#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use lib 't/lib'; use TestCommon; use Crypt::Digest qw(digest_data); use Crypt::PRNG qw(random_bytes); use Crypt::Misc qw(decode_b64); use File::KDBX::Key; use File::KDBX::Util qw(:erase :load); use File::KDBX; use IO::Handle; use List::Util qw(max); use POSIX (); use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); use Scope::Guard; use Test::More 1.001004_001; BEGIN { if (!$ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING}) { plan skip_all => 'AUTHOR_TESTING required to test memory protection'; exit; } if (!can_fork || !try_load_optional('POSIX::1003')) { plan skip_all => 'fork and POSIX::1003 required to test memory protection'; exit; } POSIX::1003->import(':rlimit'); } my $BLOCK_SIZE = 8196; -e 'core' && die "Remove or move the core dump!\n"; my $cleanup = Scope::Guard->new(sub { unlink('core') }); my ($cur, $max, $success) = getrlimit('RLIMIT_CORE'); $success or die "getrlimit failed: $!\n"; if ($cur < 1<<16) { setrlimit('RLIMIT_CORE', RLIM_INFINITY, RLIM_INFINITY) or die "setrlimit failed: $!\n"; } my $SECRET = 'c3VwZXJjYWxpZnJhZ2lsaXN0aWM='; my $SECRET_SHA256 = 'y1cOWidI80n5EZQx24NrOiP9tlca/uNMBDLYciDyQxs='; for my $test ( { test => 'secret in scope', run => sub { my $secret = decode_b64($SECRET); dump_core(); }, strings => [ $SECRET => 1, ], }, { test => 'erased secret', run => sub { my $secret = decode_b64($SECRET); erase $secret; dump_core(); }, strings => [ $SECRET => 0, ], }, { test => 'Key password', run => sub { my $password = decode_b64($SECRET); my $key = File::KDBX::Key->new($password); erase $password; dump_core(); }, strings => [ $SECRET => 0, ], }, { test => 'Key password, raw key shown', run => sub { my $password = decode_b64($SECRET); my $key = File::KDBX::Key->new($password); erase $password; $key->show; dump_core(); }, strings => [ $SECRET => 0, $SECRET_SHA256 => 1, ], }, { test => 'Key password, raw key hidden', run => sub { my $password = decode_b64($SECRET); my $key = File::KDBX::Key->new($password); erase $password; $key->show->hide for 0..500; dump_core(); }, strings => [ $SECRET => 0, $SECRET_SHA256 => 0, ], }, { test => 'protected strings and keys', run => sub { my $kdbx = File::KDBX->load(testfile('MemoryProtection.kdbx'), 'masterpw'); dump_core(); }, strings => [ 'TXkgcGFzc3dvcmQgaXMgYSBzZWNyZXQgdG8gZXZlcnlvbmUu' => 0, # Password 'QSB0cmVhc3VyZSBtYXAgaXMgb24gdGhlIGJhY2sgb2YgdGhlIERlY2xhcmF0aW9uIG9mIEluZGVwZW5kZW5jZS4=' => 0, # Secret A: 'SmVmZnJleSBFcHN0ZWluIGRpZG4ndCBraWxsIGhpbXNlbGYu' => 0, # Secret B 'c3VwZXJjYWxpZnJhZ2lsaXN0aWNleHBpYWxpZG9jaW91cw==' => 1, # Nonsecret 'SlHA3Eyhomr/UQ6vznWMRZtxlrqIm/tM3qVZv7G31DU=' => 0, # Final key 'LuVqNfGluvLPcg2W699/Q6WGxIztX7Jvw0ONwQEi/Jc=' => 0, # Transformed key # HMAC key: 'kDEMVEcGR32UXTwG8j3SxsfdF+l124Ni6iHeogCWGd2z0KSG5PosDTloxC0zg7Ucn2CNR6f2wpgzcVGKmDNFCA==' => 0, # Inner random stream key: 'SwJSukmQdZKpHm8PywqLu1EHfUzS/gyJsg61Cm74YeRJeOpDlFblbVd5d4p+lU2/7Q28Vk4j/E2RRMC81DXdUw==' => 1, 'RREzJd4fKHtFkjRIi+xucGPW2q+mov+LRWL4RkPql7Y=' => 1, # Random stream key (actual) ], }, { test => 'inner random stream key replaced', run => sub { my $kdbx = File::KDBX->load(testfile('MemoryProtection.kdbx'), 'masterpw'); $kdbx->inner_random_stream_key("\1" x 64); dump_core(); }, strings => [ # Inner random stream key: # FIXME - there is second copy of this key somewhere... in another SvPV? 'SwJSukmQdZKpHm8PywqLu1EHfUzS/gyJsg61Cm74YeRJeOpDlFblbVd5d4p+lU2/7Q28Vk4j/E2RRMC81DXdUw==' => undef, ], }, { test => 'protected strings revealed', run => sub { my $kdbx = File::KDBX->load(testfile('MemoryProtection.kdbx'), 'masterpw'); $kdbx->unlock; dump_core(); }, strings => [ 'TXkgcGFzc3dvcmQgaXMgYSBzZWNyZXQgdG8gZXZlcnlvbmUu' => 1, # Password # Secret A: 'QSB0cmVhc3VyZSBtYXAgaXMgb24gdGhlIGJhY2sgb2YgdGhlIERlY2xhcmF0aW9uIG9mIEluZGVwZW5kZW5jZS4=' => 1, 'SmVmZnJleSBFcHN0ZWluIGRpZG4ndCBraWxsIGhpbXNlbGYu' => 1, # Secret B 'c3VwZXJjYWxpZnJhZ2lsaXN0aWNleHBpYWxpZG9jaW91cw==' => 1, # Nonsecret 'RREzJd4fKHtFkjRIi+xucGPW2q+mov+LRWL4RkPql7Y=' => 0, # Random stream key (actual) ], }, { test => 'protected strings previously-revealed', run => sub { my $kdbx = File::KDBX->load(testfile('MemoryProtection.kdbx'), 'masterpw'); $kdbx->unlock; $kdbx->lock; dump_core(); }, strings => [ 'TXkgcGFzc3dvcmQgaXMgYSBzZWNyZXQgdG8gZXZlcnlvbmUu' => 0, # Password # Secret A: 'QSB0cmVhc3VyZSBtYXAgaXMgb24gdGhlIGJhY2sgb2YgdGhlIERlY2xhcmF0aW9uIG9mIEluZGVwZW5kZW5jZS4=' => 0, 'SmVmZnJleSBFcHN0ZWluIGRpZG4ndCBraWxsIGhpbXNlbGYu' => 0, # Secret B 'c3VwZXJjYWxpZnJhZ2lsaXN0aWNleHBpYWxpZG9jaW91cw==' => 1, # Nonsecret 'RREzJd4fKHtFkjRIi+xucGPW2q+mov+LRWL4RkPql7Y=' => 0, # Random stream key (actual) ], }, ) { my ($description, $run, $strings) = @$test{qw(test run strings)}; subtest "Dump core with $description" => sub { my @strings = @_; my $num_strings = @strings / 2; plan tests => 2 + $num_strings * 2; my (@encoded_strings, @expected); while (@strings) { my ($string, $expected) = splice @strings, 0, 2; push @encoded_strings, $string; push @expected, $expected; } my ($dumped, $has_core, @matches) = run_test($run, @encoded_strings); ok $dumped, 'Test process signaled that it core-dumped'; ok $has_core, 'Found core dump' or return; note sprintf('core dump is %.1f MiB', (-s 'core')/1048576); for (my $i = 1; $i <= $num_strings; ++$i) { my $count = $matches[$i - 1]; my $string = $encoded_strings[$i - 1]; my $expected = $expected[$i - 1]; ok defined $count, "[#$i] Got result from test environment"; TODO: { local $TODO = 'Unprotected memory!' if !defined $expected; if ($expected) { ok 0 < $count, "[#$i] String FOUND" or diag "Found $count copies of string #$i\nString: $string"; } else { is $count, 0, "[#$i] String MISSING" or diag "Found $count copies of string #$i\nString: $string"; } } } }, @$strings; } done_testing; exit; ############################################################################## sub dump_core { kill 'QUIT', $$ } sub file_grep { my $filepath = shift; my @strings = @_; my $counter = 0; my %counts = map { $_ => $counter++ } @strings; my @counts = map { 0 } @strings; my $pattern = join('|', map { quotemeta($_) } @strings); my $overlap = (max map { length } @strings) - 1; open(my $fh, '<:raw', $filepath) or die "open failed: $!\n"; my $previous; while (read $fh, my $block, $BLOCK_SIZE) { substr($block, 0, 0, substr($previous, -$overlap)) if defined $previous; while ($block =~ /($pattern)/gs) { ++$counts[$counts{$1}]; } $previous = substr($block, $overlap); } die "read error: $!" if $fh->error; return @counts; } sub run_test { my $code = shift; my @strings = @_; my $seed = random_bytes(32); pipe(my $read, my $write) or die "pipe failed: $!\n"; defined(my $pid = fork) or die "fork failed: $!\n"; if (!$pid) { # child close($read); my $exit_status = run_doomed_child($code, $seed); my $dumped = $exit_status & 127 && $exit_status & 128; my @decoded_strings = map { decode_b64($_) } @strings; my @matches = file_grep('core', @decoded_strings); print $write join('|', $dumped, -f 'core' ? 1 : 0, @matches); close($write); POSIX::_exit(0); } close($write); my $results = do { local $/; <$read> }; waitpid($pid, 0); my $exit_status = $? >> 8; $exit_status == 0 or die "test environment exited non-zero: $exit_status\n"; return split(/\|/, $results); } sub run_doomed_child { my $code = shift; my $seed = shift; unlink('core') or die "unlink failed: $!\n" if -f 'core'; defined(my $pid = fork) or die "fork failed: $!\n"; if (!$pid) { # child $code->(); dump_core(); # doomed POSIX::_exit(1); # paranoid } waitpid($pid, 0); return $?; }