package File::KDBX::IO; # ABSTRACT: Base IO class for KDBX-related streams use warnings; use strict; use Devel::GlobalDestruction; use File::KDBX::Constants qw(:bool); use File::KDBX::Util qw(:empty); use List::Util qw(sum0); use Ref::Util qw(is_blessed_ref is_ref is_scalarref); use Symbol qw(gensym); use namespace::clean; use parent 'IO::Handle'; our $VERSION = '999.999'; # VERSION sub _croak { require Carp; goto &Carp::croak } my %ATTRS = ( _append_output => 0, _buffer_in => sub { [] }, _buffer_out => sub { [] }, _error => undef, _fh => undef, _mode => '', ); while (my ($attr, $default) = each %ATTRS) { no strict 'refs'; ## no critic (ProhibitNoStrict) *$attr = sub { my $self = shift; *$self->{$attr} = shift if @_; *$self->{$attr} //= (ref $default eq 'CODE') ? $default->($self) : $default; }; } sub new { my $class = shift || (caller)[0]; my $self = bless gensym, ref($class) || $class; tie *$self, $self if 5.005 <= $]; return $self; } sub DESTROY { return if in_global_destruction; local ($., $@, $!, $^E, $?); my $self = shift; $self->close; } sub close { my $self = shift; my $fh = $self->_fh // return TRUE; $self->_POPPED($fh); $self->_fh(undef); return $fh->close; } sub eof { my $self = shift; return FALSE if @{$self->_buffer_in}; my $fh = $self->_fh // return TRUE; local *$self->{_error} = *$self->{_error}; my $char = $self->getc || return TRUE; $self->ungetc($char); } sub read { shift->sysread(@_) } sub print { my $self = shift; for my $buf (@_) { return FALSE if !$self->write($buf, length($buf)); } return TRUE; } sub printf { shift->print(sprintf(@_)) } sub say { shift->print(@_, "\n") } sub getc { my $c; (shift->read($c, 1) // 0) == 1 ? $c : undef } sub sysread { my $self = shift; my ($out, $len, $offset) = @_; $out = \$_[0] if !is_scalarref($out); $offset //= 0; $self->_mode('r') if !$self->_mode; my $fh = $self->_fh or return 0; return 0 if defined $len && $len == 0; my $append = $self->_append_output; if (!$append) { if (!$offset) { $$out = ''; } else { if (length($$out) < $offset) { $$out .= "\0" x ($offset - length($$out)); } else { substr($$out, $offset) = ''; } } } elsif (!defined $$out) { $$out = ''; } $len ||= 0; my $buffer = $self->_buffer_in; my $buffer_len = $self->_buffer_in_length; if (!$len && !$offset) { if (@$buffer) { my $blen = length($buffer->[0]); if ($append) { $$out .= shift @$buffer; } else { $$out = shift @$buffer; } return $blen; } else { my $fill = $self->_FILL($fh) or return 0; if ($append) { $$out .= $fill; } else { $$out = $fill; } return length($fill); } } while ($buffer_len < $len) { my $fill = $self->_FILL($fh); last if empty $fill; $self->_buffer_in_add($fill); $buffer_len += length($fill); } my $read_len = 0; while ($read_len < $len && @$buffer) { my $wanted = $len - $read_len; my $read = shift @$buffer; if ($wanted < length($read)) { $$out .= substr($read, 0, $wanted, ''); unshift @$buffer, $read; $read_len += $wanted; } else { $$out .= $read; $read_len += length($read); } } return $read_len; } sub syswrite { my ($self, $buf, $len, $offset) = @_; $len //= length($buf); $offset //= 0; $self->_mode('w') if !$self->_mode; return $self->_WRITE(substr($buf, $offset, $len), $self->_fh); } sub autoflush { my $self = shift; my $fh = $self->_fh // return FALSE; return $fh->autoflush(@_); } sub opened { my $self = shift; my $fh = $self->_fh // return FALSE; return TRUE; } sub getline { my $self = shift; if (!defined $/) { # SLURP local *$self->{_append_output} = 1; my $data; 1 while 0 < $self->read($data); return $data; } elsif (is_scalarref($/) && ${$/} =~ /^\d+$/ && 0 < ${$/}) { # RECORD MODE goto &_not_implemented; } elsif (length $/ == 0) { # PARAGRAPH MODE goto &_not_implemented; } else { # LINE MODE goto &_not_implemented; } } sub getlines { my $self = shift; wantarray or _croak 'Must call getlines in list context'; my @lines; while (defined (my $line = $self->getline)) { push @lines, $line; } return @lines; } sub ungetc { my ($self, $ord) = @_; unshift @{$self->_buffer_in}, chr($ord); return; } sub write { my ($self, $buf, $len, $offset) = @_; return $self->syswrite($buf, $len, $offset) == $len; } sub error { my $self = shift; return !!$self->_error; } sub clearerr { my $self = shift; my $fh = $self->_fh // return -1; $self->_error(undef); return; } sub sync { my $self = shift; my $fh = $self->_fh // return undef; return $fh->sync; } sub flush { my $self = shift; my $fh = $self->_fh // return undef; $self->_FLUSH($fh); return $fh->flush; } sub printflush { my $self = shift; my $orig = $self->autoflush; my $r = $self->print(@_); $self->autoflush($orig); return $r; } sub blocking { my $self = shift; my $fh = $self->_fh // return TRUE; return $fh->blocking(@_); } sub format_write { goto &_not_implemented } sub new_from_fd { goto &_not_implemented } sub fcntl { goto &_not_implemented } sub fileno { goto &_not_implemented } sub ioctl { goto &_not_implemented } sub stat { goto &_not_implemented } sub truncate { goto &_not_implemented } sub format_page_number { goto &_not_implemented } sub format_lines_per_page { goto &_not_implemented } sub format_lines_left { goto &_not_implemented } sub format_name { goto &_not_implemented } sub format_top_name { goto &_not_implemented } sub input_line_number { goto &_not_implemented } sub fdopen { goto &_not_implemented } sub untaint { goto &_not_implemented } ############################################################################## sub _buffer_in_add { push @{shift->_buffer_in}, @_ } sub _buffer_in_length { sum0 map { length($_) } @{shift->_buffer_in} } sub _buffer_out_add { push @{shift->_buffer_out}, @_ } sub _buffer_out_length { sum0 map { length($_) } @{shift->_buffer_out} } sub _not_implemented { _croak 'Operation not supported' } ############################################################################## sub TIEHANDLE { return $_[0] if is_blessed_ref($_[0]); die 'wat'; } sub UNTIE { my $self = shift; } sub READLINE { goto &getlines if wantarray; goto &getline; } sub binmode { 1 } { no warnings 'once'; *READ = \&read; # *READLINE = \&getline; *GETC = \&getc; *FILENO = \&fileno; *PRINT = \&print; *PRINTF = \&printf; *WRITE = \&syswrite; # *SEEK = \&seek; # *TELL = \&tell; *EOF = \&eof; *CLOSE = \&close; *BINMODE = \&binmode; } sub _FILL { die 'Not implemented' } ############################################################################## if ($ENV{DEBUG_IO}) { my %debug = (level => 0); for my $method (qw{ new new_from_fd close eof fcntl fileno format_write getc ioctl read print printf say stat sysread syswrite truncate autoflush format_page_number format_lines_per_page format_lines_left format_name format_top_name input_line_number fdopen opened getline getlines ungetc write error clearerr sync flush printflush blocking untaint }) { no strict 'refs'; ## no critic (ProhibitNoStrict) no warnings 'redefine'; my $orig = *$method{CODE}; *$method = sub { local $debug{level} = $debug{level} + 2; my $indented_method = (' ' x $debug{level}) . $method; my $self = shift; print STDERR sprintf('%-20s -> %s (%s)', $indented_method, $self, join(', ', map { defined $_ ? substr($_, 0, 16) : 'undef' } @_)), "\n"; my $r = $orig->($self, @_) // 'undef'; print STDERR sprintf('%-20s <- %s [%s]', $indented_method, $self, $r), "\n"; return $r; }; } } 1; __END__ =begin Pod::Coverage autoflush binmode close eof fcntl fileno format_lines_left format_lines_per_page format_name format_page_number format_top_name format_write getc input_line_number ioctl print printf read say stat sysread syswrite truncate =end Pod::Coverage =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a L subclass which provides self-tying and buffering. It currently provides an interface for subclasses that is similar to L, but this is subject to change. Don't depend on this outside of the L distribution. Currently-available subclasses: =for :list * L * L * L =cut