#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use lib 't/lib'; use TestCommon; use File::KDBX::Entry; use File::KDBX::Util qw(:uuid); use File::KDBX; use Test::Deep; use Test::More; subtest 'Cloning' => sub { my $kdbx = File::KDBX->new; my $entry = File::KDBX::Entry->new; my $copy = $entry->clone; like exception { $copy->kdbx }, qr/disconnected/, 'Disconnected entry copy is also disconnectedisconnected'; cmp_deeply $copy, $entry, 'Disconnected entry and its clone are identical'; $entry->kdbx($kdbx); $copy = $entry->clone; is $entry->kdbx, $copy->kdbx, 'Connected entry copy is also connected'; cmp_deeply $copy, $entry, 'Connected entry and its clone are identical'; my $txn = $entry->begin_work; $entry->title('foo'); $entry->username('bar'); $entry->password('baz'); $txn->commit; $copy = $entry->clone; is @{$copy->history}, 1, 'Copy has a historical entry' or dumper $copy->history; cmp_deeply $copy, $entry, 'Entry with history and its clone are identical'; $copy = $entry->clone(history => 0); is @{$copy->history}, 0, 'Copy excluding history has no history'; $copy = $entry->clone(new_uuid => 1); isnt $copy->uuid, $entry->uuid, 'Entry copy with new UUID has a different UUID'; $copy = $entry->clone(reference_username => 1); my $ref = sprintf('{REF:U@I:%s}', format_uuid($entry->uuid)); is $copy->username, $ref, 'Copy has username reference'; is $copy->expanded_username, $ref, 'Entry copy does not expand username because entry is not in database'; my $group = $kdbx->add_group(label => 'Passwords'); $group->add_entry($entry); is $copy->expanded_username, $entry->username, 'Entry in database and its copy with username ref have same expanded username'; $copy = $entry->clone; is $kdbx->entries->size, 1, 'Still only one entry after cloning'; $copy = $entry->clone(parent => 1); is $kdbx->entries->size, 2, 'New copy added to database if clone with parent option'; my ($e1, $e2) = $kdbx->entries->each; isnt $e1, $e2, 'Entry and its copy in the database are different objects'; is $e1->title, $e2->title, 'Entry copy has the same title as the original entry'; $copy = $entry->clone(parent => 1, relabel => 1); is $kdbx->entries->size, 3, 'New copy added to database if clone with parent option'; my $e3 = $kdbx->entries->skip(2)->next; is $e3, $copy, 'New copy and new entry in the database match'; is $e3->title, 'foo - Copy', 'New copy has a modified title'; $copy = $group->clone; cmp_deeply $copy, $group, 'Group and its clone are identical'; is @{$copy->entries}, 3, 'Group copy has as many entries as the original'; is @{$copy->entries->[0]->history}, 1, 'Entry in group copy has history'; $copy = $group->clone(history => 0); is @{$copy->entries}, 3, 'Group copy without history has as many entries as the original'; is @{$copy->entries->[0]->history}, 0, 'Entry in group copy has no history'; $copy = $group->clone(entries => 0); is @{$copy->entries}, 0, 'Group copy without entries has no entries'; is $copy->name, 'Passwords', 'Group copy label is the same as the original'; $copy = $group->clone(relabel => 1); is $copy->name, 'Passwords - Copy', 'Group copy relabeled from the original title'; is $kdbx->entries->size, 3, 'No new entries were added to the database'; $copy = $group->clone(relabel => 1, parent => 1); is $kdbx->entries->size, 6, 'Copy a group within parent doubles the number of entries in the database'; isnt $group->entries->[0]->uuid, $copy->entries->[0]->uuid, 'First entry in group and its copy are different'; }; subtest 'Transactions' => sub { my $kdbx = File::KDBX->new; my $root = $kdbx->root; my $entry = $kdbx->add_entry( label => 'One', last_modification_time => Time::Piece->strptime('2022-04-20', '%Y-%m-%d'), username => 'Fred', ); my $txn = $root->begin_work; $root->label('Toor'); $root->notes(''); $txn->commit; is $root->label, 'Toor', 'Retain change to root label after commit'; $root->begin_work; $root->label('Root'); $entry->label('Zap'); $root->rollback; is $root->label, 'Toor', 'Undo change to root label after rollback'; is $entry->label, 'Zap', 'Retain change to entry after rollback'; $txn = $root->begin_work(entries => 1); $root->label('Root'); $entry->label('Zippy'); undef $txn; # implicit rollback is $root->label, 'Toor', 'Undo change to root label after implicit rollback'; is $entry->label, 'Zap', 'Undo change to entry after rollback with deep transaction'; $txn = $entry->begin_work; my $mtime = $entry->last_modification_time; my $username = $entry->string('UserName'); $username->{meh} = 'hi'; $entry->username('jinx'); $txn->rollback; is $entry->string('UserName'), $username, 'Rollback keeps original references'; is $entry->last_modification_time, $mtime, 'No last modification time change after rollback'; $txn = $entry->begin_work; $entry->username('jinx'); $txn->commit; isnt $entry->last_modification_time, $mtime, 'Last modification time changes after commit'; { my $txn1 = $root->begin_work; $root->label('alien'); { my $txn2 = $root->begin_work; $root->label('truth'); $txn2->commit; } } is $root->label, 'Toor', 'Changes thrown away after rolling back outer transaction'; { my $txn1 = $root->begin_work; $root->label('alien'); { my $txn2 = $root->begin_work; $root->label('truth'); } $txn1->commit; } is $root->label, 'alien', 'Keep committed change after rolling back inner transaction'; { my $txn1 = $root->begin_work; $root->label('alien'); { my $txn2 = $root->begin_work; $root->label('truth'); $txn2->commit; } $txn1->commit; } is $root->label, 'truth', 'Keep committed change from inner transaction'; $txn = $root->begin_work; $root->label('Lalala'); my $dump = $kdbx->dump_string('a'); $txn->commit; is $root->label, 'Lalala', 'Keep committed label change after dump'; my $load = File::KDBX->load_string($dump, 'a'); is $load->root->label, 'truth', 'Object dumped before committing matches the pre-transaction state'; }; done_testing;