package File::KDBX::Loader::KDB; # ABSTRACT: Read KDB files use warnings; use strict; use Encode qw(encode); use File::KDBX::Constants qw(:header :cipher :random_stream :icon); use File::KDBX::Error; use File::KDBX::Util qw(:class :empty :io :uuid load_optional); use File::KDBX; use Ref::Util qw(is_arrayref is_hashref); use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); use Time::Piece; use boolean; use namespace::clean; extends 'File::KDBX::Loader'; our $VERSION = '999.999'; # VERSION my $DEFAULT_EXPIRATION = Time::Piece->new(32503677839); # 2999-12-31 23:59:59 sub _read_headers { '' } sub _read_body { my $self = shift; my $fh = shift; my $key = shift; my $buf = shift; load_optional('File::KeePass'); $buf .= do { local $/; <$fh> }; $key = $self->kdbx->composite_key($key, keep_primitive => 1); my $k = eval { File::KeePass->new->parse_db(\$buf, _convert_kdbx_to_keepass_master_key($key)) }; if (my $err = $@) { throw 'Failed to parse KDB file', error => $err; } $k->unlock; $self->kdbx->key($key); return convert_keepass_to_kdbx($k, $self->kdbx); } # This is also used by File::KDBX::Dumper::KDB. sub _convert_kdbx_to_keepass_master_key { my $key = shift; my @keys = @{$key->keys}; if (@keys == 1 && !$keys[0]->can('filepath')) { return [encode('CP-1252', $keys[0]->{primitive})]; # just a password } elsif (@keys == 1) { return [undef, \$keys[0]->raw_key]; # just a keyfile } elsif (@keys == 2 && !$keys[0]->can('filepath') && $keys[1]->can('filepath')) { return [encode('CP-1252', $keys[0]->{primitive}), \$keys[1]->raw_key]; } throw 'Cannot use this key to load a KDB file', key => $key; } =func convert_keepass_to_kdbx $kdbx = convert_keepass_to_kdbx($keepass); $kdbx = convert_keepass_to_kdbx($keepass, $kdbx); Convert a L to a L. =cut sub convert_keepass_to_kdbx { my $k = shift; my $kdbx = shift // File::KDBX->new; $kdbx->{headers} //= {}; _convert_keepass_to_kdbx_headers($k->{header}, $kdbx); my @groups = @{$k->{groups} || []}; if (@groups == 1) { $kdbx->{root} = _convert_keepass_to_kdbx_group($k->{groups}[0]); } elsif (1 < @groups) { my $root = $kdbx->{root} = {%{File::KDBX->_implicit_root}}; for my $group (@groups) { push @{$root->{groups} //= []}, _convert_keepass_to_kdbx_group($group); } } $kdbx->entries ->grep({ title => 'Meta-Info', username => 'SYSTEM', url => '$', icon_id => 0, -nonempty => 'notes', }) ->each(sub { _read_meta_stream($kdbx, $_); $_->remove(signal => 0); }); return $kdbx; } sub _read_meta_stream { my $kdbx = shift; my $entry = shift; my $type = $entry->notes; my $data = $entry->binary_value('bin-stream'); open(my $fh, '<', \$data) or throw "Failed to open memory buffer for reading: $!"; if ($type eq 'KPX_GROUP_TREE_STATE') { read_all $fh, my $buf, 4 or goto PARSE_ERROR; my ($num) = unpack('L<', $buf); $num * 5 + 4 == length($data) or goto PARSE_ERROR; for (my $i = 0; $i < $num; ++$i) { read_all $fh, $buf, 5 or goto PARSE_ERROR; my ($group_id, $expanded) = unpack('L< C', $buf); my $uuid = _decode_uuid($group_id) // next; my $group = $kdbx->groups->grep({uuid => $uuid})->next; $group->is_expanded($expanded) if $group; } } elsif ($type eq 'KPX_CUSTOM_ICONS_4') { read_all $fh, my $buf, 12 or goto PARSE_ERROR; my ($num_icons, $num_entries, $num_groups) = unpack('L<3', $buf); my @icons; for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_icons; ++$i) { read_all $fh, $buf, 4 or goto PARSE_ERROR; my ($icon_size) = unpack('L<', $buf); read_all $fh, $buf, $icon_size or goto PARSE_ERROR; my $uuid = $kdbx->add_custom_icon($buf); push @icons, $uuid; } for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_entries; ++$i) { read_all $fh, $buf, 20 or goto PARSE_ERROR; my ($uuid, $icon_index) = unpack('a16 L<', $buf); next if !$icons[$icon_index]; my $entry = $kdbx->entries->grep({uuid => $uuid})->next; $entry->custom_icon_uuid($icons[$icon_index]) if $entry; } for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_groups; ++$i) { read_all $fh, $buf, 8 or goto PARSE_ERROR; my ($group_id, $icon_index) = unpack('L<2', $buf); next if !$icons[$icon_index]; my $uuid = _decode_uuid($group_id) // next; my $group = $kdbx->groups->grep({uuid => $uuid})->next; $group->custom_icon_uuid($icons[$icon_index]) if $group; } } else { alert "Ignoring unknown meta stream: $type\n", type => $type; return; } return; PARSE_ERROR: alert "Ignoring unparsable meta stream: $type\n", type => $type; } sub _convert_keepass_to_kdbx_headers { my $from = shift; my $kdbx = shift; my $headers = $kdbx->{headers} //= {}; my $meta = $kdbx->{meta} //= {}; $kdbx->{sig1} = $from->{sig1}; $kdbx->{sig2} = $from->{sig2}; $kdbx->{version} = $from->{vers}; my %enc_type = ( rijndael => CIPHER_UUID_AES256, aes => CIPHER_UUID_AES256, twofish => CIPHER_UUID_TWOFISH, chacha20 => CIPHER_UUID_CHACHA20, salsa20 => CIPHER_UUID_SALSA20, serpent => CIPHER_UUID_SERPENT, ); my $cipher_uuid = $enc_type{$from->{cipher} || ''} // $enc_type{$from->{enc_type} || ''}; my %protected_stream = ( rc4 => STREAM_ID_RC4_VARIANT, salsa20 => STREAM_ID_SALSA20, chacha20 => STREAM_ID_CHACHA20, ); my $protected_stream_id = $protected_stream{$from->{protected_stream} || ''} || STREAM_ID_SALSA20; $headers->{+HEADER_COMMENT} = $from->{comment}; $headers->{+HEADER_CIPHER_ID} = $cipher_uuid if $cipher_uuid; $headers->{+HEADER_MASTER_SEED} = $from->{seed_rand}; $headers->{+HEADER_COMPRESSION_FLAGS} = $from->{compression} // 0; $headers->{+HEADER_TRANSFORM_SEED} = $from->{seed_key}; $headers->{+HEADER_TRANSFORM_ROUNDS} = $from->{rounds}; $headers->{+HEADER_ENCRYPTION_IV} = $from->{enc_iv}; $headers->{+HEADER_INNER_RANDOM_STREAM_ID} = $protected_stream_id; $headers->{+HEADER_INNER_RANDOM_STREAM_KEY} = $from->{protected_stream_key}; $headers->{+HEADER_STREAM_START_BYTES} = $from->{start_bytes} // ''; # TODO for KeePass 1 files these are all not available. Leave undefined or set default values? $meta->{memory_protection}{protect_notes} = boolean($from->{protect_notes}); $meta->{memory_protection}{protect_password} = boolean($from->{protect_password}); $meta->{memory_protection}{protect_username} = boolean($from->{protect_username}); $meta->{memory_protection}{protect_url} = boolean($from->{protect_url}); $meta->{memory_protection}{protect_title} = boolean($from->{protect_title}); $meta->{generator} = $from->{generator} // ''; $meta->{header_hash} = $from->{header_hash}; $meta->{database_name} = $from->{database_name} // ''; $meta->{database_name_changed} = _decode_datetime($from->{database_name_changed}); $meta->{database_description} = $from->{database_description} // ''; $meta->{database_description_changed} = _decode_datetime($from->{database_description_changed}); $meta->{default_username} = $from->{default_user_name} // ''; $meta->{default_username_changed} = _decode_datetime($from->{default_user_name_changed}); $meta->{maintenance_history_days} = $from->{maintenance_history_days}; $meta->{color} = $from->{color}; $meta->{master_key_changed} = _decode_datetime($from->{master_key_changed}); $meta->{master_key_change_rec} = $from->{master_key_change_rec}; $meta->{master_key_change_force} = $from->{master_key_change_force}; $meta->{recycle_bin_enabled} = boolean($from->{recycle_bin_enabled}); $meta->{recycle_bin_uuid} = $from->{recycle_bin_uuid}; $meta->{recycle_bin_changed} = _decode_datetime($from->{recycle_bin_changed}); $meta->{entry_templates_group} = $from->{entry_templates_group}; $meta->{entry_templates_group_changed} = _decode_datetime($from->{entry_templates_group_changed}); $meta->{last_selected_group} = $from->{last_selected_group}; $meta->{last_top_visible_group} = $from->{last_top_visible_group}; $meta->{history_max_items} = $from->{history_max_items}; $meta->{history_max_size} = $from->{history_max_size}; $meta->{settings_changed} = _decode_datetime($from->{settings_changed}); while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$from->{custom_icons} || {}}) { push @{$meta->{custom_icons} //= []}, {uuid => $key, data => $value}; } while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$from->{custom_data} || {}}) { $meta->{custom_data}{$key} = {value => $value}; } return $kdbx; } sub _convert_keepass_to_kdbx_group { my $from = shift; my $to = shift // {}; my %args = @_; $to->{times}{last_access_time} = _decode_datetime($from->{accessed}); $to->{times}{usage_count} = $from->{usage_count} || 0; $to->{times}{expiry_time} = _decode_datetime($from->{expires}, $DEFAULT_EXPIRATION); $to->{times}{expires} = defined $from->{expires_enabled} ? boolean($from->{expires_enabled}) : boolean($to->{times}{expiry_time} <= gmtime); $to->{times}{creation_time} = _decode_datetime($from->{created}); $to->{times}{last_modification_time} = _decode_datetime($from->{modified}); $to->{times}{location_changed} = _decode_datetime($from->{location_changed}); $to->{notes} = $from->{notes} // ''; $to->{uuid} = _decode_uuid($from->{id}); $to->{is_expanded} = boolean($from->{expanded}); $to->{icon_id} = $from->{icon} // ICON_FOLDER; $to->{name} = $from->{title} // ''; $to->{default_auto_type_sequence} = $from->{auto_type_default} // ''; $to->{enable_auto_type} = _decode_tristate($from->{auto_type_enabled}); $to->{enable_searching} = _decode_tristate($from->{enable_searching}); $to->{groups} = []; $to->{entries} = []; if (!$args{shallow}) { for my $group (@{$from->{groups} || []}) { push @{$to->{groups}}, _convert_keepass_to_kdbx_group($group); } for my $entry (@{$from->{entries} || []}) { push @{$to->{entries}}, _convert_keepass_to_kdbx_entry($entry); } } return $to; } sub _convert_keepass_to_kdbx_entry { my $from = shift; my $to = shift // {}; my %args = @_; $to->{times}{last_access_time} = _decode_datetime($from->{accessed}); $to->{times}{usage_count} = $from->{usage_count} || 0; $to->{times}{expiry_time} = _decode_datetime($from->{expires}, $DEFAULT_EXPIRATION); $to->{times}{expires} = defined $from->{expires_enabled} ? boolean($from->{expires_enabled}) : boolean($to->{times}{expiry_time} <= gmtime); $to->{times}{creation_time} = _decode_datetime($from->{created}); $to->{times}{last_modification_time} = _decode_datetime($from->{modified}); $to->{times}{location_changed} = _decode_datetime($from->{location_changed}); $to->{auto_type}{data_transfer_obfuscation} = $from->{auto_type_munge} || false; $to->{auto_type}{enabled} = boolean($from->{auto_type_enabled} // 1); my $comment = $from->{comment}; my @auto_type = is_arrayref($from->{auto_type}) ? @{$from->{auto_type}} : (); if (!@auto_type && nonempty $from->{auto_type} && nonempty $from->{auto_type_window} && !is_hashref($from->{auto_type})) { @auto_type = ({window => $from->{auto_type_window}, keys => $from->{auto_type}}); } if (nonempty $comment) { my @AT; my %atw = my @atw = $comment =~ m{ ^Auto-Type-Window((?:-?\d+)?): [\t ]* (.*?) [\t ]*$ }mxg; my %atk = my @atk = $comment =~ m{ ^Auto-Type((?:-?\d+)?): [\t ]* (.*?) [\t ]*$ }mxg; $comment =~ s{ ^Auto-Type(?:-Window)?(?:-?\d+)?: .* \n? }{}mxg; while (@atw) { my ($n, $w) = (shift(@atw), shift(@atw)); push @AT, {window => $w, keys => exists($atk{$n}) ? $atk{$n} : $atk{''}}; } while (@atk) { my ($n, $k) = (shift(@atk), shift(@atk)); push @AT, {keys => $k, window => exists($atw{$n}) ? $atw{$n} : $atw{''}}; } for (@AT) { $_->{'window'} //= ''; $_->{'keys'} //= ''; } my %uniq; @AT = grep {!$uniq{"$_->{'window'}\e$_->{'keys'}"}++} @AT; push @auto_type, @AT; } $to->{auto_type}{associations} = [ map { +{window => $_->{window}, keystroke_sequence => $_->{keys}} } @auto_type, ]; $to->{strings}{Notes}{value} = $comment; $to->{strings}{UserName}{value} = $from->{username}; $to->{strings}{Password}{value} = $from->{password}; $to->{strings}{URL}{value} = $from->{url}; $to->{strings}{Title}{value} = $from->{title}; $to->{strings}{Notes}{protect} = true if defined $from->{protected}{comment}; $to->{strings}{UserName}{protect} = true if defined $from->{protected}{username}; $to->{strings}{Password}{protect} = true if $from->{protected}{password} // 1; $to->{strings}{URL}{protect} = true if defined $from->{protected}{url}; $to->{strings}{Title}{protect} = true if defined $from->{protected}{title}; # other strings while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$from->{strings} || {}}) { $to->{strings}{$key} = { value => $value, $from->{protected}{$key} ? (protect => true) : (), }; } $to->{override_url} = $from->{override_url}; $to->{tags} = $from->{tags} // ''; $to->{icon_id} = $from->{icon} // ICON_PASSWORD; $to->{uuid} = _decode_uuid($from->{id}); $to->{foreground_color} = $from->{foreground_color} // ''; $to->{background_color} = $from->{background_color} // ''; $to->{custom_icon_uuid} = $from->{custom_icon_uuid}; $to->{history} = []; local $from->{binary} = {$from->{binary_name} => $from->{binary}} if nonempty $from->{binary} && nonempty $from->{binary_name} && !is_hashref($from->{binary}); while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$from->{binary} || {}}) { $to->{binaries}{$key} = {value => $value}; } if (!$args{shallow}) { for my $entry (@{$from->{history} || []}) { my $new_entry = {}; push @{$to->{entries}}, _convert_keepass_to_kdbx_entry($entry, $new_entry); } } return $to; } sub _decode_datetime { local $_ = shift // return shift // gmtime; return Time::Piece->strptime($_, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'); } sub _decode_uuid { local $_ = shift // return; # Group IDs in KDB files are 32-bit integers return sprintf('%016x', $_) if length($_) != 16 && looks_like_number($_); return $_; } sub _decode_tristate { local $_ = shift // return; return boolean($_); } 1; __END__ =head1 DESCRIPTION Read older KDB (KeePass 1) files. This feature requires an additional module to be installed: =for :list * L =cut