// ********************************************************************** // The Cheat - A universal game cheater for Mac OS X // (C) 2003-2005 Chaz McGarvey (BrokenZipper) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) // any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // #import "CheatDocument.h" @implementation CheatDocument ( DocCheaterDelegate ) - (void)cheaterDidConnect:(Cheater *)cheater { ChazLog( @"cheaterDidConnect:" ); [ibStatusText setDefaultStatus:[self defaultStatusString]]; // update the interface [self updateInterface]; } - (void)cheaterDidDisconnect:(Cheater *)cheater { ChazLog( @"cheaterDidDisonnect:" ); [self disconnectFromCheater]; // update status [self showError:@"Disconnected by server."]; [ibStatusBar setIndeterminate:NO]; [ibStatusBar setDoubleValue:0.0]; [ibStatusBar stopAnimation:self]; // update the interface [self updateInterface]; } - (void)cheaterRequiresAuthentication:(Cheater *)cheater { ChazLog( @"cheaterRequiresAuthentication:" ); [self ibRunPasswordSheet:nil]; } - (void)cheaterRejectedPassword:(Cheater *)cheater { ChazLog( @"cheaterRejectedPassword" ); } - (void)cheaterAcceptedPassword:(Cheater *)cheater { ChazLog( @"cheaterAcceptedPassword" ); [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:@"Password Accepted"]; } - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didFindProcesses:(NSArray *)processes { NSMenu *processMenu; NSMenuItem *menuItem; unsigned i, len; Process *selectThis = nil; ChazLog( @"cheater:didFindProcesses:" ); // create and set the server popup menu processMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] init]; [processMenu setAutoenablesItems:YES]; // add menu items // processes returned len = [processes count]; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { Process *item = [processes objectAtIndex:i]; menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] init]; [menuItem setTarget:self]; [menuItem setAction:@selector(ibSetProcess:)]; [menuItem setTitle:[item name]]; [menuItem setImage:[item icon]]; [menuItem setRepresentedObject:item]; [processMenu addItem:menuItem]; [menuItem release]; // check and see if our document uses this application if ( [self isLoadedFromFile] && [[_cheatData process] sameApplicationAs:item] ) { selectThis = item; } } // set the menu [ibProcessPopup setMenu:processMenu]; [processMenu release]; // if we're loaded from a file, select the process matching // the one saved, if it is launched. if ( selectThis ) { [_cheater setTarget:selectThis]; } // otherwise, select the global target else if ( selectThis = [CheatDocument globalTarget] ) { ChazLog( @"setting global target" ); [_cheater setTarget:selectThis]; } // otherwise, select the first process in this list else if ( len > 0 ) { [_cheater setTarget:[processes objectAtIndex:0]]; } } - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didAddProcess:(Process *)process { NSMenu *processMenu = [ibProcessPopup menu]; NSMenuItem *menuItem; Process *savedTarget = [_cheatData process]; // add the newly found process to the process popup menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] init]; [menuItem setTarget:self]; [menuItem setAction:@selector(ibSetProcess:)]; [menuItem setTitle:[process name]]; [menuItem setImage:[process icon]]; [menuItem setRepresentedObject:process]; [processMenu addItem:menuItem]; [menuItem release]; // make this the target if appropiate if ( _status == TCIdleStatus && ![_searchData hasSearchedOnce] && [savedTarget sameApplicationAs:process] && ![savedTarget sameApplicationAs:_process] ) { [_cheater setTarget:process]; } } - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didRemoveProcess:(Process *)process { NSMenu *processes = [ibProcessPopup menu]; // remove the service from the menu [processes removeItemWithRepresentedObject:process]; // if this is the current process, select the first one if ( [_process isEqual:process] ) { [_process release]; _process = nil; if ( [processes numberOfItems] > 0 ) { [_cheater setTarget:[[processes itemAtIndex:0] representedObject]]; } } } - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didSetTarget:(Process *)target { ChazLog( @"cheater:setTarget:" ); // save a reference to the process [_process release]; _process = [target retain]; [CheatDocument setGlobalTarget:_process]; // make sure the correct item is selected [ibProcessPopup selectItemAtIndex:[ibProcessPopup indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject:target]]; //[ibProcessPopup selectItemWithTitle:[target name]]; // apply the name and version to the document if the doc isn't saved if ( ![self isLoadedFromFile] ) { [_cheatData setProcess:target]; } [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Target is %@.", [target name]] duration:2.0]; [self updateInterface]; } - (void)cheaterPausedTarget:(Cheater *)cheater { _isTargetPaused = YES; [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:@"Target Paused"]; } - (void)cheaterResumedTarget:(Cheater *)cheater { _isTargetPaused = NO; [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:@"Target Resumed"]; } - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didFindVariables:(TCArray)variables actualAmount:(unsigned)count { if ( _status == TCSearchingStatus ) { _status = TCIdleStatus; // do something with the variables [_searchData setAddresses:variables]; [_searchData didAddResults]; [ibSearchVariableTable reloadData]; [self setActualResults:count]; [ibStatusText setDefaultStatus:[self defaultStatusString]]; if ( count == 1 ) { NSColor *green = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.0 green:0.7 blue:0.0 alpha:1.0]; [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Search found one result.", count] color:green duration:6.0]; } else if ( count == 0 ) { NSColor *red = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.7 green:0.0 blue:0.0 alpha:1.0]; [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Search found no results.", count] color:red duration:6.0]; } else { [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Search found %i results.", count] duration:6.0]; } [ibStatusBar setIndeterminate:NO]; [ibStatusBar setDoubleValue:0.0]; [ibStatusBar stopAnimation:self]; [self updateInterface]; if ( _mode == TCSearchMode ) { [ibWindow makeFirstResponder:ibSearchValueField]; } } } - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didFindValues:(TCArray)values { [_searchData setValues:values]; [ibSearchVariableTable reloadData]; [self watchVariables]; } - (void)cheaterDidCancelSearch:(Cheater *)cheater { ChazLog( @"cheaterDidCancelSearch:" ); if ( _isCancelingTask ) { _status = TCIdleStatus; _isCancelingTask = NO; [ibStatusText setDefaultStatus:[self defaultStatusString]]; [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:@"Search cancelled." duration:2.0]; [ibStatusBar setIndeterminate:NO]; [ibStatusBar setDoubleValue:0.0]; [ibStatusBar stopAnimation:self]; [self updateInterface]; if ( _mode == TCSearchMode ) { [ibWindow makeFirstResponder:ibSearchValueField]; } } } - (void)cheaterDidClearSearch:(Cheater *)cheater { [_searchData clearResults]; [ibSearchVariableTable reloadData]; [self setActualResults:0]; [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:@"The search was cleared." duration:2.0]; [self updateInterface]; } - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didDumpMemory:(NSData *)memoryDump { NSSavePanel *panel; ChazLog( @"cheater:didDumpMemory:" ); ChazLog( @"status: %i", _status ); if ( _status == TCDumpingStatus ) { _status = TCIdleStatus; panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel]; [panel setRequiredFileType:@"dump"]; [panel setExtensionHidden:NO]; [panel setCanSelectHiddenExtension:YES]; if ( MacOSXVersion() >= 0x1030 ) { [panel setMessage:@"Dump files are huge! Exercise patience while saving."]; } [panel beginSheetForDirectory:nil file:[NSString stringWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.dump", [_process name]]] modalForWindow:ibWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(saveMemoryDumpDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:memoryDump]; [memoryDump retain]; } } - (void)saveMemoryDumpDidEnd:(NSSavePanel *)sheet returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo { NSData *dump = (NSData *)contextInfo; [ibStatusText setDefaultStatus:[self defaultStatusString]]; if ( returnCode == NSOKButton ) { // write the file [dump writeToFile:[sheet filename] atomically:YES]; [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Successfully dumped %@'s memory.", [_process name]]]; } else { [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:@"Dumping memory cancelled."]; } [dump release]; [ibStatusBar stopAnimation:self]; [ibStatusBar setIndeterminate:NO]; [self updateInterface]; if ( _mode == TCSearchMode ) { [ibWindow makeFirstResponder:ibSearchValueField]; } } - (void)cheaterDidCancelMemoryDump:(Cheater *)cheater { ChazLog( @"cheaterDidCancelMemoryDump:" ); if ( _isCancelingTask ) { _status = TCIdleStatus; _isCancelingTask = NO; [ibStatusText setDefaultStatus:[self defaultStatusString]]; [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:@"Dumping memory cancelled."]; [ibStatusBar stopAnimation:self]; [ibStatusBar setIndeterminate:NO]; [self updateInterface]; if ( _mode == TCSearchMode ) { [ibWindow makeFirstResponder:ibSearchValueField]; } } } - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didChangeVariables:(unsigned)changeCount { ChazLog( @"CHEATER changed %u variables.", changeCount ); if ( ![_cheatData repeats] ) { _status = TCIdleStatus; } if ( changeCount == 0 ) { [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:@"No variables were changed." duration:2.0]; } else if ( changeCount == 1 ) { [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:@"Changed one variable." duration:2.0]; } else { [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Changed %i variables.", changeCount] duration:2.0]; } [self updateInterface]; } - (void)cheaterDidStopChangingVariables:(Cheater *)cheater { _status = TCIdleStatus; _isCancelingTask = NO; [ibStatusText setDefaultStatus:[self defaultStatusString]]; [ibStatusBar stopAnimation:self]; [ibStatusBar setIndeterminate:NO]; [self updateInterface]; if ( _mode == TCSearchMode ) { [ibWindow makeFirstResponder:ibSearchValueField]; } } - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didReportProgress:(int)progress { if ( _status == TCSearchingStatus && !_isCancelingTask ) { [ibStatusBar setDoubleValue:(double)progress]; } } - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didRevertToVariables:(TCArray)variables actualAmount:(unsigned)count { // do something with the variables [_searchData setAddresses:variables]; [ibSearchVariableTable reloadData]; [self setActualResults:count]; [self updateInterface]; } - (void)cheaterDidUndo:(Cheater *)cheater { [_searchData didUndo]; [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:@"Reverted to previous results." duration:2.0]; } - (void)cheaterDidRedo:(Cheater *)cheater { [_searchData didRedo]; [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:@"Reverted to saved results." duration:2.0]; } - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater variableAtIndex:(unsigned)index didChangeTo:(Variable *)variable { [_searchData setValue:variable atIndex:index]; [ibSearchVariableTable reloadData]; } - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didFailLastRequest:(NSString *)reason { _status = TCIdleStatus; // echo the reason to the status [self showError:reason]; [ibStatusBar setIndeterminate:NO]; [ibStatusBar setDoubleValue:0.0]; [ibStatusBar stopAnimation:self]; [self updateInterface]; } - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater echo:(NSString *)message { // echo the message to the status [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:message duration:7.0]; } @end