// ********************************************************************** // The Cheat - A universal game cheater for Mac OS X // (C) 2003-2005 Chaz McGarvey (BrokenZipper) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) // any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // #import #import "ChazLog.h" #import "CheaterTypes.h" #import "Process.h" #import "Variable.h" // The network protocol The Cheat uses is way simple. the header is // a fixed size: 24 bytes. Immediately following the header is the // packet data. typedef struct _TCPacketHeader { unsigned nifty; // always the same: 'DENT' or 0x44454E54. unsigned size; // the size of the packet (excluding this header). char name[16]; // NULL-terminated string describing the packet. } TCPacketHeader; // network definitions #define TC_NIFTY (0x44454E54) @interface Cheater : NSObject { BOOL _isConnected; BOOL _isAuthenticated; id _delegate; } // ############################################################################# #pragma mark Initialization // ############################################################################# - (id)initWithDelegate:(id)delegate; // delegation - (id)delegate; - (void)setDelegate:(id)delegate; // accessors - (BOOL)isConnected; - (BOOL)isAuthenticated; - (NSString *)hostAddress; // ############################################################################# #pragma mark Cheating Control // ############################################################################# // Methods with AUTH require authentication. - (void)connect; - (void)disconnect; - (void)authenticateWithPassword:(NSString *)password; - (void)getProcessList; - (void)setTarget:(Process *)target; - (void)pauseTarget; // AUTH - (void)resumeTarget; // AUTH - (void)limitReturnedResults:(unsigned)limit; - (void)searchForVariable:(Variable *)var comparison:(TCSearchOperator)op; // AUTH - (void)searchLastValuesComparison:(TCSearchOperator)op; // AUTH - (void)cancelSearch; // AUTH - (void)clearSearch; // AUTH - (void)getMemoryDump; // AUTH - (void)cancelMemoryDump; // AUTH - (void)makeVariableChanges:(NSArray *)variables repeat:(BOOL)doRepeat interval:(NSTimeInterval)repeatInterval; // AUTH - (void)stopChangingVariables; // AUTH - (void)undo; // AUTH - (void)redo; // AUTH - (void)watchVariablesAtIndex:(unsigned)index count:(unsigned)count interval:(NSTimeInterval)checkInterval; // AUTH - (void)stopWatchingVariables; // AUTH @end // ############################################################################# @protocol CheaterDelegate // ############################################################################# - (void)cheaterDidConnect:(Cheater *)cheater; - (void)cheaterDidDisconnect:(Cheater *)cheater; - (void)cheaterRequiresAuthentication:(Cheater *)cheater; - (void)cheaterRejectedPassword:(Cheater *)cheater; - (void)cheaterAcceptedPassword:(Cheater *)cheater; - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didFindProcesses:(NSArray *)processes; - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didAddProcess:(Process *)process; - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didRemoveProcess:(Process *)process; - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didSetTarget:(Process *)target; - (void)cheaterPausedTarget:(Cheater *)cheater; - (void)cheaterResumedTarget:(Cheater *)cheater; - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didFindVariables:(TCArray)variables actualAmount:(unsigned)count; - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didFindValues:(TCArray)values; - (void)cheaterDidCancelSearch:(Cheater *)cheater; - (void)cheaterDidClearSearch:(Cheater *)cheater; - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didDumpMemory:(NSData *)memoryDump; - (void)cheaterDidCancelMemoryDump:(Cheater *)cheater; - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didChangeVariables:(unsigned)changeCount; - (void)cheaterDidStopChangingVariables:(Cheater *)cheater; - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didReportProgress:(int)progress; - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didRevertToVariables:(TCArray)variables actualAmount:(unsigned)count; - (void)cheaterDidUndo:(Cheater *)cheater; - (void)cheaterDidRedo:(Cheater *)cheater; - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater variableAtIndex:(unsigned)index didChangeTo:(Variable *)variable; - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater didFailLastRequest:(NSString *)reason; - (void)cheater:(Cheater *)cheater echo:(NSString *)message; @end