This talk I'm going to go over things that you don't need to know if you just want to get by, but if you actually want to be good. Ground rules: - If you have a question, get my attention and ask it. Don't save it until the end because the format of this talk doesn't lend itself to that. I Use CPAN. X Use B::Deparse. X Document your shell scripts with pod. X Know regular expressions. X Use Regexp::Debugger. X Write vim plugins in Perl. X Understand calling context. X Understand execution phases. X Understand when to be terse and when to be verbose X Use Future::AsyncAwait. - Know some XS. - Know Unicode. - 2016 - A Million Billion Squiggly Characters - rjbs - Best Stackoverflow answer, ever. - tchrist X Write your own boilerplate. X Write your own debugger. X Don't write your own debugger because there are already some awesome ones on CPAN. X Know the default perl debugger. X Write modern Perl. X Use some new features (postfix dereferencing, function signatures) X Moo or Moose X method signatures X Learn Perl 6 - Learn another language. - Makes you write better Perl (maybe). - Can bring some good ideas from other languages back to Perl (PSGI, async await) - Know software design patterns. Cool stuff: use aliased 'Big::Long::Package::Thing'; my $thing = Thing->new;