, exit return 0; } } - (void)cancelMemoryDump { [_dumpTask cancelWithoutWaiting]; } - (void)makeVariableChanges:(NSArray *)variables repeat:(BOOL)doRepeat interval:(NSTimeInterval)repeatInterval { unsigned changes; [self stopChangingVariables]; // repeat the changes if necessary if ( doRepeat ) { if ( _shouldCopy ) { _cheatVariables = [variables copy]; } else { _cheatVariables = [variables retain]; } _cheatTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:repeatInterval target:self selector:@selector(_changeTimer:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain]; [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:_cheatTimer forMode:NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode]; [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:_cheatTimer forMode:NSModalPanelRunLoopMode]; } // change variables changes = [self _doChange:variables]; [_delegate cheater:self didChangeVariables:changes]; } - (void)stopChangingVariables { if ( _cheatVariables ) { [_cheatTimer invalidate]; [_cheatTimer release]; _cheatTimer = nil; [_cheatVariables release]; _cheatVariables = nil; // report back to delegate [_delegate cheaterDidStopChangingVariables:self]; } } - (void)undo { SearchContext *searchContext; TCArray variables; TCArray values; if ( searchContext = [_searchResults lastObject] ) { [_savedResults addObject:searchContext]; [_searchResults removeLastObject]; [self stopWatchingVariables]; if ( searchContext = [_searchResults lastObject] ) { if ( _shouldCopy ) { variables = TCArrayCopyElements( searchContext->addresses, _returnLimit ); values = TCArrayCopyElements( searchContext->values, _returnLimit ); } else { variables = TCArrayCopyContainer( searchContext->addresses, _returnLimit ); values = TCArrayCopyContainer( searchContext->values, _returnLimit ); } [_delegate cheater:self didRevertToVariables:variables actualAmount:TCArrayElementCount( searchContext->addresses )]; [_delegate cheater:self didFindValues:values]; } [_delegate cheaterDidUndo:self]; } } - (void)redo { SearchContext *searchContext; TCArray variables; TCArray values; [self stopWatchingVariables]; if ( searchContext = [_savedResults lastObject] ) { [_searchResults addObject:searchContext]; [_savedResults removeLastObject]; if ( _shouldCopy ) { variables = TCArrayCopyElements( searchContext->addresses, _returnLimit ); values = TCArrayCopyElements( searchContext->values, _returnLimit ); } else { variables = TCArrayCopyContainer( searchContext->addresses, _returnLimit ); values = TCArrayCopyContainer( searchContext->values, _returnLimit ); } [_delegate cheater:self didRevertToVariables:variables actualAmount:TCArrayElementCount( searchContext->addresses )]; [_delegate cheater:self didFindValues:values]; [_delegate cheaterDidRedo:self]; } } - (void)watchVariablesAtIndex:(unsigned)index count:(unsigned)count interval:(NSTimeInterval)checkInterval { SearchContext *context; unsigned i, top; ChazLog( @"watchVariablesAtIndex:.." ); [self stopWatchingVariables]; if ( count == 0 ) { ChazLog( @"invalid watch parameters: 0 count" ); return; } if ( context = [_searchResults lastObject] ) { TCArray addresses = context->addresses; TCArray values = context->values; // check the index & count if ( index + count <= TCArrayElementCount( addresses ) ) { // save current values NSMutableArray *vars = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:count]; top = index + count; for ( i = index; i < top; i++ ) { Variable *var = [[Variable alloc] initWithType:[context variableType] integerSign:[context integerSign]]; [var setAddress:*(TCAddress *)TCArrayElementAtIndex( addresses, i )]; [var setValue:TCArrayElementAtIndex( values, i ) size:TCArrayElementSize(values)]; [vars addObject:var]; [var release]; } _watchVariables = [[NSArray arrayWithArray:vars] retain]; [vars release]; _watchRange = NSMakeRange( index, count ); _watchTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:checkInterval target:self selector:@selector(_watchTimer:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain]; [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:_watchTimer forMode:NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode]; [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:_watchTimer forMode:NSModalPanelRunLoopMode]; // do a watch check right now [self _doWatch]; } else { ChazLog( @"invalid watch parameters" ); } } } - (void)stopWatchingVariables { if ( _watchVariables ) { [_watchTimer invalidate]; [_watchTimer release]; _watchTimer = nil; [_watchVariables release]; _watchVariables = nil; } } // ############################################################################# #pragma mark ThreadedTaskDelegate // ############################################################################# - (void)threadedTaskFinished:(ThreadedTask *)theTask { id context = [theTask context]; [self stopWatchingVariables]; ChazLog( @"threaded task finished" ); if ( [context isKindOfClass:[SearchContext class]] ) { SearchContext *searchContext = context; TCArray variables; TCArray values; if ( _shouldCopy ) { variables = TCArrayCopyElements( searchContext->addresses, _returnLimit ); values = TCArrayCopyElements( searchContext->values, _returnLimit ); } else { variables = TCArrayCopyContainer( searchContext->addresses, _returnLimit ); values = TCArrayCopyContainer( searchContext->values, _returnLimit ); } [_searchResults addObject:searchContext]; [_searchTask release]; _searchTask = nil; [_delegate cheater:self didFindVariables:variables actualAmount:TCArrayElementCount( searchContext->addresses )]; [_delegate cheater:self didFindValues:values]; } else if ( [context isKindOfClass:[DumpContext class]] ) { DumpContext *dumpContext = context; [_delegate cheater:self didDumpMemory:dumpContext->dump]; [_dumpTask release]; _dumpTask = nil; } } - (void)threadedTaskCancelled:(ThreadedTask *)theTask { id context = [theTask context]; ChazLog( @"threaded task cancelled" ); if ( [context isKindOfClass:[SearchContext class]] ) { [_delegate cheaterDidCancelSearch:self]; [_searchTask release]; _searchTask = nil; } else if ( [context isKindOfClass:[DumpContext class]] ) { [_delegate cheaterDidCancelMemoryDump:self]; [_dumpTask release]; _dumpTask = nil; } } - (void)threadedTask:(ThreadedTask *)theTask failedWithErrorCode:(int)errorCode { id context = [theTask context]; ChazLog( @"threaded task failed with code: %i", errorCode ); if ( [context isKindOfClass:[SearchContext class]] ) { [_delegate cheater:self didFailLastRequest:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Search failed with error: %i", errorCode]]; [_searchTask release]; _searchTask = nil; } else if ( [context isKindOfClass:[DumpContext class]] ) { [_delegate cheater:self didFailLastRequest:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Dump failed with error: %i", errorCode]]; [_dumpTask release]; _dumpTask = nil; } } - (void)threadedTask:(ThreadedTask *)theTask reportedProgress:(int)theProgress { [_delegate cheater:self didReportProgress:theProgress]; } // ############################################################################# #pragma mark Private Methods // ############################################################################# - (void)_clearSearch { [self stopWatchingVariables]; [self cancelSearch]; // empty the results array [_searchResults removeAllObjects]; [_savedResults removeAllObjects]; } - (BOOL)_pauseTarget { // attempt to pause if ( VMStopProcess( [_target pid] ) ) { _isTargetPaused = YES; return YES; } _isTargetPaused = NO; return NO; } - (BOOL)_resumeTarget { if ( VMContinueProcess( [_target pid] ) ) { _isTargetPaused = NO; return YES; } _isTargetPaused = YES; return NO; } - (void)_applicationLaunched:(NSNotification *)note { NSWorkspace *workspace = [NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace]; NSDictionary *application = [note userInfo]; NSString *bundleID; // don't allow The Cheat to be cheated bundleID = [application objectForKey:@"NSApplicationBundleIdentifier"]; if ( bundleID && [bundleID isEqualToString:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]] ) { return; } Process *process = [[Process alloc] initWithName:[application objectForKey:@"NSApplicationName"] version:ApplicationVersion( [application objectForKey:@"NSApplicationPath"] ) icon:[workspace iconForFile:[application objectForKey:@"NSApplicationPath"]] pid:[[application objectForKey:@"NSApplicationProcessIdentifier"] intValue]]; if ( ![_processes containsObject:process] ) { [_processes addObject:process]; // inform the delegate of the new process [_delegate cheater:self didAddProcess:process]; } // cleanup [process release]; } - (void)_applicationTerminated:(NSNotification *)note { NSWorkspace *workspace = [NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace]; NSDictionary *application = [note userInfo]; Process *process = [[Process alloc] initWithName:[application objectForKey:@"NSApplicationName"] version:ApplicationVersion( [application objectForKey:@"NSApplicationPath"] ) icon:[workspace iconForFile:[application objectForKey:@"NSApplicationPath"]] pid:[[application objectForKey:@"NSApplicationProcessIdentifier"] intValue]]; // if this is the current process, take appropriate actions if ( [_target isEqual:process] ) { [self cancelSearch]; [self clearSearch]; [self cancelMemoryDump]; [self stopChangingVariables]; [_delegate cheater:self didRemoveProcess:process]; [_delegate cheater:self didFailLastRequest:@"The target quit."]; } else { // inform the delegate of the removed process [_delegate cheater:self didRemoveProcess:process]; } [_processes removeObject:process]; // cleanup [process release]; } - (unsigned)_doChange:(NSArray *)variables { unsigned i, top; unsigned successes = 0; top = [variables count]; for ( i = 0; i < top; i++ ) { Variable *variable = [variables objectAtIndex:i]; if ( VMWriteBytes( [_target pid], [variable address], [variable value], [variable valueSize] ) ) { successes++; } } return successes; } - (void)_changeTimer:(NSTimer *)timer { unsigned changes = [self _doChange:_cheatVariables]; [_delegate cheater:self didChangeVariables:changes]; } - (void)_doWatch { unsigned i, top; char value[TC_MAX_VAR_SIZE]; vm_size_t size; top = [_watchVariables count]; for ( i = 0; i < top; i++ ) { Variable *variable = [_watchVariables objectAtIndex:i]; size = [variable valueSize]; if ( VMReadBytes( [_target pid], [variable address], value, &size ) ) { // check if memory changed if ( memcmp( value, [variable value], size ) != 0 ) { [variable setValue:value]; // inform delegate of the change [_delegate cheater:self variableAtIndex:_watchRange.location+i didChangeTo:variable]; } } } } - (void)_watchTimer:(NSTimer *)timer { [self _doWatch]; } @end