package File::KDBX::KDF::AES; # ABSTRACT: Using the AES cipher as a key derivation function use warnings; use strict; use Crypt::Cipher; use Crypt::Digest qw(digest_data); use File::KDBX::Constants qw(:bool :kdf); use File::KDBX::Error; use File::KDBX::Util qw(:load can_fork); use namespace::clean; use parent 'File::KDBX::KDF'; our $VERSION = '999.999'; # VERSION # Rounds higher than this are eligible for forking: my $FORK_OPTIMIZATION_THRESHOLD = 100_000; BEGIN { my $use_fork = $ENV{NO_FORK} || !can_fork ? FALSE : TRUE; *_USE_FORK = sub() { $use_fork }; } sub init { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; return $self->SUPER::init( KDF_PARAM_AES_ROUNDS() => $args{+KDF_PARAM_AES_ROUNDS} // $args{rounds}, KDF_PARAM_AES_SEED() => $args{+KDF_PARAM_AES_SEED} // $args{seed}, ); } =attr rounds $rounds = $kdf->rounds; Get the number of times to run the function during transformation. =cut sub rounds { $_[0]->{+KDF_PARAM_AES_ROUNDS} || KDF_DEFAULT_AES_ROUNDS } sub seed { $_[0]->{+KDF_PARAM_AES_SEED} } sub _transform { my $self = shift; my $key = shift; my $seed = $self->seed; my $rounds = $self->rounds; length($key) == 32 or throw 'Raw key must be 32 bytes', size => length($key); length($seed) == 32 or throw 'Invalid seed length', size => length($seed); my ($key_l, $key_r) = unpack('(a16)2', $key); goto NO_FORK if !_USE_FORK || $rounds < $FORK_OPTIMIZATION_THRESHOLD; { my $pid = open(my $read, '-|') // do { alert "fork failed: $!"; goto NO_FORK }; if ($pid == 0) { # child my $l = _transform_half($seed, $key_l, $rounds); require POSIX; print $l or POSIX::_exit(1); POSIX::_exit(0); } my $r = _transform_half($seed, $key_r, $rounds); read($read, my $l, length($key_l)) == length($key_l) or do { alert "read failed: $!", goto NO_FORK }; close($read) or do { alert "worker thread exited abnormally", status => $?; goto NO_FORK }; return digest_data('SHA256', $l, $r); } # FIXME: This used to work but now it crashes frequently. Threads are now discouraged anyway, but it might # be nice if this was available for no-fork platforms. # if ($ENV{THREADS} && eval 'use threads; 1') { # my $l = threads->create(\&_transform_half, $key_l, $seed, $rounds); # my $r = _transform_half($key_r, $seed, $rounds); # return digest_data('SHA256', $l->join, $r); # } NO_FORK: my $l = _transform_half($seed, $key_l, $rounds); my $r = _transform_half($seed, $key_r, $rounds); return digest_data('SHA256', $l, $r); } sub _transform_half_pp { my $seed = shift; my $key = shift; my $rounds = shift; my $c = Crypt::Cipher->new('AES', $seed); my $result = $key; for (my $i = 0; $i < $rounds; ++$i) { $result = $c->encrypt($result); } return $result; } BEGIN { my $use_xs = load_xs; *_transform_half = $use_xs ? \&File::KDBX::XS::kdf_aes_transform_half : \&_transform_half_pp; } 1; __END__ =head1 DESCRIPTION An AES-256-based key derivation function. This is a L subclass. This KDF has a long, solid track record. It is supported in both KDBX3 and KDBX4. =head1 CAVEATS This module can be pretty slow when the number of rounds is high. If you have L, that will help. If your perl has C, that will also help. If you need to turn off one or both of these optimizations for some reason, set the C (to prevent Loading C) and C environment variables. =cut