package HTTP::AnyUA::Backend::AnyEvent::HTTP; # ABSTRACT: A unified programming interface for AnyEvent::HTTP =head1 DESCRIPTION This module adds support for the HTTP client L to be used with the unified programming interface provided by L. If installed, requests will return L rather than L. This allows the use of the C<< ->get >> method to await a result. =head1 SEE ALSO =for :list * L =cut use warnings; use strict; our $VERSION = '9999.999'; # VERSION use parent 'HTTP::AnyUA::Backend'; use Future; use HTTP::AnyUA::Util; my $future_class; BEGIN { $future_class = 'Future'; eval 'use AnyEvent::Future'; ## no critic $future_class = 'AnyEvent::Future' if !$@; } =method options $backend->options(\%options); Get and set default arguments to C. =cut sub options { @_ == 2 ? $_[0]->{options} = pop : $_[0]->{options} } sub response_is_future { 1 } sub request { my $self = shift; my ($method, $url, $args) = @_; my %opts = $self->_munge_request($method, $url, $args); my $future = $future_class->new; require AnyEvent::HTTP; AnyEvent::HTTP::http_request($method => $url, %opts, sub { my $resp = $self->_munge_response(@_, $args->{data_callback}); if ($resp->{success}) { $future->done($resp); } else { $future->fail($resp); } }); return $future; } sub _munge_request { my $self = shift; my $method = shift; my $url = shift; my $args = shift || {}; my %opts = %{$self->options || {}}; if (my $headers = $args->{headers}) { # munge headers my %headers; for my $header (keys %$headers) { my $value = $headers->{$header}; $value = join(', ', @$value) if ref($value) eq 'ARRAY'; $headers{$header} = $value; } $opts{headers} = \%headers; } my @url_parts = HTTP::AnyUA::Util::split_url($url); if (my $auth = $url_parts[4] and !$opts{headers}{'authorization'}) { # handle auth in the URL require MIME::Base64; $opts{headers}{'authorization'} = 'Basic ' . MIME::Base64::encode_base64($auth, ''); } my $content = HTTP::AnyUA::Util::coderef_content_to_string($args->{content}); $opts{body} = $content if $content; if (my $data_cb = $args->{data_callback}) { # stream the response $opts{on_body} = sub { my $data = shift; $data_cb->($data, $self->_munge_response(undef, @_)); 1; # continue }; } return %opts; } sub _munge_response { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; my $headers = shift; my $data_cb = shift; # copy headers because http_request will continue to use the original my %headers = %$headers; my $code = delete $headers{Status}; my $reason = delete $headers{Reason}; my $url = delete $headers{URL}; my $resp = { success => 200 <= $code && $code <= 299, url => $url, status => $code, reason => $reason, headers => \%headers, }; my $version = delete $headers{HTTPVersion}; $resp->{protocol} = "HTTP/$version" if $version; $resp->{content} = $data if $data && !$data_cb; my @redirects; my $redirect = delete $headers{Redirect}; while ($redirect) { # delete pseudo-header first so redirects aren't recursively munged my $next = delete $redirect->[1]{Redirect}; unshift @redirects, $self->_munge_response(@$redirect); $redirect = $next; } $resp->{redirects} = \@redirects if @redirects; if (590 <= $code && $code <= 599) { HTTP::AnyUA::Util::internal_exception($reason, $resp); } return $resp; } 1;