package File::KDBX::Error; # ABSTRACT: Represents something bad that happened use warnings; use strict; use Exporter qw(import); use Scalar::Util qw(blessed); use namespace::clean -except => 'import'; our $VERSION = '999.999'; # VERSION our @EXPORT = qw(alert error throw); my $WARNINGS_CATEGORY; BEGIN { $WARNINGS_CATEGORY = 'File::KDBX'; if (warnings->can('register_categories')) { warnings::register_categories($WARNINGS_CATEGORY); } else { eval qq{package $WARNINGS_CATEGORY; use warnings::register; 1}; ## no critic ProhibitStringyEval } } use overload '""' => 'to_string', cmp => '_cmp'; =method new $error = File::KDBX::Error->new($message, %details); Construct a new error. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = @_ % 2 == 0 ? @_ : (_error => shift, @_); my $error = delete $args{_error}; my $e = $error; $e =~ s/ at \H+ line \d+.*//g; my $self = bless { details => \%args, error => $e // 'Something happened', errno => $!, previous => $@, trace => do { require Carp; local $Carp::CarpInternal{''.__PACKAGE__} = 1; my $mess = $error =~ /at \H+ line \d+/ ? $error : Carp::longmess($error); [map { /^\h*(.*?)\.?$/ ? $1 : $_ } split(/\n/, $mess)]; }, }, $class; chomp $self->{error}; return $self; } =method error $error = error($error); $error = error($message, %details); $error = File::KDBX::Error->error($error); $error = File::KDBX::Error->error($message, %details); Wrap a thing to make it an error object. If the thing is already an error, it gets returned. Otherwise what is passed will be forwarded to L to create a new error object. This can be convenient for error handling when you're not sure what the exception is but you want to treat it as a B. Example: eval { ... }; if (my $error = error(@_)) { if ($error->type eq 'key.missing') { handle_missing_key($error); } else { handle_other_error($error); } } =cut sub error { my $class = @_ && $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__ ? shift : undef; my $self = (blessed($_[0]) && $_[0]->isa('File::KDBX::Error')) ? shift : $class ? $class->new(@_) : __PACKAGE__->new(@_); return $self; } =attr details \%details = $error->details; Get the error details. =cut sub details { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $details = $self->{details} //= {}; @$details{keys %args} = values %args; return $details; } =attr errno Get the value of C when the exception was created. =cut sub errno { $_[0]->{errno} } =attr previous Get the value of C<$@> (i.e. latest exception) at the time the exception was created. =cut sub previous { $_[0]->{previous} } =attr trace Get a stack trace indicating where in the code the exception was created. =cut sub trace { $_[0]->{trace} // [] } =attr type Get the exception type, if any. =cut sub type { $_[0]->details->{type} // '' } =method to_string $message = $error->to_string; $message = "$error"; Stringify an error. This does not contain a stack trace, but you can set the C environment variable to truthy to stringify the whole error object. =cut sub _cmp { "$_[0]" cmp "$_[1]" } sub to_string { my $self = shift; my $msg = "$self->{trace}[0]"; $msg .= '.' if $msg !~ /[\.\!\?]$/; if ($ENV{DEBUG}) { require Data::Dumper; local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 0; local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Trailingcomma = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1; $msg .= "\n" . Data::Dumper::Dumper $self; } $msg .= "\n" if $msg !~ /\n$/; return $msg; } =method throw File::KDBX::Error::throw($message, %details); $error->throw; Throw an error. =cut sub throw { my $self = error(@_); die $self; } =method warn File::KDBX::Error::warn($message, %details); $error->warn; Log a warning. =cut sub warn { return if !($File::KDBX::WARNINGS // 1); my $self = error(@_); # Use die and warn directly instead of warnings::warnif because the latter only provides the stringified # error to the warning signal handler (perl 5.34). Maybe that's a bug? if (my $fatal = warnings->can('fatal_enabled_at_level')) { my $blame = _find_blame_frame(); die $self if $fatal->($WARNINGS_CATEGORY, $blame); } if (my $enabled = warnings->can('enabled_at_level')) { my $blame = _find_blame_frame(); warn $self if $enabled->($WARNINGS_CATEGORY, $blame); } elsif ($enabled = warnings->can('enabled')) { warn $self if $enabled->($WARNINGS_CATEGORY); } else { warn $self; } return $self; } =method alert alert $error; Importable alias for L. =cut sub alert { goto &warn } sub _find_blame_frame { my $frame = 1; while (1) { my ($package) = caller($frame); last if !$package; return $frame - 1 if $package !~ /^\Q$WARNINGS_CATEGORY\E/; $frame++; } return 0; } 1;