// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Project: The Cheat // // File: CheatListener.m // Created: Wed Sep 24 2003 // // Copyright: 2003 Chaz McGarvey. All rights reserved. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #import "CheatListener.h" #import "CheatServer.h" #include @implementation CheatListener + (NSConnection *)listenerWithDelegate:(id)del port:(int)port remote:(BOOL)remote { NSPort *rPort = [NSPort port], *sPort = [NSPort port]; NSConnection *connection; NSArray *array; connection = [[NSConnection alloc] initWithReceivePort:rPort sendPort:sPort]; [connection setRootObject:del]; array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:sPort, rPort, [NSNumber numberWithInt:port], [NSNumber numberWithBool:remote], nil]; [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(listenerThread:) toTarget:self withObject:array]; return [connection autorelease]; } + (void)listenerThread:(NSArray *)array { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSConnection *connection = [NSConnection connectionWithReceivePort:[array objectAtIndex:0] sendPort:[array objectAtIndex:1]]; CheatListener *object = [[self alloc] initWithRootProxy:[connection rootProxy]]; [object listenOnPort:[[array objectAtIndex:2] intValue] remote:[[array objectAtIndex:3] boolValue]]; [object run]; [object cleanup]; [object release]; [pool release]; } - (id)initWithRootProxy:(id)proxy { if ( self = [super init] ) { rootProxy = proxy; sockfd = -1; } return self; } - (void)listenOnPort:(int)port remote:(BOOL)remote { short family = remote? AF_INET : AF_UNIX; int yes = 1; // for setsockopt() if ( (sockfd = socket( family, SOCK_STREAM, 0 )) == -1 ) { CMLog( @"ERROR: failed to start server because socket() failed" ); [rootProxy listenerError:@"Network Error" message:@"Server couldn't start. Local can't be cheated."]; return; } if ( family == AF_INET ) { struct sockaddr_in addr; addr.sin_family = family; addr.sin_port = htonl( port ); addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if ( setsockopt( sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int) ) == -1 ) { CMLog( @"ERROR: failed to start server because setsockopt() failed" ); [rootProxy listenerError:@"Network Error" message:@"Server couldn't start. Local can't be cheated."]; return; } if ( bind( sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)(&addr), sizeof(struct sockaddr) ) == -1 ) { CMLog( @"ERROR: failed to start server because bind() failed" ); [rootProxy listenerError:@"Network Error" message:@"The cheat server could not start, probably because the port is already in use. Local can not be cheated."]; return; } } else { struct sockaddr_un addr; addr.sun_family = family; strncpy( addr.sun_path, TCDefaultListenPath, 103 ); remove( TCDefaultListenPath ); if ( bind( sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)(&addr), sizeof(addr) ) == -1 ) { CMLog( @"ERROR: failed to start server because bind() failed" ); [rootProxy listenerError:@"Network Error" message:@"The cheat server could not start, probably because the path is already in use. Local can not be cheated."]; return; } } if ( listen( sockfd, 50 ) == -1 ) { CMLog( @"ERROR: failed to start server because listen() failed" ); [rootProxy listenerError:@"Network Error" message:@"Server couldn't start. Local can't be cheated."]; return; } listenRemote = remote; [rootProxy listenerListeningWithSocket:sockfd]; } - (void)run { int result; CMLog( @"LISTENER start" ); if ( listenRemote ) { struct sockaddr_in addr; int addrLen; for (;;) { addrLen = sizeof(addr); if ( (result = accept( sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)(&addr), &addrLen )) == -1 ) { break; } [rootProxy listenerReceivedNewConnection:result]; } } else { struct sockaddr_un addr; int addrLen; for (;;) { addrLen = sizeof(addr); if ( (result = accept( sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)(&addr), &addrLen )) == -1 ) { break; } [rootProxy listenerReceivedNewConnection:result]; } } CMLog( @"LISTENER close" ); [rootProxy listenerDisconnected]; } - (void)cleanup { if ( listenRemote ) { remove( TCDefaultListenPath ); } } @end