#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use lib 't/lib'; use TestCommon; use Config; use File::KDBX::Key::YubiKey; use Test::More; @ENV{qw(YKCHALRESP YKCHALRESP_FLAGS)} = ($Config{perlpath}, testfile(qw{bin ykchalresp})); @ENV{qw(YKINFO YKINFO_FLAGS)} = ($Config{perlpath}, testfile(qw{bin ykinfo})); { my ($pre, $post); my $key = File::KDBX::Key::YubiKey->new( pre_challenge => sub { ++$pre }, post_challenge => sub { ++$post }, ); my $resp; is exception { $resp = $key->challenge('foo') }, undef, 'Do not throw during non-blocking response'; is $resp, "\xf0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 'Get a non-blocking challenge response'; is length($resp), 20, 'Response is the proper length'; is $pre, 1, 'The pre-challenge callback is called'; is $post, 1, 'The post-challenge callback is called'; } { my $key = File::KDBX::Key::YubiKey->new; local $ENV{YKCHALRESP_MOCK} = 'error'; like exception { $key->challenge('foo') }, qr/Yubikey core error:/i, 'Throw if challenge-response program errored out'; } { my $key = File::KDBX::Key::YubiKey->new; local $ENV{YKCHALRESP_MOCK} = 'usberror'; like exception { $key->challenge('foo') }, qr/USB error:/i, 'Throw if challenge-response program had a USB error'; } { my $key = File::KDBX::Key::YubiKey->new(timeout => 0, device => 3, slot => 2); local $ENV{YKCHALRESP_MOCK} = 'block'; like exception { $key->challenge('foo') }, qr/operation would block/i, 'Throw if challenge would block but we do not want to wait'; $key->timeout(1); like exception { $key->challenge('foo') }, qr/timed out/i, 'Timed out while waiting for response'; $key->timeout(-1); my $resp; is exception { $resp = $key->challenge('foo') }, undef, 'Do not throw during blocking response'; is $resp, "\xf0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 'Get a blocking challenge response'; } { my $key = File::KDBX::Key::YubiKey->new(device => 0, slot => 1); is $key->name, 'YubiKey NEO FIDO v2.0.0 [123] (slot #1)', 'Get name for a new, unscanned key'; is $key->serial, 123, 'We have the serial number of the new key'; } { my ($key, @other) = File::KDBX::Key::YubiKey->scan; is $key->name, 'YubiKey 4/5 OTP v3.0.1 [456] (slot #2)', 'Find expected YubiKey'; is $key->serial, 456, 'We have the serial number of the scanned key'; is scalar @other, 0, 'Do not find any other YubiKeys'; } { local $ENV{YKCHALRESP} = testfile(qw{bin nonexistent}); local $ENV{YKCHALRESP_FLAGS} = undef; my $key = File::KDBX::Key::YubiKey->new; like exception { $key->challenge('foo') }, qr/failed to run|failed to receive challenge response/i, 'Throw if the program failed to run'; } done_testing;