// ********************************************************************** // The Cheat - A universal game cheater for Mac OS X // (C) 2003-2005 Chaz McGarvey (BrokenZipper) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) // any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // #import "CheatDocument.h" @interface CheatDocument (DocumentActionsPrivateAPI ) - (void)_confirmTargetChange:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(int)returnCode context:(void *)contextInfo; @end @implementation CheatDocument ( DocumentActions ) - (IBAction)ibSetLocalCheater:(id)sender { ChazLog( @"Selected %@", sender ); // if this is the current server, don't reconnect if ( ![self shouldConnectWithServer:sender] ) { return; } // disconnect and prepare to reconnect [self disconnectFromCheater]; [self connectWithServer:sender]; // create new local cheater _cheater = [[LocalCheater alloc] initWithDelegate:self]; [(LocalCheater *)_cheater setShouldCopy:YES]; // send initial messages [_cheater connect]; [_cheater getProcessList]; // send preferences to the cheater [_cheater limitReturnedResults:[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey:TCHitsDisplayedPref]]; [ibStatusText setDefaultStatus:[self defaultStatusString]]; } - (IBAction)ibSetRemoteCheater:(id)sender { ChazLog( @"Selected %@", sender ); if ( ![self shouldConnectWithServer:sender] ) { return; } ChazLog( @"resolving rendezvous service..." ); _resolvingService = [[sender representedObject] retain]; [_resolvingService setDelegate:self]; [_resolvingService resolve]; } - (void)netServiceDidResolveAddress:(NSNetService *)sender { NSArray *addresses; ChazLog( @"service resolved!" ); // stop resolving [sender stop]; if ( sender != _resolvingService ) { return; } [self disconnectFromCheater]; [self connectWithServer:(NSMenuItem *)[ibServerPopup itemAtIndex:[ibServerPopup indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject:_resolvingService]]]; addresses = [_resolvingService addresses]; _resolvingService = nil; // create new remote cheater ChazLog( @"found %i addresses", [addresses count] ); _cheater = [[RemoteCheater alloc] initWithDelegate:self]; [(RemoteCheater *)_cheater connectToHostWithData:[addresses objectAtIndex:0]]; // send initial messages [_cheater connect]; [_cheater getProcessList]; // send preferences to the cheater [_cheater limitReturnedResults:[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey:TCHitsDisplayedPref]]; [ibStatusText setDefaultStatus:[self defaultStatusString]]; [self updateInterface]; } - (void)netService:(NSNetService *)sender didNotResolve:(NSDictionary *)errorDict { [sender stop]; if ( sender != _resolvingService ) { return; } _resolvingService = nil; NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet( @"The Cheat can't find the server.", @"OK", nil, nil, ibWindow, self, NULL, NULL, NULL, @"The Cheat can't connect to the server \"%@\" because it can't be found.", [sender name] ); } - (void)netServiceDidStop:(NSNetService *)sender { [sender release]; } - (IBAction)ibSetCustomCheater:(id)sender { RemoteCheater *cheater; ChazLog( @"Selected %@", [sender description] ); if ( ![self shouldConnectWithServer:sender] ) { return; } cheater = [[RemoteCheater alloc] initWithDelegate:self]; if ( ![(RemoteCheater *)cheater connectToHostWithData:[sender representedObject]] ) { NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet( @"The Cheat can't find the server.", @"OK", nil, nil, ibWindow, self, NULL, NULL, NULL, @"The Cheat can't connect to \"%@\" because there is no server at that address.", [sender title] ); [cheater release]; [self selectConnectedCheater]; return; } [self disconnectFromCheater]; [self connectWithServer:sender]; _cheater = cheater; // send initial messages [_cheater connect]; [_cheater getProcessList]; // send preferences to the cheater [_cheater limitReturnedResults:[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey:TCHitsDisplayedPref]]; [ibStatusText setDefaultStatus:[self defaultStatusString]]; [self updateInterface]; } - (IBAction)ibSetNoCheater:(id)sender { [self disconnectFromCheater]; // nil server object [_serverObject release]; _serverObject = nil; [ibStatusText setDefaultStatus:[self defaultStatusString]]; [self updateInterface]; } - (IBAction)ibSetProcess:(id)sender { if ( [_process isEqual:(Process *)[sender representedObject]] ) { // this process is already selected, do nothing return; } if ( [_searchData hasSearchedOnce] ) { NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet( @"Confirm target change.", @"OK", @"Cancel", nil, ibWindow, self, NULL, @selector(_confirmTargetChange:returnCode:context:), [[sender representedObject] retain], @"If you change the target now, your search will be cleared. This cannot be undone. Continue?" ); } else { // request the change [_cheater setTarget:(Process *)[sender representedObject]]; } } - (void)_confirmTargetChange:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(int)returnCode context:(void *)contextInfo { NSMenu *processMenu = [ibProcessPopup menu]; Process *process = (Process *)contextInfo; if ( returnCode == NSAlertDefaultReturn ) { // clear the search [self ibClearSearch:nil]; // request the change [_cheater setTarget:process]; } else { // select the correct server menuitem [ibProcessPopup selectItemAtIndex:[processMenu indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject:_process]]; } [process release]; } - (IBAction)ibSetVariableType:(id)sender { [_searchData setVariableType:[sender tag]]; [self updateInterface]; } - (IBAction)ibSetIntegerSign:(id)sender { [_searchData setIntegerSign:[[sender selectedCell] tag]]; } - (IBAction)ibSetOperator:(id)sender { [_searchData setSearchOperator:[sender tag]]; } - (IBAction)ibSetValueUsed:(id)sender { [_searchData setValueUsed:[[sender selectedCell] tag]]; [self updateInterface]; } - (IBAction)ibClearSearch:(id)sender { [_cheater clearSearch]; } - (IBAction)ibSearch:(id)sender { Variable *variable; // do the search if ( [_searchData valueUsed] == TCGivenValue ) { variable = [[Variable alloc] initWithType:[_searchData variableType] integerSign:[_searchData integerSign]]; [variable setStringValue:[ibSearchValueField stringValue]]; if ( [variable isValueValid] && [variable valueSize] > 0 ) { _status = TCSearchingStatus; [ibStatusText setDefaultStatus:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Searching %@'s memory%C", [_process name], 0x2026]]; [ibStatusBar setIndeterminate:NO]; [_searchData setSearchValue:variable]; [variable release]; [_cheater searchForVariable:[_searchData searchValue] comparison:[_searchData searchOperator]]; } else { NSBeginAlertSheet( @"Invalid Input", @"OK", nil, nil, ibWindow, nil, NULL, NULL, NULL, @"The search value \"%@\" cannot be used with this type of search.", [ibSearchValueField stringValue] ); } } else { _status = TCSearchingStatus; [ibStatusText setDefaultStatus:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Searching %@'s memory%C", [_process name], 0x2026]]; [ibStatusBar setIndeterminate:NO]; [_cheater searchLastValuesComparison:[_searchData searchOperator]]; } [self updateInterface]; } - (IBAction)ibAddSearchVariable:(id)sender { NSArray *rows; int i, top; // don't do anything if there is nothing selected if ( [ibSearchVariableTable selectedRow] == -1 ) { return; } rows = [ibSearchVariableTable selectedRows]; top = [rows count]; for ( i = 0; i < top; i++ ) { int rowIndex = [[rows objectAtIndex:i] unsignedIntValue]; // transfer the search variable to the cheat data [_cheatData addVariable:[_searchData variableAtIndex:rowIndex]]; } // update the variable table [ibCheatVariableTable reloadData]; if ( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:TCSwitchVariablesPref] ) { [self switchToCheatMode]; int rowIndex = [_cheatData variableCount]-1; if ( MacOSXVersion() >= 0x1030 ) { [ibCheatVariableTable selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:rowIndex] byExtendingSelection:NO]; } else { [ibCheatVariableTable selectRow:rowIndex byExtendingSelection:NO]; } // start editing the last added variable if ( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:TCAutoStartEditingVarsPref] ) { if ( top > 1 ) { // edit multiple if ( MacOSXVersion() >= 0x1030 ) { [ibCheatVariableTable selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(rowIndex-top+1,top-1)] byExtendingSelection:YES]; } else { for ( i = 1; i < top; i++ ) { [ibCheatVariableTable selectRow:rowIndex-i byExtendingSelection:YES]; } } [ibCheatVariableTable scrollRowToVisible:rowIndex]; [self ibRunEditVariablesSheet:nil]; } else { // edit one [ibCheatVariableTable editColumn:[ibCheatVariableTable columnWithIdentifier:@"value"] row:rowIndex withEvent:nil select:YES]; } } } // update interface [self setDocumentChanged]; [self updateInterface]; } - (IBAction)ibSetCheatRepeats:(id)sender { [_cheatData setRepeats:[sender state]]; // update interface [self setDocumentChanged]; [self updateInterface]; } - (IBAction)ibSetRepeatInterval:(id)sender { [_cheatData setRepeatInterval:[sender doubleValue]]; // update interface [self setDocumentChanged]; [self updateInterface]; } - (IBAction)ibCheat:(id)sender { _status = TCCheatingStatus; [_cheater makeVariableChanges:[_cheatData enabledVariables] repeat:[_cheatData repeats] interval:[_cheatData repeatInterval]]; // update status description if ( [_cheatData repeats] ) { [ibStatusText setDefaultStatus:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Applying cheats to %@%C", [_process name], 0x2026]]; [ibStatusBar setIndeterminate:YES]; [ibStatusBar startAnimation:self]; [self updateInterface]; } } - (IBAction)ibRunPropertiesSheet:(id)sender { // update fields [ibWindowTitleField setStringValue:[_cheatData windowTitle]]; [ibCheatInfoField setStringValue:[_cheatData cheatInfo]]; // display sheet [NSApp beginSheet:ibPropertiesSheet modalForWindow:ibWindow modalDelegate:nil didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:nil]; } - (IBAction)ibEndPropertiesSheet:(id)sender { [ibPropertiesSheet orderOut:sender]; [NSApp endSheet:ibPropertiesSheet returnCode:0]; if ( [sender tag] == 1 ) { // do not update anything if nothing has changed if ( [[ibWindowTitleField stringValue] isEqualToString:[_cheatData windowTitle]] && [[ibCheatInfoField stringValue] isEqualToString:[_cheatData cheatInfo]] ) { return; } // update data [_cheatData setWindowTitle:[ibWindowTitleField stringValue]]; [_cheatData setCheatInfo:[ibCheatInfoField stringValue]]; [self setDocumentChanged]; [self updateInterface]; } } - (IBAction)ibRunPasswordSheet:(id)sender { } - (IBAction)ibEndPasswordSheet:(id)sender { } - (IBAction)ibRunCustomServerSheet:(id)sender { // update fields [ibServerField setStringValue:@""]; [ibPortField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i", TCDefaultListenPort]]; // display sheet [NSApp beginSheet:ibCustomServerSheet modalForWindow:ibWindow modalDelegate:nil didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:nil]; } - (IBAction)ibEndCustomServerSheet:(id)sender { NSString *server = [ibServerField stringValue]; int port = [[ibPortField stringValue] intValue]; ChazLog( @"ibEndCustomServerSheet: %@:%i", server, port ); [ibCustomServerSheet orderOut:sender]; [NSApp endSheet:ibCustomServerSheet returnCode:0]; if ( [sender tag] == 1 ) { [self connectWithURL:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"cheat://%@:%i", server, port]]; } } - (IBAction)ibRunEditVariablesSheet:(id)sender { int row = [ibCheatVariableTable selectedRow]; Variable *var; // must have selected items if ( row == -1 ) { return; } var = [_cheatData variableAtIndex:row]; // update field [ibNewValueField setStringValue:[var stringValue]]; // display sheet [NSApp beginSheet:ibEditVariablesSheet modalForWindow:ibWindow modalDelegate:nil didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:nil]; } - (IBAction)ibEndEditVariablesSheet:(id)sender { NSString *newValue = [ibNewValueField stringValue]; NSArray *rows; int i, top; [ibEditVariablesSheet orderOut:sender]; [NSApp endSheet:ibEditVariablesSheet returnCode:0]; if ( [sender tag] == 0 ) { return; } if ( [newValue isEqualToString:@""] ) { newValue = nil; } rows = [ibCheatVariableTable selectedRows]; top = [rows count]; // change all selected variables with the new value if ( newValue ) { for ( i = 0; i < top; i++ ) { Variable *var = [_cheatData variableAtIndex:[[rows objectAtIndex:i] unsignedIntValue]]; [var setStringValue:newValue]; } } [ibCheatVariableTable reloadData]; [self setDocumentChanged]; [self updateInterface]; } - (IBAction)ibPauseTarget:(id)sender { [_cheater pauseTarget]; } - (IBAction)ibResumeTarget:(id)sender { [_cheater resumeTarget]; } - (IBAction)ibCancelSearch:(id)sender { _isCancelingTask = YES; [_cheater cancelSearch]; [self updateInterface]; } - (IBAction)ibStopCheat:(id)sender { _isCancelingTask = YES; [_cheater stopChangingVariables]; [self updateInterface]; } - (IBAction)ibDumpMemory:(id)sender { _status = TCDumpingStatus; [_cheater getMemoryDump]; // display status [ibStatusText setDefaultStatus:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Dumping %@'s memory%C", [_process name], 0x2026]]; [ibStatusBar setIndeterminate:YES]; [ibStatusBar startAnimation:self]; [self updateInterface]; } - (IBAction)ibCancelDump:(id)sender { _isCancelingTask = YES; [_cheater cancelMemoryDump]; [self updateInterface]; } - (IBAction)ibAddCheatVariable:(id)sender { ChazLog( @"ibAddCheatVariable:" ); Variable *var = [[Variable alloc] initWithType:[sender tag]]; // add the new variable to the doc data [_cheatData addVariable:var]; [var release]; // update the variable table [ibCheatVariableTable reloadData]; if ( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:TCSwitchVariablesPref] ) { [self switchToCheatMode]; int row = [_cheatData variableCount]-1; if ( MacOSXVersion() >= 0x1030 ) { [ibCheatVariableTable selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:row] byExtendingSelection:NO]; } else { [ibCheatVariableTable selectRow:row byExtendingSelection:NO]; } // start editing new variable if ( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:TCAutoStartEditingVarsPref] ) { [ibCheatVariableTable editColumn:[ibCheatVariableTable columnWithIdentifier:@"address"] row:row withEvent:nil select:YES]; } } // update interface [self setDocumentChanged]; [self updateInterface]; } - (IBAction)ibSetVariableEnabled:(id)sender { NSArray *rows; int i, top; BOOL flag; ChazLog( @"ibSetVariableEnabled: %i", [sender selectedRow] ); flag = [[_cheatData variableAtIndex:[ibCheatVariableTable selectedRow]] isEnabled]; rows = [ibCheatVariableTable selectedRows]; top = [rows count]; for ( i = 0; i < top; i++ ) { Variable *var = [_cheatData variableAtIndex:[[rows objectAtIndex:i] unsignedIntValue]]; [var setEnabled:!flag]; } // update interface [ibCheatVariableTable reloadData]; [self setDocumentChanged]; [self updateInterface]; } - (IBAction)ibToggleSearchCheat:(id)sender { if ( _mode == TCCheatMode ) { [self switchToSearchMode]; } else if ( _mode == TCSearchMode ) { [self switchToCheatMode]; } } - (IBAction)ibUndo:(id)sender { [_cheater undo]; } - (IBAction)ibRedo:(id)sender { [_cheater redo]; } @end