package File::KDBX::Object; # ABSTRACT: A KDBX database object use warnings; use strict; use Devel::GlobalDestruction; use File::KDBX::Error; use File::KDBX::Util qw(:uuid); use Ref::Util qw(is_arrayref is_plain_hashref is_ref); use Scalar::Util qw(blessed refaddr weaken); use namespace::clean; our $VERSION = '999.999'; # VERSION my %KDBX; =method new $object = File::KDBX::Entry->new; $object = File::KDBX::Entry->new(%attributes); $object = File::KDBX::Entry->new($data); $object = File::KDBX::Entry->new($data, $kdbx); Construct a new KDBX object. There is a subtlety to take note of. There is a significant difference between: File::KDBX::Entry->new(username => 'iambatman'); and: File::KDBX::Entry->new({username => 'iambatman'}); # WRONG In the first, an empty entry is first created and then initialized with whatever I are given. In the second, a hashref is blessed and essentially becomes the entry. The significance is that the hashref key-value pairs will remain as-is so the structure is expected to adhere to the shape of a raw B, whereas with the first the attributes will set the structure in the correct way (just like using the entry object accessors / getters / setters). The second example isn't I wrong -- this type of construction is supported for a reason, to allow for working with KDBX objects at a low level -- but it is wrong in this specific case only because C<< {username => $str} >> isn't a valid raw KDBX entry object. The L attribute is really a proxy for the C string, so the equivalent raw entry object should be C<< {strings => {UserName => {value => $str}}} >>. These are roughly equivalent: File::KDBX::Entry->new(username => 'iambatman'); File::KDBX::Entry->new({strings => {UserName => {value => 'iambatman'}}}); If this explanation went over your head, that's fine. Just stick with the attributes since they are typically easier to use correctly and provide the most convenience. If in the future you think of some kind of KDBX object manipulation you want to do that isn't supported by the accessors and methods, just know you I access an object's data directly. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; # copy constructor return $_[0]->clone if @_ == 1 && blessed $_[0] && $_[0]->isa($class); my $data; $data = shift if is_plain_hashref($_[0]); my $kdbx; $kdbx = shift if @_ % 2 == 1; my %args = @_; $args{kdbx} //= $kdbx if defined $kdbx; my $self = bless $data // {}, $class; $self->init(%args); $self->_set_default_attributes if !$data; return $self; } sub init { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; while (my ($key, $val) = each %args) { if (my $method = $self->can($key)) { $self->$method($val); } } return $self; } sub DESTROY { return if in_global_destruction; my $self = shift; delete $KDBX{refaddr($self)}; } =method wrap $object = File::KDBX::Object->wrap($object); Ensure that a KDBX object is blessed. =cut sub wrap { my $class = shift; my $object = shift; return $object if blessed $object && $object->isa($class); return $class->new(@_, @$object) if is_arrayref($object); return $class->new($object, @_); } =method label $label = $object->label; $object->label($label); Get or set the object's label, a text string that can act as a non-unique identifier. For an entry, the label is its title. For a group, the label is its name. =cut sub label { die "Not implemented" } =method clone $object_copy = $object->clone; $object_copy = File::KDBX::Object->new($object); Make a clone of an entry. By default the clone is indeed an exact copy that is associated with the same database but not actually included in the object tree (i.e. it has no parent), but some options are allowed to get different effects: =for :list * C - Set a new UUID; value can be the new UUID, truthy to generate a random UUID, or falsy to keep the original UUID (default: same value as C) * C - If set, add the copy to the same parent (default: false) * C - If set, change the name or title of the copy to "C<$original_title> - Copy". * C - Toggle whether or not to copy child entries, if any (default: true) * C - Toggle whether or not to copy child groups, if any (default: true) * C - Toggle whether or not to copy the entry history, if any (default: true) * C - Toggle whether or not cloned entry's Password string should be set to a reference to their original entry's Password string. * C - Toggle whether or not cloned entry's UserName string should be set to a reference to their original entry's UserName string. =cut my %CLONE = (entries => 1, groups => 1, history => 1); sub clone { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; local $CLONE{new_uuid} = $args{new_uuid} // $args{parent} // 0; local $CLONE{entries} = $args{entries} // 1; local $CLONE{groups} = $args{groups} // 1; local $CLONE{history} = $args{history} // 1; local $CLONE{reference_password} = $args{reference_password} // 0; local $CLONE{reference_username} = $args{reference_username} // 0; require Storable; my $copy = Storable::dclone($self); if ($args{relabel} and my $label = $self->label) { $copy->label("$label - Copy"); } if ($args{parent} and my $parent = $self->parent) { $parent->add_object($copy); } return $copy; } sub STORABLE_freeze { my $self = shift; my $cloning = shift; my $copy = {%$self}; delete $copy->{entries} if !$CLONE{entries}; delete $copy->{groups} if !$CLONE{groups}; delete $copy->{history} if !$CLONE{history}; return refaddr($self) || '', $copy; } sub STORABLE_thaw { my $self = shift; my $cloning = shift; my $addr = shift; my $clone = shift; @$self{keys %$clone} = values %$clone; my $kdbx = $KDBX{$addr}; $self->kdbx($kdbx) if $kdbx; if ($self->{uuid}) { if (($CLONE{reference_password} || $CLONE{reference_username}) && $self->isa('File::KDBX::Entry')) { my $uuid = format_uuid($self->{uuid}); my $clone_obj = do { local $CLONE{new_uuid} = 0; local $CLONE{entries} = 1; local $CLONE{groups} = 1; local $CLONE{history} = 1; local $CLONE{reference_password} = 0; local $CLONE{reference_username} = 0; bless Storable::dclone({%$clone}), 'File::KDBX::Entry'; }; my $txn = $self->begin_work($clone_obj); if ($CLONE{reference_password}) { $self->password("{REF:P\@I:$uuid}"); } if ($CLONE{reference_username}) { $self->username("{REF:U\@I:$uuid}"); } $txn->commit; } $self->uuid(generate_uuid) if $CLONE{new_uuid}; } } =attr kdbx $kdbx = $object->kdbx; $object->kdbx($kdbx); Get or set the L instance associated with this object. =cut sub kdbx { my $self = shift; $self = $self->new if !ref $self; my $addr = refaddr($self); if (@_) { $KDBX{$addr} = shift; if (defined $KDBX{$addr}) { weaken $KDBX{$addr}; } else { delete $KDBX{$addr}; } } $KDBX{$addr} or throw 'Object is disassociated from a KDBX database', object => $self; } =method id $string_uuid = $object->id; $string_uuid = $object->id($delimiter); Get the unique identifier for this object as a B UUID string, typically for display purposes. You could use this to compare with other identifiers formatted with the same delimiter, but it is more efficient to use the raw UUID for that purpose (see L). A delimiter can optionally be provided to break up the UUID string visually. See L. =cut sub id { format_uuid(shift->uuid, @_) } =method group $group = $object->group; Get the parent group to which an object belongs or C if it belongs to no group. Alias: C =cut sub group { my $self = shift; my $lineage = $self->kdbx->trace_lineage($self) or return; return pop @$lineage; } sub parent { shift->group(@_) } =method remove $object = $object->remove; Remove the object from the database. If the object is a group, all contained objects are removed as well. =cut sub remove { my $self = shift; my $parent = $self->parent; $parent->remove_object($self) if $parent; return $self; } =method tag_list @tags = $entry->tag_list; Get a list of tags, split from L using delimiters C<,>, C<.>, C<:>, C<;> and whitespace. =cut sub tag_list { my $self = shift; return grep { $_ ne '' } split(/[,\.:;]|\s+/, trim($self->tags) // ''); } =method custom_icon $image_data = $object->custom_icon; $image_data = $object->custom_icon($image_data, %attributes); Get or set an icon image. Returns C if there is no custom icon set. Setting a custom icon will change the L attribute. Custom icon attributes (supported in KDBX4.1 and greater): =for :list * C - Name of the icon (text) * C - Just what it says (datetime) =cut sub custom_icon { my $self = shift; my $kdbx = $self->kdbx; if (@_) { my $img = shift; my $uuid = defined $img ? $kdbx->add_custom_icon($img, @_) : undef; $self->icon_id(0) if $uuid; $self->custom_icon_uuid($uuid); return $img; } return $kdbx->custom_icon_data($self->custom_icon_uuid); } =method custom_data \%all_data = $object->custom_data; $object->custom_data(\%all_data); \%data = $object->custom_data($key); $object->custom_data($key => \%data); $object->custom_data(%data); $object->custom_data(key => $value, %data); Get and set custom data. Custom data is metadata associated with an object. Each data item can have a few attributes associated with it. =for :list * C - A unique text string identifier used to look up the data item (required) * C - A text string value (required) * C (optional, KDBX4.1+) =cut sub custom_data { my $self = shift; $self->{custom_data} = shift if @_ == 1 && is_plain_hashref($_[0]); return $self->{custom_data} //= {} if !@_; my %args = @_ == 2 ? (key => shift, value => shift) : @_ % 2 == 1 ? (key => shift, @_) : @_; if (!$args{key} && !$args{value}) { my %standard = (key => 1, value => 1, last_modification_time => 1); my @other_keys = grep { !$standard{$_} } keys %args; if (@other_keys == 1) { my $key = $args{key} = $other_keys[0]; $args{value} = delete $args{$key}; } } my $key = $args{key} or throw 'Must provide a custom_data key to access'; return $self->{custom_data}{$key} = $args{value} if is_plain_hashref($args{value}); while (my ($field, $value) = each %args) { $self->{custom_data}{$key}{$field} = $value; } return $self->{custom_data}{$key}; } =method custom_data_value $value = $object->custom_data_value($key); Exactly the same as L except returns just the custom data's value rather than a structure of attributes. This is a shortcut for: my $data = $object->custom_data($key); my $value = defined $data ? $data->{value} : undef; =cut sub custom_data_value { my $self = shift; my $data = $self->custom_data(@_) // return undef; return $data->{value}; } 1; __END__ =head1 DESCRIPTION KDBX is an object database. This abstract class represents an object. You should not use this class directly but instead use its subclasses: =for :list * L * L There is some functionality shared by both types of objects, and that's what this class provides. =cut