CS5600 University of Utah Charles McGarvey mcgarvey@eng.utah.edu Project 4 Notes To build, just `make' it. You will need GNU make; it won't work well with any other kind of make(1). Once built, the executable is called rasterize. Caveats: 1. All the mangling to get the data into a form that OpenGL likes happens in the draw function, so it's slow. 2. The shaders do Phong lighting and texture mapping, but only two lights are supported at a time since that's all my laptop can do with the drivers I'm currently using. 3. The PPM importer doesn't handle comments, and the BMP importer is also quite picky about the depth and color space. Of course, importing will fail without any useful explanation. Known to run on: * Linux 3.2.1-gentoo (x86_64)