// ********************************************************************** // The Cheat - A universal game cheater for Mac OS X // (C) 2003-2005 Chaz McGarvey (BrokenZipper) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) // any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // #import "CheatDocument.h" // GLOBALS // service browsing globals unsigned static _tc_document_count = 0; NSNetServiceBrowser static *_tc_service_browser = nil; NSMutableArray static *_tc_cheat_services = nil; // global target Process static *_tc_target = nil; @interface CheatDocument ( PrivateAPI ) // mode switching - (void)_switchTo:(NSView *)destination from:(NSView *)source; // using the service browser + (void)_documentCreated; + (void)_documentDestroyed; // service addition/removal - (void)_cheatServiceFound:(NSNotification *)note; - (void)_cheatServiceRemoved:(NSNotification *)note; // interface - (void)_setupInitialInterface; // notifications - (void)_displayValuesPrefChanged:(NSNotification *)note; - (void)_windowOnTopPrefChanged:(NSNotification *)note; - (void)_hitsDisplayedPrefChanged:(NSNotification *)note; @end @interface NSTableView ( PrivateAPI ) - (NSRange)_rowsInRectAssumingRowsCoverVisible:(NSRect)rect; @end @implementation CheatDocument // ############################################################################# #pragma mark Initialization // ############################################################################# - (id)init // designated { if ( self = [super init] ) { NSNotificationCenter *nc= [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; ChazLog( @"init doc %X", self ); [CheatDocument _documentCreated]; // register for service change notifications [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(_cheatServiceFound:) name:TCServiceFoundNote object:nil]; [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(_cheatServiceRemoved:) name:TCServiceRemovedNote object:nil]; _cheatData = [[CheatData alloc] init]; _searchData = [[SearchData alloc] init]; // show search mode when documents are first created _connectsOnOpen = YES; [self setMode:TCSearchMode]; } return self; } - (id)initWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)fileName ofType:(NSString *)docType { if ( self = [super initWithContentsOfFile:fileName ofType:docType] ) { // if document opened from a file, show cheat mode by default [self setMode:TCCheatMode]; } return self; } - (id)initWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)aURL ofType:(NSString *)docType { if ( self = [super initWithContentsOfURL:aURL ofType:docType] ) { // if document opened from a URL, show cheat mode by default [self setMode:TCCheatMode]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { ChazLog( @"dealloc doc %X", self ); // unregister observers [(NSNotificationCenter *)[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; [_cheater setDelegate:nil]; [self disconnectFromCheater]; [_cheatData release]; [_searchData release]; [_serverObject release]; [_process release]; // release the fade if one is occuring [_fadeView removeFromSuperview]; [_fadeView release]; [CheatDocument _documentDestroyed]; [super dealloc]; } // ############################################################################# #pragma mark Nib Loading // ############################################################################# - (NSString *)windowNibName { return @"CheatDocument"; } - (void)windowControllerDidLoadNib:(NSWindowController *)aController { [super windowControllerDidLoadNib:aController]; NSNotificationCenter *nc= [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; // register for app launch/quit notifications [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(_displayValuesPrefChanged:) name:TCDisplayValuesChangedNote object:nil]; [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(_windowOnTopPrefChanged:) name:TCWindowsOnTopChangedNote object:nil]; [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(_hitsDisplayedPrefChanged:) name:TCHitsDisplayedChangedNote object:nil]; // setup window frame saving [ibWindow useOptimizedDrawing:YES]; [ibWindow setFrameAutosaveName:@"TCCheatWindow"]; // set options if ( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:TCWindowsOnTopPref] ) { [ibWindow setLevel:NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel]; } // display one of the modes if ( _mode == TCCheatMode ) { [self _switchTo:ibCheatContentView from:ibPlaceView]; } else if ( _mode == TCSearchMode ) { [self _switchTo:ibSearchContentView from:ibPlaceView]; } // configure the initial interface [self _setupInitialInterface]; // update interface [ibStatusText setDefaultStatus:[self defaultStatusString]]; [self updateInterface]; // automatically connect to the local cheater if ( _connectsOnOpen ) { [self ibSetLocalCheater:nil]; } ChazLog( @"superview: %@", [[ibSearchVariableTable superview] superview] ); } // ############################################################################# #pragma mark Handling Files // ############################################################################# - (NSData *)dataRepresentationOfType:(NSString *)type { return [NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:_cheatData]; } - (BOOL)loadDataRepresentation:(NSData *)data ofType:(NSString *)type { [_cheatData release]; _cheatData = nil; if ( [type isEqualToString:@"Cheat Document"] ) { NS_DURING _cheatData = [[NSUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:data] retain]; NS_HANDLER if ( !_cheatData ) { // alert the user of the unparsable file NSBeep(); NSRunAlertPanel( @"The Cheat can't read file.", @"The file \"%@\" can't be read. It is probably not a cheat file, or it may be corrupted.", @"OK", nil, nil, [self fileName] ); return NO; } NS_ENDHANDLER } [self updateInterface]; return YES; } // ############################################################################# #pragma mark Service Finding // ############################################################################# + (NSArray *)cheatServices { return [NSArray arrayWithArray:_tc_cheat_services]; } - (void)_cheatServiceFound:(NSNotification *)note { NSMenuItem *menuItem; NSNetService *item = [note object]; // add the newly found service to the server popup menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] init]; [menuItem setTarget:self]; [menuItem setAction:@selector(ibSetRemoteCheater:)]; [menuItem setTitle:[item name]]; [menuItem setRepresentedObject:item]; [self addServer:menuItem]; [menuItem release]; } - (void)_cheatServiceRemoved:(NSNotification *)note { NSNetService *item = [note object]; // remove the service from the menu [self removeServerWithObject:item]; } // using the service browser + (void)_documentCreated { _tc_document_count++; if ( _tc_document_count == 1 ) { // first document created, so start the service browser [_tc_service_browser stop]; [_tc_cheat_services release]; // create and setup the browser _tc_service_browser = [[NSNetServiceBrowser alloc] init]; [_tc_service_browser setDelegate:self]; [_tc_service_browser searchForServicesOfType:@"_cheat._tcp." inDomain:@""]; // create the service array _tc_cheat_services = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; } } + (void)_documentDestroyed { _tc_document_count--; if ( _tc_document_count == 0 ) { // last document destroyed, so stop the service browser [_tc_service_browser stop]; [_tc_cheat_services release]; // set the globals to nil for safety _tc_service_browser = nil; _tc_cheat_services = nil; } } // NSNetServiceBrowser delegate methods + (void)netServiceBrowserWillSearch:(NSNetServiceBrowser *)browser { ChazLog( @"service browser will search" ); } + (void)netServiceBrowserDidStopSearch:(NSNetServiceBrowser *)browser { // if the browser stops we assume it needs to die. ChazLog( @"service browser did stop search" ); [browser release]; } + (void)netServiceBrowser:(NSNetServiceBrowser *)browser didNotSearch:(NSDictionary *)errorDict { ChazLog( @"service browser failed with error code: %i", [[errorDict objectForKey:NSNetServicesErrorCode] intValue] ); } + (void)netServiceBrowser:(NSNetServiceBrowser *)browser didFindService:(NSNetService *)aNetService moreComing:(BOOL)moreComing { ChazLog( @"service browser found service: %@", [aNetService name] ); // ignore if this is the local server. if ( [[(AppController *)NSApp cheatServer] isListening] && [[aNetService name] isEqualToString:[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:TCBroadcastNamePref]] ) { return; } [_tc_cheat_services addObject:aNetService]; // send a notification for the new service [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:TCServiceFoundNote object:aNetService]; } + (void)netServiceBrowser:(NSNetServiceBrowser *)browser didRemoveService:(NSNetService *)aNetService moreComing:(BOOL)moreComing { ChazLog( @"service browser removed service: %@", [aNetService name] ); [_tc_cheat_services removeObject:aNetService]; // send a notification for the new service [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:TCServiceRemovedNote object:aNetService]; } // ############################################################################# #pragma mark Changing Mode // ############################################################################# - (void)setMode:(TCDocumentMode)mode { // if the nib isn't loaded, change the mode if ( !ibWindow ) { _mode = mode; } } - (void)switchToCheatMode { NSResponder *responder = [ibWindow firstResponder]; if ( [responder isKindOfClass:[NSText class]] ) { /* Since text views et al. make the field editor the first responder, you have to take its delegate since that will be set to the actual text view. */ responder = [(NSText *)responder delegate]; } if ( _mode == TCCheatMode ) { return; } _mode = TCCheatMode; [self _switchTo:ibCheatContentView from:ibSearchContentView]; // update the next key view [ibProcessPopup setNextKeyView:ibCheatVariableTable]; // update current key view if ( !_lastResponder || _lastResponder == ibWindow ) { // set default responder [ibWindow makeFirstResponder:ibCheatVariableTable]; } else { [ibWindow makeFirstResponder:_lastResponder]; } _lastResponder = responder; } - (void)switchToSearchMode { NSResponder *responder = [ibWindow firstResponder]; if ( [responder isKindOfClass:[NSText class]] ) { responder = [(NSText *)responder delegate]; } if ( _mode == TCSearchMode ) { return; } _mode = TCSearchMode; [self _switchTo:ibSearchContentView from:ibCheatContentView]; // update the next key view [ibProcessPopup setNextKeyView:ibSearchTypePopup]; // update current key view if ( !_lastResponder || _lastResponder == ibWindow ) { [ibWindow makeFirstResponder:ibSearchValueField]; } else { [ibWindow makeFirstResponder:_lastResponder]; } _lastResponder = responder; } - (void)_switchTo:(NSView *)destination from:(NSView *)source { NSView *contentView = [ibWindow contentView]; NSRect frame = [source frame]; NSImage *fadeImage = nil; if ( gFadeAnimationDuration != 0.0 && [source lockFocusIfCanDraw] ) { // draw the view to the representation NSBitmapImageRep *imageRep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithFocusedViewRect:[source bounds]]; [source unlockFocus]; // create the image object fadeImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:frame.size]; [fadeImage addRepresentation:imageRep]; if ( _fadeView ) { // remove the old fade view [_fadeView removeFromSuperview]; [_fadeView release]; } // create the new fade view and start the fade _fadeView = [[FadeView alloc] initWithFrame:frame]; [_fadeView setAutoresizingMask:[source autoresizingMask]]; [_fadeView setDelegate:self]; [_fadeView setImage:fadeImage]; [_fadeView setFadeDuration:gFadeAnimationDuration]; [contentView addSubview:_fadeView]; [_fadeView startFadeAnimation]; [fadeImage release]; } // update view size of incoming view [destination setFrame:frame]; // replace the views [contentView replaceSubview:source with:destination]; } // FadeView Delegate - (void)fadeViewFinishedAnimation:(FadeView *)theView { [_fadeView removeFromSuperview]; [_fadeView release]; _fadeView = nil; } // ############################################################################# #pragma mark Accessors // ############################################################################# - (NSString *)defaultStatusString { if ( !_cheater ) { return @"Not Connected"; } return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Connected to %@.", [_cheater hostAddress]]; } - (BOOL)isLoadedFromFile { return ([self fileName] != nil); } - (void)addServer:(NSMenuItem *)item { NSMenu *serverMenu = [ibServerPopup menu]; if ( item ) { if ( [serverMenu numberOfItems] <= 2 ) { // separator line [serverMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; } [serverMenu addItem:item]; } } - (void)removeServerWithObject:(id)serverObject { NSMenu *serverMenu = [ibServerPopup menu]; if ( serverObject ) { [serverMenu removeItemWithRepresentedObject:serverObject]; if ( [serverMenu numberOfItems] == 3 ) { // separator line [serverMenu removeItemAtIndex:2]; } } } // ############################################################################# #pragma mark Interface // ############################################################################# - (void)_setupInitialInterface { NSMenu *serverMenu; NSMenuItem *menuItem; NSArray *cheatServices; unsigned i, len; // create and set the server popup menu serverMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] init]; [serverMenu setAutoenablesItems:YES]; // add menu items // local connection item menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] init]; [menuItem setTarget:self]; [menuItem setAction:@selector(ibSetLocalCheater:)]; [menuItem setTitle:@"On This Computer"]; [menuItem setRepresentedObject:[NSNull null]]; [serverMenu addItem:menuItem]; [menuItem release]; // arbitrary connection item menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] init]; [menuItem setTarget:self]; [menuItem setAction:@selector(ibRunCustomServerSheet:)]; [menuItem setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Other Server%C", 0x2026]]; [menuItem setKeyEquivalent:@"k"]; [menuItem setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:NSCommandKeyMask]; [serverMenu addItem:menuItem]; [menuItem release]; // set the menu [ibServerPopup setMenu:serverMenu]; [serverMenu release]; // add current list of rendezvous services cheatServices = [CheatDocument cheatServices]; len = [cheatServices count]; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { NSNetService *item = [cheatServices objectAtIndex:i]; menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] init]; [menuItem setTarget:self]; [menuItem setAction:@selector(ibSetRemoteCheater:)]; [menuItem setTitle:[item name]]; [menuItem setRepresentedObject:item]; [self addServer:menuItem]; [menuItem release]; } [ibSearchVariableTable setDoubleAction:@selector(ibAddSearchVariable:)]; [ibSearchVariableTable setCanDelete:NO]; // BUG: for some reason IB doesn't like to set the default selection // for an NSMatrix to anything but the first cell, so set this explicitly. [ibSearchValueUsedMatrix selectCellWithTag:TCGivenValue]; // we use undoing/redoing for reverting search results [self setHasUndoManager:NO]; } - (void)updateInterface { if ( _cheatData ) { // if there is cheat data, fill in the data information [ibWindow setTitle:[self displayName]]; if ( [_cheatData process] ) { if ( [[_cheatData cheatInfo] isEqualToString:@""] ) { [ibCheatInfoText setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", [_cheatData gameName], [_cheatData gameVersion]]]; } else { [ibCheatInfoText setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@ - %@", [_cheatData gameName], [_cheatData gameVersion], [_cheatData cheatInfo]]]; } } else { [ibCheatInfoText setStringValue:[_cheatData cheatInfo]]; } [ibCheatRepeatButton setState:[_cheatData repeats]]; [ibCheatRepeatField setDoubleValue:[_cheatData repeatInterval]]; } // if we're connected... if ( _cheater ) { if ( _status == TCIdleStatus ) { // WINDOW [ibServerPopup setEnabled:YES]; [ibProcessPopup setEnabled:YES]; // SEARCH MODE [ibSearchValueUsedMatrix setEnabled:YES]; if ( [_searchData hasSearchedOnce] ) { [ibSearchTypePopup setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchIntegerSignMatrix setEnabled:NO]; [[ibSearchValueUsedMatrix cellWithTag:TCLastValue] setEnabled:YES]; if ( [_searchData valueUsed] == TCGivenValue ) { [ibSearchValueField setEnabled:YES]; } else { [ibSearchValueField setEnabled:NO]; } [ibSearchClearButton setEnabled:YES]; [ibSearchVariableTable setEnabled:YES]; int selectedRows = [ibSearchVariableTable numberOfSelectedRows]; if ( selectedRows > 0 ) { [ibSearchVariableButton setEnabled:YES]; } else { [ibSearchVariableButton setEnabled:NO]; } } else { [ibSearchTypePopup setEnabled:YES]; if ( [_searchData isTypeInteger] ) { [ibSearchIntegerSignMatrix setEnabled:YES]; } else { [ibSearchIntegerSignMatrix setEnabled:NO]; } [[ibSearchValueUsedMatrix cellWithTag:TCLastValue] setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchValueUsedMatrix selectCellWithTag:[_searchData valueUsed]]; [ibSearchValueField setEnabled:YES]; [ibSearchClearButton setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchVariableTable setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchVariableButton setEnabled:NO]; } if ( [_searchData variableType] != TCString ) { [ibSearchOperatorPopup setEnabled:YES]; } else { [ibSearchOperatorPopup setEnabled:NO]; } [ibSearchButton setTitle:@"Search"]; [ibSearchButton setAction:@selector(ibSearch:)]; [ibSearchButton setKeyEquivalent:@""]; [ibSearchButton setEnabled:YES]; // CHEAT MODE [ibCheatVariableTable setEnabled:YES]; [ibCheatRepeatButton setEnabled:YES]; [ibCheatRepeatAuxText setTextColor:[NSColor controlTextColor]]; [ibCheatRepeatField setEnabled:[_cheatData repeats]]; [ibCheatButton setTitle:@"Apply Cheat"]; [ibCheatButton setAction:@selector(ibCheat:)]; [ibCheatButton setKeyEquivalent:@"\r"]; if ( [_cheatData enabledVariableCount] > 0 ) { [ibCheatButton setEnabled:YES]; if ( [[_cheatData process] sameApplicationAs:_process] ) { [ibCheatButton setKeyEquivalent:@"\r"]; } else { [ibCheatButton setKeyEquivalent:@""]; } } else { [ibCheatButton setEnabled:NO]; } } else { // WINDOW [ibServerPopup setEnabled:NO]; [ibProcessPopup setEnabled:NO]; // SEARCH MODE [ibSearchTypePopup setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchIntegerSignMatrix setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchOperatorPopup setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchValueUsedMatrix setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchValueField setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchClearButton setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchVariableTable setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchVariableButton setEnabled:NO]; // CHEAT MODE [ibCheatVariableTable setEnabled:NO]; [ibCheatRepeatButton setEnabled:NO]; [ibCheatRepeatAuxText setTextColor:[NSColor disabledControlTextColor]]; [ibCheatRepeatField setEnabled:NO]; if ( _status == TCSearchingStatus ) { [ibSearchButton setTitle:@"Cancel"]; [ibSearchButton setAction:@selector(ibCancelSearch:)]; [ibSearchButton setKeyEquivalent:@"\E"]; [ibSearchButton setEnabled:!_isCancelingTask]; [ibCheatButton setTitle:@"Apply Cheat"]; [ibCheatButton setAction:@selector(ibCheat:)]; if ( [[_cheatData process] sameApplicationAs:_process] ) { [ibCheatButton setKeyEquivalent:@"\r"]; } else { [ibCheatButton setKeyEquivalent:@""]; } [ibCheatButton setEnabled:NO]; } else if ( _status == TCCheatingStatus ) { [ibSearchButton setTitle:@"Search"]; [ibSearchButton setAction:@selector(ibSearch:)]; [ibSearchButton setKeyEquivalent:@""]; [ibSearchButton setEnabled:NO]; [ibCheatButton setTitle:@"Stop Cheat"]; [ibCheatButton setAction:@selector(ibStopCheat:)]; [ibCheatButton setKeyEquivalent:@"\E"]; [ibCheatButton setEnabled:!_isCancelingTask]; } else { [ibSearchButton setTitle:@"Search"]; [ibSearchButton setAction:@selector(ibSearch:)]; [ibSearchButton setKeyEquivalent:@""]; [ibSearchButton setEnabled:NO]; [ibCheatButton setTitle:@"Apply Cheat"]; [ibCheatButton setAction:@selector(ibCheat:)]; if ( [[_cheatData process] sameApplicationAs:_process] ) { [ibCheatButton setKeyEquivalent:@"\r"]; } else { [ibCheatButton setKeyEquivalent:@""]; } [ibCheatButton setEnabled:NO]; } } } else { // WINDOW [ibServerPopup setEnabled:YES]; [ibProcessPopup setEnabled:NO]; // SEARCH MODE [ibSearchTypePopup setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchIntegerSignMatrix setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchOperatorPopup setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchValueUsedMatrix setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchValueField setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchButton setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchClearButton setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchVariableTable setEnabled:NO]; [ibSearchVariableButton setEnabled:NO]; // CHEAT MODE [ibCheatVariableTable setEnabled:NO]; [ibCheatRepeatButton setEnabled:NO]; [ibCheatRepeatAuxText setTextColor:[NSColor disabledControlTextColor]]; [ibCheatRepeatField setEnabled:NO]; [ibCheatButton setEnabled:NO]; } } - (void)setActualResults:(unsigned)count { unsigned recieved = [_searchData numberOfResults]; if ( count == 0 ) { [ibSearchVariableTable setToolTip:@""]; } else if ( recieved == count ) { if ( count == 1 ) { [ibSearchVariableTable setToolTip:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Displaying one result."]]; } else { [ibSearchVariableTable setToolTip:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Displaying %i results.", count]]; } } else if ( recieved < count ) { [ibSearchVariableTable setToolTip:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Displaying %i of %i results.", recieved, count]]; } } - (NSString *)displayName { // override the default window title if there is a custom one NSString *title = [_cheatData windowTitle]; if ( !title || [title isEqualToString:@""] ) { return [super displayName]; } return title; } - (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem { //ChazLog( @"validate menuitem: %@", [menuItem title] ); // the undo/redo if ( [menuItem action] == @selector(ibUndo:) ) { if ( [_searchData undoesLeft] > 0 ) { return YES; } else { return NO; } } if ( [menuItem action] == @selector(ibRedo:) ) { if ( [_searchData redoesLeft] > 0 ) { return YES; } else { return NO; } } // the add variables items if ( [menuItem action] == @selector(ibAddCheatVariable:) && _status == TCCheatingStatus ) { return NO; } // the 'pause' menu item if ( [menuItem tag] == 1000 ) { if ( !_cheater ) { return NO; } if ( _isTargetPaused ) { [menuItem setTitle:@"Resume Target"]; [menuItem setAction:@selector(ibResumeTarget:)]; } else { [menuItem setTitle:@"Pause Target"]; [menuItem setAction:@selector(ibPauseTarget:)]; } } // the 'memory dump' menu item else if ( [menuItem tag] == 1001 ) { if ( !_cheater || _status != TCIdleStatus ) { return NO; } } // the 'mode switch' menu item else if ( [menuItem tag] == 1002 ) { if ( _mode == TCSearchMode ) { [menuItem setTitle:@"Show Cheat Mode"]; } else /* _mode == TCCheatMode */ { [menuItem setTitle:@"Show Search Mode"]; } } // the 'edit variables' menu item else if ( [menuItem tag] == 1003 ) { return (_mode == TCCheatMode && [ibCheatVariableTable selectedRow] != -1); } // the 'clear search' menu item else if ( [menuItem tag] == 1004 ) { return [ibSearchClearButton isEnabled]; } // the cancel menu item else if ( [menuItem tag] == 1005 ) { if ( !_cheater || _isCancelingTask ) { return NO; } if ( _status == TCSearchingStatus ) { [menuItem setTitle:@"Cancel Search"]; [menuItem setAction:@selector(ibCancelSearch:)]; } else if ( _status == TCCheatingStatus ) { [menuItem setTitle:@"Stop Cheat"]; [menuItem setAction:@selector(ibStopCheat:)]; } else if ( _status == TCDumpingStatus ) { [menuItem setTitle:@"Cancel Dump"]; [menuItem setAction:@selector(ibCancelDump:)]; } else { return NO; } } return [super validateMenuItem:menuItem]; } - (void)setDocumentChanged { // only count document changes if there are variables // and if the pref is set if ( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:TCAskForSavePref] && ([_cheatData variableCount] > 0 || [self isLoadedFromFile]) ) { [self updateChangeCount:NSChangeDone]; } } - (int)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView { if ( aTableView == ibCheatVariableTable ) { return [_cheatData variableCount]; } else if ( aTableView == ibSearchVariableTable ) { return [_searchData numberOfResults]; } return 0; } - (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(int)rowIndex { NSString *identifier = [aTableColumn identifier]; if ( aTableView == ibCheatVariableTable ) { Variable *variable = [_cheatData variableAtIndex:rowIndex]; if ( [identifier isEqualToString:@"enable"] ) { return [NSNumber numberWithBool:[variable isEnabled]]; } else if ( [identifier isEqualToString:@"variable"] ) { return [variable typeString]; } else if ( [identifier isEqualToString:@"address"] ) { return [variable addressString]; } else if ( [identifier isEqualToString:@"value"] ) { return [variable stringValue]; } } else if ( aTableView == ibSearchVariableTable ) { return [_searchData stringForRow:rowIndex]; } return @""; } - (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView setObjectValue:(id)anObject forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(int)rowIndex { NSString *identifier = [aTableColumn identifier]; if ( aTableView == ibCheatVariableTable ) { Variable *variable = [_cheatData variableAtIndex:rowIndex]; if ( [identifier isEqualToString:@"address"] ) { if ( [variable setAddressString:anObject] ) { [self setDocumentChanged]; } } else if ( [identifier isEqualToString:@"value"] ) { if ( [variable setStringValue:anObject] ) { [self setDocumentChanged]; } } } } - (void)tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification { NSTableView *aTableView = [aNotification object]; if ( aTableView == ibSearchVariableTable ) { int selectedRows = [aTableView numberOfSelectedRows]; if ( selectedRows > 1 ) { [ibSearchVariableButton setTitle:@"Add Variables"]; } else if ( selectedRows == 1 ) { [ibSearchVariableButton setTitle:@"Add Variable"]; } } } - (BOOL)tableViewDidReceiveEnterKey:(NSTableView *)tableView { if ( tableView == ibSearchVariableTable ) { [ibSearchVariableButton performClick:nil]; return YES; } return NO; } - (BOOL)tableViewDidReceiveSpaceKey:(NSTableView *)tableView { if ( tableView == ibCheatVariableTable ) { [self ibSetVariableEnabled:nil]; return YES; } return NO; } - (NSString *)tableViewPasteboardType:(NSTableView *)tableView { return @"TCVariablePboardType"; } - (NSData *)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView copyRows:(NSArray *)rows { NSMutableArray *vars; int i, top; top = [rows count]; vars = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:top]; // add the new variables if ( tableView == ibSearchVariableTable ) { for ( i = 0; i < top; i++ ) { unsigned index = [[rows objectAtIndex:i] unsignedIntValue]; [vars addObject:[_searchData variableAtIndex:index]]; } } else { for ( i = 0; i < top; i++ ) { unsigned index = [[rows objectAtIndex:i] unsignedIntValue]; [vars addObject:[_cheatData variableAtIndex:index]]; } } return [NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:[vars autorelease]]; } - (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView pasteRowsWithData:(NSData *)rowData { NSArray *vars = [NSUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:rowData]; int i, top, lastRow; if ( tableView == ibSearchVariableTable ) { NSBeep(); return; } top = [vars count]; for ( i = 0; i < top; i++ ) { Variable *var = [vars objectAtIndex:i]; [_cheatData addVariable:var]; } lastRow = [_cheatData variableCount]-1; [tableView reloadData]; if ( MacOSXVersion() >= 0x1030 ) { [tableView selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:lastRow] byExtendingSelection:NO]; } else { [tableView selectRow:lastRow byExtendingSelection:NO]; } [tableView scrollRowToVisible:lastRow]; [self setDocumentChanged]; [self updateInterface]; } - (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView deleteRows:(NSArray *)rows { int i, len; if ( tableView == ibCheatVariableTable ) { len = [rows count]; for ( i = len-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { [_cheatData removeVariableAtIndex:[[rows objectAtIndex:i] unsignedIntValue]]; } // reselect the last item if the selection is now invalid len = [_cheatData variableCount] - 1; if ( [tableView selectedRow] > len ) { if ( MacOSXVersion() >= 0x1030 ) { [tableView selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:len] byExtendingSelection:NO]; } else { [tableView selectRow:len byExtendingSelection:NO]; } } [tableView reloadData]; [self setDocumentChanged]; [self updateInterface]; } } // VariableTable Delegate - (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView didChangeVisibleRows:(NSRange)rows { ChazLog( @"new visible rows: %@", NSStringFromRange( rows ) ); if ( [_searchData valuesLoaded] ) { [self watchVariables]; } } // ############################################################################# #pragma mark Utility // ############################################################################# + (void)setGlobalTarget:(Process *)target { [target retain]; [_tc_target release]; _tc_target = target; } + (Process *)globalTarget { return _tc_target; } - (void)showError:(NSString *)error { NSColor *red = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.7 green:0.0 blue:0.0 alpha:1.0]; NSBeep(); [ibStatusText setDefaultStatus:[self defaultStatusString]]; [ibStatusText setTemporaryStatus:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Error: %@", error] color:red duration:7.0]; } - (BOOL)shouldConnectWithServer:(NSMenuItem *)item { id serverObject; if ( _resolvingService ) { // don't connect if a service is being resolved [ibServerPopup selectItemAtIndex:[ibServerPopup indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject:_resolvingService]]; return NO; } if ( [item respondsToSelector:@selector(representedObject)] ) { serverObject = [item representedObject]; } else { serverObject = [NSNull null]; } if ( [_serverObject isEqual:serverObject] ) { // already connected, don't connect return NO; } return YES; } - (void)selectConnectedCheater { int index = [ibServerPopup indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject:_serverObject]; if ( index != -1 ) { [ibServerPopup selectItemAtIndex:index]; } } - (void)connectWithServer:(NSMenuItem *)item { id serverObject; if ( [item respondsToSelector:@selector(representedObject)] ) { serverObject = [item representedObject]; } else { serverObject = [NSNull null]; } // save a reference to the server object [serverObject retain]; [_serverObject release]; _serverObject = serverObject; } - (void)disconnectFromCheater { NSMenu *blankMenu; // don't do anything if we are already disconnected if ( !_cheater ) { return; } _status = TCIdleStatus; // clear the search [_searchData clearResults]; //[ibSearchVariableTable reloadData]; // this can cause a crash, so commenting it out for now. // clear the selected process [_process release]; _process = nil; [_serverObject release]; _serverObject = nil; if ( ![self isLoadedFromFile] ) { [_cheatData setProcess:nil]; } // clear the process menu blankMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""]; [blankMenu addItemWithTitle:@"" action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""]; [ibProcessPopup setMenu:blankMenu]; [blankMenu release]; // kill the connection [_cheater disconnect]; [_cheater release]; _cheater = nil; } - (void)setConnectOnOpen:(BOOL)flag { _connectsOnOpen = flag; } - (void)connectWithURL:(NSString *)url { NSMenu *serverMenu = [ibServerPopup menu]; NSURL *theUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:url]; NSString *host; int port; NSData *addrData; int indexIfAlreadyExists; host = [theUrl host]; port = [[theUrl port] intValue]; if ( !host ) { NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet( @"The Cheat can't parse the URL.", @"OK", nil, nil, ibWindow, self, NULL, NULL, NULL, @"The Cheat can't connect to the server because \"%@\" is not a valid URL.", url ); goto FAILURE; } // use default port number if ( !port ) { port = TCDefaultListenPort; } addrData = [MySocket addressWithHost:host port:port]; if ( !addrData ) { NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet( @"The Cheat can't find the server.", @"OK", nil, nil, ibWindow, self, NULL, NULL, NULL, @"The Cheat can't connect to the server \"%@\" because it can't be found.", host ); goto FAILURE; } indexIfAlreadyExists = [serverMenu indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject:addrData]; if ( indexIfAlreadyExists == -1 ) { NSMenuItem *menuItem; // add the newly found service to the server popup menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] init]; [menuItem setTarget:self]; [menuItem setAction:@selector(ibSetCustomCheater:)]; [menuItem setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%i", host, port]]; [menuItem setRepresentedObject:addrData]; [self addServer:menuItem]; // select new item [self ibSetCustomCheater:menuItem]; // cleanup [menuItem release]; } else { // select matching item [self ibSetCustomCheater:[serverMenu itemAtIndex:indexIfAlreadyExists]]; } FAILURE:; [self selectConnectedCheater]; } - (void)watchVariables { NSRange range; if ( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:TCDisplayValuesPref] ) { float interval = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] floatForKey:TCValueUpdatePref]; range = [ibSearchVariableTable visibleRows]; [_cheater watchVariablesAtIndex:range.location count:range.length interval:interval]; } else { [_cheater stopWatchingVariables]; } } // ############################################################################# #pragma mark Notifications // ############################################################################# - (void)_displayValuesPrefChanged:(NSNotification *)note { [self watchVariables]; } - (void)_windowOnTopPrefChanged:(NSNotification *)note { ChazLog( @"_windowOnTopPrefChanged" ); if ( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:TCWindowsOnTopPref] ) { [ibWindow setLevel:NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel]; } else { [ibWindow setLevel:NSNormalWindowLevel]; } } - (void)_hitsDisplayedPrefChanged:(NSNotification *)note { // send preferences to the cheater [_cheater limitReturnedResults:[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey:TCHitsDisplayedPref]]; } @end