package Plack::App::Proxy::WebSocket; # ABSTRACT: proxy HTTP and WebSocket connections use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use strict; use AnyEvent::Handle; use AnyEvent::Socket; use HTTP::Request; use HTTP::Response; use Plack::Request; use URI; use parent 'Plack::App::Proxy'; =head1 SYNOPSIS use Plack::App::Proxy::WebSocket; use Plack::Builder; builder { mount "/" => Plack::App::Proxy::WebSocket->new( remote => "http://localhost:9000/", preserve_host_header => 1, )->to_app; }; =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a subclass of L that adds support for proxying WebSocket connections. It has no extra dependencies or configuration options beyond what L requires or provides, so it may be an easy drop-in replacement. Read the documentation of that module for advanced usage not covered by the L. This subclass necessarily requires extra L server features in order to work. The server must support C and C. It is also highly recommended to choose a C server, though that isn't strictly required; performance may suffer greatly without it. L is an excellent choice for this application. This module is B. I use it in development and it works swimmingly for me, but it is completely untested in production scenarios. =head1 CAVEATS Some servers (e.g. L) ignore the C HTTP response header and use their own values, but WebSocket clients expect the value of that header to be C. This module cannot work on such servers. Your best bet is to use a non-blocking server like L that doesn't mess with the C header. =cut sub call { my ($self, $env) = @_; my $req = Plack::Request->new($env); # detect the websocket handshake or just proxy as usual lc($req->header('Upgrade') || "") eq 'websocket' or return $self->SUPER::call($env); $env->{'psgi.streaming'} or die "Plack server support for psgi.streaming is required"; my $client_fh = $env->{''} or die "Plack server support for the extension is required"; my $url = $self->build_url_from_env($env) or return [502, [], ["Bad Gateway"]]; my $uri = URI->new($url); sub { my $res = shift; # set up an event loop if the server is blocking my $cv; unless ($env->{'psgi.nonblocking'}) { $env->{'psgi.errors'}->print("Plack server support for psgi.nonblocking is highly recommended.\n"); $cv = AE::cv; } tcp_connect $uri->host, $uri->port, sub { my $server_fh = shift; # return 502 if connection to server fails unless ($server_fh) { $res->([502, [], ["Bad Gateway"]]); $cv->send if $cv; return; } my $client = AnyEvent::Handle->new(fh => $client_fh); my $server = AnyEvent::Handle->new(fh => $server_fh); # forward request from the client, modifying the host and origin my $headers = $req->headers->clone; my $host = $uri->host_port; $headers->header(Host => $host, Origin => "http://$host"); my $hs = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $uri->path, $headers); $hs->protocol($req->protocol); $server->push_write($hs->as_string); my $buffer = ""; my $writer; # buffer the exchange between the client and server $client->on_read(sub { my $hdl = shift; my $buf = delete $hdl->{rbuf}; $server->push_write($buf); }); $server->on_read(sub { my $hdl = shift; my $buf = delete $hdl->{rbuf}; if ($writer) { $writer->write($buf); return; } if (($buffer .= $buf) =~ s/^(.+\r?\n\r?\n)//s) { my $http = HTTP::Response->parse($1); my @headers; $http->headers->remove_header('Status'); $http->headers->scan(sub { push @headers, @_ }); $writer = $res->([$http->code, [@headers]]); $writer->write($buffer) if $buffer; $buffer = undef; } }); # shut down the sockets and exit the loop if an error occurs $client->on_error(sub { $client->destroy; $server->push_shutdown; $cv->send if $cv; $writer->close if $writer; }); $server->on_error(sub { $server->destroy; # get the client handle's attention $writer->close; }); }; $cv->recv if $cv; }; }; 1;