/* * CS5600 University of Utah * Charles McGarvey * mcgarvey@eng.utah.edu */ #ifndef _MAT_H_ #define _MAT_H_ #include "common.h" #include "vec.h" /* * A simple matrix class with column-major storage and notation. */ struct mat { vec_t v[4]; }; typedef struct mat mat_t; /* * Initialize a matrix with individual components, row by row. */ INLINE_MAYBE void mat_init(mat_t* m, scal_t m11, scal_t m12, scal_t m13, scal_t m14, scal_t m21, scal_t m22, scal_t m23, scal_t m24, scal_t m31, scal_t m32, scal_t m33, scal_t m34, scal_t m41, scal_t m42, scal_t m43, scal_t m44) { m->v[0] = vec_new2(m11, m21, m31, m41); m->v[1] = vec_new2(m12, m22, m32, m42); m->v[2] = vec_new2(m13, m23, m33, m43); m->v[3] = vec_new2(m14, m24, m34, m44); } /* * Create a new matrix with individual components, row by row. */ INLINE_MAYBE mat_t mat_new(scal_t m11, scal_t m12, scal_t m13, scal_t m14, scal_t m21, scal_t m22, scal_t m23, scal_t m24, scal_t m31, scal_t m32, scal_t m33, scal_t m34, scal_t m41, scal_t m42, scal_t m43, scal_t m44) { mat_t m; mat_init(&m, m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, m22, m23, m24, m31, m32, m33, m34, m41, m42, m43, m44); return m; } /* * Create a new matrix with four column vectors. */ INLINE_MAYBE mat_t mat_new2(vec_t a, vec_t b, vec_t c, vec_t d) { mat_t m; m.v[0] = a; m.v[1] = b; m.v[2] = c; m.v[3] = d; return m; } #define MAT_IDENTITY mat_new(S(1.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), \ S(0.0), S(1.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), \ S(0.0), S(0.0), S(1.0), S(0.0), \ S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(1.0)) /* * Get a pointer to the matrix data. */ INLINE_MAYBE const scal_t* mat_data(const mat_t* m) { return &m->v[0].x; } /* * Get a column vector (can also access the vector array directly). */ INLINE_MAYBE vec_t mat_col(mat_t m, int i) { return m.v[i]; } /* * Get a row vector. */ INLINE_MAYBE vec_t mat_row(mat_t m, int i) { switch (i) { case 0: return vec_new2(m.v[0].x, m.v[1].x, m.v[2].x, m.v[3].x); case 1: return vec_new2(m.v[0].y, m.v[1].y, m.v[2].y, m.v[3].y); case 2: return vec_new2(m.v[0].z, m.v[1].z, m.v[2].z, m.v[3].z); case 3: return vec_new2(m.v[0].w, m.v[1].w, m.v[2].w, m.v[3].w); } } /* * Print the matrix to stdout. */ INLINE_MAYBE void mat_print(mat_t m) { printf("|"); vec_print(mat_row(m, 0)); printf("|\n|"); vec_print(mat_row(m, 1)); printf("|\n|"); vec_print(mat_row(m, 2)); printf("|\n|"); vec_print(mat_row(m, 3)); printf("|"); } /* * Multiply two matrices together. */ INLINE_MAYBE mat_t mat_mult(mat_t a, mat_t b) { #define _DOT(I,J) vec_dot2(mat_row(a,I), mat_col(b,J)) return mat_new(_DOT(0,0), _DOT(0,1), _DOT(0,2), _DOT(0,3), _DOT(1,0), _DOT(1,1), _DOT(1,2), _DOT(1,3), _DOT(2,0), _DOT(2,1), _DOT(2,2), _DOT(2,3), _DOT(3,0), _DOT(3,1), _DOT(3,2), _DOT(3,3)); #undef _DOT } /* * Transform a vector using a matrix. */ INLINE_MAYBE vec_t mat_apply(mat_t m, vec_t v) { return vec_new2(vec_dot2(v,mat_row(m,0)), vec_dot2(v,mat_row(m,1)), vec_dot2(v,mat_row(m,2)), vec_dot2(v,mat_row(m,3))); } /* * Create a new translate matrix. */ INLINE_MAYBE mat_t MAT_TRANSLATE(scal_t x, scal_t y, scal_t z) { return mat_new(S(1.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), x, S(0.0), S(1.0), S(0.0), y, S(0.0), S(0.0), S(1.0), z, S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(1.0)); } /* * Create a new translate matrix from a vector. */ INLINE_MAYBE mat_t MAT_TRANSLATE2(vec_t v) { return MAT_TRANSLATE(v.x, v.y, v.z); } /* * Create a new scale matrix. */ INLINE_MAYBE mat_t MAT_SCALE(scal_t x, scal_t y, scal_t z) { return mat_new(x, S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), y, S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), z, S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(1.0)); } /* * Create a new scale matrix from a vector. */ INLINE_MAYBE mat_t MAT_SCALE2(vec_t v) { return MAT_SCALE(v.x, v.y, v.z); } /* * Create a rotation matrix (around the X axis). */ INLINE_MAYBE mat_t MAT_ROTATE_X(scal_t theta) { scal_t sin_a = scal_sin(theta); scal_t cos_a = scal_cos(theta); return mat_new(S(1.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), cos_a, -sin_a, S(0.0), S(0.0), sin_a, cos_a, S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(1.0)); } /* * Create a rotation matrix (around the Y axis). */ INLINE_MAYBE mat_t MAT_ROTATE_Y(scal_t theta) { scal_t sin_a = scal_sin(theta); scal_t cos_a = scal_cos(theta); return mat_new(cos_a, S(0.0), sin_a, S(0.0), S(0.0), S(1.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), -sin_a, S(0.0), cos_a, S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(1.0)); } /* * Create a rotation matrix (around the Z axis). */ INLINE_MAYBE mat_t MAT_ROTATE_Z(scal_t theta) { scal_t sin_a = scal_sin(theta); scal_t cos_a = scal_cos(theta); return mat_new(cos_a, -sin_a, S(0.0), S(0.0), sin_a, cos_a, S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(1.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(1.0)); } /* * Create a rotation matrix (around an arbitrary axis). */ INLINE_MAYBE mat_t MAT_ROTATE(scal_t theta, scal_t x, scal_t y, scal_t z) { vec_t v = vec_normalize(vec_new(x, y, z)); x = v.x; y = v.y; z = v.z; scal_t c = scal_cos(-theta); scal_t s = scal_sin(-theta); scal_t t = S(1.0) - c; return mat_new(t * x * x + c, t * x * y + s * z, t * x * z - s * y, S(0.0), t * x * y - s * z, t * y * y + c, t * y * z + s * x, S(0.0), t * x * z + s * y, t * y * z - s * x, t * z * z + c, S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(1.0)); } /* * Create a view matrix based on eye, spot, and an up vector. */ INLINE_MAYBE mat_t MAT_LOOKAT(vec_t eye, vec_t spot, vec_t up) { vec_t f = vec_normalize(vec_sub(spot, eye)); vec_t s = vec_normalize(vec_cross(f, up)); vec_t u = vec_cross(s, f); return mat_mult(mat_new(s.x, s.y, s.z, S(0.0), u.x, u.y, u.z, S(0.0), -f.x, -f.y, -f.z, S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(1.0)), MAT_TRANSLATE2(vec_neg(eye))); } /* * Create a 3D orthogonal projection matrix. */ INLINE_MAYBE mat_t MAT_ORTHO(scal_t left, scal_t right, scal_t bottom, scal_t top, scal_t near, scal_t far) { scal_t rml = right - left; scal_t rpl = right + left; scal_t tmb = top - bottom; scal_t tpb = top + bottom; scal_t fmn = far - near; scal_t fpn = far + near; return mat_new(S(2.0)/rml, S(0.0), S(0.0), -rpl / rml, S(0.0), S(2.0)/tmb, S(0.0), -tpb / tmb, S(0.0), S(0.0), S(-2.0)/fmn, -fpn / fmn, S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(1.0)); } /* * Create a frustum-based projection matrix. */ INLINE_MAYBE mat_t MAT_FRUSTUM(scal_t left, scal_t right, scal_t bottom, scal_t top, scal_t near, scal_t far) { scal_t rml = right - left; scal_t rpl = right + left; scal_t tmb = top - bottom; scal_t tpb = top + bottom; scal_t fmn = far - near; scal_t fpn = far + near; scal_t n2 = near * S(2.0); return mat_new(n2/rml, S(0.0), rpl/rml, S(0.0), S(0.0), n2/tmb, tpb/tmb, S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), -fpn/fmn, -n2*far/fmn, S(0.0), S(0.0), S(-1.0), S(0.0)); } /* * Create a perspective projection matrix. */ INLINE_MAYBE mat_t MAT_PERSPECTIVE(scal_t fovy, scal_t aspect, scal_t near, scal_t far) { scal_t top = near * scal_tan(fovy * S(0.5)); scal_t bottom = -top; scal_t left = bottom * aspect; scal_t right = top * aspect; return MAT_FRUSTUM(left, right, bottom, top, near, far); } /* * Create a viewport matrix. */ INLINE_MAYBE mat_t MAT_VIEWPORT(int x, int y, int w, int h) { scal_t xs = (scal_t)x; scal_t ys = (scal_t)y; scal_t ws = (scal_t)w * S(0.5); scal_t hs = (scal_t)h * S(0.5); return mat_new(ws, S(0.0), S(0.0), ws+xs, S(0.0), hs, S(0.0), hs+ys, S(0.0), S(0.0), S(1.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(0.0), S(1.0)); } #endif // _MAT_H_