package Plack::App::Proxy::WebSocket; # ABSTRACT: proxy HTTP and WebSocket connections use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use strict; use AnyEvent::Handle; use AnyEvent::Socket; use HTTP::Headers; use HTTP::Request; use HTTP::Parser::XS qw/parse_http_response HEADERS_AS_ARRAYREF/; use Plack::Request; use URI; use parent 'Plack::App::Proxy'; =head1 SYNOPSIS use Plack::App::Proxy::WebSocket; use Plack::Builder; builder { mount "/" => Plack::App::Proxy::WebSocket->new( remote => "http://localhost:9000/", preserve_host_header => 1, )->to_app; }; =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a subclass of L that adds support for transparent (i.e. reverse) proxying WebSocket connections. If your proxy is a forward proxy that is to be explicitly configured in the system or browser, you may be able to use L instead. This module works by looking for the C header, completing the handshake with the remote, and then buffering full-duplex between the client and the remote. Regular requests are handled by L as usual, though there are a few differences related to the generation of headers for the back-end request; see L for details. This module has no configuration options beyond what L requires or provides, so it may be an easy drop-in replacement. Read the documentation of that module for advanced usage not covered here. Also, you must use a L server that supports C and C. For performance reasons, you should also use a C server (like L) and the L user agent back-end (which is the default, so no extra configuration is needed). This module is B. I use it in development and it works swimmingly for me, but it is completely untested in production scenarios. =head1 CAVEATS L ignores the C HTTP response header from applications and chooses its own value (C or C), but WebSocket clients expect the value of that header to be C. Therefore, WebSocket proxying does not work on L. Your best bet is to use a server that doesn't mess with the C header, like L. =cut sub call { my ($self, $env) = @_; my $req = Plack::Request->new($env); # detect a protocol upgrade handshake or just proxy as usual my $upgrade = $req->header('Upgrade') or return $self->SUPER::call($env); $env->{'psgi.streaming'} or die "Plack server support for psgi.streaming is required"; my $client_fh = $env->{''} or die "Plack server support for the extension is required"; my $url = $self->build_url_from_env($env) or return [502, [], ["Bad Gateway"]]; my $uri = URI->new($url); sub { my $res = shift; # set up an event loop if the server is blocking my $cv; unless ($env->{'psgi.nonblocking'}) { $env->{'psgi.errors'}->print("Plack server support for psgi.nonblocking is highly recommended.\n"); $cv = AE::cv; } tcp_connect $uri->host, $uri->port, sub { my $server_fh = shift; # return 502 if connection to server fails unless ($server_fh) { $res->([502, [], ["Bad Gateway"]]); $cv->send if $cv; return; } my $client = AnyEvent::Handle->new(fh => $client_fh); my $server = AnyEvent::Handle->new(fh => $server_fh); # forward request from the client my $headers = $self->build_headers_from_env($env, $req, $uri); $headers->{Upgrade} = $upgrade; $headers->{Connection} = 'Upgrade'; my $hs = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $uri->path, HTTP::Headers->new(%$headers)); $hs->protocol($req->protocol); $server->push_write($hs->as_string); my $buffer = ""; my $writer; # buffer the exchange between the client and server $client->on_read(sub { my $hdl = shift; my $buf = delete $hdl->{rbuf}; $server->push_write($buf); }); $server->on_read(sub { my $hdl = shift; my $buf = delete $hdl->{rbuf}; return $writer->write($buf) if $writer; $buffer .= $buf; my ($ret, $http_version, $status, $message, $headers) = parse_http_response($buffer, HEADERS_AS_ARRAYREF); $server->push_shutdown if $ret == -2; return if $ret < 0; $headers = [$self->response_headers($headers)] unless $status == 101; $writer = $res->([$status, $headers]); $writer->write(substr($buffer, $ret)); $buffer = undef; }); # shut down the sockets and exit the loop if an error occurs $client->on_error(sub { $client->destroy; $server->push_shutdown; $cv->send if $cv; $writer->close if $writer; }); $server->on_error(sub { $server->destroy; # get the client handle's attention $client->push_shutdown; }); }; $cv->recv if $cv; }; } =method build_headers_from_env Supplement the headers-building logic from L to maintain the complete list of proxies in C and to set the following headers if they are not already set: C to the value of C, C to the value of C, and C to the host and port number of a URI (if given). This is called internally. =cut sub build_headers_from_env { my ($self, $env, $req, $uri) = @_; my $headers = $self->SUPER::build_headers_from_env($env, $req); # if x-forwarded-for already existed, append the remote address; the super # method fails to maintain a list of mutiple proxies if (my $forwarded_for = $env->{HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR}) { $headers->{'X-Forwarded-For'} = "$forwarded_for, $env->{REMOTE_ADDR}"; } # the super method depends on the user agent to add the host header if it # is missing, so set the host if it needs to be set if ($uri && !$headers->{'Host'}) { $headers->{'Host'} = $uri->host_port; } $headers->{'X-Forwarded-Proto'} ||= $env->{'psgi.url_scheme'}; $headers->{'X-Real-IP'} ||= $env->{REMOTE_ADDR}; $headers; } 1;