This sbt plug-in provides reporting of test success and failure for tests run by [simple build tool]( in [TAP]( format. All the test results will be generated in one file, the path of which may be specified in the `SBT_TAP_OUTPUT` environment variable. If unspecified in the environment, the output file path defaults to `test-results/test.tap`. To use: 1. Add this plug-in to your sbt project by creating a file `project/project/Plugins.scala` that looks something like this: ```scala import sbt._ // sets up other project dependencies when building our root project object Plugins extends Build { lazy val root = Project("root", file(".")) dependsOn(tapListener) lazy val tapListener = RootProject(uri("git://")) } ``` 2. In your `build.sbt` file, add the `SbtTapListener` to the sequence of test listeners. ```scala testListeners += SbtTapReporting() ``` 3. Optionally, in a UNIX environment, you can set up a named pipe for collecting the TAP report, for your test harness. ```sh #!/bin/sh pipe="$PWD/test.tap" # set where to make the pipe rm -f "$pipe" # clear the path for the new pipe mkfifo "$pipe" # make the pipe cat "$pipe" & # redirect the report to stdout SBT_TAP_OUTPUT="$pipe" sbt test 2>&1 >/dev/null rm -f "$pipe" # all done - remove the pipe ```