/* * The Cheat - The legendary universal game trainer for Mac OS X. * http://www.dogcows.com/chaz/wiki/TheCheat * * Copyright (c) 2003-2010, Charles McGarvey et al. * * Distributable under the terms and conditions of the 2-clause BSD * license; see the file COPYING for the legal text of the license. */ #import "LocalCheater.h" @implementation Cheater // ############################################################################# #pragma mark Initialization // ############################################################################# - (id)initWithDelegate:(id)delegate { if ( self = [self init] ) { // set the delegate [self setDelegate:delegate]; ChazLog( @"init Cheater %p", self ); } return self; } - (void)dealloc { ChazLog( @"dealloc Cheater %p", self ); [super dealloc]; } - (id)delegate { return _delegate; } - (void)setDelegate:(id)delegate { // make sure the delegate is not nil and that it conforms to the CheaterDelegate if ( [delegate conformsToProtocol:@protocol(CheaterDelegate)] ) { _delegate = delegate; } else { _delegate = nil; } } - (BOOL)isConnected { return _isConnected; } - (BOOL)isAuthenticated { return _isAuthenticated; } - (NSString *)hostAddress { return @""; } // ############################################################################# #pragma mark Cheating Control // ############################################################################# - (void)connect { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)disconnect { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)authenticateWithPassword:(NSString *)password { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)getProcessList { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)setTarget:(Process *)target { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)pauseTarget { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)resumeTarget { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)limitReturnedResults:(unsigned)limit { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)searchForVariable:(Variable *)data comparison:(TCSearchOperator)op { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)searchLastValuesComparison:(TCSearchOperator)op { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)cancelSearch { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)clearSearch { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)getMemoryDump { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)cancelMemoryDump { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)makeVariableChanges:(NSArray *)variables repeat:(BOOL)doRepeat interval:(NSTimeInterval)repeatInterval { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)stopChangingVariables { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)undo { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)redo { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)watchVariablesAtIndex:(unsigned)index count:(unsigned)count interval:(NSTimeInterval)checkInterval { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } - (void)stopWatchingVariables { [NSException raise:@"TCNotImplemented" format:@"The subclass of Cheater (%@) needs to implement selector %@.", NSStringFromClass(isa), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } @end