import{PrintWriter, StringWriter, File, FileWriter} import sbt._ import org.scalatools.testing.{Event => TEvent, Result => TResult} import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger object SbtTapReporting extends Plugin { def apply() = new SbtTapListener } /** * Listens to sbt test listener events and writes them to a tap compatible file. Results for all groups * go to a single file although it might be desirable to generate one tap file per group. *

* sbt runs tests in parallel and the protocol does not seem to provide a way to match a group to a test event. It * does look line one thread calls startGroup/testEvent/endGroup sequentially and using thread local to keep * the current active group might be one way to go. */ class SbtTapListener extends TestsListener { var testId = new AtomicInteger(0) var fileWriter: FileWriter = _ override def doInit { new File("test-results").mkdirs() fileWriter = new FileWriter( scala.util.Properties.envOrElse("SBT_TAP_OUTPUT", "test-results/test.tap") ) } def startGroup(name: String) {} def testEvent(event: TestEvent) { event.detail.foreach { e: TEvent => e.result match { case TResult.Success => writeTapFields("ok", testId.incrementAndGet(), "-", e.testName()) case TResult.Error | TResult.Failure => writeTapFields("not ok", testId.incrementAndGet(), "-", e.testName()) // According to the TAP spec, as long as there is any kind of whitespace, this output should belong to the // the test that failed and it should get displayed in the UI. // TODO:It would be nice if we could report the exact line in the test where this happened. writeTapFields(" ", stackTraceForError(e.error())) case TResult.Skipped => // it doesn't look like this framework distinguishes between pending and ignored. writeTapFields("ok", testId.incrementAndGet(), e.testName(), "#", "skip", e.testName()) } } } override def doComplete(finalResult: TestResult.Value) { writeTapFields("1.." + testId.get) fileWriter.close() } private def writeTapFields(s: Any*) { fileWriter.write(s.mkString("", " ", "\n")) } private def stackTraceForError(t: Throwable): String = { val sw = new StringWriter() val printWriter = new PrintWriter(sw) t.printStackTrace(printWriter) sw.toString } def endGroup(name: String, t: Throwable) { } def endGroup(name: String, result: TestResult.Value) { } }