// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Project: The Cheat // // File: CheatServer.m // Created: Sun Sep 07 2003 // // Copyright: 2003 Chaz McGarvey. All rights reserved. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #import "CheatServer.h" #import "SearchResults.h" // for comparing floats #import #include #include #include // Internal Functions int bmsearch( char *pat, int m, char *text, int n, void *base, void *loc[] ); //BOOL inline compare_float( float a, float b ); //BOOL inline compare_double( double a, double b ); @implementation CheatServer + (NSConnection *)serverWithDelegate:(id)delegate socket:(int)sock { NSPort *rPort = [NSPort port], *sPort = [NSPort port]; NSConnection *connection; NSArray *array; connection = [[NSConnection alloc] initWithReceivePort:rPort sendPort:sPort]; [connection setRootObject:delegate]; array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:sPort, rPort, [NSNumber numberWithInt:sock], nil]; [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(serverThread:) toTarget:self withObject:array]; return [connection autorelease]; } + (void)serverThread:(NSArray *)array { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSConnection *connection = [NSConnection connectionWithReceivePort:[array objectAtIndex:0] sendPort:[array objectAtIndex:1]]; CheatServer *object = [[self alloc] initWithRootProxy:[connection rootProxy]]; [object handleSocket:[[array objectAtIndex:2] intValue]]; [object run]; [object release]; [pool release]; } - (id)initWithRootProxy:(id)proxy { if ( self = [super init] ) { NSNotificationCenter *nc = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter]; rootProxy = proxy; [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(processListChanged:) name:@"NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification" object:nil]; [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(processListChanged:) name:@"NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification" object:nil]; [self setPID:[rootProxy serverFirstProcess]]; processPaused = NO; searchResults = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; searchResultsUndone = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; } return self; } - (void)handleSocket:(int)sock { struct sockaddr identifier; int addrLen = sizeof(identifier); NSString *address; char *addressCString; sockfd = sock; if ( getpeername( sockfd, &identifier, &addrLen ) == -1 ) { NSLog( @"ERROR: getpeername() failed" ); } if ( identifier.sa_family == AF_INET ) { struct sockaddr_in addr; addrLen = sizeof(addr); if ( getpeername( sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)(&addr), &addrLen ) == -1 ) { NSLog( @"ERROR: getpeername() failed" ); } if ( (addressCString = inet_ntoa( addr.sin_addr )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"ERROR: inet_ntoa() failed" ); } address = [NSString stringWithCString:addressCString]; } else { struct sockaddr_un addr; addrLen = sizeof(addr); if ( getpeername( sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)(&addr), &addrLen ) == -1 ) { NSLog( @"ERROR: getpeername() failed" ); } NSLog( @"client connection: %s", addr.sun_path ); address = [NSString stringWithString:@""]; } [rootProxy server:self connectedWithSocket:sockfd]; [self setAddress:address]; [self setAction:nil]; } - (void)run { struct timeval tv; fd_set fdset, master; int numfds; int result; PacketHeader header; char *data = NULL; tv.tv_sec = 2; tv.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO( &fdset ); FD_ZERO( &master ); FD_SET( sockfd, &master ); numfds = sockfd + 1; NSLog( @"SERVER start" ); for (;;) { fdset = master; select( numfds, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &tv ); if ( FD_ISSET( sockfd, &fdset ) ) { if ( (result = ReadBuffer( sockfd, (char *)(&header), sizeof(header) )) != sizeof(header) ) { break; } if ( !VerifyChecksum( header.checksum ) ) { NSLog( @"checksum failed" ); } if ( header.size != 0 ) { if ( (data = (char *)malloc( header.size )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"failed to allocate buffer for reading a network packet" ); break; } if ( (result = ReadBuffer( sockfd, data, header.size )) != header.size ) { NSLog( @"failed to read the data of a network packet" ); free( data ); break; } } //NSLog( @"SERVER message %i/%i/%i", header.checksum, header.function, header.size ); switch ( header.function ) { case 1: [self sendProcessList]; break; case 3: [self handleClearSearch]; break; case 5: [self handleSearch:data size:header.size]; break; case 8: [self handleChange:data size:header.size]; break; case 10: [self handlePauseTarget]; break; case 14: [self handleUndo]; break; case 16: [self handleRedo]; break; case 18: [self handleSetTargetPID:data size:header.size]; break; } if ( header.size != 0 ) { free( data ); } } } close( sockfd ); NSLog( @"SERVER close" ); [rootProxy serverDisconnected:self]; } - (void)setAddress:(NSString *)address { [rootProxy server:self changedAddress:address]; } - (void)setAction:(NSString *)action { if ( action == nil ) { [rootProxy server:self changedAction:@"Idle"]; } else { [rootProxy server:self changedAction:action]; } } - (void)firstSearchString8bit:(char const *)value size:(int)vsize { kern_return_t result; vm_address_t address = 0x0; vm_size_t size = 0; vm_region_basic_info_data_t info; mach_msg_type_number_t infoCnt = 8; mach_port_t object_name = 0; char *data; vm_size_t dataLength; TCaddress *results = NULL; int resultsAmount = 0; for (;;) { if ( (result = vm_region( processTask, &address, &size, VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO, (vm_region_info_t)(&info), &infoCnt, &object_name )) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { if ( result != KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS ) { NSLog( @"vm_region returned error: %i", result ); } break; } if ( (info.protection & VM_PROT_READ) && (info.protection & VM_PROT_WRITE)) { data = (char *)malloc( size ); dataLength = size; if ( (result = vm_read_overwrite( processTask, address, size, (vm_address_t)data, &dataLength )) != KERN_SUCCESS && result != KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE ) { NSLog( @"vm_read_overwrite returned error: %i", result ); free( data ); break; } if ( result == KERN_SUCCESS ) { //int i, top = dataLength - vsize; if ( (results = realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount + dataLength )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"ERROR: could not expand buffer" ); exit(0); } resultsAmount += bmsearch( (char *)value, vsize, (char *)data, dataLength, (void *)address, (void **)((char *)results+TCAddressSize*resultsAmount) ); //resultsAmount += TBM( (char *)value, vsize, data, dataLength, (void **)((char *)results+TCAddressSize*resultsAmount) ); //resultsAmount += SMITH( data, dataLength, (char *)value, vsize, (void **)((char *)results+TCAddressSize*resultsAmount) ); /*for ( i = 0; i < top; i++ ) { if ( strncmp( value, data+i, vsize ) == 0 ) { results[resultsAmount++] = (TCaddress)address + i; } }*/ } free( data ); } address += size; } realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount ); [searchResults addObject:[SearchResults resultsWithType:TYPE_INTEGER size:SIZE_8_BIT data:results amount:resultsAmount]]; NSLog( @"found %i of %i", resultsAmount, value ); } - (void)firstSearchIntegerChar:(int8_t)value { kern_return_t result; vm_address_t address = 0x0; vm_size_t size = 0; vm_region_basic_info_data_t info; mach_msg_type_number_t infoCnt = 8; mach_port_t object_name = 0; int8_t *data; vm_size_t dataLength; TCaddress *results = NULL; int resultsAmount = 0; for (;;) { if ( (result = vm_region( processTask, &address, &size, VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO, (vm_region_info_t)(&info), &infoCnt, &object_name )) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { if ( result != KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS ) { NSLog( @"vm_region returned error: %i", result ); } break; } if ( (info.protection & VM_PROT_READ) && (info.protection & VM_PROT_WRITE)) { data = (int8_t *)malloc( size ); dataLength = size; if ( (result = vm_read_overwrite( processTask, address, size, (vm_address_t)data, &dataLength )) != KERN_SUCCESS && result != KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE ) { NSLog( @"vm_read_overwrite returned error: %i", result ); free( data ); break; } if ( result == KERN_SUCCESS ) { int i; if ( (results = (TCaddress *)realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount + TCAddressSize*dataLength )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"ERROR: could not expand buffer" ); exit(0); } for ( i = 0; i < dataLength; i++ ) { if ( *(data+i) == value ) { results[resultsAmount++] = (TCaddress)address + i; } } } free( data ); } address += size; } realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount ); [searchResults addObject:[SearchResults resultsWithType:TYPE_INTEGER size:SIZE_8_BIT data:results amount:resultsAmount]]; NSLog( @"found %i of %i", resultsAmount, value ); } - (void)firstSearchIntegerShort:(int16_t)value { kern_return_t result; vm_address_t address = 0x0; vm_size_t size = 0; vm_region_basic_info_data_t info; mach_msg_type_number_t infoCnt = 8; mach_port_t object_name = 0; int16_t *data; vm_size_t dataLength; TCaddress *results = NULL; int resultsAmount = 0; for (;;) { if ( (result = vm_region( processTask, &address, &size, VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO, (vm_region_info_t)(&info), &infoCnt, &object_name )) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { if ( result != KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS ) { NSLog( @"vm_region returned error: %i", result ); } break; } if ( (info.protection & VM_PROT_READ) && (info.protection & VM_PROT_WRITE)) { data = (int16_t *)malloc( size ); dataLength = size; if ( (result = vm_read_overwrite( processTask, address, size, (vm_address_t)data, &dataLength )) != KERN_SUCCESS && result != KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE ) { NSLog( @"vm_read_overwrite returned error: %i", result ); free( data ); break; } if ( result == KERN_SUCCESS ) { int i, top = dataLength / sizeof(value); if ( (results = (TCaddress *)realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount + 2*dataLength )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"ERROR: could not expand buffer" ); exit(0); } for ( i = 0; i < top; i++ ) { if ( *(data+i) == value ) { results[resultsAmount++] = (TCaddress)address + i * sizeof(value); } } } free( data ); } address += size; } realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount ); [searchResults addObject:[SearchResults resultsWithType:TYPE_INTEGER size:SIZE_16_BIT data:results amount:resultsAmount]]; NSLog( @"found %i of %i", resultsAmount, value ); } - (void)firstSearchIntegerLong:(int32_t)value { kern_return_t result; vm_address_t address = 0x0; vm_size_t size = 0; vm_region_basic_info_data_t info; mach_msg_type_number_t infoCnt = 8; mach_port_t object_name = 0; int32_t *data; vm_size_t dataLength; TCaddress *results = NULL; int resultsAmount = 0; /*unsigned zone_count = 10; vm_address_t *zones = (vm_address_t *)malloc( zone_count * sizeof(vm_address_t) ); //memory_reader_t reader; if ( (result = malloc_get_all_zones( processTask, NULL, &zones, &zone_count )) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { NSLog( @"malloc_get_all_zones error: %i", result ); } else { //address = zones[0]; int i; for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { NSLog( @"malloc_get_all_zones[%i] = %X", i, (vm_address_t)zones[i] ); } }*/ for (;;) { if ( (result = vm_region( processTask, &address, &size, VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO, (vm_region_info_t)(&info), &infoCnt, &object_name )) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { if ( result != KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS ) { NSLog( @"vm_region returned error: %i", result ); } break; } if ( (info.protection & VM_PROT_READ) && (info.protection & VM_PROT_WRITE) ) { data = (int32_t *)malloc( size ); dataLength = size; //NSLog( @"address: %.8X size: %i", address, size ); if ( (result = vm_read_overwrite( processTask, address, size, (vm_address_t)data, &dataLength )) != KERN_SUCCESS && result != KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE ) { NSLog( @"vm_read_overwrite returned error: %i", result ); free( data ); break; } if ( result == KERN_SUCCESS ) { int i, top = dataLength / sizeof(value); if ( (results = (TCaddress *)realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount + dataLength )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"ERROR: could not expand buffer" ); exit(0); } for ( i = 0; i < top; i++ ) { if ( *(data+i) == value ) { results[resultsAmount++] = (TCaddress)address + i * sizeof(value); } } } free( data ); } address += size; } realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount ); [searchResults addObject:[SearchResults resultsWithType:TYPE_INTEGER size:SIZE_32_BIT data:results amount:resultsAmount]]; NSLog( @"found %i of %i", resultsAmount, value ); } - (void)firstSearchDecimalFloat:(float)value { kern_return_t result; vm_address_t address = 0x0; vm_size_t size = 0; vm_region_basic_info_data_t info; mach_msg_type_number_t infoCnt = 8; mach_port_t object_name = 0; float *data; vm_size_t dataLength; TCaddress *results = NULL; int resultsAmount = 0; for (;;) { if ( (result = vm_region( processTask, &address, &size, VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO, (vm_region_info_t)(&info), &infoCnt, &object_name )) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { if ( result != KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS ) { NSLog( @"vm_region returned error: %i", result ); } break; } if ( (info.protection & VM_PROT_READ) && (info.protection & VM_PROT_WRITE)) { data = (float *)malloc( size ); dataLength = size; if ( (result = vm_read_overwrite( processTask, address, size, (vm_address_t)data, &dataLength )) != KERN_SUCCESS && result != KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE ) { NSLog( @"vm_read_overwrite returned error: %i", result ); free( data ); break; } if ( result == KERN_SUCCESS ) { int i, top = dataLength / sizeof(value); if ( (results = realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount + dataLength )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"ERROR: could not expand buffer" ); exit(0); } for ( i = 0; i < top; i++ ) { if ( CMCompareFloatsWithEpsilon( *(data+i), value, 0.1f ) == 0 ) { results[resultsAmount++] = (TCaddress)address + i * sizeof(value); } } } free( data ); } address += size; } realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount ); [searchResults addObject:[SearchResults resultsWithType:TYPE_DECIMAL size:SIZE_32_BIT data:results amount:resultsAmount]]; NSLog( @"found %i of %i", resultsAmount, value ); } - (void)firstSearchDecimalDouble:(double)value { kern_return_t result; vm_address_t address = 0x0; vm_size_t size = 0; vm_region_basic_info_data_t info; mach_msg_type_number_t infoCnt = 8; mach_port_t object_name = 0; double *data; vm_size_t dataLength; TCaddress *results = NULL; int resultsAmount = 0; NSLog( @"float search" ); for (;;) { if ( (result = vm_region( processTask, &address, &size, VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO, (vm_region_info_t)(&info), &infoCnt, &object_name )) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { if ( result != KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS ) { NSLog( @"vm_region returned error: %i", result ); } break; } if ( (info.protection & VM_PROT_READ) && (info.protection & VM_PROT_WRITE)) { data = (double *)malloc( size ); dataLength = size; if ( (result = vm_read_overwrite( processTask, address, size, (vm_address_t)data, &dataLength )) != KERN_SUCCESS && result != KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE ) { NSLog( @"vm_read_overwrite returned error: %i", result ); free( data ); break; } if ( result == KERN_SUCCESS ) { int i, top = dataLength / sizeof(value); if ( (results = realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount + dataLength )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"ERROR: could not expand buffer" ); exit(0); } for ( i = 0; i < top; i++ ) { if ( CMCompareDoublesWithEpsilon( *(data+i), value, 0.1 ) == 0 ) { results[resultsAmount++] = (TCaddress)address + i * sizeof(value); } } } free( data ); } address += size; } realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount ); [searchResults addObject:[SearchResults resultsWithType:TYPE_DECIMAL size:SIZE_64_BIT data:results amount:resultsAmount]]; NSLog( @"found %i of %i", resultsAmount, value ); } - (void)searchString8bit:(char const *)value size:(int)vsize { kern_return_t result; char *data; vm_size_t dataLength; TCaddress *results; int resultsAmount = 0; SearchResults *lastResults = [searchResults lastObject]; TCaddress *lastResultsData = [lastResults data]; int i, lastResultsAmount = [lastResults amount]; if ( [lastResults type] != TYPE_INTEGER || [lastResults size] != SIZE_8_BIT ) { [self sendError:@"This search is incompatible with the previous search." fatal:NO]; return; } if ( (data = (char *)malloc( vsize )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"ERROR: could not create buffer" ); [self sendError:@"The server cancelled the search because it ran out of memory." fatal:NO]; return; } if ( (results = (TCaddress *)malloc( TCAddressSize*lastResultsAmount )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"ERROR: could not create buffer" ); [self sendError:@"The server cancelled the search because it ran out of memory." fatal:NO]; free( data ); return; } for ( i = 0; i < lastResultsAmount; i++ ) { TCaddress address = lastResultsData[i]; //dataLength = sizeof(data); if ( (result = vm_read_overwrite( processTask, address, vsize, (vm_address_t)(data), &dataLength )) == KERN_SUCCESS ) { if ( memcmp( data, value, dataLength ) == 0 ) { results[resultsAmount++] = address; } } else { if ( result != KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE ) { NSLog( @"vm_read_overwrite returned error: %i", result ); break; } } } realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount ); [searchResults addObject:[SearchResults resultsWithType:TYPE_INTEGER size:SIZE_8_BIT data:results amount:resultsAmount]]; free( data ); NSLog( @"found %i of %i", resultsAmount, value ); } - (void)searchIntegerChar:(int8_t)value { kern_return_t result; int8_t data; vm_size_t dataLength; TCaddress *results; int resultsAmount = 0; SearchResults *lastResults = [searchResults lastObject]; TCaddress *lastResultsData = [lastResults data]; int i, lastResultsAmount = [lastResults amount]; if ( [lastResults type] != TYPE_INTEGER || [lastResults size] != SIZE_8_BIT ) { [self sendError:@"This search is incompatible with the previous search." fatal:NO]; return; } if ( (results = (TCaddress *)malloc( TCAddressSize*lastResultsAmount )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"ERROR: could not create buffer" ); [self sendError:@"The server cancelled the search because it ran out of memory." fatal:NO]; return; } for ( i = 0; i < lastResultsAmount; i++ ) { TCaddress address = lastResultsData[i]; dataLength = sizeof(data); if ( (result = vm_read_overwrite( processTask, address, sizeof(data), (vm_address_t)(&data), &dataLength )) == KERN_SUCCESS ) { if ( data == value ) { results[resultsAmount++] = address; } } else { if ( result != KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE ) { NSLog( @"vm_read_overwrite returned error: %i", result ); break; } } } realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount ); [searchResults addObject:[SearchResults resultsWithType:TYPE_INTEGER size:SIZE_8_BIT data:results amount:resultsAmount]]; NSLog( @"found %i of %i", resultsAmount, value ); } - (void)searchIntegerShort:(int16_t)value { kern_return_t result; int16_t data; vm_size_t dataLength; TCaddress *results; int resultsAmount = 0; SearchResults *lastResults = [searchResults lastObject]; TCaddress *lastResultsData = [lastResults data]; int i, lastResultsAmount = [lastResults amount]; if ( [lastResults type] != TYPE_INTEGER || [lastResults size] != SIZE_16_BIT ) { [self sendError:@"This search is incompatible with the previous search." fatal:NO]; return; } if ( (results = (TCaddress *)malloc( TCAddressSize*lastResultsAmount )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"ERROR: could not create buffer" ); [self sendError:@"The server cancelled the search because it ran out of memory." fatal:NO]; return; } for ( i = 0; i < lastResultsAmount; i++ ) { TCaddress address = lastResultsData[i]; dataLength = sizeof(data); if ( (result = vm_read_overwrite( processTask, address, sizeof(data), (vm_address_t)(&data), &dataLength )) == KERN_SUCCESS ) { if ( data == value ) { results[resultsAmount++] = address; } } else { if ( result != KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE ) { NSLog( @"vm_read_overwrite returned error: %i", result ); break; } } } realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount ); [searchResults addObject:[SearchResults resultsWithType:TYPE_INTEGER size:SIZE_16_BIT data:results amount:resultsAmount]]; NSLog( @"found %i of %i", resultsAmount, value ); } - (void)searchIntegerLong:(int32_t)value { kern_return_t result; int32_t data; vm_size_t dataLength; TCaddress *results; int resultsAmount = 0; SearchResults *lastResults = [searchResults lastObject]; TCaddress *lastResultsData = [lastResults data]; int i, lastResultsAmount = [lastResults amount]; if ( [lastResults type] != TYPE_INTEGER || [lastResults size] != SIZE_32_BIT ) { [self sendError:@"This search is incompatible with the previous search." fatal:NO]; return; } if ( (results = (TCaddress *)malloc( TCAddressSize*lastResultsAmount )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"ERROR: could not create buffer" ); [self sendError:@"The server cancelled the search because it ran out of memory." fatal:NO]; return; } for ( i = 0; i < lastResultsAmount; i++ ) { TCaddress address = lastResultsData[i]; dataLength = sizeof(data); if ( (result = vm_read_overwrite( processTask, address, sizeof(data), (vm_address_t)(&data), &dataLength )) == KERN_SUCCESS ) { if ( data == value ) { results[resultsAmount++] = address; } } else { if ( result != KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE ) { NSLog( @"vm_read_overwrite returned error: %i", result ); break; } } } realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount ); [searchResults addObject:[SearchResults resultsWithType:TYPE_INTEGER size:SIZE_32_BIT data:results amount:resultsAmount]]; NSLog( @"found %i of %i", resultsAmount, value ); } - (void)searchDecimalFloat:(float)value { kern_return_t result; float data; vm_size_t dataLength; TCaddress *results; int resultsAmount = 0; SearchResults *lastResults = [searchResults lastObject]; TCaddress *lastResultsData = [lastResults data]; int i, lastResultsAmount = [lastResults amount]; if ( [lastResults type] != TYPE_DECIMAL || [lastResults size] != SIZE_32_BIT ) { [self sendError:@"This search is incompatible with the previous search." fatal:NO]; return; } if ( (results = (TCaddress *)malloc( TCAddressSize*lastResultsAmount )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"ERROR: could not create buffer" ); [self sendError:@"The server cancelled the search because it ran out of memory." fatal:NO]; return; } for ( i = 0; i < lastResultsAmount; i++ ) { TCaddress address = lastResultsData[i]; dataLength = sizeof(data); if ( (result = vm_read_overwrite( processTask, address, sizeof(data), (vm_address_t)(&data), &dataLength )) == KERN_SUCCESS ) { if ( CMCompareFloatsWithEpsilon( data, value, 0.1f ) == 0 ) { results[resultsAmount++] = address; } } else { if ( result != KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE ) { NSLog( @"vm_read_overwrite returned error: %i", result ); break; } } } realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount ); [searchResults addObject:[SearchResults resultsWithType:TYPE_DECIMAL size:SIZE_32_BIT data:results amount:resultsAmount]]; NSLog( @"found %i of %i", resultsAmount, value ); } - (void)searchDecimalDouble:(double)value { kern_return_t result; double data; vm_size_t dataLength; TCaddress *results; int resultsAmount = 0; SearchResults *lastResults = [searchResults lastObject]; TCaddress *lastResultsData = [lastResults data]; int i, lastResultsAmount = [lastResults amount]; if ( [lastResults type] != TYPE_DECIMAL || [lastResults size] != SIZE_64_BIT ) { [self sendError:@"This search is incompatible with the previous search." fatal:NO]; return; } if ( (results = (TCaddress *)malloc( TCAddressSize*lastResultsAmount )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"ERROR: could not create buffer" ); [self sendError:@"The server cancelled the search because it ran out of memory." fatal:NO]; return; } for ( i = 0; i < lastResultsAmount; i++ ) { TCaddress address = lastResultsData[i]; dataLength = sizeof(data); if ( (result = vm_read_overwrite( processTask, address, sizeof(data), (vm_address_t)(&data), &dataLength )) == KERN_SUCCESS ) { if ( CMCompareDoublesWithEpsilon( data, value, 0.1 ) == 0 ) { results[resultsAmount++] = address; } } else { if ( result != KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE ) { NSLog( @"vm_read_overwrite returned error: %i", result ); break; } } } realloc( results, TCAddressSize*resultsAmount ); [searchResults addObject:[SearchResults resultsWithType:TYPE_DECIMAL size:SIZE_64_BIT data:results amount:resultsAmount]]; NSLog( @"found %i of %i", resultsAmount, value ); } - (void)changeString8bit:(char const *)value size:(int)vsize addresses:(TCaddress *)addresses count:(int)count { int failCount = 0; int i; for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if ( vm_write( processTask, (vm_address_t)addresses[i], (vm_offset_t)value, vsize ) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { failCount++; } } if ( failCount > 0 ) { [self sendError:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i of the selected variables could not be changed.", failCount] fatal:NO]; } } - (void)changeIntegerChar:(int8_t)value addresses:(TCaddress *)addresses count:(int)count { int failCount = 0; int i; for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if ( vm_write( processTask, (vm_address_t)addresses[i], (vm_offset_t)(&value), sizeof(value) ) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { failCount++; } } if ( failCount > 0 ) { [self sendError:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i of the selected variables could not be changed.", failCount] fatal:NO]; } } - (void)changeIntegerShort:(int16_t)value addresses:(TCaddress *)addresses count:(int)count { int failCount = 0; int i; for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if ( vm_write( processTask, (vm_address_t)addresses[i], (vm_offset_t)(&value), sizeof(value) ) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { failCount++; } } if ( failCount > 0 ) { [self sendError:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i of the selected variables could not be changed.", failCount] fatal:NO]; } } - (void)changeIntegerLong:(int32_t)value addresses:(TCaddress *)addresses count:(int)count { int failCount = 0; int i; for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if ( vm_write( processTask, (vm_address_t)addresses[i], (vm_offset_t)(&value), sizeof(value) ) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { failCount++; } } if ( failCount > 0 ) { [self sendError:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i of the selected variables could not be changed.", failCount] fatal:NO]; } } - (void)changeDecimalFloat:(float)value addresses:(TCaddress *)addresses count:(int)count { int failCount = 0; int i; for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if ( vm_write( processTask, (vm_address_t)addresses[i], (vm_offset_t)(&value), sizeof(value) ) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { failCount++; } } if ( failCount > 0 ) { [self sendError:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i of the selected variables could not be changed.", failCount] fatal:NO]; } } - (void)changeDecimalDouble:(double)value addresses:(TCaddress *)addresses count:(int)count { int failCount = 0; int i; for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if ( vm_write( processTask, (vm_address_t)addresses[i], (vm_offset_t)(&value), sizeof(value) ) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { failCount++; } } if ( failCount > 0 ) { [self sendError:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i of the selected variables could not be changed.", failCount] fatal:NO]; } } - (void)sendProcessList { NSArray *processList = [rootProxy serverProcessList]; NSNumber *pid; u_int32_t pidNum; NSString *name; PacketHeader header; char *buffer, *ptr; // PROCESS COUNT int length = sizeof(u_int32_t); int lengthAfter; u_int32_t processCount = [processList count]; int i, max = processCount; header.checksum = RandomChecksum(); header.function = 2; for ( i = 0; i < max; i++ ) { pid = [[processList objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:@"NSApplicationProcessIdentifier"]; name = [[processList objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:@"NSApplicationName"]; // PID NAME length += sizeof(u_int32_t) + [name length] + 1; } header.size = length; length += sizeof(header); // HEADER if ( (buffer = (char *)malloc( length ))==NULL ) { NSLog( @"sendProcessList failed" ); return; } ptr = buffer; COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, &header, sizeof(header) ); COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, &processCount, sizeof(processCount) ); for ( i = 0; i < max; i++ ) { pidNum = [[[processList objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:@"NSApplicationProcessIdentifier"] unsignedLongValue]; name = [[processList objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:@"NSApplicationName"]; COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, &pidNum, sizeof(pid) ); COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, [name lossyCString], [name length] + 1 ); } lengthAfter = length; if ( SendBuffer( sockfd, buffer, &lengthAfter ) == -1 || lengthAfter != length ) { NSLog( @"sendProcessList failed" ); } free( buffer ); } - (void)sendSearchFinished { PacketHeader header; int length = sizeof(header); header.checksum = RandomChecksum(); header.function = 6; header.size = 0; if ( SendBuffer( sockfd, (char *)(&header), &length ) == -1 || length != sizeof(header) ) { NSLog( @"sendSearchFinished failed" ); } } - (void)sendVariableList:(TCaddress const *)data amount:(int)amount { PacketHeader header; int length; int lengthAfter; char *buffer, *ptr; header.checksum = RandomChecksum(); header.function = 7; header.size = sizeof(amount) + sizeof(maxSearchResultsAmount) + TCAddressSize*maxSearchResultsAmount; // AMOUNT MAX AMOUNT DATA lengthAfter = length = header.size + sizeof(header); if ( (buffer = (char *)malloc( length )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"sendVariableList:amount: failed" ); return; } ptr = buffer; COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, &header, sizeof(header) ); COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, &amount, sizeof(amount) ); COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, &maxSearchResultsAmount, sizeof(maxSearchResultsAmount) ); COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, data, TCAddressSize*maxSearchResultsAmount ); if ( SendBuffer( sockfd, buffer, &length ) == -1 || lengthAfter != length ) { NSLog( @"sendVariableList:amount: failed" ); } free( buffer ); } - (void)sendChangeFinished { PacketHeader header; int length = sizeof(header); header.checksum = RandomChecksum(); header.function = 9; header.size = 0; if ( SendBuffer( sockfd, (char *)(&header), &length ) == -1 || length != sizeof(header) ) { NSLog( @"sendChangeFinished failed" ); } } - (void)sendError:(NSString *)msg fatal:(BOOL)fatal { PacketHeader header; int length; int lengthAfter; u_int32_t type = (fatal)? 1:0; char *buffer, *ptr; header.checksum = RandomChecksum(); header.function = 11; header.size = sizeof(type) + [msg length] + 1; // FATAL STRING lengthAfter = length = header.size + sizeof(header); if ( (buffer = (char *)malloc( length )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"sendError:fatal: failed" ); return; } ptr = buffer; COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, &header, sizeof(header) ); COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, &type, sizeof(type) ); COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, [msg lossyCString], [msg length] + 1 ); if ( SendBuffer( sockfd, buffer, &length ) == -1 || lengthAfter != length ) { NSLog( @"sendError:fatal: failed" ); } free( buffer ); } - (void)sendVariableValue:(u_int32_t)index { } - (void)sendUndoFinished { PacketHeader header; int length = sizeof(header); header.checksum = RandomChecksum(); header.function = 15; header.size = 0; if ( SendBuffer( sockfd, (char *)(&header), &length ) == -1 || length != sizeof(header) ) { NSLog( @"sendUndoFinished failed" ); } } - (void)sendRedoFinished { PacketHeader header; int length = sizeof(header); header.checksum = RandomChecksum(); header.function = 17; header.size = 0; if ( SendBuffer( sockfd, (char *)(&header), &length ) == -1 || length != sizeof(header) ) { NSLog( @"sendRedoFinished failed" ); } } - (void)sendUndoRedoStatus { PacketHeader header; int length; int lengthAfter; u_int32_t undoCount = (u_int32_t)[searchResults count]; u_int32_t redoCount = (u_int32_t)[searchResultsUndone count]; char *buffer, *ptr; header.checksum = RandomChecksum(); header.function = 19; header.size = 2 * sizeof(u_int32_t); length = lengthAfter = sizeof(header) + header.size; if ( (buffer = (char *)malloc( length )) == NULL ) { NSLog( @"sendSetTargetPID: failed" ); } ptr = buffer; COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, &header, sizeof(header) ); COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, &undoCount, sizeof(undoCount) ); COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, &redoCount, sizeof(redoCount) ); if ( SendBuffer( sockfd, buffer, &lengthAfter ) == -1 || lengthAfter != length ) { NSLog( @"sendUndoRedoStatus: failed" ); } free( buffer ); } - (void)sendAppLaunched:(NSDictionary *)appInfo { PacketHeader header; char *buffer, *ptr; int length = 0; int lengthAfter; u_int32_t pid = [[appInfo objectForKey:@"NSApplicationProcessIdentifier"] unsignedLongValue]; NSString *name = [appInfo objectForKey:@"NSApplicationName"]; // PID NAME length += sizeof(u_int32_t) + [name length] + 1; header.checksum = RandomChecksum(); header.function = 21; header.size = length; length += sizeof(header); // HEADER if ( (buffer = (char *)malloc( length ))==NULL ) { NSLog( @"sendAppLaunched: failed" ); return; } ptr = buffer; COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, &header, sizeof(header) ); COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, &pid, sizeof(pid) ); COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, [name lossyCString], [name length] + 1 ); lengthAfter = length; if ( SendBuffer( sockfd, buffer, &lengthAfter ) == -1 || lengthAfter != length ) { NSLog( @"sendAppLaunched: failed" ); } free( buffer ); } - (void)sendAppQuit:(NSDictionary *)appInfo { PacketHeader header; char *buffer, *ptr; int length = 0; int lengthAfter; u_int32_t pid = [[appInfo objectForKey:@"NSApplicationProcessIdentifier"] unsignedLongValue]; // PID length += sizeof(pid); header.checksum = RandomChecksum(); header.function = 22; header.size = length; length += sizeof(header); // HEADER if ( (buffer = (char *)malloc( length ))==NULL ) { NSLog( @"sendAppQuit: failed" ); return; } ptr = buffer; COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, &header, sizeof(header) ); COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, &pid, sizeof(pid) ); lengthAfter = length; if ( SendBuffer( sockfd, buffer, &lengthAfter ) == -1 || lengthAfter != length ) { NSLog( @"sendAppQuit: failed" ); } free( buffer ); } - (void)sendTargetAppQuit { PacketHeader header; int length = sizeof(header); header.checksum = RandomChecksum(); header.function = 23; header.size = 0; if ( SendBuffer( sockfd, (char *)(&header), &length ) == -1 || length != sizeof(header) ) { NSLog( @"sendTargetAppQuit failed" ); } } - (void)sendPauseFinished:(BOOL)paused { PacketHeader header; char *buffer, *ptr; // PAUSED int length = sizeof(paused); int lengthAfter; header.checksum = RandomChecksum(); header.function = 24; header.size = length; length += sizeof(header); // HEADER if ( (buffer = (char *)malloc( length ))==NULL ) { NSLog( @"sendPauseFinished: failed" ); return; } ptr = buffer; COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, &header, sizeof(header) ); COPY_TO_BUFFER( ptr, &paused, sizeof(paused) ); lengthAfter = length; if ( SendBuffer( sockfd, buffer, &lengthAfter ) == -1 || lengthAfter != length ) { NSLog( @"sendPauseFinished: failed" ); } free( buffer ); } - (void)handleClearSearch { [searchResults removeAllObjects]; [searchResultsUndone removeAllObjects]; [self unpause]; } - (void)handleSearch:(char const *)data size:(int)dataSize { TCtype type; TCsize size; char *ptr = (char *)data; [self setAction:@"Searching"]; COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &type, ptr, sizeof(type) ); COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &size, ptr, sizeof(size) ); COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &maxSearchResultsAmount, ptr, sizeof(maxSearchResultsAmount) ); if ( ![searchResults lastObject] ) { switch ( type ) { case TYPE_STRING: { switch ( size ) { case SIZE_8_BIT: { [self firstSearchString8bit:ptr size:(dataSize - (ptr - data) - 1)]; } break; } } break; case TYPE_INTEGER: { switch ( size ) { case SIZE_8_BIT: { int8_t value; COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &value, ptr, sizeof(value) ); [self firstSearchIntegerChar:value]; } break; case SIZE_16_BIT: { int16_t value; COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &value, ptr, sizeof(value) ); [self firstSearchIntegerShort:value]; } break; case SIZE_32_BIT: { int32_t value; COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &value, ptr, sizeof(value) ); [self firstSearchIntegerLong:value]; } break; } } break; case TYPE_DECIMAL: { switch ( size ) { case SIZE_32_BIT: { float value; COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &value, ptr, sizeof(value) ); [self firstSearchDecimalFloat:value]; } break; case SIZE_64_BIT: { double value; COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &value, ptr, sizeof(value) ); [self firstSearchDecimalDouble:value]; } break; } } break; } } else { switch ( type ) { case TYPE_STRING: { switch ( size ) { case SIZE_8_BIT: { [self searchString8bit:ptr size:(dataSize - (ptr - data))]; break; } } } break; case TYPE_INTEGER: { switch ( size ) { case SIZE_8_BIT: { int8_t value; COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &value, ptr, sizeof(value) ); [self searchIntegerChar:value]; break; } case SIZE_16_BIT: { int16_t value; COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &value, ptr, sizeof(value) ); [self searchIntegerShort:value]; break; } case SIZE_32_BIT: { int32_t value; COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &value, ptr, sizeof(value) ); [self searchIntegerLong:value]; break; } } } break; case TYPE_DECIMAL: { switch ( size ) { case SIZE_32_BIT: { float value; COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &value, ptr, sizeof(value) ); [self searchDecimalFloat:value]; } break; case SIZE_64_BIT: { double value; COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &value, ptr, sizeof(value) ); [self searchDecimalDouble:value]; } break; } } break; } } [self sendVariableList:[(SearchResults *)[searchResults lastObject] data] amount:[[searchResults lastObject] amount]]; [self sendSearchFinished]; [self sendUndoRedoStatus]; [self setAction:nil]; } - (void)handleChange:(char const *)data size:(int)dataSize { TCtype type; TCsize size; TCaddress *addresses = NULL; int count; char *ptr = (char *)data; [self setAction:@"Changing"]; // read out the type and size of the variable. COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &type, ptr, sizeof(type) ); COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &size, ptr, sizeof(size) ); // read the amount of addresses. COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &count, ptr, sizeof(count) ); // save the pointer to the addresses. addresses = (TCaddress *)ptr; ptr += TCAddressSize*count; switch ( type ) { case TYPE_STRING: { switch ( size ) { case SIZE_8_BIT: { [self changeString8bit:ptr size:(dataSize - (ptr - data)) addresses:addresses count:count]; } break; } } break; case TYPE_INTEGER: { switch ( size ) { case SIZE_8_BIT: { int8_t value; COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &value, ptr, sizeof(value) ); [self changeIntegerChar:value addresses:addresses count:count]; } break; case SIZE_16_BIT: { int16_t value; COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &value, ptr, sizeof(value) ); [self changeIntegerShort:value addresses:addresses count:count]; } break; case SIZE_32_BIT: { int32_t value; COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &value, ptr, sizeof(value) ); [self changeIntegerLong:value addresses:addresses count:count]; } break; } } break; case TYPE_DECIMAL: { switch ( size ) { case SIZE_32_BIT: { float value; COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &value, ptr, sizeof(value) ); [self changeDecimalFloat:value addresses:addresses count:count]; } break; case SIZE_64_BIT: { double value; COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &value, ptr, sizeof(value) ); [self changeDecimalDouble:value addresses:addresses count:count]; } break; } } break; } [self sendChangeFinished]; [self setAction:nil]; } - (void)handlePauseTarget { if ( !processPaused ) { int wait_status; NS_DURING { if ( ptrace( PT_ATTACH, processID, 0, 0 ) != -1 ) { if ( waitpid( processID, &wait_status, WUNTRACED ) == processID ) { if ( WIFSTOPPED(wait_status) ) { processPaused = YES; [self sendPauseFinished:YES]; } else { NSLog( @"ERROR: process couldn't be paused" ); [self sendPauseFinished:NO]; [self sendError:@"Could not pause target because of an unknown error." fatal:NO]; } } else { NSLog( @"ERROR: process couldn't be paused" ); [self sendPauseFinished:NO]; [self sendError:@"Could not pause target because of an unknown error." fatal:NO]; } } else { NSLog( @"ERROR: process couldn't be paused" ); [self sendPauseFinished:NO]; switch ( errno ) { case ESRCH: [self sendError:@"Could not pause target because there is no valid target to pause." fatal:NO]; break; case EINVAL: [self sendError:@"Could not pause target because a process cannot pause itself." fatal:NO]; break; case EBUSY: [self sendError:@"Could not pause target because the target is being controlled by another instance or application." fatal:NO]; break; case EPERM: [self sendError:@"Could not pause target because this type of application cannot be paused." fatal:NO]; break; default: [self sendError:@"Could not pause target because of an unknown error." fatal:NO]; break; } } } NS_HANDLER { [self sendPauseFinished:NO]; [self sendError:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Could not pause target because an exception (%@) was raised: %@", [localException name], [localException reason]] fatal:NO]; } NS_ENDHANDLER } else { ptrace( PT_DETACH, processID, 0, 0 ); processPaused = NO; [self sendPauseFinished:NO]; } } - (void)handleUndo { SearchResults *results = [searchResults lastObject]; if ( results ) { [searchResultsUndone addObject:results]; [searchResults removeLastObject]; } results = [searchResults lastObject]; if ( results ) { [self sendVariableList:[results data] amount:[results amount]]; } else { [self sendVariableList:NULL amount:0]; } [self sendUndoFinished]; [self sendUndoRedoStatus]; } - (void)handleRedo { SearchResults *results = [searchResultsUndone lastObject]; if ( results ) { [searchResults addObject:results]; [searchResultsUndone removeLastObject]; } results = [searchResults lastObject]; if ( results ) { [self sendVariableList:[results data] amount:[results amount]]; } else { [self sendVariableList:NULL amount:0]; } [self sendRedoFinished]; [self sendUndoRedoStatus]; } - (void)handleSetTargetPID:(char const *)data size:(int)size { char *ptr = (char *)data; pid_t pid; COPY_FROM_BUFFER( &pid, ptr, sizeof(pid) ); [self setPID:pid]; } - (void)unpause { if ( processPaused ) { [self handlePauseTarget]; } } - (void)setPID:(pid_t)pid { kern_return_t result; [self unpause]; processID = pid; if ( (result = task_for_pid( current_task(), processID, &processTask)) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { NSLog( @"task_for_pid returned error: %i", result ); } } - (void)dealloc { [self unpause]; [[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] removeObserver:self]; [searchResults release]; [searchResultsUndone release]; [super dealloc]; } /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification Notification %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ - (void)processListChanged:(NSNotification *)note { pid_t pid = [[[note userInfo] objectForKey:@"NSApplicationProcessIdentifier"] intValue]; if ( /*pid != getpid()*/ sockfd != -1 ) { if ( [[note name] isEqualToString:@"NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification"] ) { [self sendAppLaunched:[note userInfo]]; } else { [self sendAppQuit:[note userInfo]]; if ( pid == processID ) { [self sendTargetAppQuit]; // we can't set the new target here because this method is not called // in the server thread. the client will have to change it. //[self setPID:[rootProxy serverFirstProcess]]; processPaused = NO; } } } } @end /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Internal Functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ #define ASIZE 256 int bmsearch( char *pat, int m, char *text, int n, void *base, void *loc[] ) { int count = 0; int i, j, k, skip[ASIZE]; if( m==0 ) return 0; for( k=0; k=0 && text[i] == pat[j]; j-- ) i--; if( j == (-1) ) /* SAVE LOCATION */ loc[count++] = (void *)( base+i+1 ); //return( text+i+1 ); } return count; } /* BOOL compare_float( float a, float b ) { float const feps = 0.0001f; return feps > fabsf( a - b ); } BOOL compare_double( double a, double b ) { double const deps = 0.0000001; return deps > fabs( a - b ); }*/