package File::KDBX::Dumper::XML; # ABSTRACT: Dump unencrypted XML KeePass files use warnings; use strict; use Crypt::Digest qw(digest_data); use Crypt::Misc 0.029 qw(encode_b64); use Encode qw(encode); use File::KDBX::Constants qw(:version :time); use File::KDBX::Error; use File::KDBX::Util qw(:class :int erase_scoped gzip snakify); use IO::Handle; use Scalar::Util qw(blessed isdual looks_like_number); use Time::Piece; use XML::LibXML; use boolean; use namespace::clean; extends 'File::KDBX::Dumper'; our $VERSION = '999.999'; # VERSION =attr allow_protection $bool = $dumper->allow_protection; Get whether or not protected strings and binaries should be written in an encrypted stream. Default: C =attr binaries $bool = $dumper->binaries; Get whether or not binaries within the database should be written. Default: C =attr compress_binaries $tristate = $dumper->compress_binaries; Get whether or not to compress binaries. Possible values: =for :list * C - Always compress binaries * C - Never compress binaries * C - Compress binaries if it results in smaller database sizes (default) =attr compress_datetimes $bool = $dumper->compress_datetimes; Get whether or not to write compressed datetimes. Datetimes are traditionally written in the human-readable string format of C<1970-01-01T00:00:00Z>, but they can also be written in a compressed form to save some bytes. The default is to write compressed datetimes if the KDBX file version is 4+, otherwise use the human-readable format. =attr header_hash $octets = $dumper->header_hash; Get the value to be written as the B in the B section. This is the way KDBX3 files validate the authenticity of header data. This is unnecessary and should not be used with KDBX4 files because that format uses HMAC-SHA256 to detect tampering. L automatically calculates the header hash an provides it to this module, and plain XML files which don't have a KDBX wrapper don't have headers and so should not have a header hash. Therefore there is probably never any reason to set this manually. =cut has allow_protection => 1; has binaries => sub { $_[0]->kdbx->version < KDBX_VERSION_4_0 }; has 'compress_binaries'; has 'compress_datetimes'; sub header_hash { $_[0]->{header_hash} } sub _binaries_written { $_[0]->{_binaries_written} //= {} } sub _random_stream { $_[0]->{random_stream} //= $_[0]->kdbx->random_stream } sub _dump { my $self = shift; my $fh = shift; $self->_write_inner_body($fh, $self->header_hash); } sub _write_inner_body { my $self = shift; my $fh = shift; my $header_hash = shift; my $dom = XML::LibXML::Document->new('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $dom->setStandalone(1); my $doc = XML::LibXML::Element->new('KeePassFile'); $dom->setDocumentElement($doc); my $meta = XML::LibXML::Element->new('Meta'); $doc->appendChild($meta); $self->_write_xml_meta($meta, $header_hash); my $root = XML::LibXML::Element->new('Root'); $doc->appendChild($root); $self->_write_xml_root($root); $dom->toFH($fh, 1); } sub _write_xml_meta { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my $header_hash = shift; my $meta = $self->kdbx->meta; local $meta->{generator} = $self->kdbx->user_agent_string // __PACKAGE__; local $meta->{header_hash} = $header_hash; $self->_write_xml_from_pairs($node, $meta, Generator => 'text', $self->kdbx->version < KDBX_VERSION_4_0 && defined $meta->{header_hash} ? ( HeaderHash => 'binary', ) : (), DatabaseName => 'text', DatabaseNameChanged => 'datetime', DatabaseDescription => 'text', DatabaseDescriptionChanged => 'datetime', DefaultUserName => 'text', DefaultUserNameChanged => 'datetime', MaintenanceHistoryDays => 'number', Color => 'text', MasterKeyChanged => 'datetime', MasterKeyChangeRec => 'number', MasterKeyChangeForce => 'number', MemoryProtection => \&_write_xml_memory_protection, CustomIcons => \&_write_xml_custom_icons, RecycleBinEnabled => 'bool', RecycleBinUUID => 'uuid', RecycleBinChanged => 'datetime', EntryTemplatesGroup => 'uuid', EntryTemplatesGroupChanged => 'datetime', LastSelectedGroup => 'uuid', LastTopVisibleGroup => 'uuid', HistoryMaxItems => 'number', HistoryMaxSize => 'number', $self->kdbx->version >= KDBX_VERSION_4_0 ? ( SettingsChanged => 'datetime', ) : (), $self->kdbx->version < KDBX_VERSION_4_0 || $self->binaries ? ( Binaries => \&_write_xml_binaries, ) : (), CustomData => \&_write_xml_custom_data, ); } sub _write_xml_memory_protection { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my $memory_protection = $self->kdbx->meta->{memory_protection}; $self->_write_xml_from_pairs($node, $memory_protection, ProtectTitle => 'bool', ProtectUserName => 'bool', ProtectPassword => 'bool', ProtectURL => 'bool', ProtectNotes => 'bool', # AutoEnableVisualHiding => 'bool', ); } sub _write_xml_binaries { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my $kdbx = $self->kdbx; my $new_ref = keys %{$self->_binaries_written}; my $written = $self->_binaries_written; my $entries = $kdbx->entries(history => 1); while (my $entry = $entries->next) { for my $key (keys %{$entry->binaries}) { my $binary = $entry->binaries->{$key}; if (defined $binary->{ref} && defined $kdbx->binaries->{$binary->{ref}}) { $binary = $kdbx->binaries->{$binary->{ref}}; } if (!defined $binary->{value}) { alert "Skipping binary which has no value: $key", key => $key; next; } my $hash = digest_data('SHA256', $binary->{value}); if (defined $written->{$hash}) { # nothing } else { my $binary_node = $node->addNewChild(undef, 'Binary'); $binary_node->setAttribute('ID', _encode_text($new_ref)); $binary_node->setAttribute('Protected', _encode_bool(true)) if $binary->{protect}; $self->_write_xml_compressed_content($binary_node, \$binary->{value}, $binary->{protect}); $written->{$hash} = $new_ref++; } } } } sub _write_xml_compressed_content { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my $value = shift; my $protect = shift; my @cleanup; my $encoded; if (utf8::is_utf8($$value)) { $encoded = encode('UTF-8', $$value); push @cleanup, erase_scoped $encoded; $value = \$encoded; } my $should_compress = $self->compress_binaries; my $try_compress = $should_compress || !defined $should_compress; my $compressed; if ($try_compress) { $compressed = gzip($$value); push @cleanup, erase_scoped $compressed; if ($should_compress || length($compressed) < length($$value)) { $value = \$compressed; $node->setAttribute('Compressed', _encode_bool(true)); } } my $encrypted; if ($protect) { $encrypted = $self->_random_stream->crypt($$value); push @cleanup, erase_scoped $encrypted; $value = \$encrypted; } $node->appendText(_encode_binary($$value)); } sub _write_xml_custom_icons { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my $custom_icons = $self->kdbx->custom_icons; for my $icon (@$custom_icons) { $icon->{uuid} && $icon->{data} or next; my $icon_node = $node->addNewChild(undef, 'Icon'); $self->_write_xml_from_pairs($icon_node, $icon, UUID => 'uuid', Data => 'binary', KDBX_VERSION_4_1 <= $self->kdbx->version ? ( Name => 'text', LastModificationTime => 'datetime', ) : (), ); } } sub _write_xml_custom_data { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my $custom_data = shift || {}; for my $key (sort keys %$custom_data) { my $item = $custom_data->{$key}; my $item_node = $node->addNewChild(undef, 'Item'); local $item->{key} = $key if !defined $item->{key}; $self->_write_xml_from_pairs($item_node, $item, Key => 'text', Value => 'text', KDBX_VERSION_4_1 <= $self->kdbx->version ? ( LastModificationTime => 'datetime', ) : (), ); } } sub _write_xml_root { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my $kdbx = $self->kdbx; my $guard = $kdbx->unlock_scoped; if (my $group = $kdbx->root) { my $group_node = $node->addNewChild(undef, 'Group'); $self->_write_xml_group($group_node, $group->_committed); } undef $guard; # re-lock if needed, as early as possible my $deleted_objects_node = $node->addNewChild(undef, 'DeletedObjects'); $self->_write_xml_deleted_objects($deleted_objects_node); } sub _write_xml_group { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my $group = shift; $self->_write_xml_from_pairs($node, $group, UUID => 'uuid', Name => 'text', Notes => 'text', KDBX_VERSION_4_1 <= $self->kdbx->version ? ( Tags => 'text', ) : (), IconID => 'number', defined $group->{custom_icon_uuid} ? ( CustomIconUUID => 'uuid', ) : (), Times => \&_write_xml_times, IsExpanded => 'bool', DefaultAutoTypeSequence => 'text', EnableAutoType => 'tristate', EnableSearching => 'tristate', LastTopVisibleEntry => 'uuid', KDBX_VERSION_4_0 <= $self->kdbx->version ? ( CustomData => \&_write_xml_custom_data, ) : (), KDBX_VERSION_4_1 <= $self->kdbx->version ? ( PreviousParentGroup => 'uuid', ) : (), ); for my $entry (@{$group->entries}) { my $entry_node = $node->addNewChild(undef, 'Entry'); $self->_write_xml_entry($entry_node, $entry->_committed); } for my $group (@{$group->groups}) { my $group_node = $node->addNewChild(undef, 'Group'); $self->_write_xml_group($group_node, $group->_committed); } } sub _write_xml_entry { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my $entry = shift; my $in_history = shift; $self->_write_xml_from_pairs($node, $entry, UUID => 'uuid', IconID => 'number', defined $entry->{custom_icon_uuid} ? ( CustomIconUUID => 'uuid', ) : (), ForegroundColor => 'text', BackgroundColor => 'text', OverrideURL => 'text', Tags => 'text', Times => \&_write_xml_times, KDBX_VERSION_4_1 <= $self->kdbx->version ? ( QualityCheck => 'bool', PreviousParentGroup => 'uuid', ) : (), ); for my $key (sort keys %{$entry->{strings} || {}}) { my $string = $entry->{strings}{$key}; my $string_node = $node->addNewChild(undef, 'String'); local $string->{key} = $string->{key} // $key; $self->_write_xml_entry_string($string_node, $string); } my $kdbx = $self->kdbx; my $new_ref = keys %{$self->_binaries_written}; my $written = $self->_binaries_written; for my $key (sort keys %{$entry->{binaries} || {}}) { my $binary = $entry->binaries->{$key}; if (defined $binary->{ref} && defined $kdbx->binaries->{$binary->{ref}}) { $binary = $kdbx->binaries->{$binary->{ref}}; } if (!defined $binary->{value}) { alert "Skipping binary which has no value: $key", key => $key; next; } my $binary_node = $node->addNewChild(undef, 'Binary'); $binary_node->addNewChild(undef, 'Key')->appendText(_encode_text($key)); my $value_node = $binary_node->addNewChild(undef, 'Value'); my $hash = digest_data('SHA256', $binary->{value}); if (defined $written->{$hash}) { # write reference $value_node->setAttribute('Ref', _encode_text($written->{$hash})); } else { # write actual binary $value_node->setAttribute('Protected', _encode_bool(true)) if $binary->{protect}; $self->_write_xml_compressed_content($value_node, \$binary->{value}, $binary->{protect}); $written->{$hash} = $new_ref++; } } $self->_write_xml_from_pairs($node, $entry, AutoType => \&_write_xml_entry_auto_type, ); $self->_write_xml_from_pairs($node, $entry, KDBX_VERSION_4_0 <= $self->kdbx->version ? ( CustomData => \&_write_xml_custom_data, ) : (), ); if (!$in_history) { if (my @history = @{$entry->history}) { my $history_node = $node->addNewChild(undef, 'History'); for my $historical (@history) { my $historical_node = $history_node->addNewChild(undef, 'Entry'); $self->_write_xml_entry($historical_node, $historical->_committed, 1); } } } } sub _write_xml_entry_auto_type { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my $autotype = shift; $self->_write_xml_from_pairs($node, $autotype, Enabled => 'bool', DataTransferObfuscation => 'number', DefaultSequence => 'text', ); for my $association (@{$autotype->{associations} || []}) { my $association_node = $node->addNewChild(undef, 'Association'); $self->_write_xml_from_pairs($association_node, $association, Window => 'text', KeystrokeSequence => 'text', ); } } sub _write_xml_times { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my $times = shift; $self->_write_xml_from_pairs($node, $times, LastModificationTime => 'datetime', CreationTime => 'datetime', LastAccessTime => 'datetime', ExpiryTime => 'datetime', Expires => 'bool', UsageCount => 'number', LocationChanged => 'datetime', ); } sub _write_xml_entry_string { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my $string = shift; my @cleanup; my $kdbx = $self->kdbx; my $key = $string->{key}; $node->addNewChild(undef, 'Key')->appendText(_encode_text($key)); my $value_node = $node->addNewChild(undef, 'Value'); my $value = $string->{value} || ''; my $memory_protection = $kdbx->meta->{memory_protection}; my $memprot_key = 'protect_' . snakify($key); my $protect = $string->{protect} || $memory_protection->{$memprot_key}; if ($protect) { if ($self->allow_protection) { my $encoded; if (utf8::is_utf8($value)) { $encoded = encode('UTF-8', $value); push @cleanup, erase_scoped $encoded; $value = $encoded; } $value_node->setAttribute('Protected', _encode_bool(true)); $value = _encode_binary($self->_random_stream->crypt(\$value)); } else { $value_node->setAttribute('ProtectInMemory', _encode_bool(true)); $value = _encode_text($value); } } else { $value = _encode_text($value); } $value_node->appendText($value) if defined $value; } sub _write_xml_deleted_objects { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my $objects = $self->kdbx->deleted_objects; for my $uuid (sort keys %{$objects || {}}) { my $object = $objects->{$uuid}; local $object->{uuid} = $uuid; my $object_node = $node->addNewChild(undef, 'DeletedObject'); $self->_write_xml_from_pairs($object_node, $object, UUID => 'uuid', DeletionTime => 'datetime', ); } } ############################################################################## sub _write_xml_from_pairs { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my $hash = shift; my @spec = @_; while (@spec) { my ($name, $type) = splice @spec, 0, 2; my $key = snakify($name); if (ref $type eq 'CODE') { my $child_node = $node->addNewChild(undef, $name); $self->$type($child_node, $hash->{$key}); } else { next if !exists $hash->{$key}; my $child_node = $node->addNewChild(undef, $name); $type = 'datetime_binary' if $type eq 'datetime' && $self->compress_datetimes; $child_node->appendText(_encode_primitive($hash->{$key}, $type)); } } } ############################################################################## sub _encode_primitive { goto &{__PACKAGE__."::_encode_$_[1]"} } sub _encode_binary { return '' if !defined $_[0] || (ref $_[0] && !defined $$_[0]); return encode_b64(ref $_[0] ? $$_[0] : $_[0]); } sub _encode_bool { local $_ = shift; return $_ ? 'True' : 'False'; } sub _encode_datetime { local $_ = shift; return $_->strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'); } sub _encode_datetime_binary { local $_ = shift; my $seconds_since_ad1 = $_ + TIME_SECONDS_AD1_TO_UNIX_EPOCH; my $buf = pack_Ql($seconds_since_ad1->epoch); return eval { encode_b64($buf) }; } sub _encode_tristate { local $_ = shift // return 'null'; return $_ ? 'True' : 'False'; } sub _encode_number { local $_ = shift // return; looks_like_number($_) || isdual($_) or throw 'Expected number', text => $_; return _encode_text($_+0); } sub _encode_text { return '' if !defined $_[0]; return $_[0]; } sub _encode_uuid { _encode_binary(@_) } 1;